HIST CH 25-28

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What ethnic group was the most impoverished in the US in the 1930s?

Native Americans

Name the two places Japan was totally dependent on for oil

The US and Dutch East indies

Why did the Truman administration worry about the situation in Greece?

They believed that corruption in Greece would infect Iran and all to the east and south, and that America was in a position to break up the Soviets plan.

Why did the British favor a perimeter approach to the attack on Nazi Germany?

They remembered the heavy causalities of trench warfare in WWI and wanted to protect their route to India

Why were Republicans able to dominate politics in the 1920s, controlling both the presidency and congress?

They shifted their traditions, not going back to the laissez-faire tradition of the 19th century, instead they were pioneering a close relationship between government and private business

Who coined the term "Iron Curtain"? What did that mean?

Winston Churchill; to refer to the boundary in Europe that divided Soviet dominated Eastern and Central Europe from Western Europe.

Where did the Allies plan to meet for the final plans to defeat Germany in February 1945?

Yalta (at the Yalta conference)


became as crucial as production; there was a heavy reliance on advertising and annual changes seeking to bring in more customers.

What enabled Democrats to take control of the federal government in the 1932 elections?

-Farmers and workers, Protestants and Catholics, immigrants and native-born rallied behind a new leader who promised to restore prosperity -Republicans had been discredited

Who were the two candidates in the 1948 election? Who won? What event helped the winner?

-Harry Truman and Thomas E. Dewey -Truman won -During the election, held at the height of the Berlin crisis, the GOP failed to challenge Truman's conduct of the Cold War. The people saw no reason to reject a president who countered aggression overseas with Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan.

What were some of the factors to help create the Red Scare?

-Heightened nationalism of WWI found a new target in Communism -Russian Revolution of 1917 and triumph of Marxism frightened many Americans -A growing turn to Communism among American radicals, especially foreign born, heightened these fears -Labor unrest seemed to magnify their influence

Social Security Act

1935 act that established a system of old age, unemployment, and survivors' insurance funded by wage and payroll taxes.

Wagner Act

1935 act, formerly known as the National Labor Relations Act, created the National Labor Relations Board to supervise union elections and designate winning unions as official bargaining agents. The board could also issue cease-and-desist orders to employers who dealt unfairly with their workers.

Why did President Truman decide to use atomic weapons against Japan? What was the unintended consequence of the use of atomic bomb to defeat Japan?

To end WWII as quickly and effortlessly as possible, as well as to save American lives and revenger for Pearl Harbor The Us virtually guaranteed a post-war arms race with the Soviet Union

What treaty did the Senate reject that left the US out of the League of Nations?

Treaty of Versailles

Where was one of the deadliest and most destructive attacks on African Americans in the 1920s? Why did the attack take place?

Tulsa, OK in 1921 The African American community in the city has grown comparatively prosperous with the wealthiest black community in the nation known as the "Black Wall Street." Tulsa's white population responded with resentment.

How did the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) depart form traditional US foreign policy?

Jan 1949 Pres. Truman called for a boarder defense pact; 10 European nations joined the US and Canada in signing the North Atlantic Treaty in DC on April 4, 1949. The US has not signed such a treaty since the French Alliance in the 18th century, which caused debate, but the Senate ratified it in July by vote of 82 to 13.

What effect did the 1930s immigration policies have on immigration to the US from Mexico?

Immigrations officials used technicalities to halt and even reverse the flow across the Rio Grande; nearly 500,000 Mexicans were deported in the 1930s, including families with children born in the US.


In 1941, Congress gave President Franklin D. Roosevelt the authority to sell, lend, lease, or transfer war materials to any country whose defense he declared vital to that of the United States.

Bonus Army

In June 1932, a group of 20,000 WWI veterans marched on DC to demand immediate payment for their "adjusted compensation" bonuses voted by Congress in 1924. Congress rejected their demands and President Hoover had them forcibly dispersed.

What is meant by buying stocks on margin?

Investors are borrowing money from their broker to purchase stock shares (i.e. credit)

Who denounced Roosevelt's lend-lease policy?

Isolationists; they found it unnecessary and untruthful

How did mass production affect dress, food, and furniture?

It promoted uniformity and standardization; everyone has the same car, groceries, dress, and furniture as everybody else and differences began to disappear. Even regional accents were threatened by radio.

How did the New Deal affect American industrial workers?

It provided them the means to organize and bargain for their benefits


June 6, 1944: the day Allied troops crossed the English channel and opened a second front in western Europe during WWII. The "D" stands for "disembarkation" to leave a ship and go ashore

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

One of the most popular New Deal programs, the CCC provided 300,000 young men between the ages of 18 and 25 with government jobs in reforestation and other conservation projects.

