History 1700

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Why was 'the city' the focus of progressive politics? The overwhelming majority of Americans lived in cities.

"the city" focus politics: majority Americans lived in cities

Which of the following was a new governmental institution that Progressives had implemented by 1916 for the protection and advance of 'industrial freedom'? Independent commissions

'industrial freedom': independent commissions

In the 1850s which action would be in line with Abraham Lincoln's views on race? An African-american man trains as an artisan and then starts his own business.

1850 abes views: trains and starts own business

T or F- During the 1920s, labor lost over 2 million members? TRUE

1920 labor lost 2 mil: TRUE

In the 1950s what did the term "totalitarianism" describe? Fascism and national socialism

1950s totalitarianism: Fascism and national socialism

Which of the following Second New Deals measures came closest to meeting the demands of the Congress of Industrial Organizations for workplace democracy? The Wagner Act

2nd new deal demands of industrial organizations: Wagner act

Why did over 5 million workers walk off their jobs over the course of 1946? The removal of price controls resulted in a drop in workers' real income.

5 mil workers walk: price controls dropped income

What was a the key to developing an African-american slave community? Slaves needed to have family members near them.

African-american: family community

T or F- The America First Committee campaigned for Americans to go to war against Nazi Germany. FALSE

America First Committee campaigned for war: FALSE

The ascendancy of the American Federation of Labor during the 1890s reflected? A shift from broad reform goals to more limited goals.

American Federation of Labor: reform goals shift

In what aspects American foreign policy did Franklin D. Roosevelt remove himself from Herbert Hoover's precedent? He formally recognized the Soviet Union in an effort to simulate trade.

American foreign policy Roosevelt: recognized soviet union trade

The 'living wage' and the 'American standard of living' were an outgrowth of what? a mature consumer economy

American standard of living outgrowth: mature consumer economy

What were American suburbs of the 1950s so heavily segregated? Residents, brokers, and realtors dealt in contracts and mortgages that are barred the sale to non-white residents.

American suburbs segregated: mortgages barred sales to non-white residents

What was the most significant difference between Angel Island in the San Francisco Bay and ellis Island in the New York harbor? Angel Island had to administer the immigration of Asian and Mexican immigrants

Angel Island vs Ellis Island: admin to Asian and Mexican

Angel Island was where most Mexican immigrants entered the United States. FALSE

Angle Island Mexicans entered US: FALSE

Native born middle-class women under the leadership of Carrie Chapman-Catt argued that they deserved the right to vote on account of: Their birth in the United States

Carrie Chapman-Catt and women argued: birth in US

T or F- The civil rights act of 1866 became the first major law in American history to be passed over a Presidential veto. TRUE

Civil rights act first veto passed: TRUE

Assess the way which the Committee on the Public Information presented its message to encourage Americans to remain loyal and support the war effort? the CPI packaged it's appeals in the language of social cooperation and an expanded democracy.

Committee on the Public Information message: social cooperation and democracy

In contrast to the American Federation of Labor, the Congress of Industrial Organizations fought for? industrial democracy

Congress of Industrial Organizations: industrial democracy

How did Frederick Douglass see the post-Civil war south? Douglass wanted to ensure the ideals of the Declaration of Independence became a reality for black man.

Douglass see post civil war: declaration of independence blacks reality

How did president Dwight D. Eisenhower surpass the New Deal in government involvement in the economy? He presided over the construction of 41,000 miles of interstate highways.

Eisenhower surpass new deal: 41,000 miles of roads

How did the territory acquired from the Mexican War promote Thomas Jefferson's earlier idea of an Empire of Liberty? Only people classified as whites gained full liberty.

Empire of Liberty: white gained full rights

Even during the energy crisis of the 1970s the national economy grew. FALSE

Every crisis, economy grew: FALSE

What led to the congressional discovery that the FBI had spied on millions of Americans in the 1960's? The church committee investigations

FBI spied o Americans: church committee investigations

T or F- George Fitzhugh, a Virginia writer, stated that slavery was part of civilized society. TRUE

Fitzhugh slavery civilized society: TRUE

Which of the following best describes the significance of the Fordney-McCumber Tariff of 1922? It demonstrated a repudiation of Wilson's free trade ideas.

Fordney-McCumber Tariff: repudiation of Wilson's free trade ideas

In regard to Fort Sumter, analyze the maneuvering of Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln. Who was superior, Davis or Lincoln? Lincoln made the south look like the aggressor

Fort Sumter Davis vs Lincoln: lincoln south aggressor

What would have made the Freedman's Bureau more effective? The government should have employed more agents to help with the numerous duties of the bureau.

