History 1300 Final Multiple Choice

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Shays' Rebellion showed the need for - a stronger national government. - improving relationships with England. - an end to slavery. - a kinder, gentler national government.

a stronger national government.

Which constitutional provision shows a lack of trust in the "people"? - The election provisions for the House of Representatives - The method of electing the president - The Supremacy Clause - The existence of a Supreme Court

- The method of electing the president

Which of the following is true of the "Era of Good Feeling"? - It resulted in a rise in nationalism and an end to sectionalism. - There was apparent political harmony. - There was an absence of economic debate. - There was a rise of strong loyalties toward one's state at the expense of the national government.

- There was apparent political harmony.

Andrew Jackson and his supporters won the election in 1828 for the following reasons, EXCEPT - orchestrating a massive publicity campaign. - selling Jackson as a "self-made" man. - appealing to the elite business men. - calling themselves Democrats to portray a more egalitarian image.

- appealing to the elite business men.

In 1823, the President issued a policy later known as the __________, which warned Spain and other European powers not to try to colonize the newly independent countries of Latin America.

Monroe Doctrine

Which of the following is true about slavery in the early nineteenth century South? - The internal trade threatened to separate slave families and destroy traditional slave communities. - More than half the white population owned slaves. - Most southern legislators did not own slaves. - Slavery was gradually dying out in the East as plantations moved West.

- The internal trade threatened to separate slave families and destroy traditional slave communities.

Which of the following was not a result of the Second Great Awakening? - Women becoming active in religion and charitable work - A growing rift and tension between Protestant denominations - The creation of independent black churches in the North - The founding of the New York Humane Society

- A growing rift and tension between Protestant denominations

Which of the following individuals is correctly matched with the office he held during Washington's first administration? - Henry Knox - Secretary of War - Thomas Jefferson - Secretary of State - John Adams - Vice President - Alexander Hamilton - Secretary of Treasury - All of the above

- All of the above

Which American characteristic played a major role in advancing technology in the early days of the American Industrial Revolution? - Republican motherhood - American ingenuity - Separation of church and state - Democracy

- American ingenuity

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the effect of canals and steamboats on the flow of goods and information during the 1830s? - Canals and steamboats had little effect on the nation's economic development. - The canals and steamboats cut in half most travel and communication time. - Newspapers, mail, and business communications traveled five times as fast as they had a decade earlier. - Farmers in the Old Northwest were able to ship ten times as much flour to the East in 1840 as they could in 1835.

- The canals and steamboats cut in half most travel and communication time.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the emergence of the textile industry in the United States? - British textile manufacturers readily sold patents for machinery to American textile mill owners. - American textile producers improved on British technology to increase production and profits. - American textile mills were unable to compete with British mills because America lacked the necessary natural resources. - American mechanics apprenticed in England to learn textile industrial technology so that they could return as master textile craftsmen in the rising American textile industry.

- American textile producers improved on British technology to increase production and profits.

What led to the Whiskey Rebellion? - The Panic of 1793. - An excise tax. - All of the above. - Farm foreclosures. - High interest rates.

- An excise tax.

Who of the following was most opposed to the ratification of the Constitution? - Merchants in the east - Citizens in the north with business and financial interests - Farmers on the frontier - People with strong religious convictions

- Farmers on the frontier

Which of the following was NOT part of the Missouri Compromise? - Keeping a balance between slave and free states in the Senate - Gradual emancipation of slaves already living in Missouri - The admission of Maine as a free state - Prohibiting slavery above the 36°30' line in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase territory

- Gradual emancipation of slaves already living in Missouri

The Barbary Wars resulted in all of the following EXCEPT - the burning of the USS Philadelphia. - Great Britain began to view the United States as a formidable naval power. - President Jefferson expanding executive power by fighting an undeclared war. - the United States no longer paying tribute to North African countries

- Great Britain began to view the United States as a formidable naval power.

