HIST 2301.100 Exam 1

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Seven Years War

(1756-1763 CE) Known also as the French and Indian war. It was the war between the French and their Indian allies and the English that proved the English to be the more dominant force of what was to be the United States both commercially and in terms of controlled regions.

put these battles or events in order in the chart. then tell which side won each battle:

1. Battle of Gonzales/ Texans Won 2. Capture (Battle) of Goliad/ Texans Won 3. Battle (Siege) of San Antonio/ Texans Won 4. Battle of the Alamo/ Mexicans Won 5. Goliad Massacre/ Mexicans Won6. Battle of San Jacinto/ Texans won

Name two mistakes Santa Anna made before or during Battle of San Jacinto

1. He separated himself from some of the troops (they split up).2. He let his army take siesta (nap or rest)

Three reasons given in class that Texas became a Republic and not a U.S. state

1. US occupied with economic panic of 18372. Feared annexation would mean trouble w/mexico 2. Mexico refused to recognize Treaty of Velasco 3. Texas used slaves to grow cotton

Explain the significance of each of the following people

1. William Goyens- free black man in Texas. 2. Mary Maverick- Texas pioneer and author of memoirs 3. Chief Bowles- leader of Cherokee tribes. 4. Texas Rangers- First law enforcement officers of Texas. 5. Lorenzo De Zavala- was a Tejano

during the convention of 1836, what 4 important decisions or actions were taken by the leaders of TX?

1. they're fighting for independence. 2. the wrote the Texas declaration of independence. 3. they wrote the Texas Constitution. 4. They established the ad interim (provisional, or temporary) government and selected leaders until proper elections could be held at a later date.

by the 1770 the united the Norteno Indian alliance could field ----- warriors versus the Spanish forces that numbered--- in the entire province of Tejas


Agricultural Revolution

100 B.C. to 800 A.D. Shift from the culture of hunting and gathering to farming

James Polk

11th President of the United States from Tennessee; committed to westward expansion; led the country during the Mexican War; U.S. annexed Texas and took over Oregon during his administration

How long did Battle of San Jancito last?

18 minutes

Gutierrez-Magee Expedition

1811Joint Mexican-US filibustering expedition against Spanish Texas during the early years of the Mexican War of Independence.

Annexation of TX

1845. Joint resolution of Congress, US annex and grant statehood to Texas (independence in 1836)

Martín Perfecto de Cos

19th-century Mexican general. He was married to Lucinda López de Santa Anna, sister of Antonio López de Santa Anna. Was apart of the siege on the Alamo. Mexican general who wanted to punish the rebelsMarched to La Bahia (Golaid) and occupied it before going to San Antonio

list the four presidents of the republic of Texas in order.

1st Houston1. tried peace treaties with the Native Americans, but Congress did not approve. 2. save money! cut government spending. print a lot of paper money. 3. Favors (likes) the idea of the U.S. annexing Texas. 2nd Lamar 1. kick the Native Americans out, or kill them. 2. spent a lot of money (especially on the military).print a lot of money. sets money aside for public education (that's why he's the father of Texas education"). 3. opposes (against) the annexation of Texas by the U.S. able to get Great Britain to recognize Texas. 3rd Houston 1. peace treaties were approved this time around. 2. Again, cut government spending 3. still tried to get Texas annexed by the U.S. 4th Jones1. follows Houston's peace treaties. 2. Follows Houston's economic policies. 3. able to convince the U.S. to annex Texas. we enter the U.S. as the 28th state.

Convention of 1836

44 delegates attended the first day with 59 delegates total At Washington-on-the-Brazos Wrote the Constitution of the Republic of Texas and declared independence from Mexico

James Fannin

A Colonel during the Texas Revolution of 1835-36. After being outnumbered and surrendering to Mexican forces at the Battle of Coleto Creek, Colonel Fannin and nearly all his 344 men were executed soon afterward at Goliad, Texas, under Santa Anna's orders for all rebels to be executed.

William B. Travis

A Lieutenant Colonel in the Texas army who took command of the Alamo after Neill's leave of absence. Shared command of the Alamo with James Bowie until he fell ill and Travis led the over 180 volunteers and army men through Santa Anna's attack on the Alamo. Gave Sam Houston time to organize his army "Victory or death"

Tadeo Ortiz de Ayala

A Mexican official that informed Mexican authorities of Texas' vast economic potential.It's natural resources and agricultural potential were unmatched anywhere in the Mexican Republic.its loss could be devastating to the mexican economic future and forever relegate mexico economically subordinate to the US.