Freedmans bureau: government employed more agents

How did Garveyites define freedom at the time of WW1? As black self-reliance and self-determination

Garveyites freedom: black self-reliance and self-determination

T or F- The only people killed during the German Holocaust were Jewish people. FALSE

Germans only killed Jewish: FALSE

What separated Grant from the other Union generals that commanded the Army at the Potomac? Grant was willing to wage a war of attrition.

Grant army Potomac: Grant attrition

What did Hoover's observation during the depth of the depression that "many persons left their jobs for the more profitable one of selling apples." President Hoover had grown increasingly out of touch with the economic reality of Americans.

Hoovers apples: out of touch with economics

Who did Huey Luce credit with the provision of the "abundant life" in his blueprint for postwar prosperity, The American Century? Free enterprise

Huey Luce provision 'abundant life': free enterprise

By 1935, Huey Long and Francis Townsend had made which of the following approaches to economic recovery less promising for new dealers? efforts at general business recovery

Huey long new dealers: business recovery

The opening of Japan to the United States trade led to what? Japan came a modernized military power

Japan US trade: Japan military

What distinguished John Brown from other abolitionists such as William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglas? Brown emphasized violence in freeing slaves.

John Brown from: violence freeing slaves

Which of he following had been a traditional belief prior to the economic theories of John Maynard Keyes? balanced budgets were sacred

John Maynard Keyes: budgets sacred

What would John Winthrop most likely criticize about antebellum America? the temperance movement

John Winthrop: had temperance

How can Andrew Johnson be compared to Abraham Lincoln? when making decisions, johnson was less flexible then Lincoln.

Johnson vs Lincoln: flexible

T or F- George Kennan's Long telegram laid the foundation for the policy of containment. TRUE

Kennan's Long telegram policy of containment: TRUE

Which event did President John F Kennedy blame on the failures of the Eisenhower administration? the launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik

Kennedy blame Eisenhower: launch of sputnik

What triggered the rise of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia: The invasive of US troops in 1970

Khmer Rouge in Cambodia: invasion of US troops

Why did Progressive reformers think they had much to learn from the Old World? Germans had pioneered several measures of social legislation.

Learn from OldWorld: germans pioneered social legislation

What could one possible reason why Robert E. Lee invaded the North in 1863? He hoped to deliver a knock out blow to the North.

Lee invades: knock out blow

Why did the editors of Life magazine fear that American freedom might be in danger from not being used enough? Americans seemed to have largely withdrawn from open dissent in the public sphere.

Life magazine fear not used: open dissent in the public sphere

T or F- Abraham Lincoln realized that his armies had to capture the Confederate capital, Richmond, in order to win the war. FALSE

Lincoln had to capture Richmond to win: FALSE

Besides preserving the Union, how else has Lincoln's legacy lived on in todays America? He overcame regional differences to build a new nation-state.

Lincolns legacy: build new nation-state

According to the Supreme Court justice Louis Brandeis, how could corporations have prevented the Great Depression? By increasing their workers wages

Louis Brandeis Great Depression prevented: increasing wages

Apart from the radical identity of victims, what typically triggered the lynch violence of southern white mobs? The victims alleged sexual conduct.

Lynch violence south: victims sexual conduct

What inspiration did the Martin Luther King Jr. gain from Mahatma Gandhi? The idea of peaceful civil disobedience

Martin Luther King Jr. gain from gandhi: peaceful civil disobedience

Why did Montezuma call for the abolition of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1916? The bureau failed to secure Indian self-determination

Montezuma abolition of the Bureau of Indian Affairs: failed Indian self-determination

Which of the following statements correctly describe the outcome of the My Lai massacre? one person was found guilty in this killing of 350 civilians, but was release in 1974.

My Lai massacre: one person guilty, released 1974

By analyzing the new york city draft riots, what can be determined about the civil war? The civil war was a rich mans war and a poor man fight.

NYC drafts: rich war poor fight

In the New Testament, Jesus did not condemn slavery, what did this mean to southern slaveholders? The New Testament could be used to endorse slavery.

New Testament: used endorse slavery

T or F- Although well intended, the New Deal for Native Americans resulted in a series of forced assimilations. FALSE

New deal for native Americans assimilation's: FALSE

What did president Nixon embrace the Philadelphia Plan for affirmative action in the building trades? He was hoping to weaken the power of trade unions.

