History FINAL

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An individual was considered to have "liberty" when he or she had become "free from sin" and had embraced Christian belief.

According to Eric Foner, which of the following statements is true concerning European ideas about "Christian liberty" in the early 17th Century (on the eve of colonization of North America)?

virtual representation

According to the doctrine of _____________ ______________________, the House of Commons represented all residents of the British Empire, whether or not they could vote for its members.

the invention of the cotton gin made the production of cotton as a commodity very profitable

After 1800, the southern economy began to shift to the production of cotton because


Although slavery in the British North American colonies was less deadly in the Caribbean, it still evolved into a form of slavery called _____________ in which human beings were considered property.

George Whitefield

An English evangelical minister who sparked the Great Awakening with his highly emotional preaching throughout the American colonies.

the federal judiciary were appointed, not elected by the people.

As designed by the original Constitution written in 1787,

to determine apportionment in the House of Representatives

As mandated by the Constitution, the primary purpose of the Census is

Proclomation Line of 1763

By legal definition the line ran along the crest of the Appalachian Mountains; American colonists had already crossed this line to survey, speculate, and settle by the time of this Proclamation, the Ottawa war leader Pontiac led a rebellion against British rule at the end of the Seven Year's War, leading the British to issue the Proclamation of 1763 to keep colonists out of the region until Indian relations could be settled.


Cecilius Calvert envisioned Maryland as a refuge for _____________.


Colonial Virginia's economic substitute for gold was ______________.

for the first time, the United States invaded a foreign country and occupied its capital with the intent of taking territory from that nation.

During the Mexican War,

Loyalists were most numerous in New York, Pennsylvania, and the backcountry of the Carolinas and Georgia.

During the War of Independence which was true about the Loyalists?

small farmers and property owners in the North had more political power and were willing to tax themselves for schools, large property owners in the South were reluctant to tax themselves to support schools, & large property owners in the South could afford private schooling for their own children and did not want to pay for the education of poor people.

Education and literacy were more widespread in the North than in the South because


Europeans wanted the _______________ to continue producing furs and hides, the _____________ could balance England against France by threatening to ally with the other, Europeans did not yet have great numbers of settlers encroaching on _______________ land, the ________________were able to impose their own diplomatic tools, such as the Covenant Chain of Peace, on the Europeans.

Democrats and the Whigs

From the 1820s to 1850, the two major political parties in the United States were

intolerant of persons who disagreed with their version of Christianity.

Having fled religious intolerance in England, the Puritans in Massachusetts were:

American System

Henry Clay's political agenda that promised support for farmers, merchants, and manufacturers by having the federal government build infrastructure across the United States was called the __________________ ________________


Historians estimate that only about what percentage of the population of the North actively worked for the abolition of slavery and considered themselves abolitionists?

British settlers tended to go to the New World in whole families, and these settlers pushed the Native Americans out of the way so that the white settlers could replace the indigenous people.

Historians say the British settlement in North America was a form of settler colonialism, which contrasts with French and Spanish colonialism in what way?

Mobs rioted, destroyed the homes and property of British officials, and harassed tax collectors.

How did ordinary people, particularly those living in urban areas, participate in and influence events during the American Revolution?

That is totally inaccurate, because according to the U.S. Census of 1860, there were only 18 slaves still living in the North

If someone today told you that the North had nearly as many slaves as the South did in 1860, what could you say to them that would reflect the truth of that statement.

Santa Fe

In 1610 the Spanish established the first capital city in what is the Southwest of the United States today; this city is called _________________

the Governors of Virginia and New York

In 1684 which colonial governors were on hand to meet with Iroquois chiefs to discuss problems arising from hostilities carried out by young warriors in violation of previous agreements?

John Locke

In 1689 _________ _____________ wrote Two Treatises of Civil Government, in which he introduced the natural rights philosophy.

nullification crisis

In 1832 South Carolina declared a tariff law "null and void," causing President Andrew Jackson to threaten to send in troops to enforce the law, in what is called the _____________________ ______________ Controversy.

