History Ch. 15-19 Quiz Questions

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Roughly what percent of the populations of Chicago, New York, and Detroit was made up of immigrants by 1890?

80-90 Percent.

In the late nineteenth century, the writer Henry George argued in favor of...

A "single tax" on land to replace all other taxes.

In the late nineteenth century,

A majority of male citizens in the North received federal pensions.

The national network of grocery stores that started in the 1870s was...


Compared with the first generation, second-generation immigrants were more likely to...

Break from their traditional culture.

In 1894, Jacob Coxey and his supporters...

Called for a public works program for the unemployed. Coxey's army/march.

In his 1895 Atlanta Compromise speech, Booker T. Washington...

Called for tacit acceptance of the system of racial segregation.

In the late nineteenth century, Democrats tended to attract greater numbers of...


In the late nineteenth century, efforts to reduce poverty in America included....

Charitable organizations that attempted to limit aid to those they considered the "deserving" poor.

Booker T. Washington

Favored industrial over classical education.

The average yearly income of American workers in 1900...

Fell short of working families' needs and proved highly unstable.

In 1869, Princeton and Rutgers played the first intercollegiate game in America of...


In the 1890s, Florence Kelley and the National Consumers League sought to...

Force retailers and manufacturers to improve wages and working conditions for workers.

American agriculture at the turn of the century benefited from...

Foreign Crop Failures

In the late nineteenth century, many immigrants to the United States...

Formed close-knit ethnic communities within cities.

In the late nineteenth century, the philosopher who introduced and championed the concept of Social Darwinism was...

Hebert Spencer

The Rocky Mountain school of painting

Helped to inspire the growth of tourism in the West.

The Molly Maguires were a militant...

Labor union in the coal industry.

In the late nineteenth century, Daniel De Leon...

Led the Socialist Labor Party in the United States.

Chinese tongs were...

Secret societies

By the 1890s, more than half of all immigrants to the United States were coming from...

Southern and Eastern Europe.

In which industry did the Homestead strike of 1892 occur?


The primary goal of the American Protective Association was to...

Stop immigrants from entering the United States.

The Fifteenth Amendment dealt with the issue of...


In the 1888 election, the position of primary importance to the Republican Party was...

Support for High Tariffs.

In the late nineteenth century, Social Darwinists argued that people who failed economically in the United States did so because...

They were not fit enough to survive in the market.

The Spanish-American War revealed to American military planners...

The need to correct glaring deficiencies in the army.

According to the ideas expressed by Andrew Carnegie in The Gospel of Wealth,

The rich had great responsibilities to society.

In 1929, the base price of a Ford Model T was...


The Knights of Labor

- Began as a secret fraternal organization. - 1st effort to create National union. Open to everyone but lawyers and bankers. Vague program, no clear goals, weak leadership and organization. Failed

The Pullman strike of 1894

- Collapsed after the president of the United States ordered federal troops to the Chicago area. - A staged walkout strike by railroad workers upset by drastic wage cuts. The strike was led by socialist Eugene Debs but not supported by the American Federation of Labor. Eventually President Grover Cleveland intervened because it was interfering with mail delivery and federal troops forced an end to the strike. The strike highlighted both divisions within labor and the government's continuing willingness to use armed force to combat work stoppages.

Women in nineteenth-century Western mining towns...

- Did wage work as cooks, laundresses, and tavern keepers if single. - Often found work doing domestic tasks

The Haymarket Square riot of 1886

- Resulted in the conviction and execution of several anarchists. - Bombing

In the election of 1892,

- The People's Party made its debut. - Cleveland v. Harrison, in which Cleveland won.

In the election of 1876,

- The candidate with the most popular votes failed to win the election. - Ended reconstruction because neither canidate had an electorial majority. Hayes was elected, and then ended reconstruction as he secretly promised.

The theory of Social Darwinism...

- Was used to justify the extreme wealth and monopolistic practices of some industrial capitalists. - Was used to justify the social consequences of industrial capitalism.

The town that reigned as the railhead of the cattle kingdom for many years was...

Abilene, Kansas.

At the end of the Civil War, the number of enslaved Black people who emerged from bondage was...

About 3.5 Million

During the Johnson administration, the United States acquired


The author who called on the United States to increase its naval forces in his book, The Influence of Sea Power upon History, was...

Alfred T. Mahan

In the last two decades of the nineteenth century, fences for plains farms were usually made from...

Barbed Wire

Mining in the West...

Began with individual prospectors, followed by corporations.

The leader who said, "I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever," was...

Chief Joseph.

Which statement about agriculture in the West in the late nineteenth century is true?

Commercial farmers were not self-sufficient and made little effort to become so.

Arguments that used the theories of Charles Darwin to justify American expansionism...

Contended that all nations were engaged in a constant struggle to survive.

In 1865, most white Southerners defined freedom as...

Control of their future without Northern interference.

In the early 1900s, which American dependency did NOT receive territorial status or fall under the control of the U.S. Navy?


The Spanish-American War began primarily because of events in...


To John D. Rockefeller and many other major industrialists in the late nineteenth century, the great curse of the modern economy was...

Cutthroat Competition.

William Jennings Bryan was nominated for president in the 1896 election by the...

Democrats and Populists.

The events of spring 1866 surrounding the construction of the Central Pacific are compelling evidence that the Chinese railroad workers...

