Health and Wellness 110 Final Review

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Which of the following will most likely defeat the purpose of progressive muscle relaxation?

Doing the exercises too fast

Research regarding obesity and social networks found that ____.

a woman's weight has a far greater influence on sisters and girlfriends than on brothers or male friends

Marcia is described as a good stress manager because she ____.

accepts her limitations

types of stretching:

dynamic and static

Flexibility exercises have been prescribed successfully to treat ____.


Which strategy is most likely to help if a person is trying to lose weight?

eat at the table only

Which of the following is a risk factor for early death?

eating mainly fatty and processed foods

Which food is a rich source of iron?

egg yolk

The general adaptation syndrome is composed of three stages: alarm reaction, resistance, and ____.


A person with functional independence cannot carry out activities of daily living without assistance from others.


A slow-sustained stretch causes the muscles to lengthen too quickly and then contract, and thus has high risk for injury.


Ballistic training is the most recommended form of stretching because of the low risk of injury.


Benign tumors are usually fatal.


Bicycling is a weight-bearing activity and thus not good for people with lower back injuries.


Caloric balance does not change and is the same for everyone.


Cleansing diets help the body remove toxins and chemicals.


Cotton should be worn next to the skin in cold weather.


Essential fat constitutes about 3 percent of the total weight in women.


Functional fitness is a program based on military-style training.


HIIT is safe for athletes but unsafe for the average fitness enthusiast.


HIV is most commonly transmitted through blood transfusions and organ transplants.


Jogging develops total fitness.


Mercury is mostly found in smaller fish.


Most low back problems in the United States stem from genetic factors.


Multitasking is recommended to make better use of your time.


Muscle can turn into fat when a person stops training.


Nonresponders constitute about 15 percent of exercise participants.


Omega-3 fatty acids increase cholesterol and high blood pressure.


Pedometers more accurately record distance, calories burned, speeds, and actual time of activity each day than activity trackers.


People always know when they are under too much stress but usually don't have the tools to cope with it.


Restructuring one's physical surroundings to avoid problem behaviors and decrease temptations is called countering.


Storage fat is the body fat needed for normal physiological functions.


Television, social media, magazine, and newspaper advertisements are reliable sources of health information.


The 1.0-Mile-Walk Test alone can determine an individual's overall level of fitness.


The Daily Values for nutrients and food components are based on a 1,500-calorie diet.


The greatest threat to public health in the United States today is physical inactivity.


Vigorous activities are always high impact.


Warming up is the same as stretching.


When people believe they have control over events in their lives, they are said to have an external locus of control.


When you do flexibility exercises, you should never feel any type of discomfort or tension at the end of the range of motion.


In an exercise session, as intensity heightens, on what does the body increasingly rely for energy?


Which essential nutrient is the most concentrated source of energy?


According to sports medicine specialists, many adults' muscular/skeletal problems and injuries are related to a lack of ____.


Which training mode requires that the individual balance the resistance through the entire lifting motion?

free weights


frequency, intensity, time/duration, and type of activity

The objective of meditation is to ____.

gain control over one's attention by clearing the mind and blocking out the stressor(s) responsible for the higher tension

Muscular flexibility relates primarily to ____ and the index of physical activity.

genetic factors

HSV-2 is better known as the virus that causes ____.

genital herpes

Data have shown that people who ____ early in the day have lower BMIs.

get more light exposure

Which hormone stimulates appetite?


Which carbohydrate is a monosaccharide?


What is the accepted treatment for individuals with celiac disease?

gluten free diet

Much of the blood glucose from food consumption goes to the muscles, where it is stored as ____.


A maximal oxygen uptake of 45 mL/kg/min. for a 22-year-old male is considered ____.


Which cooking method creates the highest levels of AGEs in foods?


People with an internal locus of control ____.

have an easier time adhering to a wellness program

Which injury or condition requires medical attention?


The modern running shoe allows runners to land on the ____ of the foot.


The ball used to perform stability exercises should be chosen based on a person's ____.


Tom grinds his teeth, has nightmares, and is easily irritated. Tom is most likely experiencing symptoms associated with ____.


Which of the following is NOT one of the five stages of the transtheoretical model for changing behavior?


Which activity is considered low impact?


