History - cold war

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Which provides evidence that some Vietnamese did not support the new government in the united Vietnam?

"Boat people" fled to other countries.

Give three reasons why the Vietnamese might have wanted to leave Vietnam after the war.

-they were living in poverty -living with harsh rules under the rule of a dictatorship -they were forced to work while being starved and getting punished if they didn't work

What events led to the American involvement in Vietnam?

At first, the Americans were just sending supplies to aid South Vietnam. Then, they were pulled into the war when the Maddox (american warship) was attacked by the North Vietnamese and were forced to engage into the war.

Why did Chinese peasants support Mao Zedong?

Chinese peasants supported Mao Zedong because he united China again. He made a communist government and promised the people that he would redistribute the land to peasants.

What happened to the opponents of the Communist party in China?

Everyone who went against the government got imprisoned and punished.

What is a likely reason that Ho Chi Minh was a popular military leader in the battle against the French?

He had helped fight against the Japanese.

Why did Mao have to stop the Cultural Revolution?

He had to stop the cultural revolution because the red guards were creating riot throughout the country.

Why did Mao's reforms fail?

His bad policies along with poor weather led to famine, and many people died.

What does it mean that the United States "played the China card"?

It means that the United States might isolate the Soviets between NATO in the west and a hostile China in the east.

How was Jiang Jieshi's government in Taiwan similar to Mao Zedong's in Communist China?

Jiang Jieshi' government was democratic and before that he was a authoritarian. Mao Zedong's government was communist. They had tension between the 2 governments because they were different types of rulers.

How would you describe Kim Il Sung as a leader? Give specific evidence from the text.

Kim ll Sung was a bad leader. He did not think what was good for the country. For example, the text says that after they recovered from the war Kim ll Sung kept North Korea isolated from everything else in the world.

Why was Ngo Dinh Diem an unpopular ruler?

Ngo Dinh Diem was an unpopular ruler because, even though he was supported by the United States and was anti-communist at first, he became a dictator over his government and refused to undertake needed reforms which continued to corrupt the government.

The United Nations intervened in North Korea because the

North Koreans invaded South Korea.

Why did Korea remain divided after the Korean War?

North and South Korea negotiated a ceasefire but not a peace treaty.

Based on the photos of South Korea and North Korea, what are some differences between the two societies?

South Korea is all nice and modern to the world. It seems to have a good economy because it has nicer building and people seem to be healthy. North Korea is not like that and is very isolated from everything. They also do not seem like they have a good economy.

The term "boat people" refers to

South Vietnamese who fled the communist victors.

Which of the following accurately describes the sequence of events that led to U.S. involvement in Vietnam?

The United States first sent only aid and military advisors to assist the South Vietnamese in their struggle; however, after a U.S. warship was torpedoed, the U.S. sent troops.

Based on the map and the text, why might the United States have wanted to attack targets in Cambodia?

The United States would have wanted to attack targets in Cambodia because it would help stop the flow of supplies to the guerrillas

Why did the Vietnamese fight the French in Indochina?

The Viet Minh wanted independence.

Why did the Vietnamese use guerrilla tactics against the French in Vietnam?

The Vietnamese used guerrilla tactics against the French in vietnam because the French were trying to reclaim Indochina.

What is the main reason Mao Zedong was able to make China communist?

The peasants supported him because he promised them land

Why did U.S. leaders play the China card?

They saw the Soviet Union as a greater threat.

Based on the map of the Korean Peninsula in the fall of 1950 and other events in Asia, and remembering what was happening in the rest of Asia, what risk did UN troops take when attacking North Korea?

UN troops took a risk of being very, deeply involved in this long war, potentially dying, and making enemies with North Korea. This was because they were going to war with 2 huge countries.

How did Vietnam's landscape and geography create disadvantages for American troops?

Vietnam had rainforests that were used to send supplies to the guerrillas. This was a disadvantage because the United States did not know how to stop the flow of supplies. Also, there were villages that were near those forests. The United States did not know which ones were rebels and which ones were not. That meant they did not know which ones to bomb to stop the supplies.

Did the domino theory end up being correct?

Yes, after the war, the communist leaders harshly ruled the south. The south was in poverty for years after the United States left the war.

Great Leap Forward

a Chinese Communist program to boost farm and industrial output that failed miserably

Cultural Revolution

a Chinese Communist program to purge China of non revolutionary tendencies that caused economic and social damage.

demilitarized zone

a band of territory across the korean peninsula separating north korean and south korean forces from each other.

Pusan Perimeter

a defensive line around Pusan in the southeast corner of korea ; during the korean war ; farthest advances of north korean forces

Tet Offensive

a massive and bloody offensive by communist guerrillas against South Vietnamese and American forces on Tet (the Vietnamese New Year). Helped turn American public opinion against military involvement in Vietnam

Khmer Rouge

a political movement and a force of cambodian communist guerrillas that gained power in Cambodia.

Dien Bien Phu

a small town, and former french army base, in northern vietnam ; cite of battle that ended in a Vietnamese victory.


a soldier in a loosely organized force making surprise raids.

Which is the BEST characterization of the conflict in Cambodia?

an ideological conflict that became a genocide

38th parallel

an imaginary line of 38 degrees latitude, across the Korean Peninsula, dividing Soviet forces to the north and American forces to the south after WWII.

Why were U.S. forces unprepared for the Viet Cong Tet Offensive?

because it took place on a national holiday

Viet Cong

communist rebels in South Vietnam who sought to overthrow South Vietnam's government and got assistance from North Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh

founded the Indochinese Communist Party ; leader of the armed independence movement in vietnam ; became leader of North vietnam.

North Korea's economy...

is a command economy in which the government makes all important economic decisions.

Both the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution...

led China to periods of chaos.

When China's alliance with the Soviet Union collapsed, the United States...

played the "China card" to isolate the Soviets

Syngman Rhee

president of the republic of korea ; he served for 4 terms in office ; accused of fraud and was forced to resign from the National Assembly.

domino theory

the belief that a communist victory in South Vietnam would cause noncommunist governments across Southeast Asia to fall to communism.


the forced joining together of workers and property into collectives.

Kim Il Sung

the leader of the Democratic people's republic of Korea ; created a totalitarian state with a ton of money for the military and no political freedom ; said that north korea would leave the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

Pol Pot

the leader of the Khmer Rouge, a communist guerrilla army that took over cambodia ; under his rule roughly 2 million of his nations people died from murder, starvation, and disease ; driven from power in 1979 ; captured and sent to prison.

Mao Zedong

the leader of the communist revolution ; started the great leap forward ; launched the cultural revolution.

U.S. leaders withdrew troops from Vietnam because

they realized that they could not win the war.

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