Francita Alavez

A Mexican woman who helped Texans escape during the Goliad massacre known as the angel of Goliad

James C. Neill

A colonel in the Texas Army and the commander of the Alamo Hero at the battle of San Antonio who became the Alamo's commander.Realized the significance of the Alamo as the only fort between Santa Anna and eastern Texas. He worked considerably hard to build the Alamo's defense by requesting more men, which brought William B. Travis, Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie to the mission in San Antonio.From North Carolina


A device used for hunting Paleo-Indian's solution for the bow and arrow

Álvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca

A fourth survivor of the Narvaez expedition Shipwrecked then captured by a tribe Escaped and traveled two years across Texas


A group of Native Americans in the southwest who refused to go to the reservation, attacking settlers in Arizona and New Mexico. Came from NMThrived in High Plains and Mountain and Basin RegionsAggressiveNomadicPrimarily hunters

What was the main impact of the arrival of the french at their Ft. St. Louis settlement near Matagorda Bay? A) the Spanish began to move into Texas with missions, presdios, and settlements after ignoring the region for so long b) the Spanish withdrew all of their troops and settlements from Texas C) the French were able to establish dominance over the Gulf coast region of Texas for over 50 years D) slavery was soon outlawed in Texas

A) the Spanish began to move into Texas with missions, presdios, and settlements after ignoring the region for so long

Zebulon Pike

American soldier and explorer whom Pikes Peak in Colorada is named. His Pike expedition often compared to the lewis and Clark expedition, mapped much of the southern portion of the Louisianna Purchase

Adams-Onís Treaty

An 1819 treaty in which John Quincy Adams persuaded Spain to cede the Florida territory to the United States. In return, the American government accepted Spain's claim to Texas and agreed to a compromise on the western boundary for the state of Louisiana.

Jim Bowie

An American killed while fighting at the Battle of the Alamo during the Texas War for Independence; he has a knife named after him. He had pneumonia during the battle. American solider who played a huge part in the defense of the Alamo


An adventurer who engages in a private rebellious activity in a foreign country.

John D. Bradburn

Anglo serving in the Mexican army His job was to assist with collections of customs, to establish a town and a garrison, to prevent smuggling on the Trinity and San Jacinto Rivers, to prevent illegal immigration from the US in accord with the new immigration law A mercenary soldier who served the centralist cause in Mexico

Major ethnic groups in Mexican Texas

Anglos (Americans), Black Americans, Native Americans (Plains Indians lasted the longest/Caddos the shortest), Hispanics

last Indian group to migrate into what is now Texas


Houston 1st admin defense and Native policy

Army of 3600 men, militia, and navy. Militia power up after army size reduced due to budget cuts. Militia unsuccessful against Natives, so Houston made TX Rangers - elite police force for special missions. Peace policy with Natives (sympathetic bc lived with them earlier). Most Texans viewed them as a nuisance who wouldn't let them move west smh :/

The overall experience of the Spanish period in Texas tends to show that A) a major theme of the period was one of cooperation between the Spanish and Native Americans B) the Spanish viewed Texas primarily as a buffer region to protect Mexico C) African slavery was a vital part of Spanish society from the beginning

B) the Spanish viewed Texas primarily as a buffer region to protect Mexico

Which Battle happened on April 21, 1836?


Battle of Gonzales

Beginning of Texas revolution. Texans repulsed a detachment of Mexican cavalry. 1835 The people of Gonzales were ordered to surrender a small cannon to Mexico First battle of the war "come and take it"

Of the following, who was not at the Alamo at the time it fell to Mexican forces?

Ben Milam

Juan Seguin

Born in 1806. He was an outspoken champion of the Texans' demand for more self-government, and very critical of the dictatorial policies of President Santa Anna. On February 3, 1836, he was among the twenty-five men who accompanied Colonel William Travis into the Alamo. Then on the night of February 25, after the Alamo was surrounded, he was chosen to carry an urgent plea for reinforcements to the Texan commander at Gonzales.

Texas Colonization Law

Both Americans and Mexicans could immigrate to Texas, Settlers received a league of pasture and a labor for cultivation- exempt from taxes Expected to enrich the country by having successful farms and ranches

Which of the following Indian groups were primarily farmers?