Merchants carried goods such as guns, wine, and cloth to Africa to trade for slaves; then they took the slaves to the Caribbean to trade for sugar; then they took the sugar to Europe.

In its simplest definition, which of the following best represents the so-called "Triangular Trade" of the Atlantic System?


In marriage a wife surrendered her legal identity to her husband; a wife could not sign contracts in her own name; if a wife worked, she did not control her wages; a wife could not write a separate will.


In order to establish a British colony, a company or individual had to have a ______________ or another form of land grant from the King.

Gag Rule

In the 1830s Congress prohibited any petition mentioning slavery from being "laid on the table" by means of a restriction known as the

Scott v. Sanford

In the ________________________________________ Case of 1857, the Supreme Court ruled that blacks had no rights that white people were bound to respect, effectively stripping black people of citizenship.


In the colonial period, which was the largest immigrant group from outside the British Isles to settle in the British American colonies?

Any person, other than Native Americans, born in the United States, or a free white person of good character who emigrated to the United States.

In the early Republic what was the basis of citizenship?

Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!

In the election of 1844 Democratic Party nominee for president, James K. Polk, used this slogan to demand the Oregon Territory from Great Britain.

positive good

John C. Calhoun was well known for his defense of slavery as a(n)

Creditors, such as bankers and others with wealth, who feared that mob rule would be used to undermine property rights

Of the following, who was most disturbed by Shays' Rebellion, and why?

King Philip's War of 1675

One of the bloodiest conflicts between whites and Indians ever fought in American history, King Philip's War involved the Wampanoag Indians led by a chief known as King Philip against the English settlers of New England


People who moved onto unoccupied land on the frontier, hoping that they might get legal title to it in the future.

land speculators

People who went out onto the frontier to survey land, buy up choice parcels, and then sell the land at a higher price to another buyer were called

James K Polk

President ______________ ____ _________ provoked a war with Mexico in 1848 in order to acquire California.

New Netherland, Dutch

Prior to being taken over by the English in 1664, New York was called _______ _______________, controlled by the ______________.

the Act meant that the Missouri Compromise line would no longer be in effect & the Act meant that there was the possibility that there could be slavery in Kansas and Nebraska.

Southerners welcomed the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 because

Classical Liberalism

Sovereignty rests with the people, who give their consent to form a government; Property rights are one of the inalienable rights, and thus it is necessary for government to protect property; Individuals have reason and should be treated with dignity; Individuals give up their absolute freedom so that their rights will be protected.

the expansion of Russian fur traders into Alaska and down the Pacific coast of North America.

Spain ordered the colonization of California in the 1760s in response to

It marked the final defeat of the alliance of Ohio Valley Indians under Little Turtle, causing the Indians to cede most of Ohio and Indiana to the federal government.

The Battle of Fallen Timbers of 1794 is significant because

Samuel Slater

The British mechanic who memorized the designs of English textile mills and built the first industrialized mill in America was


The Colony of Carolina grew slowly until planters discovered what staple crop?

Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, and John C. Calhoun

The Compromise of 1850 was the last great compromise made by a generation of politicians under the leadership of Senators

Supreme Court Justices are appointed, not elected, and serve for life.

The Constitution sets up the Supreme Court to be an independent judiciary. What makes the Supreme Court "independent"?


The Eighteenth Century intellectual revolution in which philosophers began to apply empirical reasoning to social problems, politics, religion, and other areas of life in the belief that progress can be achieved.

trail of tears

The Five Civilized Tribes were removed from their lands in the southeastern United States and forced to endure a journey to the West that is known as the _____________ ______ __________.


The Leni-Lenape Indians are also known as the


The Northwest Coast Indians developed an event called the ______________ where richer individuals gave away their wealth to their poorer neighbors, thus establishing mutual obligations.

