Health class

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What happens to the food after it is chewed and lubricated?

It is pushed by the tongue into the pharynx

what does the larynx do?

It prevents food or liquids from entering the lungs

Which blood cells brings oxygen to cells and takes carbon dioxide away?

Red blood cells

What are epithelial cells designed to do?

Regulate temperature, secrete lubricants, and protect body from harmful substances.

Are bones living organs?


What is the purpose of the CNS?

The purpose of the CNS is to receive information from sense organs, analyze the information, and initiate a response which is carried to the designated body part via the peripheral nervous system.

What two systems work together to add oxygen to the blood and remove carbon dioxide from the body?

The respiratory system and the circulatory system

In the mouth, what secretes enzymes which help prepare the food for digestion in the stomach.

The salivary glands

What are the two main parts of the circulatory system?

The systemic circulation and the pulmonary circulation.

The respiratory system and the circulatory system work together to do what?

add oxygen to the blood and remove carbon dioxide from the body

What does the appendicular skeleton consist of?

all the bones in the shoulders, arms, hands, pelvis, legs, and feet.

What is the bodies main artery?


A blood vessel that takes oxygen-rich blood away from the heart.


How are bones held together?

at the joints by ligaments

What does the central nervous system consist of?

brain and spinal cord

A space or room within the heart.


What is the inner layer of skin?


Having to do with the entire body.


how do Skeletal and smooth muscles move?

when nerve impulses, sent from the central nervous system, stimulate the muscle fibers, telling them to either contract or relax.

How many bones make up the skeletal system?


The basic structural unit of the body


To draw together


The fluid-like substance contained within the cell membrane, the nucleus not included


What happens as air passes through the nose?

It is warmed and cleaned.

What are examples of epithelial cells?

Skin and the lining of your stomach

What is an example of an organ?


The endocrine system consists of ____________ secrete ___________ into the bloodstream.

glands, hormones

What is the main organ of the circulatory system?


What does PNS stand for?

peripheral nervous system

What do nerve cells do?

Form nervous tissue, which sends messages from the brain to the rest of the body.

What are some examples of connective cells?

Tendons, blood, and fat.

What do muscular cells do?

Work together to form your body's muscles, providing movement.

What is the outer layer of skin?


How many muscles are in the body?


What do connective cells do?

They form the tissues and fluids that connect the parts of the body.

What do Epithelial cells do?

They group together to form the tissues that cover and protect the body inside and out

Where do the The undigested substances go?

They pass out of the body through the anus

What does the renal artery do?

channels the waste-filled blood to the excretory system.

What does the dermis contain?

contains blood vessels, sweat glands, hair follicles, and nerve cells.

What does the pituitary gland do?

controls and regulates all other glands, and it secretes growth hormones.

What is the function of the autonomic nervous system?

controls the involuntary movements of your organs

What is the epidermis made of?

dead cells and new cells

DNA Acronym

deoxyribonucleic acid

Not controlled by will.


What kind of muscles move without conscious control?


what happens when a cell divides?

it passes on a copy of DNA

How is movement accomplished?

the skeletal system works in tandem with the muscular system

What are aveloli ?

tiny air sacs through which oxygen and carbon dioxide pass in and out of the bloodstream.

A group of cells that have the same purpose


What is the purpose of the nervous system?

to gather, interpret, respond to, store, and retrieve information

Air is passed from the ___________ into the __________ through two large tubes called _____________.

trachea, lungs, bronchi.

How many systems make up the human body?


What system prepares food for the food absorption into the blood stream?


What is the function of the peripheral nervous system?

The function of the peripheral nervous system is to link the CNS to the rest of the body.

What does the stomach do?

breaks down the food with powerful acids and turns it into chyme

What does The pulmonary circulation do?

brings carbon dioxide-filled blood to the lungs.

What is responsible for the removal of waste?


Exhalation removes more _______________from the body than inhalation brought in.

carbon dioxide

What are 2 types of involuntary muscles?

cardiac muscles and smooth muscles

What does CNS stand for?

central nervous system

What is the nervous system comprised of?

central nervous system and peripheral nervous system (CNS and PNS)

What does systemic circulation do?

disperses oxygen-rich blood throughout the body.

A sudden surge of energy in one direction.

electrical impulse

In what form does a neuron transmit information?

electrical impulse

What do sweat glands do?

excrete(s) excess salts and water.

What happens when the diaphragm relaxes?

exhalation (this causes the lungs to contract)

How many chambers does the human heart have?


An organ or group of cells that secretes a chemical substance of the body.


What is the main organ of the respiratory system?


What does the epidermis do?

makes the body water-proof, gives it color, and helps to maintain hydration levels.

The organelle within a cell that functions as its brain, regulating its production of proteins and genetic material


Where are smooth muscles found?

on the inside and outside of organs

Where are cardiac muscles found?

only in the heart

A group of tissues that work together to perform a specified bodily function


A structure that performs a specific function within a cell


Having to do with the lungs.


What is the function of the somatic nervous system?

send signals to muscles that are controlled voluntarily.

What are the two main parts of the skeletal system?

the axial and appendicular skeletons.

What stores the waste until it is ready to be expelled from the body?

urinary bladder

What is the larynx?

voice box

How are skeletal muscles controlled?


Controlled by will.


What does the The integumentary system protects the body and internal organs from?

sunlight bacteria injury

Organs working together to perform a specific bodily function


What kind of circulation does the left side of the heart perform?

systemic circulation

What does the axial skeleton consist of?

skull, spine, ribs, and sternum.

What are villi?

small finger-like nodules on the wall of the intestines that absorbs nutrients into the blood stream

What does the axial skeleton do?

provides protection for the body's vital organs-the brain, heart, lungs, and spinal cord.

The genetic "blueprint" that determines the purpose and function


What are the 4 different types of tissue?

Epithelial, muscular, connective, and nerve cells.

What does the pharynx do?

Forms food substance into balls then pushes it into the esophagus

What does the endocrine system do?

regulates the body's metabolism, growth, and functions of the sexual organs.

What do the kidneys do?

remove excess water, salts, uric acids, and chemicals from the blood.

What does the small intestine do?

secretes salts, acids, and enzymes, which continue the breakdown of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Where are The remaining amounts of water, vitamins, and minerals absorbed?

The large intestine

What removes carbon dioxide from the blood stream?

The lungs

A chemical substance produced by the glands of the endocrine system in order to control specific tissues and organs.


What are The main organs of the excretory system?


What is the purpose of the skeletal system?

provide the body with a framework that is strong and mobile

What are the functions of the skeletal system?

provide the body with a framework that is strong and mobile. It also is the body's main supplier of blood cells and minerals.

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