Nixon Philadelphia plan: weaken power of trade unions

Why did Executive Order 9066 not apply to persons of Japanese descent living in Hawaii? Since nearly 40 percent of the population was a Japanese descent, the evacuation order would have been impractical.

Order 9066 Japanese not apply in Hawaii: population evacuation impractical

T or F- Patriotism during WW1 meant support for the government, the war, and the American economic system. TRUE

Patriotism support the government, war, economic: TRUE

In what way was Reconstruction policy of success? It established an amendment promising equal protection for all.

Reconstruction policy of success: equal protection

How did slavery take away rights of whites? Written objections to slavery were banned in the south.

Rights whites: objections banned

What set back did the advocates of the Roe vs Wade decision of 1973 suffer in 1976? Congress over rode Fords veto and ended federal funding for abortion in the medicaid program

Roe vs Wade setback: Fords veto ended fed funding

Why did president Franklin d. Roosevelt dissolve the Civil Works administration? Complaints multiplied that tis measure was contributing to a permanent class of government dependents.

Roosevelt dissolve civil works admin: permanent class of gov.dependents

How did President Franklin D. Roosevelt described the notion of a "notion of liberty"? He denounced it as a service to the interest of "the privileged few."

Roosevelt notion of liberty: service to privileged few

Why did Samuel Gompers seek to forge closer ties with forward-looking corporate leaders? He wanted to stabilize employer-employee relationships

Samuel Gompers closer ties: stabilize employer-employee relationships

Which American revolution ideology is best encapsulated in the Declarations of Sediments? "No taxation without representation"

Sediements: represent

What broad popular sentiments did the Klu Klux Klan express in the 1920s? Control of the nation should be returned to the native-born Protestants

Sentiments KKK: control to native-born Protestants

Why did businesses support the Pure Food and Drug Act? They understood that the greater public confidence in the quality info the products helped their sales.

Support food and drug act: public confidence helped sales

In Joesph Taper's letter to Joseph Long, how does Taper analyze his experience of living in Canada? The British system allowed for more "pursuit of happiness"

Taper: pursuit of happiness

Had the Teller amendment been applied to the Philippines and Cuba, how would it have changed the Spanish-American War? The United States would have been barred from annexing the archipelago

Teller amendment: US barred from annexing

T or F- Overall, despite the good intentions of the Marshall Plan was not very successful. FALSE

The Marshall Plan was not very successful: FALSE

What was most significant about Theodore Weld's argument concerning the sinfulness of slavery? It allowed ministers like William Lloyd Garrison to take on leadership roles.

Theodore Weld argument: Garrison leader

Why did Harry Truman's loyalty review system target homosexuals working for the government? Homosexuals were considered susceptible to blackmail and thought to be lacking the manly qualities necessary to fight communism.

Trumans loyalties target: homosexuals lacked qualities

The first half of the nineteenth century, the United States gained the most territory through? wars with mexico

US gained territory: war Mexico

T or F- The Union naval blockade was very effective early in the war? FALSE

Union naval blockades effective? FALSE

What united the authors Ernest Hemingway and F.Scott Fitzgerald in the 1920s? Both had fled the discriminarytory censorship of the Hays code

United Hemingway and Fitzgerald: discriminarytory censorship Hays Code

T or F- Upton Sinclair campaigned for governor of California on the Share Our Wealth movement. FALSE

Upton Sinclair share our wealth: FALSE

T or F- Upton Sinclair wrote a two-volume history of the Standard Oil Company. FALSE

Upton Sinclair wrote about oil company: FALSE

What was the Vicksburg essential? Capturing the city allowed the Union to control the entire Mississippi River.

Vicksburg: control Mississippi river

In what ways was W.E.B Du Bois a typical Progressive? He believed that investigation, exposure, and education could solve the Nations problems

W.E.B Du Bois progressive?: investigation, exposure, and education solve problems

T or F- During WW1, most Progressives were outraged at the broad suppression of freedom of expression and spoke out against the Sedition Act. FALSE

WW1 Progressives outraged and spoke against Sedition Act: FALSE

What taste of freedom did woman enjoy in World War II? The perks of doing men's jobs.

WWII women enjoy: mens jobs

Why did the War Industries Board established standardized specifications during WW1? To increase efficiency and speed up production.

War Industries Board standardized: efficiency and speed up production

T or F- Richard Nixon appointed Earl Warren to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court n 1969. FALSE

Warren to Chief Justice: FALSE

Why did conservatives have the last laugh in the Watergate scandal? Watergate proved the conservatives point that the power of the federal government had to be restricted.