Andrew Jackson

The President who insisted on carrying out the removal of the Five Civilized Tribes was

William Pitt

The Prime Minister of Great Britain during the Seven Years War, who was a supporter of the interests of the American colonists, was:

Texas Rangers

The Republic of Texas established a police force that often used violence to exert control over the Mexican American population. These law enforcement officers were called the ___________ ________________.

was a coalition of anti-slavery Democrats, Free Soilers, Know-Nothings, and northern Whigs

The Republican Party, founded in 1854,


The Spanish used a form of near slavery to force Indians to work for them. This system was called the ___________________

for the first time, Parliament attempted to raise money from direct taxes in the colonies rather than through the regulation of trade

The Stamp Act was a new departure in British colonial policy because

Stamp Act

The ___________ ______ of 1765 was the first time Parliament attempted to raise money from direct taxes in the colonies rather than through the regulation of trade.

Covenant Chain of Peace

The _______________ __________ _____ __________ consisted of multiple agreements between the Iroquois Confederacy and the settlers of the northern area colonies. This was significant because it allowed for a sense of peace between the settlers and the natives. They established better trade relationships between each other, and they minimized the oppression and violence against the indigenous people. They also used these agreements to establish benefit relationships for the future generations that would come to settle, and European expansion was tolerated by the Iroquois.

Slavery must be kept out of the territories so that free men could have small farms there.

The best statement reflecting the ideology of the Republican Party of the 1850s is

the Erie Canal

The economic development of the Great Lakes hinterland was greatly expanded in 1825 by the completion of

William Lloyd Garrison

The editor of the anti-slavery newspaper The Liberator ________________ ______________ _____________________, was the best known white abolitionist in the United States from the 1830s through the Civil War.

Anglican Church

The established church of the colonies of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia was the __________________ _______________.

manifest destiny

The expansionist spirit of the 1840s that held that God intended the American nation to reach all the way to the Pacific Ocean was called

Wilmot Proviso of 1846

The first truly sectional vote taken in the House of Representatives was the

We the People

The first words of the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution are:

could not be prohibited by Congress before 1808, according to the U.S. Constitution

The importation of slaves into the United States

permitted to continue by the Constitution until 1808, but could be prohibited by Congress after that date

The importation of slaves into the United States was

Henry Clay

The leader of the Whig Party was

John Brown

The most infamous abolitionist who advocated using violence to free the slaves was

St. Augustine, Florida.

The oldest site in the present-day United States to be continuously inhabited by Europeans is

results of the idea of "republican motherhood"?

The status of women improved in the years after the American Revolution; educational opportunities for women expanded; the trend toward "companionate marriage" increased.

he purchased the territory of Louisiana from France

Thomas Jefferson nearly doubled the size of the United States when

the federalist papers

To persuade Americans to ratify the new U.S. Constitution, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote a series of essays called the _______ _____________________ _________________ explaining and justifying the Constitution.


True or False? The Native Americans generally agreed that the purpose of religion was for eternal salvation of the soul.


True or false? All Native American societies accorded women more status, power, and influence than all European societies did.


True or false? perhaps 80 million Native Americans died in the century and a half following first contact in consequence of diseases carried by Europeans.


Under the Articles of Confederation there was no ___________________.

the House of Representatives

Under the U.S. Constitution, who has the "power of the purse," that is, the power to tax and spend the public's money?


What amendment ended slavery?


What amendment gave women the right to vote?

The Battle of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775

What and when was the first battle of the American War of Independence?

That men relinquish their tyranny over women.

What did Abigail Adams ask of her husband, John Adams, to which he responded by ridiculing the idea?

The Women's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York

What did Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott organize in 1848 that we often cite as the start of the women's rights movement?

They opposed immigration and hated Catholics.

What did the "Know-Nothings" believe?

before the war

What does the term "antebellum" mean

The economy will run according to natural laws of supply and demand if left alone by government.

What is the main idea in Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776?

the Seven Year's War

What major event led the British government to actively seek ways to make the colonies bear part of the cost of empire?

None; it left voting rules to the states

What qualifications did the Constitution ratified in 1787 impose for voting?

Abolition in the North was a slow, drawn-out process that began during the Revolution, and did not occur at all in the South at the time of the Revolution.

What statement best describes how the new states dealt with slavery at the time of the Revolution?

That an individual could govern himself and did not need to be governed by a lord or master & that an individual could choose to follow any religion, or none, without persecution.

What was a revolutionary idea in 1776?

the western boundary of the United States of America was the Mississippi River.

