History 101 ch. 9 and 10

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Protestants who led organizations that made up the Benevolent Empire would most likely have agreed with which of the following statements made by Brownson?

". . . the people are fallible, both individually and collectively, and governed by their passions and interests, which not unfrequently lead them far astray, and produce much mischief."

In The Harmony of Interests (Document 10-4), Henry Carey's advocacy of "protection" included which of the following economic policies?

A high tariff and the American System

What does the data presented in these two tables suggest about what factor made it possible for the United States to develop a successful textile industry, despite its historic ties to Great Britain?

America's political independence and freedom to regulate its markets

How does John B. Morris characterize the railroads in his 1828 speech (source 1)?

As a boon to every aspect of life in the United States

The data presented in Table 9.1 support which of the following conclusions?

British domination of India led to its dependence on British cloth and a decline in its domestic textile industry during the nineteenth century.

According to Lyman Beecher, the influx of Catholics into the United States was dangerous for which of the following reasons?

Catholics would be more loyal to the Church than to the United States.

What did Thaddeus Stevens (source 2) suggest would happen if Pennsylvania provided universal free public education for its children?

Citizens will gain the knowledge they need to govern.

Henry Clay and the Whigs sought to renew the charter of the Second Bank of the United States before it expired so that they could split the Democratic Party before the 1832 election. Andrew Jackson successfully countered their strategy by explaining in Document 10-3 that his veto did which of the following?

Eliminated government subsidies to wealthy American and foreign stockholders

What, according to Toqueville, is the legal basis of American social equality and political democracy?

Equitable inheritance laws

Charles Finney's "Lectures on Systematic Theology" (Document 9-6) suggests that he conceived which of the following as his primary purpose as a minister?

He believed it was his job to convince people to accept the salvation that God offered them.

Which of Jackson's actions could counter Henry Clay's contention that Jackson aimed primarily to concentrate power in his own hands?

His appointment of Roger Taney as Chief Justice

Which of the following individuals would most likely have been sympathetic toward Toqueville's point of view?

John Quincy Adams

Which of the following groups would have been most likely to support Philip Hone's assessment of Andrew Jackson?

Northern textile manufacturers

According to the author of source 4, who bore the brunt of the impact of financing the railroads in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania taxpayers

Which of the authors included here agrees most closely with Henry Clay's assessment of Andrew Jackson?

Philip Hone

What does Martin Van Buren suggest in his autobiography (Document 10-1) about why political parties were "inseparable from free governments"?

Political parties were necessary to prevent those in power from abusing that power.

Which of the following messages did source 3 attempt to convey about the Camden and Amboy Railway?

Railroads are dirty, ugly, and dangerous and threaten Americans' health and property.

According to the lyrics of "The Waggoner's Curse" (source 5), what was the economic impact of the railroad industry in the United States?

Railroads put many workers out of work and facilitated immigration.

A historian considering all of these primary documents together would be most likely to make which of the following conclusions?

Railroads transformed the American economy, creating both massive wealth and serious economic and social displacement.

The arguments put forward by P.B. Porter in his "Speech on Internal Improvements" (Document 9-2) were specifically geared toward his advocacy of which of the following?

The Commonwealth System

What does Lucy Larcom's "Reminiscence" (Document 9-1) reveal about how the industrial revolution altered the lives of American women in New England in the 1830s and 1840s?

The Industrial Revolution increased single and widowed women's economic opportunities.

The artist who created the cartoon depicting Andrew Jackson as "King Andrew the First" (Document 10-5) did so in order to communicate which of the following messages to the American electorate?

The cartoon was an attack on Jackson designed to portray him as a dangerous monarch who, by vetoing the bank, overstepped his constitutional powers.

How did organizations like the American Temperance Society, whose Temperance Manual is excerpted in Document 9-5, characterize drunkenness?

The cause of the social problems that became increasingly visible in industrializing America

The artist who created the frontispiece for Matthew Hale Smith's Sunshine and Shadow in New York (Document 9-4) was aiming to convey which of the following messages?

The new wealth that emerged in industrializing cities was gained at the expense of the workers who were increasingly impoverished.

What does the author of source 1 suggest will occur if Pennsylvania provides universal free public education?

The poor will work less conscientiously.

What does Document 9-3, "Repeating Fire-Arms. A Day at the Armory of Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company," suggest about what was particularly interesting to both its author and its intended audience?

The ways that technological innovations had changed the production process

What argument did Beecher make about why Protestant clergymen posed no threat to the American republic?

They were chosen by and dependent upon American people for their economic support.

What was Alexis de Toqueville's view of democratic government in the United States?

Toqueville criticized democracy on the basis that it promoted social and political mediocrity.

The illustration of the passenger car depicted in source 2 was intended to convey which of the following messages about railroad transportation?

Train travel would be familiar, pleasant, and luxurious.

The data presented in Table 9.2 support which of the following conclusions?

Using the tariff, the U.S. Congress limited the importation of British cloth and nurtured the growth of the American textile industry in the nineteenth century.

According to the resolutions it issued after wresting control of the Tammany Hall meeting from the Democratic Party (Document 10-2), the Loco-Foco Party represented the interests of which of the following groups?


James Parton argues in his Preface to The Life of Andrew Jackson that the president was

a contradictory figure.

After examining all of the sources included here, a historian might come to the conclusion that

all Americans recognized that universal public education was potentially transformative.

When the Cherokee women wrote their 1831 petition opposing the Indian Removal policy (Document 10-6), they stated, "Although it is not common for our sex to take part in public measures, we nevertheless feel justified in expressing our sentiment on any subject where our interest is as much at stake as any other part of the community." This statement provides evidence of

assimilated Cherokees' adoption of white culture's gender roles.

According to the author of "Popular Education" (source 4), education was a necessary precondition for


According to Orestes Brownson, Catholicism was a superior religion to Protestantism because it

governed the people and provided for them a clear foundation for virtue and order.

Individuals like Judge Baker (source 5) believed that widespread education and literacy would

threaten the legal and social order in Virginia.

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