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Macro-Level orientation

Top-Down view. Focuses on large-scale patterns of society

Open court-ship system

Which most of us generally make our own decisions about choosing our partners

Sexual orientation

Who you're sexually attracted to

1960's to 1970's sexual revolution

Wide spread availability of birth control. Changes in laws allowing married couples to make decisions about intimacy and reproduction. Changes in sexual attitudes and behavior of marital and premarital sex. 1973 APA removed homosexuality from list of mental disorders.

How did belonging to a kinship group or lineage help a family in a tribal, agricultural society?

You were entitled to land and ownerships

Hooking up

a physical encounter that allows possible sexual interaction ranging from kissing to having sex without commitment

Referent power

based on identifying with and admiring your spouse and receiving satisfaction by pleasing him or her.

Reward power

based on your belief that your agreement will elicit rewards

Expert power

based on your opinion that your partner has specialized knowledge

Legitimate power

based on your partner's having the right to ask you and your having the duty to comply


being provocative and challenging your partner's power and authority. "just a minute, who elected you god?"


blaming of one particular family member for nearly everything that goes wrong with that family

Nine most likely causes of conflict

household tasks, money, sex, loyalty, power, nurturing (who takes care of whom), privacy, children, differences in style.


not listening but rather defending yourself against a presumed attack "look, i know what you're going to say, and i resent it!"

Suspicious jealousy

occurring when there is no evidence or only ambiguous evidence for suspecting a partner is involved with someone else


one partner, perhaps by using sarcasm, constantly criticizes or denies the other's definition of reality, diminishing the other's self-esteem.

Heterogamous marriage

partners are different in education, ethnicity, race, religion, age, and/or social class

Homogamous marriage

partners are similar education, ethnicity, race, religion, age, and social class.


pattern by which a person organizes his/her living arrangements in relation to others


people in same social group

Roommate marriages

people living under the same roof for years and years. no sexual bond but rather a deep emotional attachment


seeking to control the feelings, attitudes, and behavior of one's partner in underhanded ways

Sexual script

set of expectations as to how one should behave in sexual situations

Sexual identity

set of sexual practices and attitudes leading to the formation in a person's mind of an identity as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual.

Close fields

settings in which people are likely to interact and so potential partners may meet.

Open fields

settings in which people do not normally interact and so potential partners are not likely to meet.

Blended family


Affiliated kin

the family who you choose


the partners promise to stay together lifelong

Transnational marriages

those in which one partner is in the U.S and the other (maybe with kids) are in another country.

Voluntary temporary singles

those who are open to marriage but find seeking a mate a lower priority than other activities

Voluntary stable singles

those who are satisfied not to be married

Involuntary temporary singles

those who would like to marry and are actively seeking mate

Post modern family

used to describe the variety of families


what you do sexually depends on the person you're with, how you feel about each other, and the nature of the relationship. more prominent in university students.

Involuntary stable singles

who would like to marry, have not found a mate, and have come to accept their single status

Reactive jealousy

with evidence is revealed of a past, present, or anticipated relationship with another person

Four standards of premarital and nonmarital sex

1. double standard - more acceptable for men than women 2. permissiveness with affection - committed relationship 3. permissiveness without affection - recreational sex 4. Abstinence - voluntary avoidance of sex

Sociologist William Goode theorized that living in a traditional family has four benefits. What are they?

1. economic benefits 2. proximity 3. familiarity 4. continuity

Five components of marriage

1. emotional 2. ceremonial 3. legal 4. sexual faithfulness 5. parenting

Functions of dating

1. recreation 2. companionship 3. intimacy/sex 4. mate selection 5. socialization 6. status achievement

Expectations people have of marriage

1. they will undergo certain rituals or a rite of passage (engagement, wedding, honeymoon) 2. they will have sexual exclusivity and permanence in their relationship 3. they are making an important legal commitment

Private family

2 or more individuals who maintain an intimate relationship that is expected to last indefinitely or, in case of parent/child, until the child reaches adulthood who live in the same household and pool income and labor. Provide intimacy and emotional support.