St. Denís

Canadian trader who was sent to Texas by the French to open trade with the Caddo tribes, Spanish authorities arrested him, Said that the French and Spanish could work together and they founded four new missions

Lamar admin movement of capital

Capital moved to Austin bc wanted to remove power from Houston's supporters up north. Wanted a central location to encourage settlement Westward.

Chief Duwali

Cherokee chief killed at the Battle of Neches.

The ______________________ was a stone projectile tip used by Paleo-Indians to hunt large game.

Clovis point

after Spanish mission was destroyed by a group of Indians, the Spanish sent out a large army under the command of who? And the Spanish expedition was badly beaten by which group of Indians? and how?

Colonel Parilla/Nortenos/armed with French guns

Lamar admin Council House Fight

Comanche vs. TX Rangers bc Comanche captured white ppl. Killed lots of Comanche warriors.

The Spanish entered into an alliance with which group of Indians and other Norteno Plains Indians against the Apaches


Sam Houston

Commander of the Texas army at the battle of San Jacinto; later elected president of the Republic of Texas Elected general of the Texas army Won the Battle of San Jacinto President of Texas twice

Neutral Ground Agreement

Compromise between U.S. and Mexico that created a neutral zone between Arroyo Hondo and Sabine River that stopped border clashes between military patrols.

American Triad/Three Sisters

Corn or maize, beans and squash Crops all native to America that women domesticated Growers planted all three seeds in one mound

Which Spanish military officer led the group of four stranded men who became the first non-Native Americans to set foot in Texas? A) Francsico de Coranado B) Henando de Soto C) Marcos de Niza D) Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca

D) Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca

while in Texas this person served as a shaman (or healer)

De Vaca

Write a brief description of the Battle of San Jacinto, including the few days before and day after. (4-7 sentences)

Deaf Smith captures a Mexican messenger who happened to have detailed Santa Anna's plans. this is how he found out that Santa Anna's troops had split up. Sam Houston heads east and orders Deaf Smith to burn Vince's bridge. now, the Texans must wait for the right time to stage a sneak attack (while the Mexican troops were resting). the Battle lasted 18 minutes. 500-600 Mexicans were killed; 9 Texans were killed. 700 Mexicans were taken prisoner. Santa Anna is taken to Sam Houston, who decides not to kill Santa Anna.

what was very common when Europeans encountered Indians all over the New World, that almost resulted in Da Vaca's death


Lipan Apaches

Dominant band of Apaches

Wichita Indians

Dominated North Central Plains Related to Caddos3 Main groups: Tawakonis Taorayas Waco

Luis Juchereau St. Denis was a A) famous spanish artist who emigrated to Texas B) Spanish viceroy who governed all of New Spain including Texas C) French entertainer who traveled about Texas putting on shows for money and praise; D) British explorer who established a British outpost at the mouth of the Nueces River to the great annoyance of Spanish officials E) none of the above.

E) none of the above.

What did Santa Anna order to be done with the Texans being held captive at Presidio La Bahia at Goliad?


Caddo location, beliefs and lifestyle

East Texas and Louisiana Hasinai were most significant tribe Built temples on top of mounds- believed in one god or great spirit who created the world called Caddi-Ayo and in a devil called Caddaja. They worshipped corn, Mother Earth, rain and fire Politics: Hereditary chief, caddi- xinesi= high chief By 1100 AD, they started declining and by 1300AD disappeared altogether

Republic of Fredonia/Fredonian Rebellion

Edwards, when he lost his grant, declared independence from Mexico Nacogdoches was his headquarters The revolutionaries fled when the Mexicans reached Nacogdoches in 1827Some say this was a precursor to the Texas Revolution

El Turco

El Turco (The Turk), so named by Spaniards because of his appearance, was a captive of Indians at Cicúique, an Indian town near the site of contemporary Pecos, New Mexico. He was presented to Capt. Hernando de Alvarado, an officer of Francisco Vázquez de Coronado, in 1540. In Spanish hands, the Turk described a region toward the east known as Quivira, which possessed much gold, silver, and rich fabrics. Coronado employed the Turk as a guide on his trek in 1541 from New Mexico into the Texas Panhandle and beyond to the area of present-day Kansas.


Emigration Agents Agents who were contracted by the Mexican republic to bring settlers to Texas in the early 1800s

Why did the Texians and Tejanos rebel against the Mexican government in 1835? Where did at least two major battles take place and what were the outcomes of each? Explain the final sequence of events that led to Texas becoming a nation.