What was affirmed by the Treaty of Paris of 1783?

South Carolina

What was the first state to secede from the Union after the Election of 1860?

fire eaters

What was the name given to Southern leaders such as William Loundes Yancey, Robert Barnwell Rhett, and Edmund Ruffin, who began to advocate radical ideas such as secession in the 1850s?

the freeing of slaves, particularly enslaved Christians

When Nathaniel Bacon led a rebellion against the Governor of Virginia, he called for all of the following except:

to welcome them with gifts and offers of trade

When Native Americans first encountered Europeans, their usual response was:

property rights

When Thomas Jefferson used the phrase "pursuit of happiness," everyone at the time understood it as a euphemism for an idea of John Locke's, which was ________________ ____________


When the Virginia House of Burgesses became the first elected assembly in colonial America in 1619, the people who could vote for its members were only the _________________ in VA.


Which European country did not have a colonial presence in seventeenth-century North America?

Great Plains

Which Native American cultural group experienced the most change to their lifestyle as a result of acquiring the horse?

Frederick Douglass

Which abolitionist published the anti-slavery newspaper the North Star?

Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Rhode Island

Which colonies were established with religious freedom as one of the motivations?

Great profits could be made by producing cash crops if labor could be found

Which condition in the New World created the greatest incentive for the trans-Atlantic slave trade?


Which nation of Indians did the English settlers at Jamestown rely upon when they were starving during their first winter of 1607?


Which of the following Native American tribes engaged in negotiations with William Penn?

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Which of the following acts determined that new states brought into the United States would enter the nation as equal to the thirteen original states?

the power to declare war, power to establish post offices, power to provide for the organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia

Which of the following are powers given to Congress in the U.S. Constitution?

Pennsylvania & New York

Which of the following colonies had the greatest diversity (ethnic and racial groups, religious groups) and pluralism (toleration for diversity)?

War with Mexico

Which of the following developments was NOT one that inflamed sectionalism in the 1850s?

The territory of Oregon was jointly claimed by the U.S. and Great Britain until President James K. Polk negotiated with Britain to divide the territory at the 49th parallel.

Which of the following explains how Oregon became a U.S. Territory in 1846?

the colonists met to coordinate resistance to the Intolerable Acts.

Which of the following explains why the First Continental Congress was called in 1774?

Slavery was integral to the economy of the entire nation, the nation itself had been established through a compromise on slavery, and preservation of the Union depended upon maintaining slavery, Northerners did not want freed blacks coming to live in the North.

Which of the following explains why the majority of Northerners opposed emancipation of the slaves in the antebellum period?

It guaranteed that slavery would never be allowed in the ceded territories.

Which of the following is NOT true about the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo?

the Boston Massacre is considered the first battle of the American War of Independence.

Which of the following is not true about the Boston Massacre of 1770?

Because the Constitution disestablished religion, churches rapidly declined in the decades after 1787, and by the Civil War the majority of Americans were atheists.

Which of the following is not true about the effect of the U.S. Constitution on religion?

He believed in strict construction of the Constitution, but ruled as a broad constructionist when he was President.

Which of the following is true about President Andrew Jackson?

He was the Senator from Illinois, He wanted Southern support for a presidential bid, so he put popular sovereignty into the Kansas Nebraska Act, He wanted the terminus of a transcontinental railroad to be located in his home town of Chicago.

Which of the following is true about Stephen A. Douglas?

the American political system was becoming more democratic through the elimination of property requirements for voting.

Which of the following is true about democracy in the Jacksonian era?

Northerners opposed it because it allowed slave catchers to come in to any state to capture blacks, even in violation of state law

Which of the following is true about the Fugitive Slave Act?

Plantation owners controlled the land and politics, creating a hereditary upper class similar to European societies, & many poor white settlers also lived in southern slave-based colonies, but they were often subsistence farmers on marginal or frontier lands, and had little political power.

Which of the following is true about the southern slave-based colonies in British North America?

Henry Clay

Which of the following persons was NOT an abolitionist?

Slave rebellions and resistance were notable signs of slaves' dissatisfaction in the colonial period.

