HIS 131 Midterm

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The transatlantic exchange of goods, people, and ideas between the New World and Europe is referred to as the

Columbian exchange

Which New England church was supported by taxes paid by all residents in the eighteenth century?

Congregational Church

Which problem did the Halfway Covenant address?

Declining church membership

Which of these led to the failure of the first Spanish attempt to establish a settlement in present-day United States?


Approximately how long did it take Paleo-Indians to migrate throughout the Western Hemisphere after their initial arrival?

1,000 years

When did corn become a signature food crop in southwestern cultures?

3500 BP

Although the three regions of British North America became more distinct in the latter part of the eighteenth century, they still shared which unifying experience?

A decreasing reliance on religion

Which definition describes the Great Awakening?

A religious revival movement

In the eighteenth century, the majority of immigrants coming to America were Scots-Irish or


Who was responsible for kidnapping Olaudah Equiano and selling him into slavery?

Africans in present-day Nigeria

Eastern Woodland peoples around the time of Columbus's arrival in 1492 clustered into which three major groups?

Algonquian, Iroquoian, and Muskogean peoples

Which ancient North American culture is responsible for the spectacular multistory cliff dwellings, like Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico?


Prominent colonists in the plantation South and in cities such as Charleston, New York, and Philadelphia belonged to which church?

Anglican Church

How does Calef characterize those who were accused of witchcraft?

As virtuous and religious individuals who were persecuted unjustly

The slave labor system that was introduced to the Chesapeake was "exported" from


Which British colony brought in the greatest profit in 1700?


Who sailed around the Cape of Good Hope in order to find a sea route from Europe to Asia?

Bartolomeu Dias

How did the Boston church punish Anne Hutchinson?


Archaic Northwest peoples took advantage of which plentiful resource for sustenance and for trade?


Which industry accounted for three-fourths of the exports from the middle colonies?

Flour milling

Which environmental factor shaped the cultures of the Archaic peoples of the Eastern Woodland?


The largest number of immigrants to the middle colonies were


How did Powhatan help the English stave off starvation?

He brought corn to the colony for barter.

Which action taken by King Charles I in 1629 convinced many Puritans their only hope of avoiding religious oppression in England was to emigrate?

He dissolved Parliament, in which many Puritans served.

Which statement describes the result of Martin Frobisher's expedition to northern Canada?

He returned to England with worthless ore.

Who held the largest treasure found in the New World before 1540?


Whom did Cortés enlist to help defeat the Mexicans in 1521?

Indians who resented Mexican rule

Why was corn an attractive crop in the ancient Americas?

It could be grown in a variety of conditions and had a high nutritional value.

Until the fifteenth century, cities in which European nation dominated trade with the Far East?


Who established an unsuccessful colony along the St. Lawrence River in 1541?

Jacques Cartier

Who argued that the Puritans should be "a city upon a hill" that would inspire the rest of the world?

John Winthrop

Who was responsible for granting the land necessary for England to begin colonization in North America?

King James

By the 1670s, the Chesapeake social structure was polarized along which lines?

Land ownership

Which statement describes the primary reason immigrants generally settled in the middle colonies, specifically in Pennsylvania?

Land was abundantly available to purchase.

Which group dominated the commercial economy of New England in the eighteenth century?


Which major change occurred in New Netherland in 1664?

New Netherland became New York.

Which area did John Cabot claim for England in his search for a Northwest Passage?


Which European group first crossed the Atlantic in 1000 AD to build a short-lived fishing outpost in Newfoundland?


The majority of people who were accused of being witches were part of which demographic?

Older women

Which definition describes a yeoman farmer?

One whose small plot of land is worked by himself and his family

Who served as leaders of Quaker congregations?

Ordinary men and women

Which colony was known as "the best poor Man's Country in the World"?


Most indentured servants in the Chesapeake came from which group?

Poor men from England

In terms of wealth and political power, the dominant group in eighteenth-century Philadelphia society was

Quaker merchants

Which profitable export crop depended on the expertise of slaves brought from West Africa to Carolina?


In which southern colony did the black population outnumber the white population almost two to one?

South Carolina

Which country's government sponsored Christopher Columbus's 1492 exploration?


Which European power dominated the New World during the 1500s?

Spain, because it had the most colonial possessions

Who were the "Indians" that Columbus met at San Salvador?


Which technological advance aided European explorers by 1400?

The compass

Why did Europeans initially resist eating corn?

