History test #3

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what was George Washington Williams article called?

"An open letter to his serene majesty King Leopold 11"

Cartoons started to be made after word of the Congo got out... there was a cartoon called _____________________ by Punch in 1906 that had a snake wrapped around an African American's body with Leopold's face on the head of the snake (Public outraged!!)

"In the Rubber Coils"

Great Britain nationalism: what was the text called that said they were the best by the size of their empire?

"The Sun Never sets on the British Empire"

Key component of consumer society: advertising- what was the pamphlet that was published in Britain called?: "The usefulness and value of most things depends, not so much on their nature, as upon the number of people who can be persuaded to desire and use them" (this was a new idea)

"an advertisers guide to publicity" (TEST QUESTION)

womens war work: they created posters for women to get them to work, Germans and England posters had women on the posters. What was one of the posters called?

"on their lives depend" (test question)

the Congo was the private Colony of King Leopold 11 of Belgium; his exploitation of this territory led to this event... he was greedy and wanted to make money

"rubber terror"

the French called the men with facial injuries what? they wore facial masks to cover it up

"the men with the broken faces"

wheather conditions in the fall of 1916 destroyed almost 1/2 of the potato crops; the winter of 1916/1917 became known as what?

"turnip winter"

Department stores amassed an unprecedented amount/ variety of goods under one roof, dubbed the "______________________________"

"universal provider" (TEST QUESTION)

what was the term that they used for substitute foods?

'ersatz' (they used saw dust as a filler in bread and used soda water mixed with corn starch as butter)

The British used this to get people to volunteer for war, they said that the men could join and be with their pals during war

'pals battalions'

what were the major previsions of the treaty of versailles?

1. germany lost her colonies 2. Germany was required to surrender territory in Europe 3. the Rhineland area of Germany was declared a demilitarized zone 4. Germany was forbidden to possess an airfare, had limits to army to 100,000 men and its navy was reduced to a token force 5. "war guilt" clause: Germany had to accept responsibility for starting the war

by 1918, the average Germany civilian was consuming _________ calories a day

1000 (some people only consumed 700-800)

when did world war 1 end?

11 am on November 11, 1918

WW1 weapons: they now could mass produce machinery... they made the machine gun, had the Railway Howitzer could fire a shell weighing 2,500 lbs.... _______ of deaths were due to artillery weapons


conditions of women's work: by the end of the war, women munition workers were earning, on average, ______X the wages a woman would have earning in a factory before the war (some as high as 10X)

3X (test question)

The Battle of Somme: results of day 1.... British had how many casualties?


how many people returned home from war permanently disabled

8 million

the human cost of the war... about how many men had been killed?

9 million (had memorials)

Who's reaction is this towards war?: "overpowered by storming enthusiasm, I fell down on my knees and thanked Heaven for granting me the good fortune of being permitted to live at this time"

Adolf hitler

Key events in the Summer of 1914 that led up to WW1 start... the assassination of ________________________________~ by a member of a Serbian terrorist organization

Archduke Francis Ferdinand

____________ declared war on Serbia

Austria (the alliances in place and the WAR PLANS turned the conflict between the two into a conflict between the MAJOR powers in Europe)

New developments in industry- chemical industry: __________ company in Germany made chemical and pharmacy products

Bayer Company

WW1: chemical weapons... the first use of poison gases; the Germans used what? Then later they were the first to use what?

Chlorine Gas and Mustard gas

these people took a male's family hostage in order to keep the men working- "rubber terror"

Force Publique (milita)

who was the British sculptor who was known for making facial masks?

Francis Derwent wood

who were the big three?

George Clemenceau (France), Woodrow Wilson (US), David Lloyd George(Britain)

he was a journalist missionary who exposed the atrocities in the Congo... he was one of the first people to write about what was going on

George Washington Williams

The Battle of Somme: British led offensive (with French support) vs. who?


who was the very famous person who specialized in plastic surgery

Harold Gillies (made a book called "Plastic surgery of the face")

who wrote from his 1909 imperial international exhibition in London: "There are many little-known people's dotted about in distant latitudes, whose customs and habits would undoubtedly prove of boundless interest to their more civilized brothers and sisters. Where it is possible, the lives of these people will be shown in miniature villages, built in the same manner as the originals and occupied by the natives, who are being brought over for this purpose...Here will be represented the daily life and excitement of the natives, including the War Dances, Ceremonies, Forms of worship, etc..."