Which practice that originated in China is often referred to as "meditation in motion"?

tai chi

Polyphenols are cancer-fighting antioxidants found in ____.



the process by which we perceive and respond to certain events, called stressors, that we appraise as threatening or challenging

Which factor most likely adds incentive to participate in team sports or games over solo physical activities?

the social element

Gynoid obesity is seen in people who store fat primary around ____.

the thighs

What do watching TV, daydreaming, worrying, and procrastinating have in common?

they are common time killers

Based on various national surveys, almost 80 percent of Americans report that ____.

time moves too fast for them

A constant negative caloric balance leads to a decrease in lean body mass.


A major objective of core training is to exercise the abdominal and lower back muscles in unison.


A person's choice of physical activity should be based on convenience, enjoyment, and availability.


Active people can maintain bone density much more effectively than their inactive counterparts.


Almost 80 percent of deaths from cardiovascular disease and cancer could be prevented by lifestyle changes.


Beginning states of atherosclerosis have been found in children as young as 1.


Core training emphasizes strength-conditioning exercises of all the muscles around the abdomen, pelvis, lower back, and hips.


During the contemplation stage, people acknowledge they have a problem and begin to think seriously about overcoming it.


Excessive body weight combined with physical inactivity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States


Genetics plays a role in susceptibility in about 10 percent of all cancers.


Good muscular strength helps to increase or maintain a higher resting metabolic rate.


HIIT increases the capacity for fat oxidation during exercise.


More than half of all heart attack deaths occur ____.

within an hour of the onset of symptoms, before the person reaches the hospital

Which activity will most likely help a person develop both upper- and lower-body flexibility?


Which food is a good source of calcium?


How often should flexibility exercises be conducted?

2 or 3 days per week

The obesity level has been established at a BMI of ____ or higher


Which muscles are stability ball exercises are designed to develop?

Abdominal, hip, chest, spinal

To achieve the best results while circuit training, a person should follow which of the following principles?

All major muscle groups of the body should be used in each circuit.

Which of the following is a characteristic of anorexia nervosa?

An intense fear of gaining weight

Use of which type of drugs delays the progress of HIV infection and even keeps many people from developing AIDS?


How much physical activity should children and adolescents should do every day?

At least 1 hour

Which of the following is an example of a LCHP diet?

Atkins diet

Strict vegans need a supplement of which vitamin?


Why is it harder to raise the heart rate to the proper training intensity with cycling?

Because it is a non-weight-bearing activity

The most widely used technique for determining thinness and excessive fat is the ____.

Body Mass Index BMI

For which swimming stroke(s) is achieving proper training intensities difficult?

Breaststroke and sidestroke

How does HIIT allow participants to perform greater training volume at higher exercise intensity?

By breaking up a workout into smaller segments

Which is the form of unstructured interval training in which intensity and distance of each interval are as varied as the participant wishes?

Fartlek training

Which vitamin taken in high doses in early pregnancy is said to prevent serious birth defects?


What is the body's storage form of glucose?


To enhance quality of sleep, which of the following should be practiced?

Go to bed and rise around the same time each day.

What are SMART goals?

Goals that are specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic, and time specific

Which STI can be prevented if a person is vaccinated before being exposed to the virus?


Which part of the brain activates the sympathetic nervous system?


Which of the following is a benefit of yoga?

Improved flexibility

When should very low-calorie diets be used?

In conjunction with dietary supplements and under medical supervision

People who get less sleep have ____.

Increased body-wide inflammation

Users of methamphetamines experience which of the following symptoms?

Increased breathing rate

Sitting on a stability ball requires the use of which core muscle(s)?

Internal and external obliques

Why does excessive sitting contribute to back pain?

It causes back muscles to shorten.

Why is strength training critical to a weight loss program?

It helps maintain lean body mass.

The part of the brain where habits are formed is activated by pleasurable, rewarding events. What does it do after it memorizes these events?

It helps the individual to seek opportunities to experience those events in the future.

Which of the following statements correctly describes isometric training?

It involves pushing or pulling against immovable objects.

What is the main value of exercise in reducing stress?

It lessens muscular tension.

Which of the following is a benefit of cross-country skiing?

It places little stress on the joints.

Which of the following are activities of daily living?

Lifting objects

Which carotenoid has been linked to lowered risk of cancers of the prostate, colon, and cervix and is especially abundant in cooked tomato products?


Use of which of the following may lead to a sudden heart attack?




The ____ diet has been linked to lower risk for metabolic syndrome and stroke, improved brain health and cognitive function, and lower risk for Alzheimer's disease.


