HOA - Greek Architecture

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1 ½ column diameters

square abacus/circular echinus

Columns were of cypress wood, tapering downward, cylindrical shaft, disc-like base and a widely-projecting capital with 2 main parts : a. _____________ (above) b. _____________ (below)

Temple of Olympian Zeus

corinthian ________ by Cossutius is renowned as the largest temple in Greece and housed one of the largest cult statues in the ancient world.


double line of columns surrounding the naos.


egg & dart (or egg & tongue)

Alexander the Great

embarked on a national crusade against Persia.

Cyclopean Walls

methods of walling


usually painted with the fret ornament (also called key pattern)

Altis, Olympia

was the center of all religious activities during the Olympics.


was the major site for the worship of the god Apollo.

Cyma reversa (ogee)

water-leaf & tongue

Corintian Order

x Acanthus Plant x The acanthus leaf and scroll play an important role in Greek Ornamentation x The invention of the Corinthian capital was due to Callimachus who got the idea from observing a basket covered with a tile over the grave of a Corinthian maiden x most ornate of the classical orders x with acanthus leaves & scrolls x has slender fluted columns x has a base similar to the ionic x height is 9x-10x Ø of base

Mycenaean or Helladic Greece

x Defense architecture such as fortifications of Mycenae and Tiryns were necessary for protection. x Citadel palaces were built.

Hellenistic Greece

x Philip of Macedonia unified Greece and his son, Alexander the Great embarked on a national crusade against Persia. x The death of Alexander at 32, led to the division of the empire among his generals. x Greece became a Roman province.

Palace of King Minos at Knossos

x Rooms were functionally organized around a large central court. x The palaces had extensive basement storage areas, artists‟ workshops, dining halls, and sumptuous living quarters (including bathrooms) for the noble ruling families.

Citadel at Tiryns, Mycenaean

1400-1200 BC existinc wall


2 column diameters


2 ¼ column diameters


2-4 columns at the front and rear.


2-4 columns at the front.


3 column diameters


3 ½ column diameters


Above the huge lintel, ________ stones form an arch, creating a triangle that is filled by the two lions carved in relief on either side of a sacred Minoan column. The heads of the lions, now lost, were made of separate pieces of metal or stone.

scared games and rituals

Aegean. Their religious ceremonies included


An _________ consists of an upright column, the base and the capital and the horizontal entablature.


Angle columns were _______- and set closer to the adjacent columns


Civic design developed and building groups were laid out on symmetrical lines linked by colonnaded porticoes or


Columns have an _______ , a slight curvature on the column‟s profile.

Parthenon, Athens

Doric x a supreme example of Classical Greece x dedicated to Athena Parthenos x designed by Ictinus and Callicrates x master sculptor was Phidias x peripteral octastyle in plan

Temple of Zeus at Olympia

Doric x designed by Libon x the most important building in the Altis located at the very center x a peripteral hexastyle with 13 columns at the sides

Columnar and Trabeated

Greek architecture was essentially


Greek cities were located upon the highest part for the __________ or sacred enclosure


Greek theatre has a religious attribute and originated from the festival of the worship of ________

rubble or cut stone

Houses and palaces were the principal building types, built of _________ without mortar.


IONIC x designed by Mnesicles x made of Pentelic and blue Eleusinian marble x has a „caryatid porch‟ of 6 draped x female figures


In the Doric Order, the ____________ is sometimes referred to in terms of the number of triglyphs between columns


It was upon the island of _____ that arose the first great sea-power of the Mediterranean, which flourished a thousand years before the Greek civilization reached its peak


Letters were _______ on the upper lines than in the lower.


On the ends of the temple roof is the ____________ (triangular-shaped pediment) filled with sculptures


Roof eaves were terminated with

center hole

Sectioned columns were carved with a _______ or depression so that they could be pegged together, using stone or metal pins


The Aegeans practiced nature worship. The supreme deity was the fertility goddess


The ________ has an upward curvature at its center of 2-3/8" on the shorter sides and 4-5/16" on the longer sides.


The center ridge with an/a

Mount Pentelikon

The famous variety of marble is the Pentelic marble of Greece, found in the quarries of ________ in Attica.

Greek Gods

The gods were personifications of particular elements. Each deity has its own attribute.


The greatest importance to her architecture was her unrivalled _________ which facilitates exactness of line and refinement of detail.

mortise and tennon

The method of constructing the column was the


They stood upon a ___________ of 3 or more steps.

parabola, hyperbola & ellipse.