Watergate: conservatives point restrict feds power

Why was William Tweed so popular with the cities immigrant poor? He had provided food, fuel, and patronage to them in exchange for their votes.

William Tweed popular: he provided food, fuel

Which of the following elements of President Wilson's fourteen points most resembled the commissions Progressives had instituted back home? The League of Nations

Wilson's fourteen points resembled progressives: League of Nations

How did black women challenge the racial ideology of the Jim Crow South? They insisted on the equal respectability of black women by working for 'racial uplift'.

Women challenge Jim Crow south: equal respectability for racial uplift

Why did many people on eastern Europe consider Woodrow Wilson a 'popular saint'? His criticism of imperialism helped European peoples carve out new independent nations.

Woodrow Wilson a 'popular saint'?: his criticism of imperialism

Why did abolitionism's focus move from a more gradual approach to calling for the immediate approach of ending slavery? ex-slaves started getting involved in abolitionism in the 1830s

abolitionism approached: ex-slalves

T or F- After WW1, American corporations ceased to pursue overseas investments. FALSE

american corporations ceased overseas investments: FALSE

What made the army-mccarthy hearings unusual for American television programming of the 1950s? it was deeply political and controversial

army-mccarthy hearings unusual for tv: deeply political and controversial

Which of the following assessments of the civil rights movement is most accurate? the movement came as a great surprise and was predicated only by a few

assessments of the civil rights movement: great surprise

What was the biggest fear of a slave of any age? a family member being sold.

biggest fear: family sold

T or F- Blacks owned more land in 1900 than they had at the end of Reconstruction. FALSE

black owned more land Reconstruction: FALSE

T or F- Free blacks in New Orleans worked as craftsman? TRUE

blacks Orleans craftsman: TRUE

Why did the United States drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima? since the United States had spent years and millions of dollars developing the weapon, it was going to use it in war

bomb on Hiroshima: weapon to use in war

What did the books of Henry George, Laurence Gronlond, and Edward Bellamy all have in common? The all offered decidedly optimistic remedies for the unequal distribution of wealth.

books of Henry George, Laurence Gronlond, and Edward Bellamy: optimistic remedies of wealth

The idea that change comes slowly can be evidenced by what event during Reconstruction? Women were excluded from the suffrage amendment.

change comes slowly: women suffrage amendment

What role did Christianity play in slavery? teaching slaves about Christianity helped to reinforce the owners' ideas o paternalism.

christianity slavery: reinforce owners ideas

The scale of the Civil war bloodshed was comparable to that of which other conflict? war of the triple alliance

civil war bloodshed: triple alliance

When comparing colonial slavery to nineteenth-century slavery what was the major difference? In the colonial period slaves did not work in cotton fields

colonial slavery: not work cotton

T or F- If one commodity drove the economy in the 1920s', it was the typewriter. FALSE

commodity drove economy was typewriter: FALSE

After comparing the presidencies of Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, what conclusion can be made? Lincoln was pragmatic in his decision making.

compare lincoln vs davis: lincoln pragmatic decisions

What gave conservative of the 1950s their political unity? the common enemy of the Soviet Union and the Federal government

conservative political unity: common enemy Ussr and feds

T or F- The new conservatives understood freedom as first and foremost a moral condition. TRUE

conservatives saw freedom as a moral condition: TRUE

Which of the following contradictions plagued Progressive reformers' ideas on the political processes? They worked both to expand the electorate and shrink its size through other measures.

contradictions plagued Progressive reformers': worked to expand and shrink electorate

What victory could cultural conservatives claim in 1986? the Supreme Court upheld the constitutional of state laws banning homosexual acts.

cultural conservatives victory: Supreme Court upheld ban of homosexual acts

What did fighting a defensive war mean for the Confederates? Since the weapon technology was basically equal, it was an advantage for the Confederates.

defensive war: confederates advantage

T or F- In the past, Depressions had hurt the labor movement, however labor made great strides during the new deal. TRUE

depressions hurt labor but made strides: TRUE

The charges against which of the following organizations led to the downfall of Joseph McCarthy in 1954? The army

downfall of Joseph McCarthy: army

What was one downside to Lincoln's ten-percent plan of reconstruction? it did not allow blacks any voice in decisions that would affect them after the war.

downside to ten percent plan: black no voice

In analyzing the New York City draft riots, What can be determined about the Civil war? The civil war was a rich mans war and a poor mans fight.

draft riots: rich war, poor fight

Which of the following best describes the economic dynamic of the Great Drepession plummeting sales and lack of consumer confidence triggered a surge in the trade deficit.

