History Ch.21 & 22

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Why did Reformers want to suppress prostitution and what actions were taken against it?

"Social evil". Created the Mann Act of 1910 establishing that interstate transport of women "for immoral purposes" is not allowed

How much did the US pay to Spain for PR and Guam?

$20 million

Why did McKinley declare war on Spain if they agreed to our terms?

-It was a step towards imperialism -Already began war prep to prove himself

What were some arguments made for and against protective legislation for women? List examples of these protection laws.

-The Women's Trade Union league of LA, supported the legislation to help secure economic independence and equality in the labor market for women, increase the economic strength of the working class, and some as a precedent for laws improving conditions for all -Against it because it ensured dependence on father & husband, women offended that they need protection -Muler vs. Oregon established working hours

What 2 obstacles were in the way of the US building a canal in South America?

1. Colombia rejects Roosevelts offer to purchase canal zone in Panama 2. Persuade the British to relinquish rights to building a canal (where to build Nicaragua, Panama)

4 reasons why Congress declared war on Spain

1. Cuba must be free 2. Spain must withdraw from the island 3. Congress could use armed forces to obtain these ends 4. The US would annex Cuba-Teller Amendment

What terms did the US demand Spain agree to?

1. Demanded an armistice in Cuba 2. an end to the reconcentration policy 3. the acceptant of American arbitration, implying Cuban independence

Problems that arose over the fate of the Philippines

1. Germany & Great Britain also had interest in it 2. Business thought it would be a good investment for trade 3. Moral considerations- a great missionary effort

What did Spain agree to in Paris?

1. Give Cuba their independence 2. Give PR & Guam to the US

TR's 3 ideas

1. The president can do anything to meet the national needs that the Constitution doesn't specifically prohibit 2. He recognized the executive branch 3. He encouraged the idea of a personal presidency

3 reasons why hard hitting exposés was made possible

1. lower printing cost 2. New mass audience educated by high schools 3. capacity to produce magazines in vast numbers

Triangle Shirtwaist Company

146 workers were killed by fire because they were trapped inside


1910, established to fight for equality for African Americans through the court system

Federal Reserve Act

1913 law that revised banking and currency by extending limited gov. regulations through the creation of the Federal Reserve System

Underwood-Simmons Tariff

1913 reform law that lowered tariff rates and levied the first regular federal income tax

17th Amendment

1913, established the direct election of US senators

19th Amendment

1920, established a women's right to vote

Hull House

1st settlement house established by Jane Addams

National Conservation Conference

44 state governors & hundreds of experts to consider resource problems


A group of talented editors, journalists, and essayists who contributed to the new reform movement by focusing on the publics fear & revealing existing abuses

Progressive Era

A time when important movements challenged traditional relationships & attitudes

Kean-McGillicuddy Act

Achieved the progressive goal of a workers compensation system for federal employees


Allowed citizens to introduce legislation through a petition signed by a specific number of voters


Allows voters to approve or reject legislation

Explain the steps taken by the US to eventually gain control of Hawaii.

American planters overthrew the Queen, Americans demand annexation

Why were Americans so sympathetic to the Cuban rebels?

Americans felt sypathetic to the Cuban rebels because of the brutality with which Spain suppress the revolt. The Americans press talked trash. Protestant vs. Catholic. USA vs. Spain. Empathize w/ cubans

What did America feel was their role in Latin American?

Americans felt that intervention was necessary to accomplish American trade and investments. He ignored the wishes and interests of Latin Americans, provoked resistance and disorder and lasting ill will

What was the Open Door Policy in China and how was it established?

