History 1400 Exam 3

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Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the plantation labor system of the southern cotton industry?

African American slaves worked from sunup to sundown and from one end of the year to the other.

Stephen Douglass Kansas-Nebraska bill:

All of the above.

Reconstruction efforts ended and the "Redeemers," the old aristocratic ruling class, regained control of the South:

As the result of a crass political deal in 1876 giving Rutherford B. Hayes the Presidency in exchange for an end to Reconstruction.

Which best describes the actual change in status of slaves in January 1863 as a result of the Emancipation Proclamation?

Because it freed only slaves in the states that were still in rebellion, it did not change the status of a single slave living in the north.

During the 1850s, proslavery American expansionists made their most vigorous attempts to acquire:


Congress rejected a Mormon petition to create a new state extending to the Pacific Ocean called


1st Manassas:

First use of the strategic use of the railroad for mobility.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the gang-labor system of cotton plantation labor?

Gang labor included white overseers and black drivers.

In Virginia in the middle of 1862:

General Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson defeated three Union armies in the Shenandoah Valley

Why did Lincoln choose to issue his preliminary Emancipation Proclamation in September 1862, rather than at some other time?

He had decided against issuing the Proclamation as long as the Union seemed to be losing the war, but after the Battle of Antietam he declared victory and decided the time had come to emancipate the slaves under Confederate rule as a wartime measure.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes Nat Turners rebellion?

In August 1831, Turner and his band of followers killed almost sixty whites in Southampton County, Virginia.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes blacks' resistance to slavery by the 1820s?

In their situation, most blacks had no choice but to build the best possible lives for themselves.

Which of the following groups was not directly affected by the expansion of southern cotton slavery during the early 1800s?

Irish immigrants

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the founding and subsequent fate of Liberia

It declared its independence in 1847 and was recognized by the United States in 1862, after the Confederate states had left the Union.

Which of the following is not true of the 15th Amendment:

It was widely popular in the North

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the personalities, issues, and outcome of the election of 1844?

James K. Polk, a relatively unknown politician, was nominated by the Democrats and won the election by calling for the annexation of both Texas and Oregon.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes African American marriage customs in the slave South?

Many slave couples, following African custom, jumped over a broomstick in a public ceremony to signify their union.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the demands for work generally placed upon slaves in the early nineteenth century?

Many slaves-especially in South Carolina-were assigned and expected to complete a specific task each day; if they finished early, they could have the rest of the day for themselves.

All of the following were objections raised by non-Mormons of Illinois against Joseph Smith and his followers except

Mormons were proslavery

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the experiences of free blacks in early nineteenth-century United States?

Most held low-wage jobs as farmworkers, day laborers, or laundresses.

Brook Farm appealed primarily to

New England intellectuals

Which of the following factors most accurately describes the means utilized by white planters to transport African Americans slaves through the domestic slave trade?

Planters relied upon both coastal and inland networks of transport.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes rice planters?

Rice planters were at the apex of the plantation aristocracy.

The correct sequence of events in the American settlement of Texas is:

Texass declaration of independence, the Alamo, the Goliad Massacre, the Battle of San Jacinto.

Which of the following movements or groups offered the most successful alternative to the emerging individualist and industrial social order of pre-Civil War America?

The Mormons

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the domestic slave trade?

The domestic slave trade expanded after the War of 1812.

Which of the following reasons does not explain how the federal government played a major role in expanding slavery during the early 1800s?

The federal government expanded participation in the International Slave Trade after 1807.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the social philosophy of the Shakers

They kept the traditional division of labor between men and women, but both men and women shared governance of the community

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the social philosophy of the Shakers?

They kept the traditional division of labor between men and women, but both men and women shared governance of the community.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the class of propertyless whites in the South

They worked hard physical jobs as day laborers and enjoyed little respect from other whites

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the class of propertyless whites in the South?

They worked hard physical jobs as day laborers and enjoyed little respect from other whites.