economic Great Depression: plummeting sales trade deficit

Why did American policy makers agree to spend billions of dollars on the economic recovery of Europe under the Marshall plan? They were afraid that if they did not help with the recovery, Western European Nations might fall into the Soviet sphere of influence.

economic recovery of Europe: or fall into soviet influence

How did eugenics shape public policy during WW1? It provided anti-immigrant sentiment with an air of professional expertise.

eugenics shape public policy WW1: provided anti-immigrant sentiment

By examining Reconstruction from 1863-1877, what conclusion can be drawn? Equal rights for African-Americans continued to increase after 1877.

examining Reconstruction: Equal rights for African-Americans

Why could someone argue that the north was complicit in the expansion of slavery? Northern factory demand for cotton steadily increased.

expand slavery: north demand cotton

What was a result of the expanding Union economy? The size and spending of the government increased tremendously.

expanding union economy: increased tremondously

T or F- The percentage of families at or below the poverty rate fell during the 1950s. TRUE

families at poverty fell 1950s: TRUE

T or F- Farmers benefited the most from the posterity of the decade? FALSE

farmers benefited from posterity of decade: FALSE

How did the federal government institutionalize racism during the New Deal? The federal housing administration refused to ensure mortgages in integrated neighborhoods.

feds institutionalize racism: federal housing admin refused mortgages

When fifty-four or fight" did not result in gaining all the "Pacific Northwest, who most likely would have have been the angriest" northern democrats

fifty-four or fight: northern democrats

What was ironic about the fugitive slave act? The south promoted states rights but with this law agreed to strong federal action.

fugitive slave act: south states rights and strong federal action

How did the fundamentalists Christians define freedom in the 1920s? As a voluntary adherence to moral liberty

fundamentalists Christians define freedom: voluntary adherence

Why could William Lloyd Garrison be seen more as a more radical abolitionist then Frederick Douglass? Garrison saw the constitution as evil.

garrison radical: saw constitution evil

What about the golden age of capitalism between 1946 and 1960 was the most beneficial or Americans? Most monetary gains reached ordinary reached ordinary citizens through rising wages.

golden age of capitalism to 1960: monetary gains reached citizens through wages

When assessing the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, what can be determined about this issue? Both Congress and the President accused the other of unconstitutional acts.

impeachment of Andrew Johnson: blamed unconstitutional acts

What time period most influenced the Neal Deal? The first world war.

influence Neal deal: WW1

T or F- By 1860, the economic investment represented by the slave population exceeded the value of the nation's factories, railroads, and banks combined? TRUE

investment slave population exceeded value: TRUE

What was ironic about the election of Andrew Johnson? A man from a state that had seceded was now president

ironic election Johnson: state seceded now president

The prevailing jurisprudence of the United States Supreme Court in the 1920s can be best described as: laissez-faire

jurisprudence of the United States Supreme Court: laissez-faire

With of the following least symbolized the growing autonomy of working women with regard to the consumerism? Military Service

least symbolized working women: military

Before his execution, how did nat turner see himself? He felt he was dying for the sins of slavery.

nat turner: dying sins

Which of the following legal bans no longer passes constitutional scrutiny by the end of 1920? Criminalizing the advocacy of unlawful acts for the sake of political change.

no longer passes constitutional scrutiny: criminalizing unlawful acts for political

Why were most of the utopian societies in the north? more northerners were open to reform.

north utopias: reformers

What did paternalism reinforce? Slaves needed to be watched carefully.

paternalist: watch slaves

According to the petition from the freedman to president Andrew Johnson, how was the planter class endangering freedom? They tried to limit economic opportunity.

planter class endangering freedom: limit economic opportunity

Which of the following prompted some urban observers to misjudge populists as a backward looking movement? Their belief in a commonwealth of small producers and the dignity of labor.

populists as a backward looking: commonwealth small producers and labor

How did Populists hope to guarantee famers inexpensive access to markets for their crops? They called for public ownership of railroads

populists/farmers guarantee: ownership railroads

What would have been a practical out come of the Emancipation Proclamation? The freeing of slaves would weaken the confederate war effort.

practical outcome emancipation proclamation: weaken confederates

How did racial segregation in the labor market affect African-American women? a high percentage of black women worked of wages, typically in domestic service.

racial segregation affect AA women: worked domestic service

Why did the railroad companies and other businesses form "pools" during the American Gilded Age? They hoped to escape the chaos of market forces by fixing prices with their competitors.