The primary disagreement that led to the emergence of political parties in the mid-1790s was over - interstate trade. - the Alien and Sedition Acts. - Hamilton's suggestion for a national bank. - slavery. - Jay's Treaty.

- Hamilton's suggestion for a national bank.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes Andrew Jackson's intentions toward Native Americans? - He intended to force Native Americans to comply with federal treaties. - He meant to remove all Native Americans east of the Mississippi, even those who had adapted to white society. - He sought better relations with the "civilized" Indians of the Old Southwest since they considered him their "White Father." - He planned to encourage missionaries to convert the tribes east of the Mississippi River to Christianity and white culture.

- He meant to remove all Native Americans east of the Mississippi, even those who had adapted to white society.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes federal land price policies during 1790-1820? - Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans doubled the price per acre to discourage speculators from buying up most of the federal land. - The Federalist administrations dropped the minimum price per acre in order to encourage speculators to purchase larger tracts of land. - Jeffersonian Democrat-Republicans raised the price to $2 per acre and the minimum purchase requirement to 320 acres. - Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans passed laws that made it easier for farm families to buy land.

- Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans passed laws that made it easier for farm families to buy land.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the Federalists' response to the War of 1812? - Federalists, such as Daniel Webster, welcomed the high tariff brought by the war because it would help New England industries. - Most Federalists reluctantly supported the war because they knew that public opinion was favorable to the war and they wanted to do well in the upcoming midterm elections. - Almost all Federalists supported the war out of patriotism and a desire to acquire eastern Canada. - Most Federalists strongly opposed the war and some Federalists even considered amending the Constitution to prevent future wars or secession.

- Most Federalists strongly opposed the war and some Federalists even considered amending the Constitution to prevent future wars or secession.

Which of the following statements about the War of 1812 is not correct? - The British burned Washington D.C. in 1814 but failed to divide the American people. - New England militias eagerly and bravely fought in Canada and on the frontier. - First Lady Dolley Madison became a national hero because she saved national treasures. - The invasion of British Canada was a failure

- New England militias eagerly and bravely fought in Canada and on the frontier.

Which of the following were the three key elements of the American System - Protective tariff, slavery, and the national bank. - Protective tariff, subsidized internal improvements, and the national bank. - Slavery, patronage, and subsidized internal improvements. - Subsidized internal improvements, the national bank, and patronage.

- Protective tariff, subsidized internal improvements, and the national bank.

Abolitionist leaders during the 1830s used which of the following in their crusade to end slavery, EXCEPT? - Aid to fugitive slaves. - Appeals to religious believers. - Mass communication using the steam powered printing presss. - Sponsored public lectures and collected signatures on antislavery petitions. - Smuggled weapons to slaves for use in an eventual uprising.

- Smuggled weapons to slaves for use in an eventual uprising.

In the Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819, - Britain agreed to limit its naval forces in the Great Lakes. - Spain ceded Mexico to the United States. - the 49th parallel was set as the border between Canada and the United States. - Spain ceded Florida to the United States.

- Spain ceded Florida to the United States.

Which of the following did NOT result from the expansion of voting rights in the early 1800s? - Taxes increases. - Farmers were allowed to claim squatter's rights on unoccupied land.. - More middle-class men were elected to political -office. - The use of debtors' prisons was curtailed.

- Taxes increases.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes U.S. relations with France during the late 1790s? - Continuing hostility toward England led Americans to trade secretly with France. - Americans' gratitude for French aid in the American Revolution led to cordial relations. - The United States cut off trade with France and authorized American ships to attack French ships in an undeclared war. - The expulsion of French foreign minister Talleyrand's agents--X, Y, and Z--calmed American anti-French sentiments.

- The United States cut off trade with France and authorized American ships to attack French ships in an undeclared war.

The Constitution, as completed on September 17, 1787, gave the national government - fewer powers than those reserved to the states. - a weak chief executive with carefully limited powers. - powers equal to those reserved to the states. - broad powers over taxation, military defense, and external commerce.

- broad powers over taxation, military defense, and external commerce.