Empresarios contracts not fulfilled American Immigration prohibited Importation of slaves prohibited Mexican troop presence around colonies Originally Methodists had to turn to Catholicism Later arriving colonists prejudiced against Mexicans No respect for Mexican government or military's, Military always involved in coups, Two Conventions ignored by govt, Santa Anna became dictator, Battle of Gonzales-Come and take it-First battle in revolution, Siege of Bexar (1st battle of San Antonio)-Ben Milam led army-Drove out Mexicans-100 of 400 stayed, Battle of the Alamo-Almost all Texans died, Battle of San Jacinto-Texians defeat Mexican army in 19 minutes-630 Mexicans killed-Santa Anna captured, Final Sequence, Santa Anna, under captive signed Treaty of Velasco. Mexican army retreated. Became republic because they couldn't join US

The Karankawas primarily acquired their food from Buffalo hunting.


The Norteño Alliance between the Spanish and Comanche proved to be a strong deterrent to the expansion of French trading influence from neighboring Louisiana into north Texas.



Favored a republic where states have more power than the federal government

The Republic's major problems

Financial stability- the war left Texas with no money at all Foreign diplomacy- no nations would recognize Texas as sovereign Held Santa Anna captive for a while until they returned him to Mexico via President Andrew Jackson

Sieur de La Salle

First Frenchman to go into the interior of the US, Claimed the MS river valley for France- named Louisiana, Challenged Spain's rule of the land, Ship got wrecked and he didn't make it very far


First black to see Texas, Learned the native's sign language to communicate with them, Became a celebrity in Mexico City

Guadalupe Victoria

First president of the Republic of Mexico, He joined Father Hidalgo's revolt in 1811Ruled under republic ideals- giving the people much freedom

what was the major source of food for the Karankawa peoples?

Fish and Shellfish

Regulation of 1772

Following the "regulation for the presidios" (1772) the spanish government:ordered the abandonment of the east texas settlements.established a sting of settlements along the rio grande.formed an alliance with the apache to defend san Antonio against Anglo Americans. reinforced the settlements and presidios of east Texas to protect the area against French missions.​

Houston 2nd admin Black Bean Episode

Foreign minister convinced execution of only 1 out of every 10 prisoners. 159 white beans, 17 black beans, if you got a black bean u ded bruh.

Moses Austin

Founder of the lead industry in America, Wanted to bring 300 Catholic settlers to Texas, Died before he assumed the land

Father Massenet

French Catholic missionary, Established the San Francisco de los Tejas, Failed because of the Spanish mistreatment of the Indians

Green De Witt

From Kentucky and was given a grant like Austin's in 1825 to bring 400 families to Texas Brought 130+ families to Texas by 1831 The second most successful empresario in Texas He established the colony to the west of Austin

James Long

From Virginia, Led a filibustering expedition related to the western boundary of the LA territory

Haden Edwards

From Virginia- southern planter aristocracy Got a contract in 1825 for 800 families in eastern Texas with Nacogdoches being the main urban center He showed contempt for Mexican law and his land grant was annulled in 1826 Ordered to leave Texas by Governor Victor Blanco

Who was the top general of Mexican Army?


Stephen Austin

Got the land in Texas after his father's death, Had to go to Mexico City to negotiate the land grant

Of the following, who had an empresario grant annulled by Mexican authorities?

Haden Edwards

Father Miguel Hidalgo

Hidalgo began to unite the creoles, mestizos and Indians against the peninsulares because they formed a large land-holding aristocracy that dominated all politics and economics Fought against the Spanish government and was executed on July 30, 1811

Consultation of 1835

In November of 1835 Texas delegates met to discuss the future of Texas (declare independence or stay loyal to Mexico). They created the Declaration of November 7 that issued an ultimatum to Mexico, as well as established a provisional state government.

what did Da Vaca call Galveston Island, and what was the reaction of the nearby Indians when he and the other Spaniards failed in their attempt to sail off the island?

Island of Misfortune/they sat down and wept for half an hour

Whose decision was it to build up the Alamo with artillery captured from the Mexicans after the Battle of San Antonio and convert the Alamo into a makeshift fortress?

James C. Neill

Who was the commander of the Texas troops at the Goliad Massacre?

James Fannin

Jose Urrea

Jose Urrea led his men toward Goliad defeating two groups of Texan soldiers. Urrea got orders from Sant Anna to kill all his captives at Goliad. He did so leading his men into what's now called the Goliad Massacre. He fought more battles than any other leader in the Mexican army

Which Native American group destroyed Sieur de la Salle's Fort Saint Louis?