Rhea tracks her daily food consumption and identifies the sources of excessive calories from fat in her diet. In what type of behavior modification activity is she engaged?


How often during a fitness program should you repeat body composition measurements to monitor changes in lean and fat tissue?

Once a month

How many sets of each exercise should a beginner do on the first day of an exercise program?


Which principle expresses the idea that the demands placed on a body system must be increased systematically and progressively over time to cause physiological adaptation?

Overload principle

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Physiological: Food, water, breathing, homeostasis. Security and safety needs: financial security, health and wellness, safety against accidents and injury. Social needs: Friendships, romantic attachments, family relationships, social groups. Esteem Needs: need for appreciation and respect. Self-actualization needs: self-aware, concerned with personal growth, less concerned with the opinions of others, and interested in fulfilling their potential. Order: Physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization

Which compounds found in fruits and vegetables prevent or slow cancer growth?


Which type of training is most likely frequently used by jumpers and athletes in sports that require quick jumping ability?

Plyometric training

What are the two action phases of dynamic training?

Positive resistance and negative resistance

Which of the following regulates water retention and lower blood pressure slightly?


How the dimensions connect

They each play different roles in the overall health and wellness of an individual. All dimensions must be assessed and tended to in order to reach maximum wellness.

What are the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) used for?

They establish adequate amounts and maximum safe nutrient intakes in the diet.

What are the health benefits of trans fats?

They have no known health benefits.

After the first trimester, which exercises should a pregnant woman avoid?

Those requiring her to lie on her back

How are proteins used in the body?

To build and repair tissues

What is the objective of aerobic activity?

To improve the capacity of the cardiorespiratory system

What is the purpose of warming up before exercise?

To increase muscle and connective tissue extensibility

Which of the following ideas does mindfulness meditation emphasize?

To live in the present, you must understand that the most significant thing you have control over is your attitude.

What is the goal of functional fitness?

To train people to understand the importance of their health

More than 90 percent of the weight of fat in foods is in the form of ____.


A patient's attitude, especially a fighting spirit, is thought to be the underlying factor in spontaneous remission from incurable illness.


Mindfulness has been shown to improve intellectual and academic performance among college students.


Proper nutrition, a sound exercise program, and not smoking are the three most important factors for health, longevity, and quality of life.


Stress is nonspecific in that the body reacts in a similar fashion when encountering a stress-causing event.



a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion created by long-term involvement in an emotionally demanding situation and accompanied by lowered performance and motivation

The unpleasant or harmful stress under which health and performance begin to deteriorate is called ____.


What is the EER for a 25-year-old man who is 72 inches tall and weighs 175 pounds.? (ok to use a calculator! Formula and sample problem in the book)



207 - (.7 x age)

calculate max heart rate:

207-(.70 * age)

How many calories does one pound of fat represent?


In PNF stretching, how long is each isometric contraction held initially?

3 to 6 seconds

Declines in maximal oxygen uptake average about ____ percent per year between ages 25 and 75.


general adaption syndrome stages

1. Alarm 2. Resistance 3. Exhaustion

After exercising, the cool-down phase should be at least ____ minutes.


What percentage of the world's population will die because of smoking-related illnesses?


According to the FITT-VP flexibility guidelines, how long should a static stretch be held in its final position?

10 to 30 seconds

What percentage of a diet's total calories should come from protein?

10 to 35

If you exercised for 30 minutes at a light intensity and burned 210 calories, approximately how many calories would come from fat?


Ideally, blood pressure should be _________or below.


A petite woman should not go on a diet that calls for a level of ____ calories or less.


How many calories are saved if a person substitutes water for a can of nondiet soda at a meal?


How many miles a week of jogging is sufficient to reach an excellent level of cardiorespiratory fitness?


According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, what is the recommended amount of physical activity an adult between the ages of 18 and 64 should engage in per week?

150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity

If you exercised for 40 minutes at a vigorous intensity and burned 500 calories, approximately how many calories would come from fat?

150 to 200

For individuals with or at risk for coronary heart disease, data suggest that more than ____ calories more per week might have to be expended to stop the progression of atherosclerotic lesions.


What is the estimated maximal swimming heart rate for a 20-year-old?


Adults should do muscle-strengthening activities that involve all major muscle groups ____ days a week.


