HIST B1 InQuizitive

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Identify ways by which the Civil War profoundly changed the South.

-Correct Answer(s) *It destroyed many of the modes of transportation within the South. *It destroyed the southern economy and cut its productivity in half. *It led to a bankruptcy crisis in the former Confederacy.

Identify the wartime measures taken by the federal government during the Civil War and their impact on agriculture and industry in the North.

-Morrill Land Grant Act *supported the teaching of agriculture and "mechanic arts" by providing federal aid to state-supported colleges and universities that taught these subjects -Department of Agriculture *created a federal agency that reported to the president to aid farmers and insure the food supply -Homestead Act *granted 160 acres of public land to settlers who would work the land for five years -Contract Labor Act *encouraged the importation of immigrant labor

Identify the main advantages each side had during the Civil War.

-Union advantages *industrial development and *infrastructure four-to-one advantage in human resources -Confederate advantages *geography and knowledge of the terrain *defensive war

Put the following key emancipation efforts in chronological order.

1. Lincoln abolished slavery in Washington DC. 2. Union wins Battle at Antietam. 3. Lincoln signs Emancipation Proclamation. 4. Battle of Fredericksburg begins. 5. New York draft day riots break out.

So many men were away fighting the war in the South that the home front became largely the domain of women, children, and slaves.


While the Civil War did not begin as a war to end slavery, the ending of that institution with the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment was its most important result.


A southern newspaper wrote, "The cards are in our hands ... And we intend to play them out to the bankruptcy of every cotton factory in Great Britain and France for the acknowledgement of our independence." What does this quotation reveal about "cotton diplomacy"?

Confederacy believed that demand for southern cotton would result in the British and French joining its side in the war.

Confederate conscription laws included loophole provisions. Under what circumstances was a southern male citizen within the conscription age range exempt from military service?

Correct Answer(s) *A draftee could provide an able-bodied substitute who was not of draft age. *A draftee could pay $500 in cash toward the war effort, instead of serving in the military. *Elected officials, key civilian officials, and planters with over twenty slaves were exempt from service. Incorrect Answer(s) *Conscientious objectors were permitted to abstain from fighting if it clashed with their religious beliefs.

Identify some of the Union initiatives passed in Congress as a result of the power shift from the South to the North, as well as how these initiatives affected the nation's economy.

Correct Answer(s) *A higher tariff bill to raise government revenue protected and encouraged the growth of American industry. *The construction of a transcontinental railroad connected goods and markets across the country. *A new federal banking system to create paper money put a national currency into place, over currencies distributed by state banks. Incorrect Answer(s) *An act gave 160 acres of land for five years to individuals interested in learning agricultural skills.

Why was the Civil War considered the first "modern" war?

Correct Answer(s) *A variety of new weapons were used in battle that could kill more accurately and at greater distances. *Civilians could follow the status of the war through newspapers and photo exhibits. *Innovations in communications such as the telegraph were developed for military use. Incorrect Answer(s) *Civilians could keep track of the dead and wounded through weekly memos that were released to local governments. *The "modern woman" emerged and was completely dedicated to maintaining the home for her husband's return.

The Confederate leaders had to make up for the disparity in manpower between the Confederacy and the Union. How was military conscription used in an attempt to overcome this disadvantage?

Correct Answer(s) *Early in the war, all southern white males between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five were declared members of the army for three years. *Members of the military before the conscription date were forced to serve out the duration of the war. *As the need for manpower increased, Confederate leaders expanded the age range of those who could be drafted into military service to men between the ages of seventeen and fifty. Incorrect Answer(s) *The Confederacy began constructing slave regiments to increase its manpower.

Identify how Robert E. Lee responded to the Battle of Vicksburg.

Correct Answer(s) *He would strike again into the North to force a Union retreat from Vicksburg to defend its home territory. *He sought to develop a military strategy that would persuade Copperhead Democrats to end the war. Incorrect Answer(s) *He would surround the Union army in Vicksburg, force them to enter the city, and subjugate them to the same treatment endured by Rebel soldiers. *He would retreat South to devise a plan for a single infantry division to sneak into the city of Vicksburg and lead a counterattack against the Union soldiers outside the city.

