HIST 150 Ch.3 Study Guide

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In 323 B.C. Alexander died in Babylon from what?

Alcohol abuse and fever.

What happened during the Hellenistic World?

Ancient Middle Eastern and Greek civilizations joined in a manner that changed them both, the Eastern Mediterranean was dominated by Greek language and culture, and Kings ruled large kingdoms rather than citizens ruling independent city-states

Alexander's love of Greek culture, literature, and science seems to have come from his tutor by the name of....


Why did Demosthenes oppose the expansion of Macedonia under Philip II?

Because Philip threatened the traditional freedom and self-government of the polis

Why did Alexander turn back from his quest for the end of the known world?

Because his Macedonian troops refused to go beyond India.

How did the Hellenistic monarchs create a new economy in the easter Mediterranean?

By standardizing the currency, spreading new agricultural practices and products, and establishing royal monopolies in key industries to control production.

The southern Greek states were defeated by Philip II at the battle of...?


What did the Ptolemaic ruler o Egypt do?

Conducted their official business in Greek, while permitting traditional Egyptian culture to continue

What was the Hellenistic school of philosophy that advocated the rejection of the goods of this world in order to achieve happiness?


In which country was the greatest the many Alexandrias found?


What was the Alexandrian successor kingdom ruled over by his general Ptolemy and his successors?


What did Greek schools of the Hellenistic era do?

Emphasized Homer as the primary literary text.

What was the ruling class of the hellenistic monarchies made up of?

Greek/ Macedonians and those educated in Greek language and culture.

In order to consolidate his authority in Greece, what did Alexander do?

He publicly identified himself with the legendary Greek heroes, Heracles and Achillles

What did Alexander do during his conquest of the Persian Empire?

He was brutal in battle but generous in peace, he perfected the art of siege warfare, and he won every battle often against great odds.

What is the period of ancient Greek history that followed Alexander the Great called?


What happened to slavery during the Hellenistic period?

It increased in numbers and ethnic diversity.

What happened to Alexander's empire after his death?

It was divided by his generals into three main successor kingdoms.

Why was the Rosetta Stone important?

It was written in 3 scripts: Greek, cursive Egyptian, and hieroglyphics, permitting the translation of the Egyptian language.

The Hellenistic monarchy of the Seleucids had what?

Its economic basis control of Middle Eastern trade routes to the Mediterranean.

What did urban problems in the Hellenistic Age include?

Lack of public safety, poor sanitation, and uncertain food supply.

What did the Antigonids rule?


What did Hellenistic science do?

Made important advances in mathematics and astronomy

Philip II of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great did what?

Participated in several Greek wars after the Peloponnesian War, reformed the Macedonian army, especially the phalanx to make it more formidable, and hoped to unite the Greek city-states under his leadership

What is a good example of a Hellenistic royal city in both its planning and in its art?


In the Hellenistic Age, what were some changes experienced by the Greek poleis?

Professionals took over from citizens such activitites as soldier and athlete, the gap between rich and poor widened with the rich controlling politics, and many immigrants and freedmen became citizens which diluted the sense of community.

Hellenistic "New Comedy" plays generally contained what?

Romantic stories about the problems of everyday people.

What did the Seleucid dynasty rule?

The Asian part of Alexander's empire

What does Alexander's legacy include?

The blending of Greek and Asian culture which we call Hellenistic, the idea of a single great empire of many peoples ruled by one king, and an ideal of heroic military genius emulated by many subsequent leaders.

What is the Alexandrian monument regarded as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world?

The lighthouse, or Pharos

What was true of the increasingly diverse Hellenistic world?

The ruling class though Greek in language and culture was open to non-Greeks who acquired Greek culture and language, women could travel more freely and participate in the arts, and blacks were more often represented in the visual arts.

What is a major difference between "classical" Greek art and the art of the Hellenistic era?

The tendency towards realistic rather than idealistic portrayal in sculpture

What was an unexpected consequence of Alexander's conquests and the subsequent breakup of his empire?

The unification of most of India under Chandragupta Maurya and Asoka

What were women allowed to do during the Hellenistic period?

They were allowed freer access to economic and cultural professions

Macedonia was...

a Greek speaking kingdom north of Greece but not thought of as Greek by those who lived in a polis.

The southern Greek states, the self-described "civilized" Greeks, regarded the Macedonians as...

backward because they did not have the political life of the city-states.

Why did the Maccabees lead a Jewish revolt against King Antiochus IV?

because he attempted to hellenized the Jews and violated the Temple with an altar to Zeus.

Philip II dreamed of conquering Persia, but why did he not do so?

because he was assassinated under circumstances that have never been clearly explained.

In Egypt, Alexander.....

was declared to be the god Ammon and crowned as pharaoh

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