A ratio of ____ grams of carbohydrates to ____ grams of protein is recommended when consuming a pre-/post-strength-training snack.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), what percentage of people in the United States meets the federal guidelines for aerobic activity?


At what speed does walking improve cardiorespiratory fitness?


By how much does muscle flexibility drop per decade of life?


The human body burns about ____ calories for each liter of oxygen consumed.


During aerobic exercise, the average person trains at between ____ percent of maximal oxygen uptake.

50 and 75

How many ounces of fatty fish should you consume per week to reduce the risk of heart disease?


How many ounces of water should be consumed every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise to prevent dehydration?

6 to 8

At about 50 percent intensity, the recommended duration of a cardiorespiratory training session is ____ minutes.


The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences recommends that people trying to manage their weight accumulate ____ minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity most days of the week.


What percentage of foods purchased at supermarkets are processed foods?


How much exercise per day is needed for proper weight management?

60 to 90

During progressive muscle relaxation, muscles should be tightened to about ____ percent of the total possible tension.


What is the current life expectancy in the United States?

78.9 years old

Which type of person is especially vulnerable to a heart attack?

A person who is impatient and readily annoyed when he or she has to wait for a table in a restaurant


A tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state; the regulation of any aspect of body chemistry, such as blood glucose, around a particular level

Which of the following is an example of a core-training exercise?

Abdominal crunch

Which of the following medical problems is associated with bulimia nervosa?

Cardiac arrhythmias

HIIT will most likely help develop a person's ____.

Cardiorespiratory endurance

What is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply oxygen to the cells to meet the demands of prolonged physical activity?

Cardiorespiratory endurance

What is the term for the range of intensity at which a person should exercise to develop the cardiorespiratory system?

Cardiorespiratory training zone

What are the three most commonly used periodized training types?

Classical, reverse, nonlinear

Which of the following activities is most likely to promote cardiorespiratory endurance?

Cross-country skiing

Which body composition assessment method uses low-dose beams of X-ray energy?


Which strenuous activity is best for overweight people?

Deep-water jogging

Which LDL cholesterol level is optimal?

E. Below 100 mg/L

What morphine-like substance(s) is/are thought to be released during vigorous aerobic exercise lasting 30 minutes or longer?


Which of the following increases the incidence of CLRD?

Exposure to certain types of industrial pollution

For people to achieve total fitness, their exercise regimens need only include aerobic activities.


Goals set by a coach or mentor are more motivational than goals you set for yourself.


Homeostasis is NOT disrupted when a stressor triggers a nonspecific response because the body quickly adapts in order to function.


Individuals who exhibit behavior characterized as Type B have a significantly higher incidence for disease, especially cardiovascular conditions.


Transtheoretical Model of Change (stages and processes)

Precontemplation (During the precontemplation stage, people are not considering a change. People in this stage are often described as "in denial," because they claim that their behavior is not a problem. In some cases, people in this stage do not understand that their behavior is damaging, or they are under-informed about the consequences of their actions.) Contemplation: (During this stage, people become more and more aware of the potential benefits of making a change, but the costs tend to stand out even more. This conflict creates a strong sense of ambivalence about changing. Because of this uncertainty, the contemplation stage of change can last months or even years.) Preparation: (During the preparation stage, you might begin making small changes to prepare for a larger life change. For example, if losing weight is your goal, you might switch to lower-fat foods) Action: (During the fourth stage of change, people begin taking direct action. For example, many people make a New Year's resolution to lose weight and immediately start a new exercise regimen, embark on a healthier diet, and cut back on snacks. These definitive steps are vital to success, but these efforts are often abandoned in a matter of weeks because the previous steps have been overlooked.) Maintenance: The maintenance phase of the stages of change model involves successfully avoiding former behaviors and keeping up new behaviors. Relapse: In any behavior change, relapses are a common occurrence.

Which stress management technique involves contracting and then relaxing muscle groups in the body in sequence?

Progressive muscle relaxation

Which nutrition standard is the daily amount of a nutrient considered adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of nearly all healthy people in the United States?

Recommended Dietary Allowances

When playing racquet sports, what prevents the heart rate from being maintained in the appropriate target zone?

Retrieving balls

Define self-efficacy, internal and external locus on control

Self-efficacy: refers to one's belief that they are able (or not able) to accomplish tasks and achieve their goals. Locus of control: refers to the degree to which an individual feels a sense of agency in regard to his or her life. Someone with an internal locus of control will believe that the things that happen to them are greatly influenced by their own abilities, actions, or mistakes. A person with an external locus of control will tend to feel that other forces—such as random chance, environmental factors, or the actions of others—are more responsible for the events that occur in the individual's life.