Name the 6 types of power, as described in the text.

Coercive, reward, expert, legitimate, referent, and informational.

Ecological Perspective

Micro and Macro type of theory. "How do individuals and families grow and adapt through interactions with their environment" The family is influenced by and influences its environment.

Family systems perspective

Micro theory. "How do family members experience crisis or change in the family?" Family makes up a system of interconnected parts of a whole.

Social Exchange perspective

Micro theory. "what are the personal benefits from being in this relationship? What are the personal costs from being in this relationship?" People's interactions represent the efforts of each person to maximize his or her benefits and minimize costs.


People outside the family group


People who are near by in place and time


Process by which a commitment to marriage is developed


Process of meeting people socially for the purpose of possibly forming an exclusive long-term relationship

Filtering types

Propinquity, endogamy, exogamy

Gender identity

Psychology of sense of whether he or she is male/female

Sexual infidelity

Reasons: loneliness, marital dissatisfaction, opportunity, power/go, cyberadultery, sex addiction.

Passion + commitment

Fatuous love


Feelings that create the experience of warmth, bonding. (liking)

Sentence structure for "I" statement

I feel ____ when you ___ because ___.

Coercive power

"i'm worried you'll punish me" based on fear that partner will inflict punishment


"if it feels good, do it but don't hurt anyone in the process" more men than women.

Living apart-together

(LAT) couples or dual dwelling duos are happily married couples who are committed to each other but who live in separate quarters

Four main stages in the family life cycle

1. Beginning phase - 2-3 yrs. Greatest marital satisfaction. issues include loss of independence, new friends/relatives, changes in career/domestic roles. 2. child-rearing - least marital satisfaction. decrease in sex, increase stress. 3. middle age - period between last child has left the home and aging. increased marital satisfaction 4. age - post-retirement, can be exciting, filled with new interests, people, adventures or it can be challenging itme as roles/responsibilities change

Three status model

1. First group - College Degree 2. Second group - High school grad/some college 3. Third group - Did not graduate high school

What are some of the reasons that couples give for cohabitating instead of marrying?

1. Linus blanket (security blanket): one person extremely dependent/insecure. 2. Emancipation: statement to parents 3. Convenience: needs fulfilled w/o traditional marriage 4. Testing: testing for marriage

What were the four new characteristics of white middle class families that emerged between 1776 and 1900 (i.e., after the American Revolution)?

1. Marriage - based on mutual respect and affection. 2. Wife cared for home and children - seen as morally superior 3. Childhood was seen as a time to protect and support children 4. Number of children per family decline.

Four ways of reacting to a deteriorating relationships

1. Neglect response 2. Exit response 3. Loyalty response 4. Voice response

Four stages in acquiring a gay/lesbian identity

1. Sensitization 2. identity confusion 3. identity assumption 4. commitment

Four class model

1. Upper Middle Class 2. Middle Class 3. Working Class 4. Lower Class

Five rules of fighting fair

1. attack problems, not partner and avoid negativity 2. focus on specific issues, use "I" statements, and avoid mixed messages 3. be sensitive about timing/place 4. say that you mean, don't lie or manipulate, and ask for what you want 5. let your partner know that you're listening, working toward resolution

Four rules of effective communication

1. create an environment that gives communication high priority and values other's viewpoints 2. share power & hopes 3. Be specific, honest, & kind 4. Tell partner what you want in positive terms, ask for information, & listen well

Institutional marriage

A social institution based on dutiful adherence to the time honored marriage premise of permanence and sexual exclusivity, particularly the norm of permanence.

Definition of Family

A unit of two or more people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption and who live together

What is the American Psychiatric Association's official position on sexual orientation?

APA argues that sexual orientation involves environment, cognitive, and biological factors, is shaped at an early age, is not a choice, and cannot be changed at will.


Ability to impose one's will on other people


All relatives by blood, marriage, and adoption.

Covenant marriage

Anti-divorce contract in which couples demonstrate their strong commitment to marriage

Class definition of family

Any sexually expressive relationship, parent/child relationships, or other kin relationship in which people form an economic dependency on each other, significantly identify an attachment to the group, and commit to that group over time

What were some of the general characteristics of Native American families during the colonial era?