The new industrial system that developed in early-nineteenth-century America - was bitterly opposed by the many critics of industrial pollution. - eliminated any possibility that unions could organize to defend workers' interests. - brought workers together under one roof in a factory. - immediately ended the rural outwork system.

- brought workers together under one roof in a factory.

In 1832, a South Carolina state convention - threatened to raise an army to march on Washington, D.C., and arrest Jackson for his unconstitutional actions. - ordered the state militia to arrest customs officials and to impound their collections. - declared that the state had seceded from the Union. - declared the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void within the state.

- declared the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void within the state.

Jefferson's fiscal policies included all of the following, EXCEPT - utilizing trade revenue to pay down the national debt. - elimination of the National Bank. - elimination of Hamilton's excise tax. - reduction of spending through defense cuts.

- elimination of the National Bank.

As a result of the Embargo Act of 1807, the American economy - suffered less damage than did the economies of France and Britain. - suffered little damage because American merchants ordered their ships to trade only between neutral ports. - suffered little damage because northeastern merchants smuggled their goods out through Canada. - fell into a slump and by 1808, exports had plunged to about one-fifth the pre-embargo level.

- fell into a slump and by 1808, exports had plunged to about one-fifth the pre-embargo level.

Jackson vetoed the bill to recharter the Second Bank of the United States in 1832 primarily because - his opponents in Congress had tried to embarrass him politically. - he thought it limited the rights of states and the liberties of the people. - one of his major congressional opponents, Daniel Webster, was a director of the Boston branch of the bank. - British aristocrats had invested heavily in the bank.

- he thought it limited the rights of states and the liberties of the people.

The decision in the case Marbury v. Madison (1803) is of great importance in American history because - it marked the first occasion on which the Supreme Court declared that it had the power to rule national laws unconstitutional. - President Jefferson and the Republican-dominated Congress used the public backlash against this decision to purge the federal judiciary of Federalists and to attempt to impeach Chief Justice Marshall. - it marked the onset of a period of frequent declarations by the Supreme Court that laws enacted by the Republican-dominated Congress were unconstitutional. - in refusing to uphold Marbury's right to his commission, Chief Justice Marshall established an implicit political alliance with President Jefferson.

- it marked the first occasion on which the Supreme Court declared that it had the power to rule national laws unconstitutional.

Under the Alien and Sedition Acts - the length of time to become a naturalized American citizen was shortened from fourteen years to five years. - the Adams administration jailed over one thousand pro-Republican newspaper editors. - it was illegal to publish insults or malicious attacks against Congress or the president. - the democratic ideals embodied in the Declaration of Independence were strengthened.

- it was illegal to publish insults or malicious attacks against Congress or the president.

Slavery aquired the label "a peculiar institution" because - slavery began to decline owing to the invention of harvesting machines. - only the United States among countries with slavery established an internal slave trade. - unlike other countries with slavery, the American government neither supported nor opposed the institution. - both Northern and Southern states entrenched the labor system.

- only the United States among countries with slavery established an internal slave trade.

All the following were elements of Hamilton's financial plan EXCEPT - paying off all Confederation securities at face value. - assumption of state war debts. - personal income taxes. - a national bank to stabilize the currency.

- personal income taxes.

The Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia - pioneered the gang labor during the day and solitary confinement at night penal practice. - pioneered the removal of the mentally ill from the general prison population. - pioneered solitary confinement based on inner reflection to reform criminals. - pioneered the separation of female from male prisoners.

- pioneered solitary confinement based on inner reflection to reform criminals.

The land ordinances of the 1780s are considered a great accomplishment of the Confederation Congress because they - limited foreign immigration to the West, ensuring that those areas retained a traditional American culture. - provided for orderly settlement and created a fair process for those areas to eventually become fully equal states. - provided funds to build roads and canals to help settle the old Northwest. - prevented the formation of larger western states that might one day dominate smaller eastern states.

- provided for orderly settlement and created a fair process for those areas to eventually become fully equal states.