How did the end of the war change the political landscape of the United States?

Correct Answer(s) *It shifted the political balance of power from the South to the North. *It greatly expanded the federal budget and transformed the government into the nation's largest employer. *It expanded the power and scope of the federal government. Incorrect Answer(s) *It expanded the power of northern states over the federal government as Union soldiers returned home and began participating in local politics.

Identify the elements of the Union military's Anaconda Plan.

Correct Answer(s) *The Army of the Potomac defended Washington, D.C. against Confederate encroachment, while advancing on the Confederate capital at Richmond. *The Federal navy blockaded southern ports to keep the Confederacy from accessing foreign goods and weapons. *Union forces divided the Confederacy by advancing along the crucial inland water routes via the Mississippi, Tennessee, and Cumberland Rivers. Incorrect Answer(s) *The Union commanders used conscription recruitment to raise multiple armies that immediately advanced on the capitals of every Confederate state, constricting the South. *The Union enlisted Confederate defectors to serve as spies in exchange for clemency for themselves and their families.

Identify the elements of the Confederate war strategy at the beginning of the Civil War.

Correct Answer(s) *The Confederate leadership wanted to prolong the war as long as possible. *The Confederacy counted on northern Confederate sympathizers to exert pressure on the Union government to end the war effort. *The Confederacy wanted to use British and French demand for southern cotton to persuade them to support the Confederate cause. Incorrect Answer(s) *The Confederacy used its naval warships to defend merchant ships carrying cotton between Europe and the South.

Identify the reasons the Union believed at the beginning of the war that its industrial development would ensure a Union victory.

Correct Answer(s) *The Union states produced 97 percent of the nation's firearms. *The Union's railroad infrastructure allowed the Union to move supplies and troops over land more effectively than the Confederacy. *At the outset of the Civil War, the Union had 90 naval warships, while the Confederacy had no navy; this fleet allowed the Union to blockade southern ports and to easily transport troops via inland rivers into southern territory. Incorrect Answer(s) *The Union had more experienced military leaders and cavalry commanders.

Identify how the necessities of the Union army changed the way the nation approached food.

Correct Answer(s) *The canning industry was created in response to the Union army's requirement of massive amounts of food. *Farming expanded west, as the Homestead Act encouraged settlers to claim billions of acres of federal lands. *Chicago was transformed into the meatpacking capital of the world. Incorrect Answer(s) *A new fixation on fresh food emerged after the war, as the country had endured years of stored meals. *After the war, the nation was able to transform its food preservation industry from canned to plastic storage.

Six generals and 1,750 soldiers were lost in Pickett's Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg. What impact did this "grand charge" have on the Confederate cause?

Correct Answer(s) *The charge was a great failure for the Confederacy, which forced the Rebel army to retreat to Virginia. *It was the final assault on the Union lines during the Battle of Gettysburg. Incorrect Answer(s) *The charge was the first assault by the Confederate army that sparked the ensuing Battle of Gettysburg. *The charge provided the opportunity for the Union army to chase the Confederates back to Virginia.

In 1862, General Robert E. Lee took the war into Union territory at the Battle of Antietam outside Sharpsburg, Maryland. What were the ramifications of the Battle of Antietam for the course of the Civil War?

Correct Answer(s) *The results of the battle dashed Confederate hopes of establishing an alliance with Britain and France. *The Antietam victory for the Union allowed President Lincoln to make the Emancipation Proclamation without it appearing to be an act of desperation. *The Union's ability to repel the Confederate invasion greatly improved morale among Union troops. Incorrect Answer(s) *The battle decisively crushed the Confederacy's will to fight, and subsequently ended the Civil War.

Identify the congressional reforms passed to address the war's substantial cost for the Union.