Based on related lineages, organized into tribes, marriage soon after puberty, in matrilineal tribes sons left the family of origin and joined the family of new wife - opposite in patrilineal.

Gender role

Behavior expected of male/female


Being so "taken" with someone that you can't get him/her out of your mind. can sometimes turn into lvoe


Biological and gender are different and has gone through surgery


Biological and gender are different and has not gone through surgery.


Biologically and chromosomally identified.


Both male and female organs

Micro-Level orientation

Bottom-up view. Focuses on small-scale patterns of society, concentrating on individual interactions

Companionate Marriage

Bound together by companionship, gendered division of labor, pride in performing spousal and parenting roles, "american dream"

What does the research say about outcomes for cohabitating couples compared to married couples?

Cohabitators are less homogamous, short-term, less likely to pool finances, find relationships less fair, higher rate of depression, greater importance on sexual frequency, more sex outside relationship, more likely to get divorced if married.

Intimacy + commitment


Passion + commitment + Intmiacy

Consummate love

What are some specific examples of how social status influences life chances?

Education, Marriage, Parenting, Divorce, Occupations, Health Care... etc.


Embodies the decision to love someone. (empty love)

How was family life similar and different for African Americans before and during slavery?

Family as an institution remained important, slaves married for life and kept track of extended families, reunification with family post war was paramount.


Family concerns take priority over individual concerns

Binuclear family

Family who lives in two different households

Family of origin

Family you're born into

Nuclear family aka Modern family

Father, mother, and children living in one househould

Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Five types of destructive interactions. Contempt, criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, belligerence.

Describe, in a general sense (don't worry about specific theories of socialization), how children are socialized to accept and follow gender roles.

Given gender varried toys, who they become friends with, what they wear.

Skipped generation househould

Grandparents raising grandchildren

What are some reasons young adults are choosing to postpone marriage or choose singlehood?

Having no partner is better than having the wrong partner. no influence by wishes of a spouse or partner.


Housing became more expensive, contact with extended family was reduced, children had less supervision, working further from home due to more transportation

People who choose cohabitation before (or instead of) marriage tend to share certain characteristics. What are these?

Independence (more independent), sex (more sex more often), attitudes (more liberal), religion (less religious), income (lower income), education (lower education).


Individual concerns take priority over family collective concerns.

Why might we see poorer outcomes for children in some cohabitating families compared to married families, but not all? What is it about cohabitation that can be problematic for children?

Instability comes with cohabitation, spend less money on children's education, higher rate of suspension, premarital sex, antisocial and delinquent behaviors, children benefit economically.

3 components of Sternberg's Triangular theory of Love

Intimacy, commitment, passion.

In what ways are these gender roles reinforced or maintained through adulthood?

Jobs, how to prepare for dates/interviews, how we dress, etc.

How did family life change for Mexican Americans once the U.S. acquired what is now the southwestern U.S.?

Mexicans became more of a working class, many forced into barrios (segregated Mexican American neighborhoods in U.S, male-dominance in family was challenged due to low-wage jobs and frequent separation from family

Lineages, patrilineage, matrilineage, bilineage

Lineages were used to limit number of people who are considered "related" and thus entitled to th eland, water, animals, and other resources owned by the group. Patrilineage = Father's line. Matrilineage = Mother's line. Bilineage = Both sides considered relatives

Why people say they marry

Love, companionship, desire for children, happiness, habit or convenience, money, dependence, fear of aids.


Maintaining relationships by consistently minimizing one's own needs while trying to satisfy those of one's partner

What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of traditional gender roles for both males and females?

Male: Benefits: High income, Less domestic work/marital stress. Draw: Job stress, Limitations on child custody, emotion expression, Less family time. Female: Benefits: Identity tied to relationships rather than work, closer attachment w/ children. Draw: Reduced income, dependence on spouse, beauty problem, less self-worth.

What is the gender-similarities hypothesis? What are some examples, as discussed in class, of psychological traits that are similar among males and females? Which traits differ?

