History Chapter 8

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Why did President Washington choose neutrality in the war between Britain and France?

After the French Revolution began in Europe, Washington declared the US friendly and impartial toward both warring powers because Americans sympathized for the revolutionaries.

What advice did George Washington give about political parties and alliances in his farewell address?

Before leaving for office, Washington wrote a letter to the people of the United States warning them to fight against sectionalism. He wanted Americans to avoid dividing the country into the North against the South or the East against the West.

Why was conquering Canada an important American goal in the War of 1812?

Canada was a important to capture in the War of 1812 because if British kept control of the territory, it would be too easy for them to invade America

What executive departments did congress establish?

Congress established the Secretary of State with Jefferson as the head advisor, the Secretary of War with Knox as an advisor, the Secretary of Treasury with Hamilton as advisor, and Randolph as an attorney general.

Why did Congress repeal the Judiciary Act of 1801?

Congress repealed the Judiciary Act of 1801 because before Adam left office, he put Federalists in the positions as the judges. Jefferson wasn't pleased that Federalists controlled the courts. Repealing the act was one of the first things Jefferson did when he became president. The Federalists still in congress were removed by impeachment.

Why did Jefferson have Congress pass the Embargo Act of 1807?

Jefferson wanted Congress to pass the Embargo Act of 1807 because after the attack from the British navy resulting in 3 American sailors dead, the public wanted war, but Jefferson didn't want to start affairs with Europe. Instead of going to war, the Embargo Act of 1807 would halt all trade between the United States and Europe. This act ended up hurting America more than it did France nor Britain.

Why did Thomas Jefferson want to purchase the Louisiana Territory?

Jefferson wanted to purchase the Louisiana territory because when Napoleon convinced Spain to give Louisiana back to France in exchange for helping Spain take control of part of Italy, it worried Jefferson that France would gain control of the lower parts of the Mississippi. Jefferson sent Robert Livingston to block the deal of France acquiring Louisiana territory. His negotiations weren't accomplished until a few years later. Luckily, France was short on money so Napoleon ended up selling the Louisiana territory to the US for $11.25. Because of this purchase, The United States doubled in size and gained control of the entire Mississippi river.

What was new about Jefferson's approach to the presidency?

Jefferson's approach was new because he thought that Washington and Adams acted too much like royalty. Jefferson tried to create a less formal style for the presidency. For example, Jefferson rode horseback instead of riding in his carriage.

Why did James Madison object to Alexander Hamilton's plan for a national bank?

Madison oppose Hamilton's plan for a National Bank because northern merchants would own most of the banks stocks. He argued that they couldn't make a national bank because it wasn't in the constitution

Why did Americans in the South and West favor war with Great Britain?

The South and West wanted war for two reasons. The first reason is because the British trade restriction had hurt the income of Southern planters and Western Farmers. These people needed to ship their goods overseas to make a profit. Secondly, Western farmers had many conflicts with the Native Americans and blamed Britain for those conflicts. British moved the Indians past the established line separating the territories in which the Native Americans were allowed to live on

Why did Little Turtle form a confederacy?

The area between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River became a growing region in the US. Land, soil, rivers, and fish led to confrontations with the Native Americans. Little Turtle formed a confederacy of tribes to fight against the American troops.

What were the nation's first two political parties, and what issues did they favor?

The first two political parties were the Federalists, with Hamilton as leader, and the Republicans, with Jefferson as leader. The Federalists wanted a big strong government with a full involvement in trade and manufacturing. Republicans wanted a local government with farmers as the main income. Jefferson wanted nothing to do with national trade or manufacturing. Because of this, the South supported the Republicans because it consisted mostly of farmers and the North supported the Federalists because there were tons of cities.

What were the effects of the battle of New Orleans?

When a British fleet landed toward New Orleans, Americans used large cotton bales from near-by fields, making the British useless due to the thick bales absorbing the bullets. This was a huge victory for America because it showed the Federalists and those who opposed war that the American soldiers and government knew what they were doing. It also made Andrew Jackson a national hero. The Federalist Party was pretty much destroyed after this battle due to the members looking unpatriotic and disloyal.

What caused the Quasi-War?

When the French started stopping American ships and raiding them because of the Jays Treaty, Congress suspended trade with France and directed the navy to capture French ships. Both of the nations were fighting an undeclared war. This war became known as the Quasi-War.

What was the purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts?

With the Alien and Sedition Act, the Federalists pushed 4 laws through Congress that were aimed at people living in the country who were not citizens. Many people on the republican side were aliens living in America because they were anti-British.

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