railroad companies/businesses form "pools": fixing prices with their competitors

T or F- Railroad companies divided the United States into eastern, central, mountain, and pacific time zones? TRUE

railroads divided timezones: TRUE

How did reconstruction leave an enduring legacy? The leadership for the civil rights movement came from African-american churches.

reconstruction legacy: civil rights movement AA churches

Which of the following would have been a reflection of the paternalist ethos in southern slavery? The owner felt responsible for his slaves because the slaves could not take care of themselves.

reflect paternalist: feel responsible for slaves

What did the employers, urban reformers, as well as women reformers hope Prohibition would achieve during the war years? Peace and order on the home front

reformers hope Prohibition would achieve: peace and order on home front

How did the second great awakening influence American society? it inspired some to combat the sins of society, such as slavery.

second awake: combat sins

Through analyzing the "Sharecropping contract", what can be determined? The contract was a type of economic slavery

sharecropping contract: economic slavery

Which of the following properly assesses the significance of the passage of the Sherman Anti-Trust acts in 1890? The law established a precedent that the national government could regulate the economy in the interest of the public good.

significance of Sherman Anti-Trust acts: government could regulate the economy

Which of the following would be an example of "silent sabotage"? A slave on a large plantation slowed down the work pace.

silent sabatage: slowed down work

Why was the extension of slavery significant politically? It determined whether slavery should end everywhere immediately .

slavery significant politically: determined if end

Why did the south fail to attract significant economic development in the wake of reconstruction? Investors came to the south for cheap labor and low taxes, so they made few capital investments in the region.

south failed economic development: investors made few capital investments

T or F- When the Union was restored by 1870, the southern states had democratic majorities. FALSE

southern states had democratic majorities: FALSE

T or F- The standard consumer package of the 1950s included a car, house and television. TRUE

standard consumer package car tv house: TRUE

Which of the following statements would have been prosecuted under the Seduction act of 1918? 'I call on you to boycott the draft'

statement under the Seduction act: 'boycott draft'

How did white supremacists take advantage of anticommunist rhetoric? They charged African-American civil rights leaders with a communist agenda.

supremacists take advantage: charged civil rights leaders

What triggered the surge of conservative governments in central Europe at the end of WW1? A worldwide revolutionary upsurge

surge of conservative governments WW1? worldwide revolutionary upsurge

T or F- The American temperance society directed it's efforts at the drunkards but not the occasional drinker? FALSE

temperance at drunkards: FALSE

T or F- The issue of Texas annexation was hotly linked to slavery and affected the nomination of presidential candidacy in the 1840s. TRUE

texas annexation affected presidency 1840s: TRUE

For the south in the 1830's, making the Texas territory part of the United States could potentially be most beneficial in what way? several slave states could be created out of Texas.

texas territory: several slave states

If the American tract society existed today, which of the following would anger this group? business open on Sundays to run special advertised sales.

tract society mad: on Sundays

Which of the following trends of the 1920s did fundamentalists support? The prohibition of liquor sales.

trends 1920s fundamentalists: prohibition of liquor sales

How did trickle-down economics claim to increase government tax revenue? by lowering tax rates

trickle-down economics: lower tax rates

How did trickle-down economics claim to increase government tax revenues? by lowering tax rates

trickle-down economics: lower tax rates

What did the members of the new united security council all have in common? They were all part of the allies that won WW2

united security council common: allies WW2

T or F- The antebellum utopian communities were largely located in the upper south. FALSE

utopian communities in south: FALSE

Overall, how did utopian societies and worldly communities perceive women? A women's place was in the home.

utopian women: in home

How did utopian leaders differ from Henry David Thoreau? Thoreau focused on the individual, utopian leaders emphasized the community.

utopian: community VS Thoreau: individual

Which of the following comparison of wage trends for 1953 to 1973 and 1973 to 1993 is accurate? Wages increased significantly in the first period but stagnated in the second.

wage trends: increased first, stagnated second

T or F- By 1880, a majority of Americans worked in non-farm activities? TRUE

worked in non-farm activities: TRUE

Why did workers during the 1930s make the demands that went beyond better wages? They were hoping to establish a set of basic civil liberties for workers.

workers 1930s demands: basic civil liberties

What constitutional right did workers claim in defense of their public activism? The right to free speech

workers claim in defense: free speech

How were skilled workers able to secure new freedoms for themselves in rapidly expanding industries? Their knowledge allowed them to control to production process and the training of apprentices.

workers secure freedoms: knowledge control production

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