history ch. 14 and 16

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In the "Roosevelt corollary" to the ________________, the United States asserted greater power in Latin America. A.Monroe Doctrine B.McKinley Doctrine C.Pan-American Plan D.Platt Amendment

A.Monroe Doctrine

What were the European alliances that were triggered when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia? A.Russia and France allied with Serbia against Austria-Hungary and Germany. B.Russia allied with Serbia against France, Germany, and Austria-Hungary. C.Russia allied with Germany and France against Serbia and Austria-Hungary. D.France allied with Bosnia and Russia against Serbia, Germany, and Austria-Hungary.

A.Russia and France allied with Serbia against Austria-Hungary and Germany.

How did the unification of the German states and the emergence of the German Empire lead to tensions in Europe? A.Several countries feared that Germany would invade them and begin to create alliances. B.Many countries were outraged that Germany had signed an alliance with France. C.Russia began invading neighboring Slavic countries to create its own empire. D.England declared war on Germany for its invasion of France.

A.Several countries feared that Germany would invade them and begin to create alliances.

What event in April 1919 further fueled fears of Communist radicals in America? A.The Postal Service intercepted 30 bombs sent to prominent Americans. B.The Steel Strike resulted in several socialist pamphlets being distributed. C.Attorneys began to file lawsuits challenging capitalist laws. D.Race riots resulted in many African Americans joining the socialist cause.

A.The Postal Service intercepted 30 bombs sent to prominent Americans.

_______, an American volunteer cavalry unit, attacked San Juan Hill in Cuba and won. A.The Rough Riders B.The Twentieth Maine Regiment C.The Western Frontiersmen D.The Cuban Liberation Army

A.The Rough Riders

What U.S. action in 1894 set off a new rebellion in Cuba? A.The U.S. increased its sugar tariff. B.The U.S. sided with Spain in the fighting. C.The U.S. declared itself neutral. D.The U.S. began selling weapons to Spain.

A.The U.S. increased its sugar tariff.

Why were some American leaders opposed to the annexation of the Philippines? A.They felt it threatened the U.S. economically and violated U.S. principles. B.They worried that the Spanish would attempt to reclaim the territory. C.Filipinos opposed the annexation and rebelled. D.McKinley was worried about Europe's response to the annexation.

A.They felt it threatened the U.S. economically and violated U.S. principles.

What new American attitude toward international affairs led to the building-up of the U.S. Navy? A.a willingness to go to war to protect American interests overseas B.a desire to forge alliances with European nations C.the hope that Europe and America would join forces economically D.the anger at Britain's colonization in Africa

A.a willingness to go to war to protect American interests overseas

How did the Fuel Administration attempt to conserve coal and oil during the war? A.by instituting Heatless Mondays and creating daylight savings time B.by regulating usage of coal and oil by nonessential factories C.by rationing coal to families and encouraging increased oil production D.by creating an oversight board that regulated individual fuel usage

A.by instituting Heatless Mondays and creating daylight savings time

President Taft's policies toward Latin American countries became known as _______ A.dollar diplomacy. B.the Taft Corollary. C.the Monroe Doctrine. D.the Latin American Trade Alliance.

A.dollar diplomacy.

What were three of the main ideas in Wilson's Fourteen Points? A.free trade and open diplomacy, national self-determination, and the establishment of the League of Nations B.dissolution of the German government, war reparations, and disarmament of the German nation C.a democratic Russia, the illegalization of alliances, and a European Union D.dividing Germany, preventing communism from spreading from Russia, and forgiving German debt

A.free trade and open diplomacy, national self-determination, and the establishment of the League of Nations

The crisis in the Balkans represented a clash between which two ideals that were emerging in Europe? A.nationalism and imperialism B.alliances and militarism C.cultural integrity and integration D.socialism and capitalism

A.nationalism and imperialism

General Pershing insisted that American soldiers who entered the war _______. A.remain in American units under American command B.be transferred to France to enter the war more quickly C.be used in the trenches to replace French and British losses D.remain on board their ships until England and France made significant advances

A.remain in American units under American command

What strike led to the dismissal of the entire striking workforce? A.the Boston Police Strike B.the Seattle Strike C.the Coal Miners' Strike D.the Steel Strike

A.the Boston Police Strike

Advancements in technology led to what new theater of battle? A.the air, with dogfights between planes B.sea battles between ships C.gun fights between trenches D.bayonet attacks in trench warfare

A.the air, with dogfights between planes

What is imperialism? A.the economic and political domination of a strong nation over weaker ones B.the building of secret alliances among powerful nations C.the internal expansion of territories within one's own borders D.the political desire to bring economic prosperity to one's count