Which of the following is/are essential for coping effectively with stressful life events?

Self-worth and nuturance

Which type of stretching exercise is the most frequently used and recommended?


Which contraindicated exercise strains the lower back?

Straight-leg sit-up

Which contraindicated exercise causes excessive strain on the spine and might harm intervertebral disks?

Swan stretch

Which of the following vegetables is a good source of beta-carotene?

Sweet potatoes

Jennifer has a WHtR of 0.6. In which health category is she?

Take Care

What is muscular endurance?

The ability of a muscle to exert submaximal force repeatedly over time

What is mindfulness?

The act of being aware of thoughts and choices

Why do premenopausal women have a lower incidence of heart disease?

The female sex hormone estrogen tends to raise HDL cholesterol.

Why do most diets fail? (Choose the best answer)

They do not incorporate lifetime changes in food selection and daily increases in physical activity.

Cardiorespiratory endurance is determined by ____.


Which stress management technique involves creating relaxing visual images and scenes to relax the body and mind?

Visual imagery

Why should processed meats be consumed with foods rich in vitamin C?

Vitamin C helps discourages the formation of nitrosamines.

When should you avoid exercise?

When you have a hacking cough

Which is the most effective protein source for achieving myofibrillar hypertrophy?


How is training for sarcoplasmic hypertrophy conducted?

With lower resistances and a larger number of repetitions

What does a "yes" answer on any question on the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire signal?

You might need a physician's approval before you can participate in an exercise program.

Long-term adherence to an LCHP diet increases the risk of ____.

a and c

Bone health begins at a young age. Osteoporosis has been called a 'pediatric disease". How can a young person help protect their later years by what they do now in their teens and 20's? There are multiple answers needed here.

a b c d e

Jose has been exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet for MORE THAN seven years. At what stage is he in the transtheoretical model of change?


The acronym FAST is commonly used to help recognize and enhance responsiveness for a stroke victim. Which of the following is the A?

arm weakness

What is the number one cause of death for teens in the United States?

automobile accidents

Which type of stretching should never be performed without a mild aerobic warm-up?


What is the name for the process used to permanently change negative behaviors in favor of positive behaviors that will lead to better health and well-being?

behavior modification

Which of the following is likely to be the most stressful event in a person's life?

birth of a child

Which of the following foods is a good source of fiber?


Which food most likely contains trans fatty acids?

cake mixes

What is the leading cause of death in the United States?

cardiovascular disease

Jaden is said to be a Type B individual. Which of the following characteristics does she likely exhibit?

casual and relaxed

How should you feel following a day of hard physical training?

comfortably sore

What type of activities do fitness boot camps typically combine with traditional calisthenics, running, interval training, strength training, and plyometrics to maintain participants' interest and develop fitness?

competitive games

concentric, eccentric, isometric, and isotonic contractions

concentric: most common type. occur frequently in daily sporting activities eccentric: occur when the muscle lengthens has it contracts Isometric: A muscular contraction in which the length of the muscle does not change. isotonic: where the muscle shortens.

Which process of change involves obtaining information about a problem behavior so you can make better decisions about what to do?


What is the process whereby a person substitutes healthy behaviors for a problem behavior?


Which vitamin is essential for the body in order to absorb sufficient calcium to protect the bones?


A recommended alternative form of jogging for injured people, those with chronic back problems, and overweight individuals is ____.

deep-water jogging

What is the first step when estimating your daily energy requirement?

determine your EER

Women are unable to increase muscle size as much as men because of ____.

hormonal difference

Storage fat is stored ____.

in adipose tissue

Which of the following hormonal change is associated with fight-or-flight responses?

increased heart rate

Which of the following is a high-impact exercise?


Which hour(s) of sleep do experts believe is/are the most vital for well-being?

last two

What is a typical rest interval between sets when a person is trying to develop local muscular endurance?

less than 2 minutes

What percentage of their daily calories do most successful weight maintainers get from fat?

less than 30

Which of the following is a nonstarchy vegetable?


The immune system consists of about a trillions cells called ____.


Which of the following is NOT a stress factor scored on the stress test measuring amount of stress in points?

major loss at a sports event

Which of the following has the greatest influence on people's perception of what constitutes ideal body weight?