Austin colony and the Karankawas

Karankawa raids were a huge problem. They stole horses and cattle and raided settlements. The Karankawas didn't like the intrusion into their territory. At first S. Austin tried to negotiate with them. When the Karankawas continued to raid, S. Austin organized the men into a militia to protect the colony.

Lamar admin Chief Duwali

Lamar thought he was part of conspiracy to destroy TX. Didn't back down bc had claims to Cherokee land for his tribe. Led resistance when TX army came to remove his tribe. Defeated and killed.

Houston 1st admin land policy

Land used to advantage. Gave away land to US settlers, settlers brought in tax money. Land offered to men who served in army. Had to live on land for 3 years to get official titlage. "GTT" = Gone to Texas

Francisco de Coronado

Led a Spanish expedition in the early 1540s to the Seven Cities of Cibola, Realized that the buildings weren't gold but adobe, Made the Indians convert to Catholicism

Multiple groups of Indians that lived in what is now South Texas sought refuge in the missions of San Antonio in part because they needed protection from their deadly enemy, which was what group of Indians

Lipan Apache

Karankawa location, beliefs and lifestyle

Lived south of the Karankawa Traveled wider than the Karankawa Finding food was their main problem All in the band were related; they functioned as equals with no social classes; the people remained with the group as long as they did not hurt their relatives/neighbors Declined after the Spaniards arrived

Lamar admin land policy

Lots of immigration. Empresarios founds lots of ppl to come. Most from US, France, and Germany. Gave lots of land.

While Houston's army was heading eastward away from the Mexican Army they were adding more?


Treaties of Velasco

May 1836 Two different components: one public, one private Agreed that fighting would stop, troops would be withdrawn, Mexico would not wage war of Texas again Santa Anna would recognize Texas as a sovereign nation Treaty was violated on both sides and nullified

Antonio López de Santa Anna

Mexican general who tried to crush the Texas revolt and who lost battles to Winfield Scott and Zachary Taylor in the Mexican War (1795-1876) Federalist president of Mexico trying to oust the Centralist government in Mexico cityTurned on Iturbide and called for a republic in 1822

Law of April 6, 1830

Mexican law that declared all Empresario contracts that had not been fulfilled void to stop further immigration from the US

Briefly describe what occurred at the Goliad Massacre.

Mexicans catch up to Texans and a battle begins. The Texans surrender in the hopes that they will be taken as prisoners of war and/ or deported back to the U.S. Gen Urrea had written to Santa Anna to ask to show them mercy, but Santa Anna denied his request and orders that the Texans be executed. they are marched out of the Presidio out into the open and fired upon by Mexican soldiers. They massacred more than 300 men. About 100 escaped in the chaos. Texans considered this massacre an atrocity, a cruel and brutal act.

_________ was a mexican priest who started the independence movement against Spain.

Miguel Hidalgo

In the mid-1680s, Rene Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, lead expedition from France to North America. what was his destination? and where did he land up instead?

Mississippi River/on the Gulf Coast of what is now Texas


Most of the colonists brought livestock with them, The first ranchers were missionaries who received grants from the King who just supervised Native Americans Then private ranches--> then cattle drives By the 1780s mission ranches declined and private ranches started ascending

Houston's 1st admin diplomacy

Needed to get foreign recognition of the Republic of TX. Couldn't get credit fro feign loans or sell its lands without it. Slaveholding prevented Andrew Jackson from immediately annexing TX. MX saw TX as a "state in rebellion".

Jumano location, beliefs and lifestyle

New Mexico, Mexico and West Texas Lived on farms- corn, squash, beans and pumpkins Relied heavily on buffalo Part of a vast trade network Declined in the 1600s and disappeared by the 1700s

in the mid-1750s which alliance destroyed the Spanish missions and what was the mission called?

Norteno Indians/Mission San Saba

Somervell Expedition

Ordered by Houston, Alexander Somervell organizes a militia and invades Mexico. Texas's successful attempt to run the Mexican Army across the Rio Grande

Battle of Coleto Creek/Goliad Massacre

Ordered by Sam Houston to retreat from Goliad, Col. James W. Fannin and his men are trapped by Mexican forces in the middle of a prairie near Coleto Creek. Outnumbered and with no protection, the Texians surrender to General Urrea. Mar 27, 1836 Mexican soldiers execute James Fannin and 344 of his men near Goliad. Twenty-eight Texians escape and tell of the Goliad Massacre

Augustín de Iturbide

Organized an army to overthrow Spanish rule Became the first ruler of Mexico

Peninsulares, creoles, and mestizos

Peninsulares- Spanish people born in Spain Creoles- Spanish people born in America Mestizos- people with both Spanish and Indian blood

Sam Houston knew his army was too small, didn't have enough supplies, and not trained enough to fight the Mexican army right after the fall of the Alamo, so he ordered his army to do what?


Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara

Rebel leader sent to U.S. for money and supplies


Religious settlements run by Catholic priests and friars

Who ordered Fannin to bring his troops from Goliad and meet up with the rest of the Texas army so that they could fight the Mexican army together later?


Who was the general of Texas Army?


Through small by modern means, _____________proved to be the largest and most important town in Texas by the end of the Spanish period.

San Antonio

The "mother mission" of the Spanish mission system in Texas during the 18th century was created just south of the Rio Grande (south of what is today Piedras Negras) in 1700 by Father Francisco Hidalgo. This mission was?

San Juan Bautista

The Vasquez and Woll Raids

Santa Anna sent Vasquez to capture San Antonio, claimed it for MX. Vasquez left, but then Woll came and captured it again and took 60 prisoners. Alexander Somervell captured Guerrero, but disbanded expedition bc no point.

Causes of the Revolution

Santa Anna's coup Texan contempt for Mexican and political and social systems- refused to adopt Catholicism, supported slavery Ethnocentrism

Character of the rebel army

Small, weak, lack of unified leadership, disorganized

Lamar admin public education

Sold 4 leagues of land from each county to get $ for schools. 50 leagues for UT and Baylor.

Establishment of San Antonio and La Bahía

Spanish founded San Antonio so that its commander could watch over New Spain's efforts of East Texas La Bahia was founded by Spaniard Domingo Ramon

Joaquin de Arredondo

Spanish general who defeted Republic Army after Father Hildalgo's death Led the Spanish to victory against the weakened Republic of the North Led a campaign of revenge against Tejanos in 1813ish


Spanish military bases built to protect the missions

Marques de Aguayo

Spanish official ordered to retake East Texas after the war with France and founded the Presidio los Adaes

Sam Houston was at the Convention of 1836 when which famous battle was happening?


How did many Americans react to the news of the events of the Goliad Massacre?


What is the name of the agreement that allowed United States to annex Texas?


Houston 1st admin fiscal policy

Taxes on imported goods, property, and livestock. Econ Panic of 1837 made it difficult for stuff to enter TX. Printed promissory money. Mass inflation, so cut costs in govt (esp. TX army).

Lamar admin Native policy

Terrible. Spent too much money on trying to get rid of em. Removal bc wanted "Anglo expansion"

Ben Milam

Texan who led charge to "conquer" San Antonio (Dec 1835) "Who'll follow old Ben Milam into San Antonio?" Led 400 Texians into San Antonio to drive out Mexicans. General Perfecto Cos surrendered Many left after leaving ~100 in San Antonio

Santa Anna's siege of the Alamo

Texans were vastly outnumbered Santa Anna won 1800 Mexican troops storm the Alamo and kill all rebel combatants in a battle that lasts only ninety minutes. A handful of women, children and slaves are the only survivors.

Midland Minnie

The "first mother of Texas"Found her bones on Scharbauer Ranch near Midland37,000 years old

What was the Runaway Scrape?

The Anglos settlers (Texans) were afraid of Santa Anna and his troops after the Texans defeat at the Alamo, so they fled Texas as Santa Anna's army approached. Early 1836 Began with the Siege and Fall of the Alamo and ending with the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21.It was a period of terror and panic among the settlements of Texas, as Santa Anna and the Mexican armies swept eastward from San Antonio, virtually unopposed.

War and Peace Party

The Consultation's main purpose was to decide the overall goals of the revolution. Members of the War Party advocated for complete independence from Mexico, while Peace Party representatives wished for Texas to remain part of Mexico, but only under the 1824 Constitution of Mexico.

Battle of San Jacinto

The battle that won the Texas Revolution in April of 1836. The city of Cincinnati gave General Houston two cannons, which represented the United States support of the Texan's efforts. Santa Anna's line of defense buckled and the entire battle was won in 18 minutes.