A.the economic and political domination of a strong nation over weaker ones

What was the "Great Migration"? A.the movement of massive numbers of African Americans to the North to take factory jobs B.the movement of troops from American shores to the shores of France C.the massive movement of Americans of German descent back to their homeland D.the movement of herds of cattle and other animals to slaughterhouses for food overseas

A.the movement of massive numbers of African Americans to the North to take factory jobs

What was the major cause of the outbreak of race riots during 1919? A.the scarcity of jobs B.the high rate of inflation C.the fact that African Americans had not fought in the war D.the Steel Strike had pitted African American workers against white managers

A.the scarcity of jobs

What was the Zimmermann telegram? A.the telegram to Mexico from Germany promising to give Mexico land lost to the U.S. if they joined the war B.the telegram sent to the U.S. stating that German U-boat attacks on passenger ships in war zones would continue C.the telegram granting the U.S. certain concessions from the German government D.the telegram from Germany to England stating that Germany had declared war on the U.S.

A.the telegram to Mexico from Germany promising to give Mexico land lost to the U.S. if they joined the war

Why did Congress pass the Selective Service Act? A.to draft Americans into the armed forces B.to create volunteers to work in factories C.to allow citizens to apply for government jobs D.to enable Americans to conserve national resources

A.to draft Americans into the armed forces

What was America's primary interest in Asia? A.trade with China and Japan B.the annexation of Korea C.making China a colony D.arming the Japanese against the Chinese

A.trade with China and Japan

John Fiske's idea of Anglo-Saxonism promoted the notion that A.England had a duty to spread its country across the globe. B.English-speaking countries were superior to others. C.colonies must be assimilated into American culture. D.Americans should stay out of international affairs.

B.English-speaking countries were superior to others.

How were President Wilson's foreign policies different from those of his predecessors? A.He refused to have anything to do with foreign affairs. B.He was opposed to imperialism. C.He wanted to annex Mexico. D.He used force to settle foreign disputes.

B.He was opposed to imperialism.

What caused rapid inflation in the U.S. after the war ended? A.Two million American soldiers entered the workforce, driving down prices because of overproduction. B.Jobs were scarce, and companies that were forced to keep prices low during the war raised them dramatically. C.Women refused to give up their positions in factories, leaving many men jobless. D.War production shut down, allowing companies to compete for natural resources that were previously rationed.

B.Jobs were scarce, and companies that were forced to keep prices low during the war raised them dramatically.

What effect did the war have on women in America? A.Women were allowed to fight overseas for the first time. B.Many took jobs that were traditionally held by men. C.Many stayed at home caring for children. D.Women began to hold elected office and sit on war boards.

B.Many took jobs that were traditionally held by men.

he idea that the U.S. and Latin America should work together became known as A.Economic Aggression. B.Pan-Americanism. C.Latin Imperialism. D.Central Americanism.


In the 1920 election, Warren G. Harding ran on the platform of _______. A.a new Progressivism B.a return to normalcy C.a chicken in every pot D.economic stimulus proposals

B.a return to normalcy

Where was the Western Front? A.between France and Spain B.between Germany and France C.between Russia and Germany D.between Austria-Hungary and Serbia

B.between Germany and France

How did American Admiral William Sims change the war at sea? A.by convincing America to manufacture its own U-boats to counter German attacks B.by creating convoys in which merchant ships and small, maneuverable warships called destroyers traveled together C.by arming merchant ships with torpedoes to protect against German attacks D.by creating a new Department of the Navy and getting funding for new destroyers

B.by creating convoys in which merchant ships and small, maneuverable warships called destroyers traveled together

What caused many Americans to support the Cuban rebels? A.Congress's seeming indifference to the Cuban's plight B.exaggerated newspaper stories of Spanish atrocities C.the increased prices in sugar D.a desire to end the Spanish practice of slavery in Cuba

B.exaggerated newspaper stories of Spanish atrocities

Which economic policies put in place by industrialized nations caused those nations to look for new markets? A.restrictions on foreign investments B.high tariffs against one another's goods C.taxes on raw materials needed for factories D.high interest loans to expeditions in foreign countries

B.high tariffs against one another's goods

During the Red Scare, Americans often linked __________ with radicalism. A.workers B.immigrants C.criminals D.progressives


The desire to promote one's own country's culture and interests above all other nations is called _______. A.culturalism B.nationalism C.militarism D.imperialism


Theodore Roosevelt gained territorial rights in Panama by means of A.peaceful negotiations with the Colombian government. B.supporting a revolution in Panama. C.threatening Panamanian government leaders. D.seizing Panama by military force.

B.supporting a revolution in Panama.