The Battle of Antietam in September 1862 resulted in:

about 23,000 wounded or killed, making it the bloodiest single day in American military history.

The Book of Mormon was:

according to Joseph Smith, his translation of inscriptions on ancient gold plates revealed to him by an angel.

The abolitionist women who equated womens traditional family roles with slavery:

advanced their ideas within a religious context.

In Abraham Lincolns view, secession was:

an illegal act that constituted an insurrection against Republican government, the rule of law, and the Union that supported both.

The abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison

argued that the goal of abolitionism was the emancipation of women as well as slaves.

Southerners feared Lincoln's election to the presidency primarily because they:

believed he would be a weak president unable to restrain the more "extreme" northern antislavery forces.

Planters attempted to resolve a labor crisis in the cotton South by

buying slaves from the Chesapeake region through the domestic slave trade.

Lincolns military strategy at the beginning of the Civil War:

called for an aggressive assault on Confederate forces 30 miles southwest of Washington.

The sexual philosophy of the Oneida community

challenged monogamy by freeing women from being considered the property of their husbands

Which of the following factors can most accurately be said to have contributed to the Mormons building a successful community in Utah?

communal labor and an elaborate irrigation system

The Shakers pledged to abstain from all of the following activities except


The preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which Lincoln promulgated on September 22, 1862:

declared that as of January 1, 1863, all slaves in any state wholly or partly in rebellion would be free.

President Buchanan responded to the secession crisis by:

declaring secession illegal but claiming that the federal government lacked the authority to force a state to return to the Union.

Between 1800 and 1860 white planters moved to the lower South to

flee antislavery laws in the upper South.

Between 1800 and 1860 white planters moved to the lower South to

flee worn out agricultural holdings and take advantage of cotton's new found profitability after the wide spread use of the gin

Martin Van Buren rejected the new Republic of Texass request for annexation to the United States because:

he feared that it would upset the compromise between the North and the South.

By 1840 the South was on the cutting edge of the Market Revolution because

it produced and exported 1.5 million bales of raw cotton, over two-thirds of the world supply.

The American Party, or Know-Nothings:

originated in the anti-Catholic societies of the 1840s.

In 1861, the most important Confederate war aim was:

permanent independence and to be let alone.

The Dred Scott decision:

persuaded many Republicans that the Supreme Court and President Buchanan were part of the Slave Power conspiracy.

The first important influence on John Humphrey Noyes, who eventually founded the Oneida community, was the

preaching of Charles Finney

Which sequence of events is correct?

preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln signs Emancipation Proclamation, Battle of Gettysburg and fall of Vicksburg, Grant advances on Richmond, siege of Petersburg begins, fall of Atlanta, Lincolns reelection, Lee surrenders

In the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819 the United States:

recognized Spanish sovereignty over Texas.

White planters provided the human cargo of the domestic slave trade through all of the following ways except

selling slaves to the federal government.

The domestic slave trade affected the African American family unit before 1865 by

separating family members through sale and trade.

The Whig Party fell apart primarily because:

the Kansas-Nebraska Act drove both southern and northern Whigs out of the party in search of new party affiliations.

During the 1850s, the Mormons in Utah clashed with the federal government for all of the following reasons except

the Mormons communal irrigation systems and water-rights policies conflicted with federal law.

American perfectionists such as John Humphrey Noyes believed that

the Second Coming of Christ had already happened, freeing human beings to seek perfection on earth

The central issue that divided Johnson and Congressional Radicals was:

the future place of African Americans in U.S. society.

The Compromise of 1850, hammered out by Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and Stephen Douglas, included all of the following except:

the granting to Texas of all the land west of Texas as far as the Rio Grande.

Critics of transcendentalism such as Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville focused on:

the perils of excessive individualism.

By 1820, opponents of slavery had achieved

the prohibition of slavery in the northern part of the Louisiana Purchase

White southerners failed to diversify the southern economy for all of the following reasons except

they blamed white northerners for economically exploiting white southerners.

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