Males and females are similar on most, but not all, psychological variables. Similar: Talkativeness, Leadership, Self esteem, cheating, impulsiveness, Sexual satisfaction. Differ: Frequency in masturbation, attitudes towards casual sex, agreeableness, speed/distance of throwing a ball.


Marital roles changed from cooperative to separate. Unintended consequence of undermining parent authority.

Three things that love isn't

Martyring, Manipulating, and Limerence

Mature vs immature love

Mature: trustworthy/stable, caring/kind, someone you actually like. Immature: passionate thinking, passionate feeling, passionate behavior.


Meaning male-dominated, male-identified and male-centered.


Means female-dominated, female-identified, and female-centered

Identify and explain the myths and realities about singles, as described in the text.

Myth: singles are self-centered, singles are financially better off, singles are happier, singles are confirmed in their singlehood. Truths: singles have more free time, singles have more fun, singles tend to be more comfortable with with other singles, singles are lonely.

What were some of the general characteristics of the White Colonial families during the colonial era?

No lineages, strong sense of community, diversity in family structure and composition.

Role Conflict

Occurs when the expectations of two or more roles are incompatible

Public family

One or two adults who are related by marriage, partnership, or shared parenthood who is/are taking care of dependents, and the dependents themselves. Focus on raising children to become productive, contributing members of society


Romance, physical attraction, sexuality. fastest to develop, fastest to dissolve. (infatuation)

Intimacy + passion

Romantic love


Socially male/female

Individualized marriage

Spouses remain together because they find self actualization, intimacy, and expressively communicated emotional support in their unions.


Strict codes usually based on religion that dictate right and wrong. more women than men

Repressed anger

Unconscious suppression of feelings of anger so that they are expressed in other ways


Usually a male who dresses provocatively in order to appeal to men


adult children, usually in 20's, moved back in with parents

Open marriage

agreement between spouses that extramarital sex with others is acceptable

Family structure

composition of the family

Non-family household

consists of a person who lives alone or people who live with unrelated individuals within a housing unit

Sexual values

deeply held beliefs about what is right and wrong, desirable and undesirable sexual behavior.

Commuter marriage

dual-career marriage in which each partner lives in a different geographical area, yet the pair still maintain their commitment to family

Sexual exclusivity

each partner promises to have sexual relations with only each other


expresses that your partner is inferior or undesirable "well, the master leader is late for dinner again!"


expression of anger indirectly rather than directly

Styles of poor listening

faker, dependent listener, interrupter, self-conscious listener, intellectual listener.

Family of procreation

family you created

Gender Varience

intense psychological discomfort with one's sex

Effects of infidelity

jealousy, trust issues, risk of preggers, stds, feelings of financial exploitation, increased attention, mixed data on whether it "causes" divorce

Single-parent families

kids live with one parent


living together with an emotional and sexual relationship without marriage


making disapproving judgments or evaluations about your partner. "hey, you know barbecuing is not your talent. Why bother?"


many loves. one or both spouses retain the option to sexually and emotionally love others in addition to their spouse


marriage arrangement in which couples exchange partners in order to engage in purely recreational sex

Marital success

measured in terms of stability, happiness, and flexibility

Hanging out

modern form of dating

What are the top five factors that people consider "very important" to a successful marriage, according to the textbook? According to research studies, what are the actual characteristics of successful marriages?

people: Faithfulness, happy sexual relationship, sharing household chores, adequate income, good housing. Research: Similar backgrounds, commonalities, economic status/work/two-paycheck couples, domestic work & child-care.

Informational power

persuasive power; you are persuaded by your partner that what he/she wants is in your best interest


premarital agreement contract signed by couple before wedding that specifies in advance how property will be divided and children cared for in the event of divorce or death


process by which people learn the characteristics of their group.


process of interaction that results when the behavior of one person interferes with the behavior of another.


refusing to listen to your partner, particularly his or her complaints. "we've been over this before and there's no point in discussing it again"

Extended family

relatives or kin beyond those in the nuclear family


same as prenuptial except that it is worked out by partners who are already married to each other

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