History Quiz (CH 6.4 & 6.5)

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the leadership of the Roman Empire was determined by whoever had the "_______________"

military might

Control and Coercsion

only provided temporary solutions that ultimately stifled the growth and vitality of the Late Roman Empire. Overall economic and social policies of Constantine and Diocletian.

name for the dominant male in the family

pater familias

a temple dedicated to the gods associated with major planets and it later became a christian church


the main theme of the Aeneid is _______


a place similar to our athletics clubs today; they includd steam rooms and bathing and swimming pools

public baths

Reforms of Constantine

reformed and expanded Diocletian policies


"New Rome"

the six other theories as to why the empire declined

#1: too much emphasis on spirituality (Christianity) #2: traditional values declined as nn-italians gained prominence #3: lead poisoning through "leaden" water #4: the plague, it wiped out 1/10 of the population #5: slavery cause them to NOT advance their technology #6: they were unable to put together a workable political system

Military Reason

A period of disorder for 50 years, from 235 to 284, the Roman throne was occupied by whoever had the MILITARY strength to seize it.

Invaders: Angles and Saxons

A Germanic tribe that lived along the North Sea in what is now Denmark and northwest Germany.They conducted raids on Britain in the 5th century. These raids led to settlements that drove the Romans out of Britain.

Military Reason

A military government under the Severan rulers ... restored order for a while (too much focus on paying the soldier and ignoring everyone else)

a germanic tribe that lived along the North Sea in what is now Denmark and northwest Germany

Angles and Saxons

Political Reason

Armies were needed to ward off invaders

Reforms of Diocletian

Believing that the empire had grown too large he divided the empire into four units each with his own ruler

both leaders used their political and military reforms to enlarge the army and the civil service

Diocletian and Constantine

rapid increase of prices due to Diocletian and Constantines reforms


Reforms of Constantine and Diocletian

Both enlarged the administrative bureaucracies of the Roman Empire.THEIR POLITICAL AND MILITARY REFORMS ENLARGED TWO INSTITUTIONS: THE ARMY AND THE CIVIL SERVICE **** Big problem here because they drained most of the public funds.More revenues were needed to pay for the army and the bureaucracy.

Political Reason

By the 3rd century, the state had to rely on hiring Germans to fight under Roman commanders. These "hired" soldiers weren't loyal to the Roman Empire or the Roman emperors.

Constantines largest project was building a new capital called ___________ (and later called Constantinople)


he wrote the Commentaries on the Gallic Wars to keep his name in the public eye


Edict of Maximum Prices and Wages

Caused Diocletian problems. This edict set wages and price controls for the entire empire. It failed to work.

he was a spokesperson for the Senate who made Octavian and Mark Antony jealous, he wroter speeches, letters, and essay


Military Reason

Civil Wars

he became the sole ruler of the empire


he divided the Empire into four units, each with its own ruler because he believed the empire had grown to large for one ruler


he issued the edict of maximum prices and wages in 301 which set price wages and price controls for the entire empire



Emerged as the sole ruler of Rome

Economic Reason

Farm production declined as fields were destroyed by invaders or, even more often, by the defending Roman armies.

educated Romans were expected to know what language?


he wrote "funny tidbits" of Romans; he wrote satires where he attacks job dissatisfaction and human greed


Rome was troubled by civil wars and ______


Other Theories

Lead poisoning through "leaden" water pipes and cups caused a mental decline in the population.

he wrote the History of Rome thats starts from the foundation of the city in 9 BC; he saw history in moral lessons


Where the german soldiers loyal to the Roman empire?


he wrote Parallel Lives which paired 46 Roman and Greek leaders who's careers or talents were similar


an amphitheater that was the main feature of the "welfare system" used to keep the plebeians happy

Roman Colosseum


Rome experienced rapid increases in prices

Other Theories

Rome was unable to put together a workable political system

there was a big drop in trade and small industries due to ____, _______, and __________

invasions, civil wars, and the plague

Other Theories

Slavery caused them to NOT advance technologically

100 BC to 14 AD was the golden age of what?

latin literature

who built pantheon?

marcus agrippa

Invaders: Visigoths

The Huns put pressure on the Visigoths.The Visigoths crossed the Danube River into Roman territory. In 410, the Visigoths sacked Rome

Reforms of Constantine and Diocletian

The emperors also issued edicts that forced people to remain in their designated vocations. Thus, basic jobs became hereditary

Economic Reason

The monetary system began to show signs of collapse.

Other Theories

The plague wiped out 1/10 of the population.

Economic Reason

There was a big drop in trade and small industry due to invasions, civil wars, and the plague (epidemic disease.)

a fierce nomadic people who originated in central Asia; their leader was Attila that eventually turned their tribe into an empire


Military Reason

There were 22 emperors during this time period

Political Reason

There were 22 emperors during this time period

Invaders: Vandals

These people came from a territory around Germany. They invaded across the Rhine and made their way down through central France and across into Spain. They were partially contained by a combined force of Romans and Visigoths

Invaders: Huns

They were a fierce nomadic people who originated in central Asia.They were tremendous cavalrymen

Other Theories

Too much emphasis on the spiritual kingdom weakened Roman military virtues. (Christianity development)

Other Theories

Traditional values declined as non-Italians gained prominence in the empire.

greates poet of the golden age, has been called the "Homer of Rome" because the Illiad and Odyssey were a model for his book, the AENEID


they sacked Rome, crossing the DANUBE river to get there; the huns put pressure on them


bridge-like structures that hold water pipes


Rome's network of roads was primarily made for their...


their main two basic materials for buildings were:

cement and concrete

a stadium used for chariot races

circus maximus

from 235 to 284, the Roman throne was occupied by whoever had the military strength to seize it; the period had many _____ _____(one of the cause for the decline of the empire)

civil wars

Constantine's biggest project

construction of a new capital city -- the Greek city of Byzantium ... eventually named Constantinople

farm production ____ because destroyed by invaders or the Roman ary


they invented _____ to roof over huge structures


they learned to build archs from whom?



famous Hun leader who turned the Huns into an empire

Armies were needed to ward off invaders, so the state had to rely on hiring _______s to fight under Roman commanders


they came form a territory around Germany; they invaded across the RHINE and made their way to france across to spain; they were partially contained by a combined force of Romans and Visigoths


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