Did not happily consent to low wages and dangerous working conditions.

In the late nineteenth century, crime in large American urban centers did NOT...

Disproportionately victimize the white middle class.

Who among these writers and artists did NOT contribute significantly to the romanticizing of the American West?

Earl Pomeroy

The man appointed to supervise a major overhaul of the armed forces was...

Elihu Root.

Due to the growth of industrial capitalism in the late nineteenth century, American workers did NOT...

Enjoy stable wages that allowed their families to plan their rise into the middle class.

The Foraker Act of 1900

Established a formal American colonial government over Puerto Rico.

During the late nineteenth century, college education for American women...

Expanded significantly.

Northern commitment to Reconstruction did NOT wane because of...

Fading memories of the Civil War.

Jim Crow laws...

Imposed a system of state-supported segregation.

President Andrew Johnson was NOT impeached in 1868 for...

Inciting an insurrection to subvert the work of the Congress.

The Bessemer process did NOT

Include technologies to ensure workers' health and safety.

Within the first two decades of the twentieth century, efforts to improve environmental problems in American cities...

Included a new federal public health regulatory agency.

The American artistic movement known as the Ashcan school...

Included the painter Edward Hopper.

During the early decades of the twentieth century, most Americans began to view leisure time as...

Increasingly Desirable.

In 1865, African Americans defined freedom as...

Independence from white control

What statement regarding the national Grange movement is FALSE?

It was greatly strengthened by the end of the economic depression in the late 1870s.

Which statement about Theodore Roosevelt's famous charge in the July 1 battles of the Spanish-American War is FALSE?

It was not recognized as a significant achievement until many decades later.

Samuel Burchard's "rum, Romanism, and rebellion" speech during the election of 1884 most hurt...

James G. Blaine

Who was NOT significantly associated with the steel industry?

James J. Hill

The American politician who referred to the Spanish-American conflict as "a splendid little war" was...

John Hay.

The open-hearth process of making steel...

Made the production of large-dimension pieces possible.

Which American writer is LEAST associated with the trend toward social realism in literature in the late nineteenth century?

Mark Twain

In the late nineteenth century, suburbs on the edges of American cities were largely sought out by...

Moderately well-to-do people.

As president, Rutherford B. Hayes

Promised to serve only one term.

As a result of the Supreme Court's ruling in Ex parte Milligan, some Radical Republicans...

Proposed abolishing the Court.

Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West shows

Proved popular in Europe as well as the United States...

Early in 1866, a massive joint cattle drive from Texas to Missouri...

Proved that cattle could be driven to distant markets. Long drives.


Provided at least some degree of physical independence.

The leader of Hawaii who was forced to yield authority to the American government upon annexation was...

Queen Liluokalani

In the 1840s and 1850s, in the Far West, the response by white Americans to the Chinese...

Quickly turned from initial acceptance to hostility.

As Republicans planned for Reconstruction,

Radicals sought many conditions for readmission, such as disenfranchisement of many white Southerners.

During Reconstruction, the Southern school system...

Reached 40 percent of all Black children by 1876.

In his writings during the late 1800s, the popular author Hamlin Garland...

Reflected the growing disillusionment of Western farmers.

During Reconstruction, per capita income

Rose for Black Southerners and declined for white Southerners.

Between 1890 and 1910, incomes in the United States...

Rose for almost all Americans.

One key to Henry Ford's success in the mass production of automobiles was...

The Moving Assembly Line

The Western farmers' first and most burning grievance was against...

The Railroads.

Which statement regarding Hispanic New Mexico is FALSE?

The Taos Puebloans, allied with Navajos and Apaches, forced out Anglo-Americans until 1847.

In the late nineteenth century, the needs of the American steel industry did NOT directly contribute to the further development of...

The automobile industry.

What was NOT a factor in the lack of progress for organized labor in the late nineteenth century?

The comparatively good working conditions, which made union agitation less compelling to workers.

Which innovation in consumer goods did NOT emerge in the late nineteenth century?

The credit card company

The business structure of Carnegie Steel was a good example of...

Vertical Integration

The business structure of Standard Oil is a good example of...

Vertical and horizontal integration.

President Andrew Johnson WAS impeached in 1868 for...

Violating the Tenure of Office Act, Consistently opposing the efforts of the Radical Republicans, Both violating the Tenure of Office Act and dismissing Edwin Stanton from office.

Before 1860, the traditional policy of the federal government was to regard Native Americans partly as...

Wards of the president of the United States.

The Ghost Dance, in 1890,

Was a spiritual revival among the Plains peoples.

The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887

Was designed to force Native Americans to become landowners and farmers.

In the late nineteenth century, American industry...

Was eagerly assisted by the federal government.

Schuyler Colfax, Grant's vice president,

Was involved in a stock-fixing scandal.

The popular image of the American West in the late nineteenth century...

Was promoted by the Rocky Mountain school.

The Panic of 1873

Was the nation's worst economic depression to that time.

The principal force behind the creation of great public buildings in the late nineteenth century was...

Wealthy Residents.

At the turn of the twentieth century, motion pictures...

Were attracting mass audiences with usually plotless entertainment.

During the late nineteenth century, anarchists in the United States...

Were blamed for the Haymarket bombing.

For many middle-class Americans, the major labor upheavals of the late nineteenth century...

Were dangerous signs of social instability.

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