Which drug is a potent central nervous system stimulant that decreases appetite, increases motor activity, and decreases fatigue and the need for sleep?


Which health-related component of physical fitness seems the most important in the senior population?

muscular strength

Poor posture is a risk factor for musculoskeletal problems of the ____.

neck, shoulders, and lower back


negative stress

A recent report by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) found that the United States outspends every other country in health-care costs but has the highest rates of ____ among all 34 OECD countries.


Which type of fat decreases the risk for heart attack, abnormal heart rhythms, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia?

omega 3 fatty acids

How often should men conduct a testicular self-examination to detect possible skin cancer?

once a month

Obesity, in itself, has been linked to nine different cancers, including ____.


Which of the following is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States and the leading cause of most cases of respiratory-related cancers?

physical inactivity

Dimensions of wellness/health

physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, environmental, occupational

Plants are the sole source of ____.


Exercise is a type of physical activity that requires ____.

planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness


positive stress

Resistance training first before aerobic training is more effective for developing strength, muscular hypertrophy, and ____.


John does not believe he will get lung cancer from smoking cigarettes; therefore, he does not intend to quit smoking. John is in the ____ stage of the transtheoretical model of change.


HDL cholesterol ____.

protects against heart disease

What should you make sure you consume in enough quantities with every meal in order to minimize hunger pangs while dieting?


When consumed during the same meal, which of the following help improve bone health?

protein and calcium

If your goal is unreachable, despite your full commitment and best effort, you should ____.

reassess the goal

During the Abdominal Crunch test, you should ____.

regulate your cadence with a metronome set at 60 beats per minute

A stress electrocardiogram ____.

reveals the heart's tolerance for vigorous-intensity activities

James is a jogger who would like to cross-train. Which activity should he choose to develop his upper body?


Which food is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids?


Which term refers to the epidemic of physical inactivity in the United States?

sedentary death syndrome

Type A individuals often ____.

set their own goals

Improving cardiorespiratory endurance through aerobic exercise and avoiding excessive daily sitting has perhaps the greatest impact in reducing the overall risk for cardiovascular disease.


In exceptional instances, a qualified physical therapist might select one or more contraindicated exercises to treat a certain injury or disability in a carefully supervised setting.


Increased fiber intake lowers the risk for coronary heart disease and stroke.


Lean body mass (LBM) equals body weight (BW) minus fat weight (FW).


Long-term harmful effects of marijuana use include possible sterility and impotence.


Moderate physical activity is defined as any activity that requires an energy expenditure of 1,000 calories per week.


Muscles must be overloaded to develop.


Obesity levels are determined at a weight at which excess body fat can lead to significant health problems.


One gram of carbohydrate provides the human body four calories.


People who do not manage their time properly can experience chronic stress, fatigue, despair, discouragement, and illness.


Poor posture and excessive body weight are among the leading causes of low back pain.


Seniors should avoid isometric and very high-intensity strength-training exercises.


Studies have shown that vitamin C might offer benefits against cataracts.


Technology is associated with feelings of anxiety and irritability.


The American Heart Association recommends consuming fish twice a week.


The dramatic increase in the number of overweight and obese people in the United States is a direct result of physical inactivity.


The length of time a person spends exercising should be increased gradually to avoid fatigue and injuries.


The part of the brain where habits are formed is activated by events that are rewarding, exciting, unexpected, and intense as well as by cues from the environment associated with those events.


The two most common eating disorders are bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa.


Too much flexibility leads to unstable and loose joints, which can actually increase the likelihood of injury.


Vigorous activity of longer duration is most clearly associated with better health and longer life.


Virtually every illness is influenced by our emotions, which affect our susceptibility to disease and immunity.


Anna drinks three sodas a day. What is she at risk for developing?

type 2 diabetes

Goals that are ____ set you up for failure, discouragement, and loss of interest.


Which type of vegetarian eats no animal products at all?


What is the most popular physical activity for adults in the United States?


Jana has painful joints. In which physical activity should she engage?

water aerobics

Weight loss as a result of 1 to 3 days of near-fasting is primarily a result of ____.

water loss

The best coping strategy for stress depends mostly on ____.

what works for the individual

When a person becomes infected with HIV, the virus multiplies and attacks and destroys ____.

white blood cells

Motivation for change comes from ____.


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