Which of the following statements about slavery in the colonies is true?

In the U.S. Constitution, the power to conduct diplomacy with other nations rests with the national, not the state governments

Which of the following statements about the U.S. Constitution was also true of the Articles of Confederation?

The doctrine of the sovereignty of the people is enshrined in the Declaration of Independence; the Articles of Confederation and U.S. Constitution are both based on the doctrine of the sovereignty of the people.

Which of the following statements about the nature of sovereignty is true?

He believed that people needed a strong centralized government to keep their selfish interests in check, and the country needed a strong central bank to stabilize the economy

Which of the following statements best characterizes the beliefs of Alexander Hamilton?

Classes did not disappear, but fewer distinctions existed between classes than in any other Western society & a general sense of egalitarianism, that all people were equal, became apparent throughout American society, especially in the North.

Which of the following statements best describes the impact of the American Revolution on social class in America?

New Englanders developed a strong ethic of using only family labor on their small farms and households.

Which of the following statements best explains why slavery did not become an important part of the economy in New England?

The U.S. Constitution gave Native Americans citizenship in the new Republic.

Which of the following statements is FALSE about the relations between Native Americans and the new American Republic following the end of the American Revolution?

Frederick Douglass lived and worked under one master in Maryland until he was able to escape to the North

Which of the following statements is true about Frederick Douglass?

the so-called "Five Civilized Tribes" mistakenly believed that adopted white ways, including language, education, slavery, and private property, would protect them from being removed from their ancestral lands.

Which of the following statements is true about Indian removal?

The colonial assemblies became more assertive and began to claim the rights and powers in local affairs that the House of Commons had in Britain

Which of the following statements is true about colonial assemblies in North America in the early eighteenth century?

The South was more socially stratified than the North; the North was more egalitarian than the South.

Which of the following statements is true about society in antebellum America?

the states rights doctrine was ably defended by Senator John C. Calhoun of South Carolina; All states resorted to the states rights doctrine when it suited their interests to resist a federal law; Southern states repeatedly used states rights arguments to defend the institution of slavery.

Which of the following statements is true about the states rights doctrine?

Only property owners could vote, but the wide distribution of property ownership in the colonies meant that a higher percentage of the population enjoyed voting rights than in the Old World.

Which of the following statements is true about voting in the colonies on the eve of the American Revolution?

Most of the colonies had established churches, which meant the one church that was supported by tax money collected by colonial governments

Which of the following statements is true concerning established churches in the colonies?

Mercantilism was the rule, but the colonists practiced free trade

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the economic realities of the British and their North American colonists between 1660 and 1763?

Population numbers for every state and territory, Numbers of free blacks in every state, Occupations and the numbers of workers in every occupation, Numbers of cattle and sheep in every state.

Which of the following types of information could you find on the 1860 US Census?

Missouri would be admitted as a slave state.

Which of the following was NOT a part of the Compromise of 1850?

The Fugitive Slave Law was passed

Which of the following was NOT a reason that 1831 was a turning point for the Old South and the defense of slavery?

The British had abolished the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Which of the following was NOT one of the colonists' complaints against the British during the American Revolution?

Indentured servants never comprised more than a small percentage of Virginians, the great majority of whom arrived either as free settlers or slaves.

Which of the following was not a significant feature of indentured servitude in seventeenth-century Virginia?

They could remain on their land and continue to hunt if they established hunting reserves with set boundaries.

Which of the following was not an option offered by the U.S. government to the Native Americans of the Ohio River Valley?

Women's rights, temperance, Utopian communities & common schools.

Which of the following were areas of reform for Americans during the antebellum period?

Children became the property of the state upon a husband's death.

Which was not a characteristic of "coverture"?

He was a free black man who advocated violent reprisal against slaveowners.

Why was David Walker somewhat unusual for an abolitionist?

