History 2 Lesson 7

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Which was not a cause of the cold war? division of Germany into four zones the forming of NATO and the Warsaw Pact Korean War mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union

Korean War

Which events from the cold war era are in correct chronological order

Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam War, Soviet collapse

Who was president of the United States when military forces were sent into Vietnam?

Lyndon B. Johnson

Which cold war event happened first? Soviet launch of Sputnik Nixon's trip to the Soviet Union construction of the Berlin wall issuing of the Truman Doctrine

issuing of the Truman Doctrine

Which of the following was not a form of protest during the Vietnam War? burning draft cards men enlisting in the military playing music against the war staging rallies to discuss the war

men enlisting in the military

Which of these was not an attempt to stop communism from spreading in Latin America? the creation of the Marshall Plan the creation of the Alliance for Progress providing military aid the creation of the Peace Corps

the creation of the Marshall Plan

Which cold war event surprised the United States in 1949?

The Soviet Union tested an atomic bomb.

What happened to Vietnam after the United States withdrew its troops from the conflict?

The communist government took over Vietnam.

What was the world symbol of the cold war?

Berlin wall

Which of these is not a similarity between the Korean War and the Vietnam War? Both wars were fought over communist expansion. Communism eventually controlled both countries. The northern part of each country was controlled by communist governments. The United States was deeply involved militarily.

Communism eventually controlled both countries.

What did President John F. Kennedy do to stop the Soviet Union from sending missiles to Cuba?

He blockaded Cuba with an American naval fleet.

How was President Nixon's foreign policy different from that of his predecessors?

He wanted to recognize the government of the People's Republic of China.

Which country was not given part of Germany after World War II?


Which president said " As your president, I tested our containment policy in the Caribbean during the Cuban Missile Crisis. However, I experienced a crushing defeat and embarrassment during the Bay of Pigs."

President Kennedy

Which of the following events did not lead to the Soviet Union's downfall? the Soviet Union's economic struggles government revolutions in Soviet satellite nations President Nixon's trip to the Soviet Union the war in Afghanistan

President Nixon's trip to the Soviet Union

Which event sparked the creation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)?

Soviet launching of Sputnik

Where were North Korea and South Korea divided before the Korean War?

They were divided along the thirty-eighth parallel.

What is a détente?

a policy to reduce tension between two countries

What are the main goals of the United Nations?

advocating human dignity and world peace

What was the U.S. policy during the cold war?


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