An American policy of seeking equal trade and investment opportunities in foreign nations and regions. Established by the Americans after the Boxer Rebellion John sent letters to everyone but didn't ask China about the decision

National Association of Manufacturers

Anti-labor groups who denounced unions as corrupt & radical & hired things disrupt them & used blacklists to eliminate union activists

Gospel of Efficiency

Applying management techniques to social problems to eliminate waste & inefficiency in government society & industry

Hepburn Act

Authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission to set maximum railroad rates

*Summarize the Ballinger-Pinchot affair and explain its significance in reinforcing Taft's reputation *Taft alienated Progressives

Ballinger- Sec. of Interior Pinchot- Chief Forester Pinchot challenged Ballinger's role in a questionable sale of public coal lands in Alaska to a J.P Morgan syndicate. Taft upheld Ballinger and fired Pinchot. Ballinger sold property that wasn't his to sell and didn't get fired, but Pinchot does when he bad mouths Taft

Walter Rauschenbusch

Baptist minister who served impoverished immigrants & who argued that Christians should support social reform to alleviate problems

Meat Inspection Act & Pure Food and Drug Act

Both aimed at consumer protection

What were the goals of the Country Life Commission and why were some farmers opposed to improvement?

Broad program for social and economic change, involving expanded government functions, activist government agencies staffed by experts and the professionalism of rural social services. Farmers believed that their problems stemmed, not from rural life, but from industrial society and its nefarious trust banks and middlemen

*Why were the Progressives angry with Taft and his role in tariff reform legislation? *Taft alienated Progressives

Campaigned in 1908 for a lower tariff to curb inflation, but when they introduced tariff reform legislation, the president failed to support them. Instead he changed the perfectly fine bill and thought his changes were the best

Why was there a push for education at the turn of the century?

Counter the slum environment, reduce poverty. North had better education system. Rapid infuse of immigrants, as well as the demands of the new corporate workplace, as a means of advancement, assimilation, and the training of future workers

Fredrick Taylor

Created Taylorization which assigned workers simple & repetitive tasks on machines which made their skills expendable & enabled managers to control the pace of production, work, hiring & firing personnel

Social Gospel Movement

Created by Protestant ministers who sought to introduce religious ethics into industrial relations & appealed to churches to meet their social responsibilities

National Reclamation Act

Created the Bureau of Reclamation wh/constructed dams, reservoirs & irrigated canals & helped restore fertile valleys in the desert

Australian Ballot

Created the secret ballot to help free voters from intimidation & discouraged corruption

Florence Kelley

Crusader who led the fight to protect both working women & middle-class housewives by monitoring working conditions & consumer products

What was the Venezuelan Boundary dispute over and why was its resolution significant?

Cuba was revolting against increasingly harsh Spanish rule. The Spanish reacted brutally towards the rebellers. Spanish put the rebels in reconcentration camps

Was Cuba given its independence after the Spanish American War? What is the Platt Amendment?

Cuba wasn't given independence. Platt Amendment was a stipulation the US had inserted into the Cuban constitution, restricting Cuban autonomy and authorizing US interventions and navel bases

How were the nativists trying to control and restrict immigrants and immigration?

Demanded Americanization of immigrants already in the country. Have to know english before coming to America. Can't unionize and they'll take their jobs for less money. Immigrants (Japanese, Mexican, Southern English people)

How did the US affect Hawaii's economy?

Economy plummets when the McKinley Tariff is passed and American missionaries and merchants were soon active in the islands. US makes Hawaiian sugar duty free


Enable voters to remove unsatisfactory public officials from office

Settlement Houses

Established to aid the poor by creating educational & professional services for adults & safe recreational opportunities for children

Adamson Act

Establishing an 8 hour day for railroad workers

Billy Sunday

Evangelist who scorned all reforms & denounced labor unions & business regulation as violating traditional values

Lincoln Steffens

Exposed the corrupt St. Louis Democratic machine

Ida Tarbell

Exposed the standard Oil Company

Elkins Act

Gave federal courts power to control railroads illegal practices & outlawed rebates

Federal Trade Commission

Government agency established in 1914 to provide regulatory oversight of business activity

Robert "Battling Bob" LaFollete

Governor of Wisconsin who introduced many progressive reforms in his state to create a "laboratory for democracy"

Business Interest

Groups angered by exposés of cooperate abuse & corruption who attacked the muckrackers

What role did James Blaine play in foreign affairs and how did Latin American nations reject his idea?