Correct Answer(s) *printing paper money *raising taxes *selling government bonds to investors Incorrect Answer(s) *seeking reparations from former Confederate states in the form of southern slaves

After the fall of Fort Sumter and the outbreak of the Civil War, civilian supporters of the Union and the Confederacy alike wanted their respective forces to advance slowly and cautiously to avoid an early defeat and to spare as many American lives as possible.


Most southerners fought for the Union during the Civil War.


President Lincoln was equally dedicated to ending both the abomination of slavery and the Confederate secessionist rebellion.


The Confederate soldiers at Vicksburg faced horror and hardship rather than consider surrendering to the Union.


The fighting in the Civil War was deeply personal and battles took place in extremely close quarters.


What was President Lincoln's primary motivation for directly attacking the institution of slavery?

Following numerous Union defeats in the South, Lincoln moved to weaken the Confederacy by dismantling the institution of slavery because "we must free the slaves or ourselves be subdued."

Complete the passage describing the differences between black and white soldiers serving in the Union military during the American Civil War.

Following the Militia Act of 1862, the Union allowed blacks to enlist in the Union army. Within the Union military, white and black soldiers were considered unequal. Black soldiers received $7 a month, compared to white soldiers who received $16. Additionally, white Union troops were eligible for a signing bonus, while black recruits were not.

Complete the passage below describing one of the most significant battles between the Union and Confederate forces during the American Civil War.

In the Battle of Vicksburg, General Ulysses S. Grant sought to exhaust the surrounded Confederate army through an artillery bombardment as well as through starvation. Residents of the city, along with Confederate soldiers, were trapped and could not be resupplied with ammunition and food. Rebel soldiers resorted to eating their horses and mules, with their commander describing the situation as "hopeless".

Why did a New York newspaper report that Lincoln's bid in the 1864 election was now "in the hands of General Grant, and the failure of the General will be the overthrow of the president"?

Lincoln brought Ulysses S. Grant to the capital and gave him overall command of the Union army.

Complete the passage below describing the first major battle between Union and Confederate forces during the Civil War.

The early sentiment in the North that Union soldiers could "go down South for three months and clean up the whole business" was destroyed at the First Battle of Bull Run—the first large-scale military engagement between Union and Confederate armies. Hundreds of civilians rode to the site of the battle to watch the spectacle. First Bull Run. Moments before battle, a spectator in a top hat chats with Union soldiers (bottom right), while an artist sketches the passing troops heading to war (at left). Both sides fought hard and at first the Union thought it had won the entire war with this single victory, but when Confederate troops arrived, General "Stonewall" Jackson directed his forces to charge the Union lines, yelling "like furies," and caused a panic in the Union troops who retreated. The Confederate victory gave the early advantage in the war to the South, as a Union victory now became far from certain and crushed the belief that this would be a short war.

Complete the passage below describing the differences between the composition of the Union and Confederate armed forces.

The nineteenth-century U.S. Army was organized into regiments of about 1,000 soldiers. The Union forces contained a large number of foreign-born troops, roughly 25 percent. Union soldiers. Smoking their pipes, these soldiers share a moment of rest and a bottle of whiskey. Many units in the Union army were comprised of entirely one ethnic group. In many cases these units were drawn from the same local community, with soldiers fighting side by side with neighbors and relatives. The Confederacy's armed forces, conversely, overwhelming consisted of white southerners who were drafted into service.

Complete the passage below describing the human loss experienced during Civil War.

The unprecedented scope and scale of the Civil War reached across the continent. Few families were unaffected by the war, as one in every twelve men served. While twice as many American soldiers were killed in the Civil War as were killed in the Second World War, disease, rather than battle, was the greatest threat to soldiers.

According to Senator John Sherman, the war resulted in capitalists like J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and Andrew Carnegie, who imagined making "millions as confidently as formerly of thousands" after the war.


One contemporary journalist wrote, "No conflict in history was such a woman's war as the Civil War." Identify the ways in which women contributed to the war efforts that support this statement.

Women played prominent roles in the war, ranging from working as nurses to supporting the freedman's aid movement.

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