Neutrality Acts

Originally designed to avoid American involvement in World War II by preventing loans to those countries taking part in the conflict; they were later modified in 1939 to allow aid to Great Britain and other Allied nations. required that all other trade with countries at war be conducted on a cash-and-carry basis


remote American outpost 1,000+ miles west of Pearl Harbor; location of major naval battle in the Asian part of the war, the Americans sank 4 Japanese aircraft carriers

What was the basic strategy of the US throughout the Cold War?

retain economic and strategic advantages over the Soviet Union

Zoot Suit Riots

riots in 1943 in which white sailors attacked Mexican-American youths dressed in their distinctive outfits. It was a result of a minor confrontation in downtown LA that escalated into a chase across the city in which sailors and other service men hunted "panuchos." Police eventually stopped the unrest, but arrested primarily Mexican-American youths.

What was the Japanese objective at the Battle of Midway?

to destroy what remained of the American Pacific Fleet

Manhattan Project

top-secret government project to develop the first atomic bomb

What two countries signed a nonaggression treaty to divide Poland?

Germany and Russia

What did FDR propose to overcome the Supreme Court's threat to the New Deal?

"Court-packing" scheme: he declared the court was falling behind schedule because of the age of its members and asked Congress to appoint new justice for each member of the court over the age of 70, up to a max of 6.

Benito Mussolini

(1883-1945) Italian leader. He founded the Italian Fascist Party, and sided with Hitler and Germany in World War II. In 1945 he was overthrown and assassinated by the Italian Resistance. Fascist dictator of Italy (1922-1943). He led Italy to conquer Ethiopia (1935), joined Germany in the Axis pact (1936), and allied Italy with Germany in World War II. He was overthrown in 1943 when the Allies invaded Italy.

What were some of the factors to produce enormous growth in consumer spending?

-After a brief post war depression, a great boom began and the industrial output nearly doubled -National per capita income increased by 30% (Americans were the highest paid workers in history) -Credit installment sparked purchasing sprees

Why did President Truman give up trying to influence the course of events in China by 1947?

-China broke out in a full scale civil war -political mediation failed -military intervention was out of the question so soon after WWII -continued American economic aid served only to appease domestic supporters of Chiang, as 80% of the military supplies ended up in Communist hands.

How did FDR show support for African Americans?

-FDR's appointment of prominent African American to high-ranking position. Additionally, Eleanor Roosevelt denounced racial discrimination throughout the decade. -Most influential factor the New Deal provided assistance up to 40% of the nation's blacks during Great Depression. He did more aid to the suppressed minority than any president since President Lincoln.

Winston Churchill

A noted British statesman who led Britain throughout most of World War II and along with Roosevelt planned many Allied campaigns. He predicted an iron curtain that would separate Communist Europe from the rest of the West.

According to the Ku Klux Klan, who was the ideal American?

"native born, white, gentile Americans"

Axis Powers

Alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan during World War II

What created racial tensions and led to a race riot in Detroit in 1943?

-Many African Americans moved from the rural south to northern and western cities finding jobs in automobile, aircraft, and shipbuilding industries. This led to limited housing and recreational facilities for both black and white war workers and created tensions that led to urban race riots. -On Sunday June 1943 blacks and whites exchanged insults and blows near Belle Isle Park in Detroit lasting 24 hours until National guard arrived. 23 blacks and 9 whites died.

What factors led to Hitler's rise to power?

-Shrewd and charismatic personality -capitalized on both domestic discontent and bitterness over WWI -blamed Jews for Germany's ills and asserted the supremacy of "Arayan" race -Took Germany out of League of Nations, reoccupied Rhine land, and formally denounced Treaty of Versailles -rearmament and boasts of uniting all Germans into Great Third Reich

What were some of the unintended consequences of prohibition?

-Speakeasies, bootleggers, and bathtub gin -Crime rose sharply as people broke the law to gain access to alcoholic beverages -Violent shootouts

How were families affected by changes sweeping American society in the 1920s?

-The average family became smaller with the easier access of birth control methods -More married women had jobs, bringing in more income and also allowing more freedom -Young people were able to experience adolescence as a stage of life vs working; HS education was no longer uncommon and college attendance increased (also teenage/young adult rebellion increased)

Why did sales in the automobile industry begin to slump in the late 1920s?

-The market was saturated -Advertisers tried to push new models/changes, attempting to make consumers dissatisfied with their current models to no avail -Overall, once people bought an item with a long life (durable good) they would not buy a new one for years.

What was the intention of the Baruch Plan? How did the Soviets respond to it?

-To control and eventually outlaw nuclear weapons and to preserve the American atomic monopoly indefinitely. -The Soviets responded predictably with a plan for total ban on producing and using the new weapon and destroying all existing bombs national self interest; not abandon position without surrendering vital interest; advocated immediate disarment of US.

