HIST 1302 Unit 2

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Which of the following did W.E.B. Du Bois say in his opposition to Marcus Garvey?

"[He] is the most dangerous enemy of the Negro Race....He is either a lunatic or a traitor."

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote about:

"real" life punctuated by the doomed, war-tainted love affairs of young Americans.

In 1900, approximately how many Americans lived in desperate poverty?

10 million

How many people were out of work in early 1933?

12 million

Charles A. Lindbergh Jr., a St. Louis-based mail pilot, made the first solo transatlantic flight, traveling from New York to Paris in:


In 1920, what percentage of homes in America had electricity?


In 1920, how many cars were registered in the United States?

8 million

In physics, the theory of relativity was developed and explained by:

Albert Einstein.

Harding's secretary of the Treasury, who pushed tax cuts for the wealthy, was:

Andrew Mellon.

To what did Wilson refer when he spoke of "the heart of the League"?

Article X, which would pledge members to consult on military and economic sanctions against aggressors

Of the following presidents, which one served as vice president?

Calvin Coolidge

During the 1924 presidential election:

Calvin Coolidge swept both the popular and electoral votes with decisive majorities.

During the midterm elections of 1918:

Democrats lost control of both houses of Congress.

All of the following were prophets of modern art and literature EXCEPT:

Edward Bellamy.

Which amendment to the Constitution is known as the Prohibition amendment?


Of the four presidential candidates in 1912, the one most likely to advocate government ownership of big business was:

Eugene Debs.

Who celebrated the jazz era's spontaneity and sensual vitality?

F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Roaring Twenties was dubbed the "Jazz Age" by:

F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Which court case or legal action brought the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments back to life?

Guinn v. United States (1915)

Why did Wilson travel around the country giving speeches in 1919?

He wanted to drum up support for his version of the war treaty.

Who created the Federal Radio Commission?

Herbert Hoover

Which of the following is true of the Lusitania?

It secretly carried weapons and ammunition in its cargo.

Which of the following is NOT true of the McNary-Haugen plan?

It was supported by Coolidge as a way to empower farmers.

As a result of the Scopes trial:

John T. Scopes was found guilty of teaching evolution.

As a result of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia:

Lenin concluded a separate peace with Germany.

Who was the New York nurse and midwife in the working-class tenements of Manhattan who observed many young mothers struggling to provide for their growing families?

Margaret Sanger

What were the professional baseball leagues for African Americans called?

Negro Leagues

In 1928, Democratic presidential nominee Alfred E. Smith was hurt by the fact that he was a(n):

New Yorker and a Roman Catholic.

The first radio station to begin broadcasting regularly scheduled programs was located in:


Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Great Depression?

Policy makers moved away from the gold standard.

The major forces behind the social gospel movement were:

Protestants and Catholics.

What was the major cause of the East St. Louis riot in 1917?

Racial tension over employment in a defense factory sparked the riot.

The originator of the "Wisconsin idea" of efficient government was:

Robert M. La Follette.

As a result of the Brownsville Riot in 1906:

Roosevelt discharged the entire regiment of African American soldiers.

All of the following statements regarding the coal strike of 1902 are true EXCEPT:

Roosevelt was too cozy with the coal industry.

The title of the novel that described the terrible conditions of the meatpacking industry was:

The Jungle.

Hemingway used the phrase "lost generation" as the epigraph in:

The Sun Also Rises (1926).

Wilson's Fourteen Points endorsed all of the following EXCEPT:

U.S. colonies in Africa and Asia.

The most important of all the mobilization agencies was the:

War Industries Board.

Whose campaign pledge stated he would "safeguard" America first?

Warren G. Harding

The desire to restore traditional values and social stability in 1920 led voters to elect as president:

Warren G. Harding.

The event that triggered World War I in Europe was:

a Serb's assassination of the Austrian archduke.

Woodrow Wilson was:

a college president.

Contrary to his party's tradition, President Taft called for:

a lower tariff.

The Seventeenth Amendment:

authorized the popular election of U.S. senators.

Which one of the following is associated with Detroit, Michigan?

automobile industry

All these innovations changed warfare during World War I EXCEPT:


Part of the reason for the stock market crash was the:

buying of great amounts of stock on margin.

Despite the many well-founded criticisms of Warren G. Harding as president, he was a visionary for his era in the field of:

civil rights.

The Red Scare of 1919-1920 was directed against:


The theories of relativity and quantum physics led people to:

deny the relevance of absolute values in society at large.

In his understanding of global issues, Wilson:

did have strong beliefs and principles.

During the early twentieth century, the nation's century-long isolation from European conflicts:


The Adamson Act of 1916:

established the eight-hour day for railroad workers.