Though these mouldings were formed by hand, they approach very closely to various conic sections:

carpentry in marble

Timber forms were imitated in stone with remarkable exactness. For this reason, Greek architecture has been called


Trabeated architecture was still usual but ______-- began to appear over wall openings.

inwards / 2-3/8"

Vertical columns were inclined ______ towards the top of ______ to correct the appearance of falling outwards.


Walls were coated with ____ & floors with _______


Windows were rare and some were _____ (partly open to the sky)


______ is a decorative column in the figure or half figure of a man


_________ civilization has two cultures known as MINOAN which flourished in Crete under the legendary King Minos of Knossos, and the mainland civilization known as MYCENAEAN, after one of the great centers, Mycenae.


__________ is a caryatid with a basket on her head; used either as a support or as a freestanding garden ornament.


__________ type is more elaborate; a subterranean stone-vaulted construction shaped like a beehive.

maiden of Karyai

___________ , probably by Alcamenes has become the temple‟s signature feature. It is a sculpted female figure serving as a column or a pillar supporting an entablature on her head.


a passageway which is open to the sky called the _______


after one of the great centers, Mycenae. were the first great culture of AEGEAN civilization.


also known as the Tomb of Agamemnon


an interval of 1 triglyph


an interval of 2 triglyphs


an interval of more than 2 triglyphs

Cyma recta

anthemion (or honeysuckle)

Astragal (or bead)

bead & reel


by Mnesicles, forms the imposing entrance to the Acropolis.

Ionic Order

classical Greek architectural style that features a fluted column shaft, capitals with volutes (spiral scroll-like ornaments) and a large base x 4-fronted capital x originated from nautilus shell and ram‟s horn x has no frieze x has 24 flutes separated by fillets not by arrises x has an attic base x height is 9x Ø of base


contains the statue of a god or goddess

Tholos, Epidaurus

corinthian x astronomical monument x built by Polykleitos x perystyle in plan with 14 internal corinthian columns x floor in black & white marble


flank of columns attached to the naos wall.


flourished in Crete under the legendary King Minos of Knossos


front portico


has a portico of columns at the front


has a portico of columns at the front and rear


holds the position as a holy sanctuary and cult center in ancient Greece. ______ was a sacred place with splendid buildings and sanctuaries. It was included in the World's Cultural Heritage, protected by the UNESCO

Tholos Philippeion at Olympia

ionic ________ was begun by Philip of Macedonia & completed by Alexander. A tholos is a circular temple (this word is also used for a Mycenaean circular subterranean tomb).

Temple of Athena Nike, Apteros

ionic x dedicated to Athena Nike(Wingless Victory) x designed by Callicrates x smallest structure in the Acropolis x symbolizes Athen‟s military & political strength

Temple of Artemis, Ephesus

ionic x designed by Demetrius, Paeonius & Deinocrates x one of the most impressive of Greek temples x one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world x The Temple of Artemis is dipteral octastyle at the front and enneastyle at the rear

Temple of Apollo at Didyma

ionic x designed by Paeonius and Daphnis x roof was hypaethral x dipteral octastyle plan x no opisthodomos

Scotia cornice

is a deep hollow moulding

Fillet cornice

is a small plain face to separate other mouldings.

Rock-cut or chamber tomb

is cut within the slope of a hillside and approached by a passageway which is open to the sky called the dromos.

Acropolis of Athens

is the best known acropolis in the world

Greek Mythology

is the body of myths and legends belonging to the ancient Greeks concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. They were a part of religion in ancient Greece.


is the characteristic domestic unit.

Lion Gate

is the most famous feature of the Palace, Tiryns.


is the most sacred part of the temple


like dipteral but the inner range of columns is omitted.

Polygonal Wall

methods of walling

Rectangular Blocks & Inclined Blocks

methods of walling

Epinaos/ Opisthodomos

rear portico


single line of columns at the front and rear.


the guilloche or plait, ornament, or with bundles of leaves tied by bands


the naos known as ___________ was named because it measures 100‟ long

Doric Order

the simplest of the classical Greek architectural styles, featuring unadorned columns with no base x masculine in quality x has no base x height 4-6 1/2x Ø the of base x has 20 flutes

Hellenic Greece

x The "city state" („polis‟) emerged as the basis of Greek society. x Great figures in philosophy and science such as Pythagoras (philosopher-scientist) and Socrates (philosopher) x Greek theatre has a religious attribute and originated from the festival of the worship of Dionysus

Statue of Athena

x one of the most marvelous works of Phidias x made of gold and ivory 12.8 m. high x eyes were of precious stones

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