Hip, Pelvis, Thigh and Knee Conditions

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knee bursa

-About 24 in the knee - -Labeled in relation to the patella - •Supra (above) • •Deep (behind the patella) • •Pre (on top of the patella) • •Infra (below the patella)

Calcaneal exostosis: pump bump

-Chronic irritation at the Achilles tendon insertion -Common for hockey and figure skaters -Sometimes bothers them, sometimes it doesn't

MOI for knee sprain

-Direct impact to the front, sides, or back of the knee - -Twisting or torsion - -Hyperextension or hyper flexion

nRupture of Achilles tendon

-MOI •Forceful contraction -Sever pain -Inability to plantar flex

Jones Fx

-MOI •Inversion with DI on the base of the 5th metatarsal

Plantar fasciitis

-Pain at heal -Pain in arch of foot n n MOI -overuse injury -improper mechanics -anatomy of the foot -improper conditioning -poorly fitting shoes n

Morton's neuroma

-Thickening or pinching of the nerve that sits between the 3rd and 4th metatarsal - -Burning pain at the toes -Stabbing sensation at toes - -MOI •tight shoes, repetitive impact, over weight

Stress Fractures

-Tibia and metatarsal most common - -Hard to detect on x-ray - -Persistent pain - -MOI •Overuse

nAchilles tendinosis

-Tight gastrocnemius and soleus -Over use injury -Pain at Achilles tendon

nAnkle Dislocation

-Usually occurs at the mortise jt. -Not very common -Extreme force -Usually FX with injury -Obvious deformity -Obvious pain

Knee Bursitis

inflammation of the bursae


inflammation of where the patellar ligament attaches at the tibial tuberosity

Patella Subluxation/Dislocation

lateral displacement of the patella

muscle strains of the thigh

nCauses -Forceful contraction of the muscle -Weak or inflexible muscles - nCommon Locations -Quadriceps -Hamstrings -Inner thigh (adductors)

Myositis Ossificans

nMOI -Severe blow or repeated blows to the same spot -Causes bone like formation -S/S •Pain at site •Swelling •Decrease ROM •

Femur Fracture

nMOI n -Direct Impact - -Twisting or Torsion

Thigh contusion

nWhat is it? -Bruise to the soft tissues or bone of the thigh - nMOI Direct Impact

Anterior knee pain

possible injury

knee sprain grade 1

signs, minimal swelling if any at all. symptoms, mild pain bending or straightening knee, point tender

Hip Bursitis

•Common in dancers, gymnasts and hurdlers • MOI •IT band tightness causing friction at the hip bursa • Direct blow crushing hip bursa

Lisfranc Fx

•Dislocation with Fx •MOI: DI, or torsion of the metatarsal with axial loading

Syndesmotic sprains: High ankle sprain

•Involves the tibiofibular ligament •And or the interosseous membrane •MOI: hyper dorsiflexion

Medial ankle sprains: Deltoid ligament

•MOI forced eversion

Metatarsals Fx

•MOI: DI and or axial loading

-Turf toe

•MTP Jt. •Pain with jumping, running, pushing off •MOI: hyper extension or flexion • -

Lateral ankle sprains:

•Very common •ATF sprain MOI Inversion

Sever's Disease

-Calcaneal apophysitis -Secondary to Achilles tendinosis -Pain at heal

meniscus tear

A tear in the meniscus which is the cartilage that acts as a cushion for the joint

Hip pointer

Contusions caused by direct compression to an unprotected iliac crest that crushes soft tissue and, sometimes, the bone itself.

Fractures of the knee

Epiphyseal fractures Tibial plateau fracture Patella fracture

-Forceful stretch of the connective tissue that attaches from hip to the outside of the knee - -Weak or inflexible thigh and or hip muscles - -Running the same direction on the track - -Can be related to hip dysfunction

IT band strain

S/S of 2-3-degree Ankle Sprains

Pain at ligament site Swelling Discoloration Unable to wt. bear Decreased ROM

Compartment syndrome

Pressure within the muscle compartments Pain front of shin Leg and foot goes numb Foot turns blue or pale nFoot drop - -MOI Acute •DI •FX •Chronic (exercise induced) •Muscle hypertrophy

knee sprain grade 2 or 3

Signs •Swelling • •Limping. Symptoms •Moderate to severe pain straightening or bending knee • •Feeling of looseness or instability • •Heard or felt a pop • •Moderate to severe point tenderness

knee sprain

Stretch or tear of the ligaments that hold the knee bones in place

Fractures lower leg

Tibia nFibula -Non wt. bearing fx can be missed Tib/Fib -Traumatic fx MOI: DI Torsion: foot stays planted with axial loading

Piriformis Syndrome

compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle

-S&S: extreme pain, leg flexed, adducted and internally rotated -Obvious deformity -MOI: traumatic force on femur when knee bent

dislocated hip

Fractures of the knee S/S

Pain Deformity Unable to wt. bear Heard or felt a pop Crepitus Loss of sensation "feels numb

Fx of lower leg S/S

Pain Deformity Unable to wt. bear Heard or felt a pop Crepitus Loss of sensation "feels numb

S/S for FX of the foot

Pain Deformity Unable to wt. bear Heard or felt a pop Crepitus loss of sensation "feels numb"

Heel bruise or contusion

Pain at heal MOI -landing hard onto heel - repetitive jumping -repetitive heel strike

Patella Tendinitis (Jumper's Knee)

Inflammation of the patella tendon

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