It was difficult for British colonists in America to consider declaring independence from Great Britain because it was an idea that was incredibly foreign to them. Most people felt that it was in their best interest to be ruled by someone, and that everyone needed to be governed by someone in order to have a functioning society. Great Britain also had a strong military that protected American trade ships from attacks from other countries, and the colonists feared that they would easily be defeated if they attempted to rebel. They saw how France lost to Great Britain after the Seven Years war and was forced to cede their land, and they had a sense of almost hopelessness concerning the overthrowing of the British government.

Why was it difficult for the British colonists in America to consider declaring independence from Great Britain?

religious persecution, coexist

William Penn envisioned his colony as a place of refuge for those facing ______________ _________________ in Europe and where colonists and Indians could ____________.


_________ was considered the basis of wealth and class, _________ ownership was a requirement for voting in colonial elections, _______ was considered free for the taking on the frontier, even if Indians had not yet sold their _________.

James Madison

____________ _________________ is known as the "Father of the Constitution" not only because he was a student of political theory and a master at reaching compromises, but also because he took the notes at the Constitutional Convention.

Native Americans

______________ _________________ were not immune to European diseases such as measles and smallpox, warfare generated by European invasion and colonialism accelerated the spread of epidemic diseases among _____________ _______________ and intensified their impact, some _____________ _________________ who had lived through epidemics merged with other tribes in order to survive, diseases spread ahead of European contact, so some _____________ _________________ communities experienced epidemics without ever having seen any Europeans.

Bartolome de Las Casas?

a Dominican priest who wrote about the abuses of Spanish treatment of the Indians, causing the Crown to bring about reforms.

the Iroquois

a confederation of five nations--the Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, Seneca, and Onandaga--who lived in western New York


an economic system in which the State (king) controls the economy in such a way as to enrich the royal treasury while allowing private business to make profits.

Northwest Ordinance

established a rational process for negotiating land transfers from Native Americans and giving them compensation for their land, provided a process through which new states could enter the Union on an equal basis with older states & restricted slavery in the Northwest Territories.

from Quebec on the St. Lawrence River to New Orleans on the Mississippi River.

how far did the French colony in North America extend before 1763?


persons of mixed Spanish and Indian origin

enslavement, war, abuse

the Indian population in Spanish America declined due to _______________, ___________, & ____________.

Declaration of Independence

the ___________________ _____ ______________________ declared that Britain's aim was to establish "absolute tyranny" over the colonies, moved the colonists from demanding the rights of Englishmen to the rights of mankind, declared the United States an independent nation, & uniquely proclaimed the "pursuit of happiness" as an unalienable right.

the clan

the basic governing unit of most Native American tribes was the extended family called

the Three Sisters

the three crops of corn, beans, and squash were not only a vital part of indigenous diets, but also given spiritual importance by Native Americans, as signified by the Cherokee name for them

Columbian Exchange

the trans-Atlantic flow of species such as corn, potatoes, horses, weeds and germs is called the __________________________ ____________________


true or false? American colonists were willing to pay taxes if they had representation.


true or false? Because of unsettled relations with Indians in the Ohio River Valley, the British prohibited the American colonists from going across the Appalachians to settle in 1763.


true or false? Before Europeans arrived, Native Americans were very peaceful and never waged war between tribes.


true or false? Before becoming President, the only federal office Abraham Lincoln held was one term as a Congressman from the state of Illinois.


true or false? Each British colony was a separate and unique entity, and every colony had its own colonial legislature, while the Crown appointed a governor.


true or false? Early New Englanders established trade relations with local Indians; early Virginians did not.


true or false? Englishmen wanted to go to the New World as colonists to get out of England, which had one of the most oppressive governments in Europe.


true or false? God is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, but there is no reference to God in the U.S. Constitution.


true or false? Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin, had no impact when it was published in 1852, but came to public notice in the middle of the Civil War and helped convince Abraham Lincoln to emancipate the slaves.


true or false? In 1667, the Virginia House of Burgesses decreed that religious conversion did not release a slave from bondage.


true or false? In Andrew Jackson's time, the Democrat Party believed in a strong central government and high tariffs.


true or false? In the antebellum South, political and social power was concentrated in the hands of the planter class, even though they were the minority of the population.


true or false? In the context of the abolitionist movement "moral suasion" meant that slave owners had to be convinced that slavery was a sin.


