history chapter 13

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The person most responsible for defusing the tariff controversy that began in 1828 was

Henry clay

Which of the following ideas is Douglas appealing to when he says, "whether the people of the territories shall be allowed to do as they please upon the question of slavery"?

Popular sovereignty

An increase in which of the following was the key part of he Kansas-Nebraska Act to attract Southern support?

Transportation in the South

Innovations in the election of 1832 included

adoption of written party platforms

The two political parties of the Jacksonian era tended to

be socially and geographically diverse

the new two party political system that emerged in the 1830s and 1840s

became an important part of the nations checks and balances

The Whigs hoped to win the 1836 election by

forcing the election into the House of Representatives

The cement that held the Whig party together in its formative days was

hatred of Andrew Jackson

the nullification crisis of 1833 resulted in a clear cut victory for

neither Andrew Jackson nor the nullifers

Which of the following political groups had its efforts to find a compromise over slavery effectively ended by Taney's decision in the Dred Scott case?

northern democrats

Supporters of the Whig party included all of the following except

opponents of public education

the so-called era of good feelings was never entirely tranquil, but even the illusion of national consensus was shattered by the

panic of 1819 and the Missouri compromise of 1820

Which of the following parts of the Compromise of 1850 was the most appealing to the South?

passing a new fugitive slave law

John Quincy Adams could be described as

possessing almost none of the arts of the politician

While he was president, John Quincy Adams was roundly criticized for his NOT

replacement of so many public servants with his own supporters

To which politicians is Clay directing the last line of the excerpt?

southerners who were threatening to secede

following his election in 1832 president Jackson decided to NOT

start depositing federal funds in several "pet" state banks AND run for a this term in 1836

John C. callhouns South Carolina exposition was an argument for

states rights

the mullification crisis of 1832-1833 erupted over

tariff policy

Northerners were most upset by the Supreme Court 's Dred Scott decision because

the decision allowed slavery in the territories

the panic of 1837 was the result of NOT

the independent treasury system AND economic distress in Europe AND Jacksons removal of the united states from the gold standard

the strong regional support for the tariff of 1833 came from

the south

indian territory


san jacinto






despite Adams discomfort, his political supporters used all of the following dirty tactics against his rival Jackson except

trumpeting his hanging six Indian chiefs

the presidential election of 1824

was the first one to see the election of a minority president



Match the individuals to the correct description

4, 3, 2, 1



Which of the following acts of Congress was declared unconstitutional in the Dred Scott decision ?

Missouri compromise of 1820

Which of the following parts of the Compromise of 1850 was the most appealing to the North?

Using popular sovereignty in new territories

During his long political career, John Quincy Adams was at one time or another NOT

Vice President

the South Carolina state legislature, after the election of 1832

declared the existing tariff null and void in South Carolina

In response to South Carolina's nullification of the Tariff of 1828, Andrew Jackson

dispatched naval and military forces to the state while denouncing nullification

William Henry Harrison, the whig party's presidential candidate in 1840 was

made to look like a poor western farmer

By the 1840s voter participation in the presidential election reached

nearly 80 percent

Writing about his observations of America and Americans as he traveled across the United States, the Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville was most struck by

the general equity of the condition among the people

Most of the early American settlers in Texas came from

the south and southwest

Spanish authorities allowed Moses Austin to settle in Texas because

they believed that Austin and his settlers might be able to civilize the territory

As president, John Quincy Adams

was one of the least successful presidents in American history

both the democratic party and the whig party

were mass-based political parties

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