In contemplating the opportunity to purchase Louisiana, Jefferson - sought a constitutional amendment to allow the president to make such purchases. - procrastinated until Congress forced him to act. - revised his view of presidential powers under the Constitution. - saw the purchase as being consistent with his strict constructionist view of the Constitution.

- revised his view of presidential powers under the Constitution.

American annexation of Texas and subsequent statehood - sparked debate over territory and eventually war with Mexico. - spurred Polk's electoral victory. - had originally been proposed by President Van Buren. - was strongly opposed by the Lone Star Republic.

- sparked debate over territory and eventually war with Mexico.

To persuade Massachusetts, Virginia, and New York to ratify the Constitution, leading Federalists promised - that a bill of rights would be added to the Constitution. - that New York City would be the national capital. - that George Washington would become the first president. - that New York and Virginia would regain their former western claims.

- that a bill of rights would be added to the Constitution.

In the election of 1818, - both the Federalists and Democrat-Republicans officially disbanded their parties, announcing that the "Era of Good Feeling" had begun and partisan politics was over. - the Federalists were soundly beaten, with the Democrat-Republicans winning margins of nearly five to one in both the Senate and House of Representatives. - Federalist Gouvernor Morris of New York astonished the country by announcing himself an enthusiastic Republican and winning election to the Senate. - the Federalists exploited voters' discontent with the outcome of the War of 1812, making stong gains in the House and regaining control of the Senate.

- the Federalists were soundly beaten, with the Democrat-Republicans winning margins of nearly five to one in both the Senate and House of Representatives.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an active worker for - education reform. - the American Female Moral Reform Society. - prison reform. - the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments.

- the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments.

Manifest Destiny was the belief that - Americans were culturally equal to the native and Hispanic populations to the west. - Protestantism and the American form of government should be established in Mexico. - the citizens of the United States had a God-given right to conquer the land to the Pacific Ocean. - the western boundaries of the United States should stop at the Rocky Mountains.

- the citizens of the United States had a God-given right to conquer the land to the Pacific Ocean.

Jefferson called his election to the presidency the "Revolution of 1800" because - he installed all new government officials. - the government changed in an orderly way despite bitter partisan conflict and foreign crisis. - he subsequently filled the Supreme Court with Republican judges. - there was no true majority, so the Supreme Court determined his victory.

- the government changed in an orderly way despite bitter partisan conflict and foreign crisis.

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions supported - the secession of states that disagreed with Federalist policies. - the defeat of Hamilton's debt payment program. - the rights of states to declare Congressional laws null and void. - the repeal of neutrality laws in the 1790s.

- the rights of states to declare Congressional laws null and void.

In early nineteenth-century America, - the rise in political status of ordinary white men was accompanied by a decline in the political rights of free blacks. - Pennsylvania and New York allowed all free adult black males to vote. - most newly organized free states granted the right to vote to adult black men who owned specified amounts of freehold property. - several Middle Atlantic states granted women voting rights in local elections.

- the rise in political status of ordinary white men was accompanied by a decline in the political rights of free blacks.

All of the following helped cause the War of 1812 except - British searches and seizures of American merchant ships. - the impressment of American sailors. - a desire to seize western lands from Spain - the ultimatum issued by the British Parliament to the United States in 1812.

- the ultimatum issued by the British Parliament to the United States in 1812.

From 1818 until the early 1840s, the Oregon Territory was - under the joint occupancy of Great Britain and the United States. - of great interest to eastern merchants and Midwestern farmers who pressed Congress for aid to facilitate travel to the region. - a no-man's land without an organized government and not formally claimed by any government. - a British protectorate.

- under the joint occupancy of Great Britain and the United States.

_________ was the violent reaction to the first ever national property tax raised to finance undeclared war with France.

Fries' Rebellion

The Shawnee war chief __________ mobilized the western Pan Indian Resistance Movement and was later killed in the Battle of the Thames in 1813.


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