What were some of the most significant factors causing the Great Depression?

-US factories produced more goods than Americans could consume, not because of over saturation, but because most Americans couldn't afford them. -Unstable economic conditions in Europe -Agriculture decline since 1919 -Corporate mismanagement -Excessive speculation

What was the premise of the defense policy statement NSC-68? What effect did it have on the US military spending?

-based on the premise that Soviet Union sought "to impose its absolute authority over the rest of the world" and thus :mortally challenged" the US. -The NSC-68 proposed increasing defense spending from $13 to $45 billion annually.

What battle was the first defeat of the modern Japanese navy? At what point was Japans defeat in evitable?

-battle of Midway -6 months later when the US was able to drive the Japanese out of the key island of Guadalcanal after suffering heavy losses.

why did America retreat into isolationism in the 1930s?

1.) The Depression made foreign policy seem remote and unimportant as unemployment increased and economic crisis intensified. Many people grew apathetic about events abroad. 2.) When the danger of war finally pernitrated American consciousness, it only strengthened the desire to stay out of it

What were the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937 intended to do?

1935: banned sale of arms to nations at war and warned Americans not to sail on belligerent ships 1936: banned loans to countries at war 1937: made these prohibitions permanent and required on a two-year trial basis that all trade, other than munitions, between the US and belligerent powers, to be conducted on cash-and-carry basis.

What percentage of African Americans supported FDR in the 1936 election?


Teapot Dome Scandal

A 1924 scandal in which Secretary oft he Interior Albert Fall was convicted of accepting bribes in exchange for leasing government-owned oil lands in Wyoming (Teapot Dome) and California (Elks Hill) to private businessmen.

Tennessee Valley Authority

A New Deal effort created in 1933 to build dams and power plants on the TN river. Its programs helped raise the standard of living for millions in the TN River Valley

Red Scare

A period of general fear of communists; a wave of anticommunist, anti foreign, and anti labor hysteria that swept over America in 1919. It resulted in the deportation of many alien residents and violated the civil liberties of many of its victims.


A policy of favoring native-born individuals over foreign-born ones

Ku Klux Klan

A secret terrorist society first organized in TN in 1866. The original Klan's goals were to disenfranchise African Americans, stop Reconstruction, and restore the prewar social order of the South. The KKK reformed in the 20th century to promote white superemacy and combat aliens, Catholics, and Jews.

New Deal

A series of reforms enacted by the Franklin Roosevelt administration between 1933 and 1942 with the goal of ending the Great Depression.

Yalta Conference

A war time conference in Feb 1945 in which the Allies agreed to final plans for the defeat of Germany and the terms of its occupation. The Soviets agreed to allow free elections in Poland, but these were never held.

What was the intended purpose of the National Security Council (NSC)?

To advise the president regarding the nation's security.

What was FDR's first great New Deal victory?

After just 10 days he saved the nation's banks; he issued a decree closing the banks and called Congress back into session. His aids presented new banking legislation and both Houses passed it within hours and FDR signed it. The measure provided for government supervision and aid to banks. Strong ones would reopen with federal support and weak ones closed. Government loans bolstered those in difficulty.

What industry was in decline in the 1920s?

Agriculture; by 1921 farm exports fell by more than $2 billion.

Scopes Trial

Also called the "monkey trial" the 1924 trial was a contest between modern liberalism and religious fundamentalism. John T. Scopes was prosecuted for teaching Darwinian evolution in defiance of the TN state law. He was found guilty and fined $100. Scope's conviction was later set aside as a technicality.

Harlem Renaissance

An African American cultural, literary, and artistic movement centered in Harlem, in NYC in the 1920s. Harlem, the largest black community in the world outside of Africa, was considered the cultural capital of African Americans

Which Secretary of the Treasury pressed for repealing an excess profit on tax corporations and cutting personal income taxes on the rich?

Andrew Mellon

A. Mitchell Palmer

Attorney General who organized and implemented law enforcement raids against suspected communists and other radicals in 1919-20. The Palmer Raids, part of the nationwide Red Scare, involved the arrest of over 3,000 persons and the deportation of nearly 500 resident aliens.

What country did Germany seize in a bloodless coup in March of 1938?


What author helped define the "New Negro Movement"?

Authors Zora Neale Hurston and Langston Hughes

Japanese concentration camps

Camps in the U.S. Where Japanese were held after Pearl Harbor was bombed and the U.S. Assumed that they were spys


Camps of the homeless sprang up all over America during the early 1930s. Their inhabitants called them ______ in mocking reference to the president.