Texan siege of San Antonio

The siege lasts for weeks, but the Mexican surrender one of the few Texan victories. Stephen Austin in charge and has Travis set up Alamo for defense. Desertion set in and many of the troop go home after no conflict. Oct 28, 1835Texian forces led by Stephen F. Austin advanced to San Antonio where General Cos was 90 Texans led by Jim Bowie and James Fannin fought, Cos lead a surprise attack on the Texans but The Texans drove off the Mexicans Began the siege of Bexar

Plains Indian use of the buffalo

They returned the buffalo to the ground via a sun dance

Colonization Law of 1825

This law promoted colonization and immigration to Texas. New settlers did not have to pay taxes for 10 years. Only requirements were to be Catholic and Mexican citizens of good character.

Why did San Jacinto end up being the final battle of the Texas revolution?

This was when Santa Anna was finally captured and since he is president of Mexico he has authority to end the war.


Traditional monarchy Included the aristocracy, military and church leaders Had a tight hold on political power

Houston 2nd admin Mier Expedition

Unauthorized counter-offensive mission to rescue prisoners of Vasquez-Woll led by William Fisher. Captured by MX and sent to MX City for execution, some escaped, but most recaptured and about to be killed. Led to Black Bean Episode

Davy Crockett

United States frontiersman and Tennessee politician who died at the siege of the Alamo (1786-1836) Survived Alamo battle, killed under Santa Anna's orders

Where was the Convention of 1836?


Lamar admin Santa Fe expedition

Wanted to block US westward expansion and save it for TX, as well as get MX recognition and block US trade. Immediate surrender upon reaching Santa Fe

Adams-Onis Treaty Line

Western boundary of the Louisiana Territory that excluded Texas

________________________ was the commander of the Texas rebels at the Alamo at the time of Santa Anna's final assault.

William Travis (he also died there)

Whose decision was it to build up the Alamo with artillery captured from the Mexicans after the Battle of San Antonio and convert the Alamo into a makeshift fortress? a) James C. Neill b) William Travis c) Sam Houston d) Lorenzo de Zavala

a) James C. Neill

Before the outbreak of the Texas Revolution, James Fannin led the bloodless attack on a Mexican army garrison at the port of Anahuac that was much criticized by many Texans.

b) False

Stephen Austin strongly supported the Fredonian Rebellion. a) True b) False

b) False

The Federalists in Mexican politics during the years after Mexican independence from Spain favored a strong central government at the expense of the states. a) True b) False

b) False

The Fredonian Rebellion led General Manuel de Mier y Teran's inspection visit of Texas, which led directly to _______________________. a) the Alamo Siege b) the Law of April 6, 1830 c) the Battle of Gonzales d) none of the above

b) the Law of April 6, 1830

Council House Fight

battle in 1840 between Texans and the Comanche after the Comanche did not release all of their captives

______________________ served as the leader of a company of Tejano volunteers in Sam Houston's army during the Texas Revolution. a) Jose Urrea b) Manuel de Mier y Teran c) Juan Seguin d) Rafael Montero

c) Juan Seguin

___________________ received the first empresario grant for Texas from the Spanish government. a) Lorenzo de Zavala b) Baron de Bastrop c) Moses Austin d) Juan Seguín.

c) Moses Austin

John D. Bradburn was _____________________. a) a Federalist politician in favor of American immigration into Texas b) a Texas politician who argued strongly for Texas independence c) a mercenary who served the Centralist cause in Texas d) an American filibuster who hoped to seize Texas from Mexico.

c) a mercenary who served the Centralist cause in Texas

After the fall of the Alamo, _______________________. a) James Fannin's forces marched straight to San Antonio; b) many Texas leaders strongly considered tearing up the Texas Declaration of Independence signed at the Convention of 1836; c) many panicked civilians joined the so-called "Runaway Scrape" into Louisiana; d) none of the above occurred.

c) many panicked civilians joined the so-called "Runaway Scrape" into Louisiana;

The Mexican government official Tadeo Ortiz de Ayala favored a policy of _________________________ during the Mexican Period. a) allowing unlimited immigration of Americans and slaves into Texas b) cutting off all trade between Texas and the outside world to promote domestic industries in Texas c) recruiting sizeable numbers of Europeans to immigrate into Texas d) annihilation of all Native American groups in Texas

c) recruiting sizeable numbers of Europeans to immigrate into Texas

what was the so-called war in 1719, where the few Spanish soldiers and missionaries in East Texas retreat to the small settlement of the mission and presidio of San Antonio de Bexar

chicken war

The powerful combination of _________________ are known as the American Triad of the agricultural revolution.

corn, beans, and squash

according to Barr, the alliance of Norteno Indians killed so few Spanish b/c they considered the Spanish what?

cowards and inferior, unworthy of warrior death

Of all the Native American groups in Texas during the Mexican Period, the most resilient against efforts to drive them completely from their areas of control proved to be the _______________________. a) Wichita b) Karankawa c) Comanche d) Jumanos

d) Jumanos

The slave Joe who survived the attack upon the Alamo had been the slave servant of ___________________ before the battle when he was released by Santa Anna and eventually disappeared from history. a) Sam Houston b) Jim Bowie c) Davy Crockett d) William Travis.

d) William Travis.