Gertrude Stein was a(n):

experimentalist poet.

The muckrakers saw their primary objective as:

exposing social problems to the public.

The immigration quota laws passed in the 1920s:

favored immigrants from northern and western Europe.

Frances Willard lobbied for these issues important to woman EXCEPT:

for women to become ministers.

The Budget and Accounting Act of 1921:

formed a new Bureau of the Budget to streamline the process of preparing an annual federal budget.

In negotiating with the Big Four over many postwar territorial issues, President Wilson:

had to compromise his principle of self-determination.

The issue that made Taft seem to be a less reliable custodian of Roosevelt's conservation policies was Taft's:

handling of the Ballinger and Pinchot affair.

The Klan attracted all of the following groups EXCEPT:


In Texas, the Klan focused on:

imposing its severe view of righteous Protestant morality on others.

What event aided the further development of the airplane?

increased industrial efforts for World War I

The biggest scandal of the Harding administration:

involved the leasing of government-owned oil deposits to private companies.

Robert M. La Follette's 1924 presidential campaign:

is correctly represented by all of the above statements.

In the 1920s, labor unions:

lost a substantial number of members.

During the presidential election of 1916, the Republicans:

lost by a small margin.

The Underwood-Simmons Tariff:

lowered the average tariff and hence was supported by Wilson.

The tariff policy of the early 1920s:

made it harder for other nations to sell to the United States.

The novel This Side of Paradise concerned:

modernist student life at Princeton.

Congress established the Bureau of Corporations to:

monitor the activities of interstate corporations.

Between 1914 and 1918, World War I was directly responsible for the deaths of:

more than 20 million military personnel and civilians.

Modernists in art and literature recognized:

new technologies and embraced scientific discovery.

For all of his accomplishments and abilities, Woodrow Wilson had:

no experience or expertise in international relations before he was elected president.

In his 1920 campaign for president, Warren G. Harding said the country needed a return to:


As president, Taft:

opened more public lands in four years than Roosevelt had marked for conservation in nearly eight.

In 1917, a prohibition amendment to the Constitution:

passed Congress, then went to the states for ratification.

The congressional resolution for war:

passed overwhelmingly.

Progressives supported all of the following as measures to democratize government EXCEPT the:

poll tax.

Both government and industry recruited women to work in:

port cities' loading docks and on railway crews.

Political and social radicalism arose after World War I because:

postwar culture was entering an era of bewildering change.

Coolidge's administration was marked by:


The National Defense Act of 1916:

provided for the expansion of the U.S. Army.

Which of the following best describes the method used by most progressives to solve the problem of economic power and its abuses?

regulate big business

The German delegation at Versailles objected most bitterly to:

reparations for the entire war.

The 1924 immigration law:

set strict yearly limits on the number of immigrants allowed into the country.

The Harlem Renaissance:

sought to rediscover black folk culture.

During the 1908 presidential race:

the Democrats once again nominated William Jennings Bryan.

A major factor in Woodrow Wilson's victory in the 1912 presidential campaign was the fact that:

the Republican party had split in two.

Which one of the following is associated with Dayton, Tennessee?

the Scopes trial

The first place in the United States to extend equal voting to women was:

the Wyoming Territory.

The result in the presidential election of 1920 might be attributed to:

the fact that Americans in the 1920s were "tired of issues, sick at heart of ideals, and weary of being noble."

Of all the causes of the stock market crash of October 1929, the greatest culprit was:

the weak foundation of the 1920s economy.

Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were:

two Italian-born anarchists sentenced to death and executed even though there was doubt as to their guilt.

The Zimmerman telegram:

urged the Mexican government to invade the United States.

In the area of conservation, Theodore Roosevelt:

used the Forest Reserve Act to protect over 170 million acres of forest.

The Armory Show in 1913:

was a controversial exhibition of modern art.

President Wilson's response to the sinking of the Lusitania:

was a series of notes demanding that Germany stop such actions and pay reparations.

Frederick W. Taylor:

was an efficiency expert.

The movement of southern blacks to the North:

was called the "Great Migration."

The Food Administration:

was intended to increase agricultural production while reducing civilian food consumption.

The Universal Negro Improvement Association:

was led by Marcus Garvey.

The Treaty of Versailles:

was not agreeable to the Germans.

David C. Stephenson:

was the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan.

During the presidential election of 1912, William Howard Taft:

was the Republican candidate.

After encountering strong resistance, Mabel Puffer and Arthur Hazzard:

were never allowed to marry.

President Taft's domestic policies generated a storm of controversy:

within his own party.

At the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in 1911:

workers died as a result of a fire.

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