HI 207 Exam 1****

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"Rulers of Foreign Lands" (Semites from Palestine); successfully invaded Egypt (Second Intermediate Period); conquest aided by horse-drawn chariot; ruled Delta directly and held indirect control over all Egypt

Homo Habilis

"Skillful man", (2.4-1.5 mya) in E. Africa, flatter face, steeper forehead (less ape-like skull), gathered wild plants-scavengers, first stone tools (marrow extraction?)


"Southern ape-man", (4-1 mya) in E. Africa "broken savanna" environment; "Lucy", ape-like skull and face, bipedal with stooped posture, largely vegetarian-fruits, nuts, seeds, tubers, insects

Homo Erectus

"Upright man", (1.8m -300,000 years ago), E. Africa, first fully upright hominid, big-game hunters with better stone tools, controlled use of fire, 1st hominid to migrate from Africa to Asia and Europe


"city of Persians", "Persian City" built by Darius the Great


"old stone age"; change in climate; hominids

Homo Neanderthalis

(300,000-30,000 BC) in Europe and Middle East; 1st hominid ever found-Neander Valley in Germany; differs from humans in shape of skull, teeth and brain, game hunters, burial of dead, art?


(Amenhotep) moved capital from Thebes to Akhetaton; outlawed worship of all other gods, 1st known monotheist?; religious reform failed; priests reasserted control after his death; focus on religion resulted in neglect of Empire


(Indo-Europeans); one element of the Sea Peoples; occupied SW coast of Palestine; 5 major city-states, each with its own king; used knowledge of iron-working to dominate native Semites

Ark of the Covenant

(Judaism) sacred chest where the ancient Hebrews kept the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments


(Middle Kingdom) court official; fled Egypt; lived in exile in Syria for years; eventually welcomed home by Pharaoh; restored to a position as court official; began arrangements for afterlife


(Ras Shamra), Canaanite city-state on north Syrian coast; economy built on industry and commerce with Egypt, Cyprus and Mesopotamia; destroyed by Sea Peoples; in 14th C- earliest evidence for 1st alphabet-simplified writing system for commercial purposes


(Semites), direct descendants of Canaanites-flourished in Iron Age; city-states with a king for each; economy based on industry and commerce; great seafarers of Near East- exported timber, dye, glass, metalwork; estab. trading stations and colonies throughout Mediterranean; transmitters of culture (passed Canaanite alphabet to Greeks)


(Semites), inhabited most of Syria and Palestine in Bronze Age; economy based on agriculture, trade and industry; independent city-states, each with its own king


(Semites), nomads from north Arabian desert-invaded Syria and Mesopotamia; many were caravaneers, some eventually settled along desert fringe; eventually ruled many city-states of the Fertile Crescent; language so widely spoken it became lingua franca of Near East in Iron Age (Jesus!)


(Tell Mardikh), earliest Canaanite city-state, in northern Syria; destroyed by Hittites


1st Endo-European civilization; emerge in central Anatolia, developed unified kingdom; excavation of royal archives; transmitted key elements of NE culture to West, especially to Greeks; destroyed by Sea Peoples; iron-smelting


1st king of Israel, but king only in a limited sense; killed with sons at Mt. Gilboa


Assyrian king and empire builder; burned Babylon


Capital of the Kingdom of Israel; between Galilee and Judea


Companion and friend of Gilgamesh. Hairy-bodied and brawny, he was raised by animals. Even after he joins the civilized world, he retains many of his undomesticated characteristics


David's son; concentrated on internal development of kingdom; system of public works (Temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem); encouraged trade and industry; growing cost of army, public works, bureaucracy, court put great strain on Israelites; most refused to follow his heir


Gilgamesh reaches ______, the land of the Faraway and his father; Sumerian paradise


King of Assyrian Empire under which empire reached greatest extent


Law Code; claimed Marduk chose him to rule and form new law code; 282 laws; oldest law code known when found in 1901; many parallels with Israelite law in Hebrew bible-both Semitic law; "if someone does __ the penalty is __"; based on social and legal classes


Name(s) of pharaoh who was the first to reign over both Upper and Lower Egypt; united both

Catal Huyuk

Neolithic village; barley & wheat; perhaps 1st evidence of domesticated cattle; cattle in rituals; handmade pottery


Persian king of Babylon; posed as champion of Marduk; founded Persian Empire


Persian religion founded by Zoroaster; taught that humans had the freedom to choose between right and wrong, and that goodness would triumph in the end


Yahweh's law; divine origin; patriarchal society


ancient city in Palestine


ape-like skull and face, biped, partly arboreal, teeth suggest diet of fruits, nuts, and other forest foods (4.5-4.2 mya) in East Africa woodland


apes evolve in Africa

Origin of Species

book written by Charles Darwin that focused biologists' attention on the great diversity of organisms

Hattusas/Boghaz Koy

capital city of Hittites


capital moved here from Thebes; "Horizon of the Aton"


defeated Philistines and allegedly conquered most of Palestine; seized Jerusalem-converted it into royal capital; organized professional army, royal bureaucracy, and taxation

Rameses III

defeated Sea Peoples

Neolithic Revolution

food collectors-> food producers; end of ice age; increased population


fortified town; seiged by Thutmose III; site of armageddon?


god of storms and war; patron god of babylon; replaced Enlil as chief Mesopotamian deity


goddess of love and fertility (Mesopotamian deity)

Ancient Near East

influenced philosophy, religion, law, architecture, literature, language..Semitic and Indo-European languages


king who conquered Syria and Palestine; sacked Jerusalem and took Jewish elite into Babylonian Captivity


large Sumerian city-state in Mesopotamia; has tablets with very early Sumerian scripts

Ain Ghazal

largest Neolithic village known; early evidence for domesticated goat, later sheep, pigs, and cattle; wheat and barley, lentils peas; human statues=ancestor worship?; temples; anthropogenic environmental catastrophe


new capital of Egypt in Upper Egypt in the Middle Kingdom


of Akkhad; a conquerer who defeated the city-states of Sumer. His conquests helped to spread the Sumerian culture even farther (beyond the Tigris-Euphrates Valley). He created the world's first empire, lasting for about another 200 years before it declined due to internal fighting, invasions, and famine.


order of mammals, appeared 60 mya-prosimians, monkeys, apes, humans

Sea Peoples

perhaps of mixed ethnic origins, including Indo-Europeans; destroyed Hittite kingdom; ravaged most of eastern Mediterranean in several waves; defeated by Rameses III

Thutmose III

pharaoh; Asiatic Campaign


political capital of Assyrian Empire


prophet-critical of Judah and of Davidic Monarchy


prophet-criticized people of both kingdoms, rejected external practice of religion when belying internal moral condition


the capitol created by the Hyksos when they came to Egypt

Babylonian Captivity

thousands of Jews settled in Mesopotamia; assimilated Mesopotamian culture; much of Hebrew Bible written; most Jews now monotheists


transitional lifestyle, 1st discovered in caves on Mt. Carmel (coast of Palestine); harvested wild grains; retained wild goats in pens until ready to eat; "terminal food gathering" (not yet food producers-late Paleolithic culture))


unpopular king who ignored Marduk (patron God of Babylon) in favor of Sin (moon god)

Mount Gilboa

where Saul and his sons were killed; Shiloh sacked-Ark captured


where pharaoh ruled in Egypt


worship of one god while not denying existence of others

Homo Heidelbergensis

"Archaic Homo Sapiens" (600,000-100,000) years ago; close to modern skull

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