true or false? In the first half of the eighteenth century, low taxes, the lack of a military draft, high wages for skilled workers, and an abundance of liberties characterized life for many whites in the British colonies of North America.


true or false? In the mid-eighteenth century, colonial America's leading commercial port was Charleston, South Carolina.


true or false? Intermarriage between Indians and English settlers was common.


true or false? It is impossible to even guess how many slaves there were in the United States in 1860.


true or false? Many Americans in antebellum America believed that because slavery was mentioned in the Bible, that it was part of the natural order and an acceptable condition.


true or false? More Northerners worked in factories than worked on farms in 1860.


true or false? Most colonists who came to Virginia and Maryland in the seventeenth century came as indentured servants.


true or false? Native American chiefs held absolute power, much like a king in a typical European country.


true or false? None of the southern states ever included slavery as a reason for seceding from the United States in 1860-61.


true or false? Of northern colonies, New York had the highest number of slaves in 1770.


true or false? One of the first ways that women began to express their citizenship was by sending anti-slavery petitions to Congress in the 1830s.


true or false? Pontiac was a great Cherokee chief who led a rebellion against the British in 1763.


true or false? Slavery is never mentioned by name in the original U.S. Constitution.


true or false? Southerners believed, falsely, that the majority of Northerners supported John Brown and his violent attack on Harper's Ferry.


true or false? The American Revolution shook up the social structure of the South by suddenly giving the vote to poor men and depriving wealthy landowners of their monopoly on political power.


true or false? The Bill of Rights closes out with the Tenth Amendment, which gives to the States and the people any powers not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution.


true or false? The Constitution specifies that no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any public office in the United States.


true or false? The Federalists were all Northerners, and the Anti-Federalists were all Southerners.


true or false? The Grimké Sisters, Sarah and Angelina, were abolitionists who grew up in a wealthy slave-owning family from Charleston, South Carolina.


true or false? The colonists in America paid no attention to the developments of the English Civil War, because they did not consider themselves a part of Britain any longer.


true or false? The colony of New Netherland was seized in 1664 by the English, who renamed it "New York" to honor the Duke of York.


true or false? The final victory in the American War of Independence was the Battle of Yorktown in 1781.


true or false? The majority of white Southerners owned slaves.


true or false? The pro-slavery vote in the Election of 1860 was split between three candidates.


true or false? The writers of the Constitution considered the presidency the most important branch of government, so the duties of the president are laid out in the first section of the Constitution, Article I.


true or false? Thomas Paine's Common Sense became a rallying cry for those who wanted a new Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation.


true or false? Under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, all persons of Hispanic descent living in the conquered territories of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas were forced to move out of the United States and into Mexico.


true or false? Under the Treaty of Paris of 1763 the French ceded Canada, as well as the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River, and all adjoining lands to Great Britain.


true or false? Using Africans as slaves started in the New World as a source of labor for the sugar plantations of Brazil and Caribbean islands.


what amendment gave due process of law?


what amendment guaranteed that suffrage could not be denied on account of race?

Indentured servitude was illegal in colonial America.

what is NOT a correct explanation for why class barriers began to break down in colonial America?

to bring national glory to the mother country, to find gold and other riches, to convert the Indians to Christianity.

what were some of the motivations for European colonization of the New World

Scots-Irish & Germans

which group tended to settle in frontier areas rather than the settled coastal regions of the British colonies in the early 18th Century?

the English were exclusive; and the French and Spanish were inclusive

which of the following correctly identifies the approaches that the French, Spanish, and English took when dealing with the Native Americans?

French fur trading companies sent young men out to live with the Indians, and to trade for furs, which the Indians hunted

which of the following questions best explains how the French fur trading system worked?

women did most of the planting and harvesting of Corn, which was the staff of life for Eastern Woodlands culture.

which of the following statements about the role of Corn in Eastern Woodlands culture is true?

large cities were unknown to the Americas

which of the following was not a feature of Native American civilization prior to the voyages of Columbus?

only holders of property should take part in tribal governance

which of the following was not a prominent cultural belief among Indian societies of North America?

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