History chap 18.2-18.4

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What were the major outcomes of the Congress of Vienna?

A balance of power that lasted for the next 100 years but failed to anticipate new forces such as nationalism. French returned territories gained by Napoleon from 1795 - 1810. Russia extended its powers and received souveranity over Poland and Finland.

How did Napoleon build his image as a military leader in France?

As a successful general, who's been on the field before, he agreed with the ideas of the revolution and even supported it. He took over the rule of the very chaotic Directory. He also wrote a new code that was based on the constitution and approved by the consulate.

At first some Europeans welcomed Napoleon in their countries. Why did they eventually turn against him?

At first, they welcomed the ideas of the French revolution, but grew to see Napoleon and his armies as forgin oppressors.

Why would most people welcome Napoleon's decision to open up government jobs based on talent?

During the old aristocratic monopoly of power, only the high class society was given the jobs. Now the careers were open to men of talent without the limitation of class.

Explain why France's revolutionaries used the motto "Liberty, Fraternity, Equality."

France's revolutionaries used the motto "Liberty, Fraternity, Equality" because it got rid of the social classes and it also got rid of the monarchy that france had. In addition, it made all people have equal rights.

Napoleon once said: "Since one must take sides, one might as well choose the side that is victorious, the side which devastates, loots, and burns. Considering the alternative, it is better to eat than be eaten." What does this quote indicate about Napoleon's political ambitions and values?

He cares about self success and would do anything to be victorious and gain power.

What does this quote indicate about Napoleon's reputation as a military genius? "I grew up on the field of battle, and a man such as I am cares little for the life of a million men."

He is saying that he did not even think about losing a million men because he was so skilled at war that a million men wouldn't ever die

Name at least three reforms Napoleon brought to France

He strengthened the central government,controlled prices, he encouraged new industry, and built roads and canals. He set up a system of public schools under strict government control to ensure well-trained officials and military officers. He made peace with the Catholic Church in the Concordat of 1801. Napoleon also opened jobs to all, based on talent. Code of laws: embodied Enlightenment principles such as the equality of all citizens before the law, religious toleration, and the abolition of feudalism.

In the section titled, "The Map of Europe is Redrawn," what does the text mean when it uses the term "forceful diplomacy"?

I think the term "forceful diplomacy" means that Napoleon controlled most of Europe using his own ways. For example, he used people he trusts by placing friends and relatives on thrones through Europe and not giving them or others a choice by being forceful.

In what ways did the American Revolution influence the French Revolution?

Ideas were brought from America to France. Frances Declaration was modeled on part of The American Declaration of Independence. French citizens wanted Enlightenment ideas as seen in America.

If you were a European monarch during the French Revolution, why would you fear the "French plague"?

If I were a European monarch during the French Revolution I would fear the French plague because it might start a revolution in my country.

What did the Napoleonic Code have in common with the principles of the Enlightenment? How did Napoleon's rule violate Enlightenment principles?

It embodied the enlightenment principles of equality before the law, religious toleration, and the abolishment of feudalism. Many of these policies stressed order and authority over citizens

What was the main impact of the Constitution of 1795?

It set up a 5 man directory and a two house legislature elected by male citizens of property. The Constitution of 1795 was put into place because of the terror. The professional people and middle class where the dominant ones. They now had peace between Prussia and Spain however there was still war with Austria and Prussia. They were also able to put an end to riots and placed a greater tax on smaller goods such as bread.

What changes did the Constitution of 1791 bring to the French government? Which of these changes reflected the goals of the Enlightenment?

It set up a limited monarchy. A new legislative assembly can make laws, collect taxes, and decide on issues of war and peace. Old provinces were replaced with 83 departments. Reflecting the goals of the enlightenment the constitution also ended church interference in government and ensured equality for all male citizens.

Explain the meaning of the excerpt below from a statement given by King Louis XVI prior to his execution: "Frenchmen, I die innocent. I pardon the authors of my death. I pray God that the blood about to be spilt will never fall upon the head of France."

King Louis is saying that he did nothing wrong to deserve being killed. Although he is being killed, he forgives people executing him. He also says that he doesn't want the same fate for another ruler of France.

The Continental System did not work. Why?

Napoleon tried to wage economic warfare with the Continental System which is closing European ports to British goods. His goal was to weaken the British. it did not work because the British still had vital trade routes from America and India.

What made young Napoleon a popular figure in France?

Napoleon was popular for many reasons. He controlled prices, built roads, canals and set up a system of public schools. He gained supporters when he made peace with the Catholic Church in 1801 and this gave more of a religious freedom. Napoleon won support from all social classes and the peasants felt better about their new right to lands. The middle class supported him and benefited from his economic reforms. He also opened jobs based on talent. Finally he was an important figure because of the Napoleonic code which ended feudalism, created religious acceptance and equality for citizens.

What was the result of Robespierre's desire to achieve a "republic of virtue"?

Since Robespierre believed that the "republic of virtue" could achieve only through the use of terror, he was one of the chief architects of the Reign of Terror. From September 1793 to July 1794, revolutionary courts conducted hasty trials making spectators to have death sentences saying "Hail the Republic" or "Death to the traitors".

In what ways did the French Revolution change France

The French Revolution changed France by dislodging the old social order, overthrowing the monarchy, and brought the church under state control.

what did the political philosophy of the Jacobins throw the Revolution into another phase

The Jacobins wanted to advance to a republic and gained control of the legislative assembly. They used pamphleteers and sympathetic newspaper editors to advance the republican cause.

What did the Declaration of Pilnitz do?

The documents were written by 2 monarchs who threatened to interfere to protect the French monarchy. It caused the revolutionaries in France to prepare for war as they thought the declaration was a threat.

Explain in your own words what Robespierre meant when he said: "The first maxim of our politics ought to be to lead the people by means of reason and the enemies of the people by terror . . . If the basis of popular government in time of peace is a virtue, the basis of popular government in time of revolution is both virtue and terror."

The revolutionary's who are against the people should live terror and virtues, when there is no revolutionary's against the people there will be no terror, only virtue

Why would a member of the bourgeoisie distrust the clergy?

They had access to money and property from years of not paying taxes and that debt fell to the bourgeoisie to pay. They didn't want to pay taxes and debt.

Explain why, during the Revolution, the French wore practical clothes as opposed to the elaborate fashions they once wore in pre-revolutionary times.

They wore more practical clothes because wearing elaborate clothes stood for wealth and power but because they had ended the old regime and started a new system their clothing was all more similar symbolizing that everyone was equal and that certain people weren't better than others.

When the National Assembly abolished feudalism, the president of the Assembly declared, "We may view this moment as the dawn of a new revolution, when all the burdens weighing on the people were abolished, and France was truly reborn"? What do you think he meant?

he meant that france is having a new dawn, rebirth. the president meant what was holding france down (feudalism) is now gone. people were able to get the freedom of speech and the right to vote, creating equality.

What were some of the major events of the "Great Fear"?

peasants set fire to old manor records and stole grains rebelled against nobles

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