Hist. Ch. 5-8

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average age of the colonists in 1775

16 years

by the end of the 1700s the percentage of people living in rural areas of colonial America was

90 percent

close friend of king George III and official court painter, was buried in London's st. paul's cathedral

Benjamin west

best known for his portraits of George Washington, ran a museum, stuffed birds, and practiced dentistry

Charles Wilson peale

the coureurs de bois were

French fur trappers

the great awakening led to the founding of what colleges

Princeton, Dartmouth, and rutgers

a pamphleteer who first organized committees to exchange ideas and information on resisting british policy

Samuel adams

the soldier and explorer whose leadership earned him the title "father of new france" was

Samuel de champlain

the American colonial exponents of republicanism argued that a just society depends on

a willingness to subordinate private interests to the common good

the leading industry in the Americas was


by 1775, most governors of American colonies were

appointed by the king

the one valuable resource in new france was


as a result of the seven years war, great britain

became the dominant power in north america

the most drastic measure of the intolerable acts was the

boston port act

during the seven years war,

british officials were disturbed by the lukewarm support of many colonials

one of the surest avenues to speedy wealth in the American colonies was

commercial ventures

change in colonial policy by the british government that helped precipitate the American revolution involved

compelling the American colonists to shoulder some of the financial costs of the empire

a casualty of the boston massacre

crispus attucks

asserted parliaments absolute power over the colonies

declaratory act

the new light preachers of the great awakening

delivered intensely emotional sermons

reasons that the thirteen colonies sought independence

distinctive social structures, economic structures, political structures and appearance of a recognizably American way of life

france was finally able to join in the scramble for colonies in the new world as a result of the

end of the religious wars

virtual representation meant that

every member of parliament represented all british subjects

true or false: the americans were dependent on the british officials in London to run their affairs


George Washington surrendered ___, general Edward braddock is defeated near ___, british troops capture ___ in their first significant victory of the French and indian war, and then general james wolfe's army defeats ___ on the plains of abraham

fort necessity, fort Duquesne, louisbourg, montcalm's

when William pitt became prime minister during the seven years war,

he focused his military strategy on the quebec-montreal area

when the british parliament passed the molasses act in 1733, it intended the act to

inhibit colonial trade with the French west indies

Benjamin franklins plan for the colonial home rule was rejected by the individual colonies because

it did not seem to give enough independence to the colonies

the tax on tea was retained when the Townshend acts were repealed because

it kept alive the principle of parliamentary taxation

the jury's decision in the case of john peter zenger, a newspaper printer, was significant because

it pointed the way to open public discussion

a Massachusetts politician who opposed the moderates' solution to the imperial crisis at the first continental congress

john adams

person who was regarded as a loyalist during the revolutionary war

john singleton copley

from Connecticut, was discouraged by his father as a youth ("Connecticut is not Athens")

john trumbull

the reason france needed control of ohio river valley was to

link its Canadian holdings with those of the lower ms valley

new England colonists were outraged when british diplomats returned _____ to france in 1748


an armed march in Philadelphia in 1764 protesting the quaker oligarchy's lenient policy toward the Indians was known as

march of the Paxton boys

the least honored profession in early colonial society


the pop. growth of the colonies by 1775 is attributed mostly to the

natural fertility of all americans

area where the Congregationalist denomination dominated

new england

population of the thirteen colonies was

perhaps the most diverse in the world, although it remained predominantly anglo-saxon

phillis wheatley was a


the scots-irish can best be described as

pugnacious, lawless, and individualistic

one feature common to all of the eventually rebellious colonies was their

rapidly growing populations

under the mercantilist system, the british government reserved the right to do what regarding the American colonies

restrict the passage of lax bankruptcy laws, nullify any colonial legislation deemed bad for the mercantilist system, restrain the colonies from printing paper currency, and enumerate products that must be shipped to britain

although manufacturing in the colonies was only of secondary importance, they did produce what?

rum, beaver hats, lumber and iron

Benjamin franklin was a


transportation in colonial America was

slow by any of the means available

on the eve of the revolution, social and economic mobility decreased, partly because

some merchants made huge profits as military suppliers

in 1760, colonial legislatures were so concerned about the dangers present in a heavy concentration of resentful slaves that they tried passing a legislation that would halt the further importation of slaves to their colony. however, this measure was blocked by british authorities, who sought to continue to provide the cheap labor. which colonial legislature sought this measure?

south carolina

the great awakening did what concerning churches

split colonial churches into several competing denominations

the great awakening was the first what

spontaneous mass movement of the people

with the defeat of chief Pontiac and his alliance, the british decided to

stabilize indian-white relations

act that generated the most protest in the colonies

stamp act

first british law intended to raise revenues in the colonies

sugar act

the first law ever passed by parliament for raising tax revenues in the colonies for the crown was

sugar act

arrange in chronological order: sugar act, declaratory act, stamp act, and repeal of the stamp act

sugar act, stamp act, declaratory act, repeal of the stamp act

under mercantilist doctrine, the American colonies were expected to

supply Britain with raw materials, furnish ships, seamen, and trade to bolster the royal navy's strength, provide a market for british manufactured goods, and refrain from exporting woolen cloth

when parliament passed the tea act, colonists

suspected that it was a trick to get them to violate their principle of "no taxation without representation"

list four naval stores

tar, pitch, rosin, and turpentine

the seven years war was also known in America as

the French and indian war

the Indians suffered from their association with the French in new france in what four ways

the decimation of their numbers by the white man's diseases, violation of their religious beliefs, debauchery by the white man's alcohol, and weakening of their traditional way of life

area where the Presbyterian denomination dominated

the frontier

the great awakening undermined whose prestige

the learned clergy in the colonies

the most ethnically diverse region of colonial America was _____, whereas _____ was the least ethnically diverse

the middle colonies, new england

most honored profession in early colonial society

the ministry

in north Carolina, spearheaded by the scots-irish, a small insurrection against eastern domination of the colony's affair was known as

the regulator movement

in colonial elections

the right to vote was reserved for property holders

area where the Anglican denomination dominated

the south

the first American college free from denominational control was

the university of pennsylvania

Jonathon Edwards was a


unlike the English colonies in America, in new france

there were no popularly elected assemblies

in some ways, the navigation laws were a burden to certain colonists because

they stifled economic initiative

the early wars between france and Britain in north America were notable for the

use of primitive guerrilla warfare

before 1763, the navigation laws

were only loosely enforced in the American colonies

the proclamation of 1763 was designed mainly to

work out a fair settlement with the indian problem

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