They did not like the way it tasted

Although experts debate the exact time people began migrating to North America, the first migrants probably arrived

between 20,000 BP and 15,000 BP

Experts believe that the Cahokians used woodhenges for

celestial observations

Indentured servants in the Chesapeake could have their servitude extended by years if they

committed to a crime

The fact that the Taino Indians Christopher Columbus encountered referred to corn as "life-giver" is evidence that

corn was an extremely important source of nutrition for ancient Americans.

Most of the Scots-Irish who came to the colonies were farm laborers or tenant farmers who were leaving behind

crop failures caused by numerous droughts.

Upon arriving on the Mexican mainland, Cortés decided to

destroy the ships that had brought him and his crew to the New World.

Which factor contributed to the high mortality rate of the Englishmen who made the first voyage to what would become Jamestown, Virginia?


In the 1460s, the Portuguese started a new system of plantation labor that would be carried into the New World by staffing the Cape Verde Islands with

enslaved Africans

The largest group of non-Christians in eighteenth-century North America was made up of

enslaved people

Portugal's early interest in exploration and expansion stemmed from its desire to

expel Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula.

Members of the eighteenth-century southern gentry set a cultural standard of

extravagant leisure

Seventeenth-century New England's most important export was


Which of these is a prudent estimate of the population of Native Americans in North America at the time of Columbus's arrival in the New World?

four million

After a servant completed an indenture, the employer was required to give that servant

freedom dues

The majority of the original settlers who came to Jamestown and the Virginia colony were

gentlemen and their servants

Early Woodland Indians obtained food by

hunting deer

Most of the immigrants to the Chesapeake region in the seventeenth century were

indentured servants

Under royal government in Virginia, the colony's inhabitants could vote for

local burgesses

According to Puritanism, dissent was a result of

mistaken beliefs

Archaic Indians who hunted the bison herds of the Great Plains were

nomads who moved constantly to track their prey.

The main source of food for Archaic peoples inhabiting the Great Basin was


During the 1500s, the most valuable export from New Spain was

precious metals.

During the seventeenth century, colonists called Native Americans either Indians or


How often did most eighteenth-century colonists go to church?

seldom or not at all

The Pilgrims who migrated to Plymouth colony were part of which religious following?


Seventeenth-century Chesapeake society was essentially a society of

servants and free workers

The Athapascan tribes—mainly Apache and Navajo—were

skillful warriors who preyed on the sedentary Pueblo Indians.

By 1700, the British Caribbean annually exported nearly fifty million pounds of


The huge increase in the slave population in the South during the second half of the eighteenth century can be attributed to natural increase and

the Atlantic slave trade.

Following the settlement at Plymouth, larger Puritan settlements in New England were sponsored by

the Massachusetts Bay Company

When Francisco Vásquez de Coronado ventured into the Southwest and Great Plains of North America, he was searching for

the Seven Cities of Cíbola.

The Mexica used an extensive tribute system to redistribute wealth from

the poor to the rich

While the eighteenth-century southern gentry privately looked down on poor whites, they publicly acknowledged them as

their equals by virtue of belonging to the white race.

Seventeenth-century colonists' view of nature was largely shaped by

their understanding of God and Satan.

Most Puritans who settled Massachusetts Bay colony were either farmers or


During most of the seventeenth century, New Netherland was

under the control of the Dutch.

After Massachusetts became a royal colony in 1691, the defining characteristic of Massachusetts citizenship became


Seventeenth-century scientists believed their discoveries of laws of nature

were a part of God's creation of the universe.

Most slaves brought to the southern colonies were

young men from Africa.

The Chaco people lived in a hot and dry climate at the intersection of present-day Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. What do the objects shown here suggest about how they took advantage of the region's harsh environment to maximize food production?

They relied on hunting, gathering, and agriculture to feed themselves.

Why did Columbus think that the inhabitants of the Caribbean islands would make good servants?

They were unarmed, friendly, and of good physical health.

Who left Massachusetts for Connecticut in 1636 after clashing with church leaders over the requirements for church membership?

Thomas Hooker

Which export crop drove the drastic demographic change in the Chesapeake between 1670 and 1700?


Virginia tobacco farmers confronted which major obstacle in the 1600s?

Too few workers

Which action did Opechancanough take only four years after the death of his brother, Powhatan?

Waged an attack on the English

Which group held the most exalted position in Mexican society?


Which statement describes the significance of zemis to the Taino?

Zemis were sculpted idols the Taino worshipped as their gods.

Unlike most other immigrant groups in American history, the migration to Puritan New England included

a great number of complete families

By 1676, King Philip's War left New England settlers with

an enduring hatred of Indians.

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