Health Class

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Sexual orientation is based on which of the following factors?

Biological, psychological, and socioenvironmental

A birth defect caused by the mother's alcohol intake during pregnancy is


Which of the following is true of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Failure to meet a lower-level need will interfere with fulfilling higher-level needs.

Which change model was created to illustrate how firmly held ideas affect behavior change?

Health belief model

Which of the following is true about domestic violence?

Homicide by a current or former intimate partner is the leading cause of death among pregnant women in the United States.

Which of the following is true regarding homicides?

Homicides are the second leading cause of death for persons aged 15 to 24.

What role does exposure to sunlight during the day play in improving sleep?

It helps regulate the circadian rhythm

Which of the following best describes gender identity?

Our personal sense of awareness of being masculine or feminine

Which of the following is true about ethnoviolence and hate crimes?

Prejudice and discrimination are always at the base of hate crimes and ethnoviolence.

In the SMART goals acronym the "R" stands for


Due to her job, Jessica sleeps 5 to 6 hours per night on weekends. Which of the following is the best strategy for her to resolve her sleep debt?

She can sleep 9 hours per night Monday night through Friday night

As Joe prepares to spar with a tae kwon do opponent, his heart rate and respiration rate increase. These are indicators that which branch of the nervous system has been activated?


Which of the following is true about intersexuality?

The person does not exhibit exclusively male or female sexual anatomy.

What would be a major concern of being a type C personality?

They tend to deny their feelings but YOU know that feelings buried alive never die, but might just resurface as disease later

Which behavior change model involves six distinct stages and is also known as the stages of change model?

Transtheoretical model

Which of the following is true about emergency contraceptive pills?

Two brands are now available over-the-counter subject to certain age limits

Wellness is best described as

a dynamic process

Justin often binge drinks on the weekends. This behavior puts him at risk for a dangerous sleep disorder in which the brain and the respiratory muscles do not communicate properly known as

central sleep apnea

A person's 24-hour cycle of sleeping, waking, and performing daily activities is his or her

circadian rhythm

Which of the following hormones might contribute to the "Freshman 15"-the tendency to gain about 15 pounds during the first year of college?


Katherine is an energetic, confident student who is not afraid to stand up in front of the class and read her essay aloud. She trusts that even if others don't agree with her point of view, they will still value her as a person and a friend. These traits show that Katherine has positive

emotional health

Menstrual flow is actually sloughed off

endometrial lining

A cause of infertility in which uterine tissue is implanted outside the uterus and blocks the fallopian tubes is


Ken is the new pastor at a local church. He is both nervous and excited about his new post and is looking forward to meeting all the members of his new congregation. This process will take some time and effort, but he is convinced that it will help him learn how to serve them better. Ken's situation is an example of


The American Academy of Pediatrics has strongly endorsed non-therapeutic male circumcision.


The presence of a gun in the home doubles the risk of a homicide occurring in that location.


During stage 4, a sleeping person releases which of the following hormones?

growth hormone

a burden shared is

half a burden

While we know that personal choices affect life expectancy and we have discussed in class the importance of realizing that personal choices can dramatically affect _____________ life expectancy. That is, the number of years of full health you enjoy without disability, chronic pain, or significant illness.


The ability to think clearly, analyze information, and use one's mental capacity to meet life's challenges is known as

intellectual health

According to Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love, love involves

intimacy, passion, and commitment.

Through our relationships with others, we fulfill our needs for

intimacy, social intergration, and nurturance

At the end of each day, Anne writes down five positive affirmations about herself to block out any negative thoughts. Anne is demonstrating

learned optimism

Writing down five positive traits about yourself and resisting your inner critic is an exercise in

learned optimism

The onset of the first menstrual period is


A key defense against personal assault and rape is to

never become intoxicated at parties or social events.

Overweight and obese individuals may be more prone to the breathing-related sleep disorder known as

obstructive sleep apnea

Which of the following commonly accounts for students' lack of sleep?

online activity

what are the 6 domains of health?

physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, environmental

The network of blood vessels that provides nourishment to the fetus is the


The most common cause of female infertility in the United States is

polycystic ovary syndrome.

A boy that watched his father adore his mother will likely treat his wife in the same fashion. This is an example of a(n):

predisposing factor.

A term used to encompass mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of health is


In preparation for his exam, Juan plans to stay up all night studying. According to research, this strategy will likely result in

reduced cognitive ability


regulates the menstrual cycle

Belief in your ability to perform a task successfully is called


Judy strives to stay healthy. When she notices herself engaging in an unhealthy behavior, she makes a plan and takes action to get back on track. No challenge is too tough for her to take on. Judy has


Rational-emotive therapy principles applied to behavior change include


When you feel groggy and disoriented after a long nap, you are experiencing

sleep inertia

Which of the following best describes a Type C personality?


During which phase of the cycle of violence do anger, abusive language, and aggression occur?

tension building

Drugs, chemicals, and radiation that can cause birth defects are known as


A rise in a woman's basal body temperature signals

that ovulation has occurred.

When a pregnant woman's water breaks, what is actually happening is

the amniotic sac breaks.

The transition stage of birth is characterized by

the baby's head moving into the birth canal.

As David is traveling to Salt Lake City on I-15 the car next to him suddenly begins to enter into his lane as they are both traveling 70+ mph. David lays on the horn, stomps on the brakes and the car swerves back into it's own lane. David is likely to next feel the immediate effects of

the flight-or-fight response

A fetus is the term used to describe an embryo as of

the third month of pregnancy

College freshmen living away from home for the first time may face a variety of conflicts due to differences between their own values and beliefs and those of

their parents and new people they encounter

Leaving a diaphragm or tampon in for an extended period of time increases the risk for

toxic shock syndrome

When a person's gender identity does not match one's biological sex, this is known as being


Psychoneuroimmunology is a scientific field involved in the study of the effects of prolonged stress on the immune system.


The U.S. Public Health Service defines violence as a chronic disease.


All of the following are likely to influence your response to stress EXCEPT

your friend's level of stress

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