He worked to extend what he called America's "commercial empire" in the Pacific. Sought to ensure US sovereignty over any canal in Panama. Latin American nations rejected Blaine's plan because they were wary of economic subordination to the colossus of the North. Reduce trade barriers

What actions did Taft take that show he was a progressive leader?

His administration pursued a more active and successful anti-trust program than Roosevelt's. Set aside more public forests and oil reserves, and passed the 16th amendment

Warehouse Credit Act

Improved short term agricultural credit

Dept. of Agriculture

In charge of gov. forest reserves & saved millions of acres of public forest

What 2 candidates were favored by many progressives for the election of 1812?

La Follette Roosevelt

Eugene V. Debs

Leader of Socialist Party of America, which is a group condemned social & economic inequities


Led by Gifford Pinchot, believes that land must be used efficiently so it would remain available for future generations


Led by John Muir, insisted that the country's national heritage be protected against any sort of defilement & preserved intact

Niagara Movement

Led by W.E.B Dubois, a group organized to promote racial immigration, civil political rights, & equal assess to economic opportunity

Rough Riders & 10th Negro Calvary

Led the Us charge and captured San Juan Hill but Rough Riders took all the credit

Sept. 6, 1901

Leon Czolgosz a demented anarchist shot & killed McKinley making Teddy Roosevelt President

How did the President disappoint Progressives during the first term?

Many progressives were astonished because their objectives were completely ignored. Wilson refused to support women suffrage and help kill legislation, abolishing child labor and expanding credits to farmers. No further reforms were necessary.


Members of the Industrial workers of the World who used sit-down strikes, sit-ins, mass rally tactics later adopted by other industrial unions

How did Taft defeat Roosevelt for the Republican nomination?

Most states didn't have primaries, as a result Taft was able to dominate the Republican convention and win renunciation

Municipal Reform

Movement to make city government more efficient & break alliances between city bosses & business leaders

When was the only occasion men received protective laws?

Only in very dangerous industries did men gain protection

Was Puerto Rico given its independence after the Spanish American War?

PR was adopted by the US as an "unincorporated territory" No independence

Protestant Fundamentalists

People who opposed reforms & stressed personal salvation rather than social reform

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

Prohibited unfair trade practices and sharply restricted holding companies

Keating-Owen Act

Prohibiting the interstate shipment of products made by child labor

Louis Brandeis

Promoted activist gov. when he nominated Louis Brandeis to the Supreme Court. Known as the people's lawyer (progressive)

Federal Farm Loan Act

Provided farmers with federally financed long-term agricultural credits

Hireway Act

Provided funds to construct and improve rural roads

Election of 1900

Republican: McKinley Democrat: Bryan

How did Roosevelt and Wilson differ in their approach in Progressive?

Roosevelt supported "New Nationalism"- set out all the rules for the big companies Taft supported "New Freedom"- let the businesses do their own thing and the gov steps in when they go out of line

How did Roosevelt "mediate" the situation of the coal mines?

Roosevelt threatened to seize mines & run them as federal property until they agreed

Newlands Act

Set aside money from federal land sales for dams & canals to irrigate land

Why is Margaret Sanger so important to women's health?

She initiated the modern birth control. Started promoting because she wanted to avert tragedies that were giving themselves self induced abortions

*Who was Joe Cannon & why did the Progressive Republicans want him ousted? *Taft alienated Progressives

Speaker of the house. A reactionary who systematically blocked progressive measures. He only choose conservatives. Skipped progressives who had seniority

What are "spheres of influence"? Why did some in the business community reject them?

Spheres of influence are regions dominated and controlled by an outside power. Some in the business community rejected them because it would limit the opportunity to compete

Why did the Russo-Japanese War start? How did America mediate an outcome?

Started because the Japanese was alarmed at the threat of Russian expansion in Manchuria and Korea. Japan attacked the Russian fleet at Port Authority and defeated the Russian army in Manchuria. President Roosevelt mediated the situation by creating the Treaty of Portsmouth

Why did Taft have so much trouble with his own party?

