history american 2

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The new, research-oriented modern American universities tended to focus on what?

9. e-emphasize religious and moral instruction in favor of practical subjects and professional specialization.

How did the railroads affect the organization of time in the U.S.? *

9. introducing four standard time zones across the country.

What was the root cause of the American farmers' problems after 1880?

9. low prices and a deflated currency

When Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle, he intended his book to focus attention on what issue?

9. plight of workers in the stockyards and meat -packing industry

The real heart of the progressive movement was the reformer's attempt to accomplish what?

1. use the government as an agency of human welfare

In his book, Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis, the Reverend Josiah Strong advocated U.S. expansion for two purposes?

1.To spread American religion and values

In post-Civil War America, Indians surrendered their lands only when they had been promised what two things?

1. Received solemn promises from the government that they would be left alone and provided with supplies

The Underwood Tariff Act and the Sixteenth Amendment reflected what progressive goals of Wilson?

1. establishing the first graduated federal income tax.

Why did U.S. Grant proved to be a weak political leader despite his status as a military hero?

1. had no political experience and was a poor judge of character

By 1900, American cities had what three common traits?

1. heavily populated, segregated by race & ethnicity (neighborhoods), & more homogenous

What was the greatest economic consequence of the transcontinental railroad network?

1. united the nation into a single, integrated national market

Reconstruction involved what four extended controversies?

1.civil; political; Reconstruction; treatment.

In contrast to Radical Republicans, moderate Republicans had what view of government power and government's impact on individual Americans? *


Reconstruction might have been more successful if what radical program had been implemented?

9. drastic economic reforms and stronger protection of political rights

What was the main motivation for the construction of an isthmian canal across Central America?

10. - a desire to improve US defense (USS Oregon took a long time during Sp-Am War to go around Tierra del Fuego (South America) to get to the Caribbean from the Pacific) {and the canal would enhance commerce of the seas of course}

Why were farmers slow to organize and promote their interests?

10. Were not well educated

The large trusts like Standard Oil and Swift and Armour justified their economic domination of their industries by claiming what? *

10. only large-scale methods of production and distribution could provide superior products at low prices

As a result of industrialization, Americans increasingly shared what?

10. shared a common & standard popular culture

What did multiple-use conservationists generally believe?

10. the environment could be effectively protected without shutting it off to human use

What largely shaped the political developments of the 1890s?

10. the most severe & extended economic depression up to that time - Panic of 1873

Unlike Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. Du Bois demanded what two things? *


Labor unions, Populists, and debtors saw the brutal Pullman episode as the evidence of what alliance?

11. Proof of an allianxe between big business, the federal government, and the courts

The Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 required that all reconstructed southern states pass what legislation? *

11. This act established a temporary military government in ten Confederate states and required them to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment and permit freedmen to vote.

What did industrialization generally mean for U.S. workers? *

11. a long-term rise int he standard of living but a loss of independence and control of work

The Roosevelt Corollary added a new provision to the Monroe Doctrine that was designed to do what?

11. justify U.S. intervention in the affairs of Latin American countries

The depression of the 1870s led to increasing demands for what government action?*

11.inflation of the money supply by issuing more paper or silver currency

What was the major long-term effect of the KKK as a white terrorist organization? *

12. . Disempower blacks politically and restore white supremacy.

What characterized the political system of the Gilded Age? *

12. 1870s - 1890s; time period looked good on the outside, despite the corrupt politics & growing gap between the rich & poor

What were four accomplishments of TR while president?

12. Went after trusts formed the "Bull Moose Party" wanted to build the Panama canal make our Navy ( military stronger )

What was the primary diplomatic result of TR's diplomatic ending of the Russo-Japanese War?

12. both Japan and Russia became increasingly hostile to the United States.

In contrast to the Knights of Labor, the American Federation of Labor advocated what? *

12. concentrating on improving wages and hours and avoiding general social reform

In the late 19th century, U.S. colleges and universities benefited especially from what two things? *

12. federal and state "land-grant" assistance and the private philanthropy of wealthy donors

The severe economic depression of the 1890s strengthened what Populist argument?

12. wage earners and farmers alike were victims of an oppressive economic system

Give four changes that affected African Americans in the South after the Compromise of 1877 dictated the withdrawal of federal troops? *


How was the 1912 presidential election notable?

13. A) it gave the voters a clear choice of political and economic philosophies.

What was the major issue of the presidential election of 1896?

13. Currency, gold vs. silver

Give four factors that propelled the U.S. toward overseas expansion in the 1890s? *

13. a. the desire to expand overseas agricultural and manufacturing exports b. the yellow press of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst c. Some Protestant leaders' belief that America should spread its religion and culture to backwards people d. the ideologies of Anglo-Saxon superiority and social Darwinism

Authors like Mark Twain, Stephen Crane, and Jack London turned American literature toward a greater concern with what two themes? *

13. social realism and contemporary problems

The 1896 presidential election marked the last time for what?