Imre Kiralfy

who ran "rubber terror" in the congo

Leopold 11

what was the outcome of the Congo campaign? (after international outrage and pressure)

Leopold handed over control of the Congo to the Belgium State

who was in one of the 1st and most famous posters that said "Your country needs YOU" and pointing out

Lord Kitchener (he was the secretary of war for Britain)

the conquest of Africa: the tools of empire--- __________________ was a machine gun invented by Hiriam Maxim in early 1880s... this enabled smaller European armies to easily defeat larger African armies in colonial battles

Maxim gun

Who pioneered the MASS production of automobiles (moving assembly line and interchangeable parts)

P.S. Henry Ford

Show off stuff (ex: they had imperial exhibits- like streets and had human zoos)

Paris Exposition

who was the center of the European automobile industry?

Paris, france

the conquest of Africa: the tools of empire--- this kept Europeans out of the center of Africa (white man's grave= river expedition).... but by 1850's, British and French doctors had discovered that regularly taking _______________ could effectively prevent malaria


who said "take up the white man's burden"

Rudyard Kipling

who were the allied powers?

Russia, great Britain, and France (Italy and U.S. joined in later)

The beginning of WW1 started.... Germany began to implement __________________________ to fight a two-front war with France and Russia

Schlieffan Plan

Who's reaction is this towards war? "We'll be home at Christmas," the recruits shouted laughingly at their mothers in August of 1914. A rapid excursion into the romantic, a wild, manly adventure—that is how the war of 1914 was painted in the imagination of the simple man, and the young people were honestly afraid that they might miss this most wonderful and exciting experience of their lives!"

Stefan Zweig (thought war was going to be short and sweet)

what was the first department store that opened called? where was it located? who opened it?

The Bon Marche by Aristide Boucicaut in Paris

who coined the term "conspicuous consumption" to describe Middle class consumer habits?

Thorstein Veblen (TEST QUESTION)

who were some famous British poets during WW1?

Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon

the red flag act required what?

a man to walk in front of the automobile carrying a red flag (gave warning that they were coming)

what were the two key components of consumer society?

advertising and new retailing institution

what day did world war 1 officially begin?

august 4, 1914

who were the central powers?

austria and germany

what is quinine made from?

bark of cinchona tree (boil it and drink it as a tea- prevent from malaria)

The food situation in Germany: in January 1915- food rationing began with the rationing of what?

bread (5 lbs. of war bread per person a week- the ration decreased over the course of war)

what was the new welfare measures introduced into munition factories?

cafeterias (led to an improvement in the diet of working class women)

New developments in industry- the chemical industry: give examples of chemicals and pharmacy products

chemical- fertilizer, synthetic dyes Pharmacy- aspirin, heroin, lycetol, and salophen

a society in which the production, sale, and consumption of non-essential goods has become an important part of social and economic life

consumer society

The European automobile used a __________ production of automobiles- each car was custom made, by hand, by highly-skilled workers

craft production

The Force Publique used mutilation as punishment... the most common punishment was what?

cutting off a mans right hand (TEST QUESTION) (keepers of the hand kept the hands and showed discipline)

this gave a % of disability which would determine how much the government would help them

disability pensions

There was an image in class of an automobile... De Dion made an ad with complaints about auto drivers, why?

don't pay attention (while driving)

Motives for imperial expansion: the MAJOR motive... Europe was the manufacturing center of the world: looked to colonies for markets and raw materials/natural resources


what were the motives for imperial expansion?

economic (the major motive), nationalism, the European "civilizing" mission

New developments in industry: new form of energy was _________

electricity (presented by world trade fairs)

what was the mood in Europe before the outbreak of war?

enthusiastic and excited for war

this was a postcard with a photo of a woman holding a carrot- the lady was fantasizing about the carrot

fantasy post card (test question)

steel allowed for what?

faster and larger ships (ex; titanic)

"rubber terror": territory was divided into regions with agents in charge of each region... the agents would make lists of adult males in their regions and set quotas each man had to meet= they demanded each man needed to harvest between 13-18 pounds of raw rubber every 2 weeks (HARD AND DANGEROUS WORK) this was _________________

forced labor

who was the leader of the industrial revolution


Consumer society: how would the middle class homes look?

have many decorative stuff (a lot of clutter!!!!!)

imperial images and imperial ideology become a significant part of European culture; examples of this development

imperial culture

the process of extending one state's control over another


the conquest of Africa: the tools of empire--- they replaced wooden sailing ships with iron ships... facilitated European expansion into the African continent

iron-hauled steamboat

Why was world war 1 a big deal?

it was Europes 1st industrialized war and it led to an unprecedented amount of casualties (LOTS OF DEATH)

who's machines were the 1st petrol driven vehicles in the world to go into production?

