health psych final: CAM
effectiveness depends on providers
believes in treatment warm, compassionate, empathetic takes time with patient, depends on patient
Placebo effect
changes in physiology changes mood reduced stress response may stimulate release of opioids
complementary & alternative medicine
types of CAM
dietary supplements prayer yoga acupuncture hypnosis meditation
ironic effect of dietary supplements
licensing effect: people who take dieting/vitamin pills are less-likely to eat health & exercise pills compensate for lack of health habits
The placebo effect
produces an effect in patient due to therapeutic intent & not its nature. not restricted to self-reports, physical changes are real
Placebo effects and the brain
received shocks during fMRI experimenter applied cream that would/wouldn't reduce the pain placebo decreased brain activity in pain-sensitive regions placebos alter the experience of pain delivery
Quality of care
262 patients with IBS no treatment / acupuncture no interaction / acupuncture high interaction patients who received the most care experienced the most relief