14. serious effort was made to win the White House w/mostly agrarian votes

How did Americans first become actively involved with the situation in Cuba? *

14. sympathized with the Cuban's revolt against imperialist Spain

What did the great railroad strike of 1877 reveal? *

14. the growing threat of class warfare in response to the economic depression of the mid-1870s.

What were the two primary goals of progressivism, as a whole? *

14. use the stage to curb monopoly power and improve the lives of ordinary people

How did TR end the major Pennsylvania coal strike? *

15. he threatened to take over the mines, thus causing the miners and the mine operators to submit their differences to an arbitration commission

Many religious reformers, federal boarding schools, and the Dawes Act were all focused on what goal? *

15. undermining Indians traditional culture and assimilating them into white American culture and society

Besides the Philippines, the U.S. acquired what two other colonial territories in the Spanish American War? *

15.Puerto Rico and Guam

The controversy over the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite Park revealed what? *

16. a philosphocial disagreement between wilderness "preservationists" and more moderate "conservationists"

What were four reasons that President McKinley and other pro-imperialists gave for acquiring the Philippines as a U.S. territory? *

16. a. other imperial nations like Germany or Japan would seize the Philippines if the US left b. McKinley believed that handing them back to Spain's cruel misrule would betray American ideals c. Many believe that Manila could open rich trading opportunities to China d. McKinley believed that God had told him to Christianize and civilize the Filipinos

The problem of sustaining agriculture in the arid West was solved most successfully with what act? *

16. he use of irrigation from dammed western rivers.

What did the safety valve theory of the frontier claim? *

17. class and labor conflict in America was alleviated because eastern workers could always migrate to the West and become independent farmers.

What four factors make the trans-Mississippi West a unique part of American frontier experience? *

18. c. The scale and severity of environmental challenges in an arid environment d. The large role of the federal government in economic and social development e. The final military defeat of American Indians and their continuing substantial presence in the region. a. The large-scale engagement and struggle between white Anglo and Hispanic cultures.

What argument by Alfred Thayer Mahan also promoted the move toward American imperialism?

2. Control of the sea was the key to world domination

Give four common forms of corruption practiced by the wealthy railroad barons.

2. Providing free railroad passes to journalists and politicians (e) Receiving kickbacks from powerful shippers Bribing judges and state legislatures (b)Watering down railroad stocks and bonds in order to sell them at inflated prices

Indians battled whites for what four reasons?

2. avenge savage massacres of indians by whites, punish whites for breaking treaties, defend their lands against white invaders, preserve their nomadic way of life against forced settlement

What were four factors that increasingly made cities more attractive than farms for young adults in post-Civil War U.S.?

2. except the lover cost of living

What was the most serious shortcoming in the country's financial structure when Wilson became president?

2. money for lending was inelastic and heavily concentrated in New York City.

At the end of the Civil War, many white southerners still held what two beliefs?

2. their view of secession was correct.

What afflicted both business and government in the aftermath of the Civil War?

2. waste, speculation, and corruption afflicted both business and government.

How were the Plains Indians finally forced to surrender?

3. By the virtual extermination of the buffalo

Give four meanings of emancipation for blacks.

3. Emancipation meant the ability to search for lost family, the right to get married, the opportunity to get married, the opportunity to form their own churches, and the opportunity for an education.

Why was Queen Liliuokalanii forced from power in 1891?

3. She opposed annexation to the United States and insisted that native Hawaiians should continue to control Hawaii

What was the solution to the depression that followed the panic of 1873 advocated by debtors?

3. inflation through issuance of far more greenback paper currency.

The Federal Reserve Act gave the Federal Reserve Board what authority?

3. issue paper money and increase or decrease the amount of money in circulation by altering interest rates

The vast, integrated, continental U.S. market greatly enhanced what method of production?

3. mass manufacturing of standardized industrial products

How did muckrakers signify much about the nature of the progressive reform movement?

3. sought not to overthrow capitalism but to cleanse it with democratic controls

Why did President McKinley ask Congress to declare war on Spain?

4. American people demanded it

The 19th century humanitarians who advocated kind treatment of Indians had what view of Indian culture and religion?

4. Had little respect for traditional indian culture

What were two traits of the presidential elections of the 1870s and 1880s?

4. Republican beliefs during 1870-1880 election Puritan, personal morality, gov't should regulate economy & morality; Northeast & Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) & Freedmen & rural community support Democrats beliefs during 1870-1880 election Tolerant, Lutheran, Catholic members; South & Northern industrial cities & immigrants & political machines of cities

What was the main purpose of the Black Codes?

4. The purpose was to ensure a stable labor supply; it provided for all of the following except voting by blacks.

Besides serving immigrants and the poor in urban neighborhoods, settlement workers like Jane Addams and Florence Kelley actively lobbied for what social reforms?