Court Packing Scheme

Concerned that the conservative Supreme Court might declare all his New Deal programs unconstitutional, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to allow him to appoint additional justices to the Court. Both Congress and the public rejected this "court-packing" scheme.

What was the fundamental disagreement between the US and the Soviet Union in 1945?

Control over post-war Europe; For two years the nations tried to negotiate their differences over the division of Europe and the atomic bomb.

Why did Roosevelt create a second front in Europe by the end of 1942?

Eager to keep Russia in the war


First U.S. land victory over the Japanese

Who developed a scheme to assist the elderly?

Francis Townsend; The Townsend Plan: giving everyone over the age of 60 a monthly pension of $200 with the stipulation that it must be spent within 30 days.

Charles de Gaulle

French general and statesman who became very popular during World War II as the leader of the Free French forces in exile (1890-1970) (a problem that FDR virtually ignored)

General Hideki Tojo

General who took power to Japan and was the architect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

What was Father Charles Coughlin's plan to combat the Great Depression?

He called for monetary inflation and nationalizing the banking system, denouncing the New Deal as a "Pagan Deal"

What were some of the policies Herbert Hoover looked to relieve the suffering of the employed?

He looked to local governments and private charities, and eventually with reluctance he agreed to federal assistance to business, but by then the Depression had become overwhelming.

What was Huey Long's plan to end poverty?

He spoke of taking form the rich to make "every man a king" guaranteeing each American a home worth $5,000 and an annual income of $2,500. To finance the plan, he advocated seizing all fortunes of more than $5 mill and taxing incomes greater than $1 mill at 100%

How did A. Philip Randolph pressure Roosevelt to end racial discrimination in the defense industry?

He threatened a massive march on Washington. FRD persuaded him to call off the march in return for an executive order creating the Fair Employment Practices Committee to ban racial discrimination in war industries.

Who were the two candidates in the 1928 election?

Herbert Hoover and Alfred Smith

What part of FDR's life history and background helped him understand the suffering caused by the Great Depression?

His bout with Polio gave him an understanding of human suffering and a broad political appeal as a man who had overcome heavy odds.

Leyte Gulf

Largest naval battle of World War II; Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) mobilized nearly all of its remaining major naval vessels in an attempt to defeat the Allied invasion, but failed to achieve its objective, suffered very heavy losses, and never afterwards sailed to battle in comparable force; first battle in which Japanese aircraft carried out organized kamikaze attacks Japanese lost nearly all of their remaining ships

What best characterized President Coolidge's leadership style?


What did the prosecutor focus on in the Sacco/Vanzetti trial?

More for their radical idea than for any evidence of criminal conduct

Fire side chats

Radio addresses by President FDR from 1933-1944, in which he spoke to the American people about such issues as the banking crisis, social security, and WWII. The chats enhanced FDR's popularity among ordinary Americans.

According to the text, what was the key to the affluence of the 1920s?

Technology; assembly lines and electric motors replacing steam engines.

What Act led to the unification of the US armed services in an integrated system?

The National Security Act

What was the most important reform of the entire New Deal?

The Social Security Act

How did the Roosevelt administration at first deal with Japanese expansion in the Pacific?

The US employed economic sanctions to defend SE Asia against Japanese expansion; countered with economic pressure, Japan depended on the US for petroleum and scrap metal. in 1940 FDR set up licensing and quota system for exporting these crucial materials to Japan and banned the sale of aviation has altogether.

What were some of the causes of the Dust Bowl on the Plains?

The onset of group, heat, and terrible dust storms in the 1930s resulted in widespread crop failures.

How was the KKK in the 1920s different from the KKK of Reconstruction?

They were not just anti-black, but anti-alien (Italians, Russians, Jews, and Catholics) and they were also against women's new status

National Origins Quota Act

This 1924 law established a quota system that restricted immigration from Asia and southern and Eastern Europe and reduced the annual total of immigrants.

National Recovery Administration

This New Deal agency was created in 1933 to promote economic recovery and revive industry during the Great Depression. It permitted manufacturers to establish industrywide codes of "fair business practices" setting princes and production levels. It also provided minimum wages and maximum hours for labor and guaranteed labor the right to organize and bargain collectively. The Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional in 1935

Cash and Carry

a tradition of wholesale trading whereby goods are paid for in full at the time of purchase and taken away by the purchaser

Second Industrial Revolution

also known as the Technological Revolution, was a phase of rapid industrialization, scientific discovery, standardization, and mass production in the final third of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th.

Who did Senator Nye say was responsible for American intervention in WWI?

bankers and munition makers; the senate committee revealed the enormous profits firms such as Dupont reaped from WWI

Why did Germany agree to the Nazi-Soviet Pact?

enabled Germany to avoid a two-front war

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