To Anglo settlers in Texas, the strongest objection to the Law of April 6, 1830 was: a) the immediate emancipation of all slaves/indentured servants in Texas b) the merging of Texas with Coahuila into the new state of Coahuila y Tejas c) the nullification of all empresario grants in Texas d) an immigration ban making further American migration into Texas illegal

d) an immigration ban making further American migration into Texas illegal

During the Texas Revolution, Lorenzo de Zavala was a Mexican politician and empresario who ______________________. a) became the Texas ambassador to the United States b) turned out to be a spy for Santa Anna c) served as the leader of anti-Santa Anna Tejano scouts d) was appointed the first Vice President of the Republic of Texas

d) was appointed the first Vice President of the Republic of Texas

During the Mexican period, settlers in the Texas empresario colonies, with the assistance of Mexican troops, succeeded in ______________________.

driving out the original Karankawa, Tonkawa, and Wichita inhabitants from the region.

Which of the following was the least populous ethnic group in Texas during the Mexican Period (1820s to mid-1830s)? a) Anglos b) Hispanics c) African slaves d) Indians e) Germans

e) Germans

what persuaded Spain in the 1690s to try and settle the remote area of its New World territory, what is now known as the northeastern part of Texas

fear of French

who claimed the interior of North America between the Spanish possessions of Florida and Colonial Mexico (included present-day Texas)


Manuel de Mier y Teran

gives a report on settlers in TX; says that Anglo settlers were not respecting Mexican laws or assimilating into the Mexican culture General who expressed concern over American Influence in East Texas

Scattered parts of Mexico, including ultimately Texas, revolted against Santa Anna because ___________

he ended the previous Mexican Constitution and abolished the states

Mier Expedition

invasion of Mexico led by Somerville during Houston's second term that ended with Texans being captured and forced to draw beans to determine who would be executed

What was the most important facts in understanding Texas history between 1528 and 1693?

lack of mineral wealth, distance from Mexico City, difficult Indian population worked against a permanent Spanish presence in this corner of North America

Agustín de Iturbide

led the Creole army against the rebels than switched sides and joined the rebels, declared Mexico's independence in 1821 , made himself emperor, is overthrown in 1823 and Mexico becomes a republic


lived in South Plains; fierce fighters; learned to ride horses and hunted buffalo Most dominant group west of Mississippi River by 1750 Very Aggressive Nomadic Power derived from horse culture Hunters and Traders

in March 1756 a large group of 2000 Indians warriors, including Caddos, Tonkawas, Wichitas, and Comanches, encircled what mission and burned it down? and who created this mission?

mission San Saba/Franciscans

what was Spain's primary means of extending its occupation of New Spain northward across an ever-expanding northeastern frontier?

missionary-presidio system

Which of the following reflects public opinion in Texas initially when Santa Anna seized control of the Mexican government?

most Texans wanted to declare independence and fight Santa Anna immediately if they had to do so

According to Barr, by the 1720s and 1730s, what had saved the Spanish settlements among the Caddoan people, that they traded with the Caddo, thus incorporating the Spanish into the economy of the Caddo

raise livestock

Shamans held high status in Native American societies because of

the belief that they could communicate with supernatural forces

The treaties that were signed to end the Texas Revolution (the ones we made Santa Anna sign) were called

the treaties of velacso

The Jumanos were particularly noted for ________________

their extensive trade networks

Santa Anna's decision to attack the Alamo was ___________________.

was a mistake in hindsight because of the heavy losses his army incurred and the incentive for revenge that he instilled into the rebel forces

Anson Jones

was the last president of Texas and was key in getting Texas annexed into the U.S.

Susanna Dickinson

wife of a Texas soldier and a survivor of the Siege of the Alamo. Wife of Almeron Dickenson Arrived in Gonzales the same day as Sam Houston March 11

In Caddo society who had the authority in the households in which they lived


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