Taft alienated progressives and floundered into a political morass. The Republicans were divided between conservatives and reformers. Taft was politically inept. Unable to mediate between the two Republican fractions and the party split up

Why was Wilson ablate win the election of 1912?

The Democrats only had one candidate to choose from meanwhile the Republicans had to split votes between two candidates TR was unable to add progressive Democrats to the Republicans who followed him into the Progressive Party. Wilson split his views between both Democrat sides

Explain Taft's policy of Dollar Diplomacy. Who benefited more America or Latin America?

The US policy of using private investments in other nations to promote American diplomatic goals and business interests. US benefits because we want more trade, and we created the policy

Why did roosevelt need to use his "corollary" in Latin America and what was the reaction?

The corollary attempted to justify US intervention and authority in the region. Latin Americans resented the US's unilateral claim to authority

How did the National Child Labor Committee try to improve child labor laws? Who opposed their efforts? How were they successful?

They organized led the Campaign to curtail child labor. They created minimum age law. Manufacturers who used child labor , poor parents who needed their children's income, and conservatives who opposed gov. actions as an intrusion

What role did the war play in Japanese-American relations?

Treaty marked Japan's emergence as a great power, but ironically worsened relations with the US. Anti-American riots broke out in Tokyo. Japanese people blamed Roosevelt for obstructing further Japanese gains and blocking a Russian indemnity that would've helped Japan pay for the war. SanFran segregates Asian and whites in school. Gentlemen's Agreement

Name and describe each incident that led the US into war with Spain

US battleship Maine blew in Havana harbor killing 260 men Spain was reluctant to modify oppressive policies in Cuba

How did the US eventually gain permission to build in Panama?

US forces prevented Colombian troops from landing in Panama, although the treaty was bound by treaty to maintain Colombian sovereignty in the region Bunau-Varilla promptly signed treaty accepting Roosevelt's original terms

What problems did the US face in the Philippines and what was the outcome?

US had to use 4 times as many soldiers to suppress the Filipinos as it had to defeat Spain in Cuba. Used brutal and harsh methods like putting them in concentration camps. Didn't care about combatants vs. civilians

American Federation of Labor

Union who recruited mainly skilled workers particularly native-born white males

Coal Miners Strike

United Mine Workers, led by John Mitchell, walked off their jobs

Who joined the Progressive movement?

Wage earners, salaried professionals & white collar workers

Why wasn't the US army impressive?

War Dept. was very unorganized and had recruited and trained a large # of volunteers

Who ran and won in the 1908 presidential election?

William Howard Taft was a federal judge, governor of the Philippines and secretary of war. Later he served as chief justice of the US. Ran against William Jennings Bryan Democrats- Taft Republicans- Jennings


Women who worked towards gaining women the right to vote

White Man's Burden

became a popular expression that carried w/ it a duty to and uplift other people

Anti-Imperialists thoughts on new land

believed acquiring colonies was immoral, feared new people would create racism and their cheap labor would hurt unions

Dept. of Commerce & Labor

could subpoena information from industries that could be used for anti-trust lawsuits

Ray Stannard Baker

exposed unfair labor practices

Imperialists thoughts on new land

financially beneficial, help to secure over borders and was our national destiny

Why was the Spanish American War nicknamed Splendid Little War?

it was short, cheap, and few US lives were lost

George Dowry

led the Navy into Manila Bay & destroyed the whole Spanish Asiatic fleet

What role did William Seward play in foreign affairs?

passed an elaborate imperial vision, based on his understanding of commercial opportunities, strategic necessities and national destiny. He purchased Alaska from Russia, approved the navy's occupation of the Midway Islands in the Pacific, pushed American trade on a reluctant Japan, and acquire different islands in Caribbean

George F. Baer

spokesman of the owners of the the coal mines

John Burgess

taught that we were destined to impose our political institution on the rest of the world

Anti-Imperialists League

tried to block the treaty from being signed through various tactics, when that failed they turned to the Senate

Social Darwinists

viewed the competition among nations as a struggle for survival

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