After _______, Secretary of State John Hay convinced European powers not to divide China into colonies. A.the Open Door Policy B.the Boxer Rebellion C.the Big Stick Diplomacy D.the Asian Insurrection

B.the Boxer Rebellion

What Spanish possession did the U.S. gain on May 1, 1898, when Commodore George Dewey defeated the Spanish navy? A.Cuba B.the Philippines C.Guam D.Mexico

B.the Philippines

What treaty ended the Spanish-American War? A.the Philippines Agreement B.the Treaty of Paris C.the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo D.the Treaty of Cuba

B.the Treaty of Paris

What was the purpose of the wartime agencies created in the U.S. during World War I? A.to help forge alliances with neutral countries so that America would have allies B.to foster cooperation between the national war effort and private businesses C.to monitor events in Europe and use this information to direct troop movements D.to convince the American public, including its 8 million German immigrants, to support the war effort

B.to foster cooperation between the national war effort and private businesses

What were the purposes of the Espionage and Sedition Acts? A.to encourage Americans to spy on German-Americans B.to prevent spying and curtail criticism of the government C.to restrict communication between citizens and Europe D.to enhance relations with the Allied forces in Europe

B.to prevent spying and curtail criticism of the government

What was the purpose of the Palmer Raids? A.to investigate corruption B.to seize and deport immigrant anarchists C.to find evidence of bomb production D.to break up unions

B.to seize and deport immigrant anarchists

What was the result of alliances between European countries against one another? A.France and Russia went to war with one another. B.Germany invaded Poland. C.Countries began to engage in militarism. D.America sought to intervene in European affairs.

C.Countries began to engage in militarism.

Why is it believed that Harding won by such a wide margin? A.He promised that he would lead a crusade against communism. B.He ended the Boston Police Strike. C.He promised an end to the reforms that had led to so much strife. D.He promised to enter the League of Nations.

C.He promised an end to the reforms that had led to so much strife.

What was the primary reason that the Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles? A.Its terms against Germany were not harsh enough. B.Wilson had not included Republicans in the negotiations. C.It rejected the notion of a League of Nations. D.It was concerned about the German economy.

C.It rejected the notion of a League of Nations.

How did the rise in factories influence the American drive toward imperialism? A.There was a lack of laborers for factories, and owners searched for cheap labor elsewhere. B.Goods from factories were able to be shipped overseas at very low prices. C.No country had access to all the natural resources needed to run their industries. D.Factories generated a great deal of wealth that investors wanted to make use of.

C.No country had access to all the natural resources needed to run their industries.

What event prompted President Wilson to send troops into Mexico in 1916? A.Mexico defaulted (failed to pay) on its debts to foreign countries. B.Porfirio Díaz declared himself dictator. C.Pancho Villa led a raid on a town in New Mexico. D.The French invaded and Maximilian was crowned emperor

C.Pancho Villa led a raid on a town in New Mexico.

What happened as a result of the American annexation of the Philippines? A.President McKinley resigned in protest. B.Spain refused to leave the islands. C.The Filipinos rebelled. D.The Philippines provided the U.S. with natural resources.

C.The Filipinos rebelled.

How did U.S. attempts at opening trade with Japan influence Japanese culture? A.Japan began trading with America but remained aloof from American culture. B.Japan formed an alliance with China to protect their interests. C.The Japanese began an industrial revolution of their own. D.The Japanese refused to change and maintained a closed society.

C.The Japanese began an industrial revolution of their own.

What enabled Theodore Roosevelt to become president in 1901? A.He beat William Jennings Bryan. B.He made alliances with key Democrats. C.William McKinley was assassinated. D.Britain poured money into his campaign.

C.William McKinley was assassinated.

Why did trench warfare result in such horrific casualties? A.because combatants were forced to use knives and bayonets in order to capture an enemy's position B.because generals were unaware of an enemy's position and often walked into traps C.because artillery and machine guns had made capturing an enemy's position nearly impossible D.because life in the trenches was difficult, with scarce food and a lack of water and medicine

C.because artillery and machine guns had made capturing an enemy's position nearly impossible

How did America fund the $32 billion war effort? A.by trimming government budgets and cutting staff B.through the sale of gold from the Federal Reserve C.by raising taxes and selling bonds D.by borrowing money from neutral European powers

C.by raising taxes and selling bonds

What event allowed Germany to sign a treaty with Russia, ending their campaign in the east? A.the defeat of Russian forces in Poland by the German army B.a freak, frigid winter that caused Russians to want to end their war with Germany C.the Russian Revolution and establishment of a Communist state D.Czar Nicolas II's desire to get out of the war and help the Russian people survive

C.the Russian Revolution and establishment of a Communist state

What event in 1914 triggered the beginning of World War I? A.the unification of Germany B.the annexation of Bosnia C.the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary D.the creation of the "Black Hand"