4. actively lobbied for social reforms like anti-sweatshop laws and child labor laws.

In response to the Boxer Rebellion, the U.S. abandoned what?

9. , USA abandoned its general principles of non-entanglement & noninvolvement in overseas conflict (w/ Europe, not Latin Am.

The Federal Trade Commission was established in 1914 to address what four practices?

4. eliminating unfair and discriminatory trade practices *outlawing unfair business competition and bribery *sale of stocks without full disclosure of a business's organization and profits *prohibiting false and misleading advertising *outlawing the mislabeling or adulterating of products

Political progressivism occurred where?

4. emerged in both major parties, in all regions, at all levels of government.

Give four factors promoting the growth of manufacturing in post-Civil War America.

4. plentiful cheap labor, available investment capital, abundant natural resources

What two technological innovations greatly expanded the industrial employment of women in the late 19th century?

5. (e) The typewriter and the telephone

The bitter conflict between whites and Indians intensified as a result of what?

5. As the mining frontier expanded

On the whole, what was the level of performance by the U.S. Army in Cuba?

5. crippled by logistical chaos and disease that killed thousands of soldiers

During the Gilded Age, what was the lifeblood of both the Democratic and Republican parties?

5. few significant economic differences (still battled)- like today in many ways - especially the political & economic aspects

What was the cure for all of American democracy's ills according to progressives?

5. technical and scientific expertise

Congress objected the readmission of the Southern states to the Union under Johnson's plan for what four reasons?

5. the states had adopted Black Codes that limited the civil rights of freed slaves; the states had been readmitted without consultation with Congress; many former Confederates were elected to high political office in those states; and it feared that the restored South would be stronger than ever in national politics.

Why were New Immigrant groups regarded with special hostility by many nativist Americans?

5. their religious were distinctly different and some New Immigrants were politically radical

Give four reasons for the decline of the long drive and the cattle boom.

6. Give four reasons for the decline of the long drive and the cattle boom.

What was the root cause for the battle between Congress and President Andrew Johnson?

6. Johnson's "soft" treatment of the white South.

What was the impact of the Compromise of 1877 on Reconstruction and southern blacks?

6. Led to the withdrawal of troops from the South and the virtual end of federal efforts to protect black rights there.

What were four issues addressed by women in the progressive movement and settlement houses?

6. b) preventing child labor in factories and sweatshops c) insuring that food products were healthy and safe d) attacking tuberculosis and other diseases bred in slum tenements e) creating pensions for mothers with dependent children

Many native-born Americans tended to blame New Immigrants for what four things?

6. corruption of city gov't, lower industrial wages (b/c of some much cheap, unskilled labor available), degradation of life in US cities, & importing alien social & economic doctrines (like anarchism & socialism)

What was the greatest controversy that emerged at the end of the Spanish-American War?

6. the U.S. colonial acquisition of the Philippines.

What did Andrew Carnegie's system of vertical integration entail?

6. the combination of all phases of the steel industry from mining to manufacturing into a single organization

Radical Reconstruction state governments had what three traits?


What was the major problem faced by settlers on the Great Plains during the 1870s?

7. - scarcity of water (and wood)

In the 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court made what ruling?

7. Homer Plessy, 1/8th black, an octrune, boarded whites only Pullman train car in LA. He was arrested, which he wanted, and he took his case through the courts to challenge segregation using the 14th Amendment. His case went to the US Sup Crt, which ruled that "Jim Crow" segregation of blacks and whites did not violate the Constitution as long as facilities were "separate but equal" - which was legal & Constitutional

What four reasons did anti-imperialist give against the U.S. acquisition of the Philippines?

7. except that: the islands were still rightfully Spain's, for they were taken after the armistice had been signed

Why did Americans offer growing support for a free, public education/?

7. they accepted the idea that a free government cannot function without educated citizens .

What was the goal of the progressive-inspired city—manager system of government?

7. was designed to remove politics from municipal administration.

The Chinese came to the U.S. for what two reasons?

8. dig for gold open small business

Booker T. Washington believed that what was key to political and civil rights for African Americans?

8. economic independence

Despite rising wages in the late 19th century, industrial workers were extremely vulnerable to what four threats?

8. economic swings & depressions, employers' whims, sudden unemployment, illness & accident

Give four goals of the Ku Klux Klan.

8. keep blacks in their place, prevent blacks from voting, keep white carpetbaggers from voting, and end radical Reconstruction

After exploring much of the West, geologist John Wesley Powell warned what about western settlement?

8. land west of the 100th meridian could not be farmed without extensive irrigation

What was the real purpose of TR's assault on trusts?

8. prove that democratic federal government, not private business, goverened the U.S.

Why did guerrilla warfare begin in the Philippines in 1896?

8.- US refused to give the Filipinos their independence

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