karl benz

these tried to get Americans to buy in order to help with war funds

liberty bonds

the automobile in this time was a _____________ item (by Karl Benz)

luxury (automobile ownership)

the conquest of Africa: the tools of empire were what?

malaria/ quinine, iron-hulled steamboat, European weapons

who was at the center of the development of consumer society?

middle class

who was the target of the department store?

middle class women

the war provided new work opportunities for women; they went to work in jobs formerly occupied by men.... they worked in what part?

munitions (making guns)

Motives for imperial expansions: a nation's standing in the world was measured by the size of its empire... Great Britain had so much pride


The colonial pavilion also included Senegalese villagers- "________________________" became a prominent feature at imperial exhibitions

native villages

What was the space between the trenches called?

no mans land

why was there such a small amount of population who owned a car?

not mass produced

Nationalism... Great Britain used a ________________________ for kids: An ABC for Baby Patriots: "C is for colonies Rightly we boast Of all the green nations Great Britain has the most"

nursery rhymes

The British army used all _____________ for their army (they did not introduce conscription- a military draft- until January 1916)


at the conference they decided that Germany would pay 5$ billion a year until 1921. Germany was to pay $33 billion in war damages over the next 30 years

reparation payment (of Germany)

what was the hospital called where they specialized in war veteran rehabilitation - gave them prosthetics and would help them learn how to use it

roehampton hospital (Britain)

what were the facets of war?

sample government posters addressed to civilians, women's war work, the food situation in Germany

men returned home suffering psychological trauma... this was called what? (they also had physical disabilities)

shell shock

once the western front takes place....the war is now a ___________-


the second industrial revolution was the age of _________


what were the new developments in the industry?

steel (new way of making it), chemical industry, new inventions, and new forms of energy (Electricity!)

Motive for imperial expansion: this was the racial hierarchy... Jules Ferry said "the superior races have a right vis-vis the inferior races... they have a right to civilize them"

the European "civilizing" mission

what was the conference called where they made the peace settlement for WW1?

the Paris peace conference (1919)

The German armies were closing in on its target of France... this began the ________________________- it resulted in France and British stopping the Germans and they have to retreat... it destroyed the Schlieffan plan

the battle of Marne

New development in industry- of steel: ____________________ process for steel production led to the mass production of cheap steel

the bessemer process

who made the decisions of the treaty of versailles?

the big three

what were the 5 selling techniques in the department store?

the bon marche, displays, the price tag, the sale, the mail order catalogue

A British man said of India in 1894: "Under the guiding direction of Providence it is the British nation that the vast continent of India has received the leaven of a new moral and material regeneration... the most potent factor in this truly wonderful resurrection of whole people, so visibly taking place before the eyes pf the president generation, is unquestionably the _________________________________ system of the country..."

the railroad system (TEST QUESTION)

this was originally passed to apply to steam tractors; automobiles had to follow its regulations... set a speed limit of 4 miles per hour on country roads; 2 miles per hour in towns/cities

the red flag act

what was the act put in place for travel restrictions called?

the red flag act

Key component in consumer society: new retail institution of the ______________________-

the retail store

what were the two major social consequences of industrial revolution?

the rise of the middle class to economic, social, and political power... and the emergence of consumer society

what was it called in 1870 when 11% of the continent was under European control, a little over 90% in 1914

the scramble for Africa

The Battle of Somme: September 15- the British unveiled a new weapon... what was it?

the tank

what was the purpose of conspicuous consumption?

to show off

WW1: this term was introduced to describe the intense mobilization of society to fight this war... governments will mobilize their entire populations and economies to fight this war

total war

WW1: what was the new mode of fighting?

trench warfare

what was the difference between an early 19th century ad and the late 19th century ad?

use of pictures (the other one is all words... this one has little words and images that make you want to buy the products)

What was Woodrow Wilsons idea about how to deal with Germany?

wanted "fair and just peace"

what was George clemencaus idea about how to deal with Germany?

wanted "revenge" and "security for France from German aggression"

what was David Lloyd Georges idea about how to deal with Germany?

wanted to "make the Germans pay"

these tried to get civilians to buy war bonds- made civilians have an active war duty

war bond posters

there was one main difference between the 1887 model automobile and the 1892 model automobile, what was it?

was 3 wheels, now there are 4

what aspects of WW1 made it a new type of war?

weapons (chemical weapons and regular), new mode of fighting, total war

fall of 1914: both sides dug trenches and constructed what became known as the ____________________________ - trenches 475 miles long

western front

New developments in industry... what were some new inventions?

wireless radio, phonograph, telephone (landline), type-writter

what was the defining event of the 20th century

world war 1

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