C.the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary

Which of the following was a reason for the United States to become more active in international affairs? A.the need to increase the national debt B.to gain control of the Eastern Hemisphere C.the need to find new markets D.the desire to decrease trade

C.the need to find new markets

What was the primary purpose of the War Industries Board? A.to produce war propaganda B.to build a naval fleet C.to coordinate the production of war materials D.to harvest natural resources

C.to coordinate the production of war materials

Why did the United States seek trade cooperation with Latin America? A.to increase Latin American exports to the United States B.to limit Latin American exports to the United States C.to increase Latin American demand for American products D.to spread American culture to the people of Latin America

C.to increase Latin American demand for American products

Sensationalist reporting, in which reporters exaggerate or make up stories, is referred to as A.intention of malice. B.fantasy reporting. C.yellow journalism. D.indecent reporting.

C.yellow journalism.

How did the arrival of American troops in Europe change the attitude of those fighting the war? A.Allied forces were jealous of the doughboys' desire to fight. B.Hardened German troops welcomed the new challenge. C.Germany was convinced that it would win against the inexperienced soldiers. D.Allied forces were enthusiastic and German forces demoralized.

D.Allied forces were enthusiastic and German forces demoralized.

Which of the following was a Spanish territory acquired by the U.S. during the Spanish-American War? A.Monaco B.Belize C.Madagascar D.Puerto Rico

D.Puerto Rico

Austria-Hungary's annexation of Bosnia in 1908 had what effect on the empire's relations with the Slavic people? A.The Slavic population of Austria-Hungary appealed to Russia to invade the country and reunite the Slavic people. B.The Slavic population in Austria-Hungary hailed the action as a triumph for the Slavic people. C.Slavs wanted Austria-Hungary to annex Serbia in order to improve relations with Russia. D.Slavs felt that Austria-Hungary had no intention of giving them independence.

D.Slavs felt that Austria-Hungary had no intention of giving them independence.

What result of inflation caused national unrest across the country in 1919? A.The Federal Reserve raised interest rates, leading to a number of bank closures. B.Congress enacted a series of economic policies that were unpopular. C.Unions declined, and wages were driven up. D.Workers began to strike in massive numbers.

D.Workers began to strike in massive numbers.

What was the Red Scare? A.an outbreak of disease from bad food B.a run on several national banks C.a race riot in Cleveland, Ohio D.a fear of Communists seizing control of America

D.a fear of Communists seizing control of America

A foreign area whose rulers are allowed to retain power in exchange for the protection of a more powerful nation is called A.a colony. B.a state. C.a territory. D.a protectorate.

D.a protectorate.

Why did England seek to forge alliances with France and Russia? A.because Russia and France had declared war on Austria-Hungary B.because President Wilson encouraged England to regulate European alliances C.because Germany had become a world power and England wanted a closer relationship with it D.because Germany was creating a naval fleet that threatened the British navy

D.because Germany was creating a naval fleet that threatened the British navy

What were "victory gardens"? A.flower patches in front of homes that had soldiers serving overseas B.parks where people gathered to hear news of the war C.burial places for the war dead D.gardens in which citizens grew their own vegetables

D.gardens in which citizens grew their own vegetables

What did Theodore Roosevelt mean when he spoke of the United States carrying a "big stick"? A.that the United States should have a powerful army capable of conquering any European nation B.that the United States should acquire colonies in Asia C.that the United States should make its military might felt around the world D.that the United States should make it clear to other nations that it intended to back up its policies with actions as well as words

D.that the United States should make it clear to other nations that it intended to back up its policies with actions as well as words

What battle on the Western Front resulted in a massive German retreat? A.the Battle of Cantigny B.the Battle of Château-Thierry C.the Battle of Paris D.the Battle of the Argonne Forest

D.the Battle of the Argonne Forest

Secretary of State John Hay promoted _______, in which all nations agreed to let the others trade with China. A.the European Trade Alliance B.the Treaty of Japan C.the Platt Amendment D.the Open Door Policy

D.the Open Door Policy

What was the final German act that caused the United States to declare war on Germany? A.the sinking of the Lusitania B.the Zimmermann telegram C.the German alliance with Austria-Hungary D.the sinking of six American ships by German submarines

D.the sinking of six American ships by German submarines

What specific event triggered American cries for war against Spain? A.the Spanish deportation of American plantation owners B.the installation of Weyler as governor of Cuba C.the destruction of American plantations D.the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor

D.the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor

What was the purpose of the Committee on Public Information? A.to encourage advertising for American products B.to deliver information on casualties to newspapers C.to encourage Mexicans to migrate to America D.to sell the war effort to Americans

D.to sell the war effort to Americans

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