Honors Psychology Unit 3 Exam Practice

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A savant is most likely to suffer from _____.

amygdala and hippocampus

A study by neuroscientist Gert Holstege and his colleagues shows that the _____ of women's brains are deactivated while they experience orgasm.

linguistic determinism

According to Benjamin Whorf and Edward Sapir, language creates thought as much as thought creates language. Taken to its logical conclusion, this view leads to the _____ hypothesis.

below her chronological age

According to Binet's mental-age scale, a mentally challenged girl's mental age would be _____.


According to Gardner and Sternberg, the Wechsler and Stanford-Binet tests lack tests for _____ intelligence and hence are not valid measures of intelligence.

Interpersonal intelligence

According to Howard Gardner's theory of intelligence, which of the following refers to the ability to perceive other people's intentions?

Physiological, safety, love and belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, arrange the correct sequence of needs in ascending order.

fluid intelligence

According to Raymond Cattell's theory of intelligence, _____ involves how fast you learn new things.

Problem-focused and emotion-focused

According to Richard Lazarus and Susan Folkman, what are the two types of coping strategies?


According to some emotion theorists, hostility is a(n) _____ trait that sets a threshold for the likelihood of particular emotional responses.

high scores in the spatial, perceptual, and quantitative sections.

According to the g-factor theory of intelligence, people who achieve high scores on the verbal section of an intelligence test are likely to have:

High arousal leads to poor performance.

According to the optimal arousal model of motivation, which of the following is true?

Enrolling with friends who can provide social support

Adriana joined a weight-loss program after coming across an advertisement in the newspaper. According to the study by Wing and Jeffery, which of the following will increase her chances of losing weight during the program?

Linguistic determinism hypothesis

Norman uses a language that has no word for "infinity" and hence cannot think of the concept. Which of the following is associated with Norman's inability to think of the word and concept?

Timmy is likely to have been raised in an enriched environment.

Based on his parents' IQs, Timmy's reaction range for IQ should be from 115 to 140. When he took an IQ test, his score indicated an IQ of 138. What does this most indicate?

conditioned taste aversion

Frida is a huge fan of French fries, but she cannot have them in combination with tomato ketchup. She feels nauseated by the taste of tomato ketchup, so much so, that when Frida is offered French fries nowadays even without the ketchup, she still refuses to have them as she feels nauseated and vomits. Which of the following terms best describes Frida's condition?


Gita is spiritual, is in touch with her emotions, and is kind to others. According to Maslow's theory, Gita has most likely reached the level of _____.

the number of categories of responses

Guildford's Alternate Uses test assesses the attribute of flexibility of thought by considering _____.

They studied how each component of the Type A pattern related to coronary outcomes.

How did Matthews and her colleagues conduct research from Friedman and Rosenman's original sample on stress and heart disease?

It was designed to measure several distinct aspects of intelligence.

How did the K-ABC differ from the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler tests?

By quantifying the number of stressors a person experiences during a given period

How do psychologists measure stress as a stimulus?

learning to speak a language while being influenced by one's inherent capacity for language learning.

If Alex engages in innately guided learning, it suggests:

the test may be unfair but it is not biased

If a test is equally valid for different groups and they still score differently on it, it is likely that _____.

It can be freely changed.

If language is defined as being "open," what does it mean?

general adaptation syndrome

In 1946, Austrian physiologist Hans Selye coined the term _____ to describe the common pattern of responses to prolonged exposure to stress.

Convergent thinking

In an examination, Dorothy deductively zeroes in on one of the options of a multiple choice question. What kind of thinking can she be said to engage in?

100 units

In the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), which of the following life changing value corresponds to the life event of death of a spouse?

Evolution of language and evolution of the brain are intertwined.

In the context of evolution of language in humans, what do scientists think about the development of grammatical language?

A lack of belongingness leads to physical and psychological problems.

In the context of needs, which of the following is true of human behavior?


In the context of the immune system, _____ is a process by which tissues are restored following injury.


In the context of the immune system, _____is a process by which a white blood cell engulfs a substance, usually an antigen or another cell, and digests it or moves it to a place where it will be destroyed.


In the context of the models of motivation, maintaining homeostasis is a major motivating factor in the _____ model of motivation.


In the context of verbal representation of one's thoughts and perceptions, the best-fitting example of a category is known as a(n) _____.

Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe

In the late 1960s, _____ developed the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS).


Joe, a young stock broker, has recently suffered a severe setback in his trade. Despite his loss, he has managed to find a positive meaning in the situation by considering this as a learning experience. Considering these characteristics, which personality trait is Joe exhibiting?

open; symbolic

Linguists define human language as a(n) _____ and _____ communication system.

a person's everyday abilities

Most current diagnoses of intellectual disability emphasizes on _____.

The g-factor theory

Most intelligence tests determine a person's overall intelligence score by his or her scores on specific subtests. On which of the following theories are such tests based??

acquiring language involves natural abilities that are modified by the language learner's environment.

Most language theorists agree upon the perspective that:


Nancy is a 4-month-old infant who utters repeated vowel sounds such as "aah and ooh." Until 6 months of age, her speech consists almost exclusively of vowels. Nancy is said to be in the _____ stage of language development.

fluid intelligence

Raven's Progressive Test is a commonly used measure for _____.

display rules

Rebecca was extremely jealous of her brother earning a full college scholarship, yet, she knew she had to act happy for him. Her behavior is an example of _____.

natural immunity

Removing foreign substances from the body through processes that are inborn refers to _____.


Rising glucose levels stimulate the production of _____ in the body.


Sports are physical activities that require skill, strength, agility, and strategy. They often involve competition between two or more individuals or teams. Thus, cognitive psychologists would say that baseball, football, hockey, basketball, and wrestling would be labeled as a _____.


The major male sex hormone, testosterone, is produced by the _____ glands.


The part of the brain that plays a pivotal role in quick appraisals during threatening or fear-inducing situations is the _____.

confirmation bias

The tendency to selectively attend to information that supports one's general beliefs while ignoring information or evidence that contradicts one's beliefs is known as _____.


Under which of the following categories does alcohol fit?

A part of the corpus callosum is thicker in homosexual men as compared to heterosexual men.

Which of the following statements is true of male sexual behavior?

Language is something that exists because it is reinforced and shaped.

Which of the following statements reflects Skinner's belief on language?

The theory that considers intelligence as a single, general capacity

Which of the following theories answers the question "How intelligent are you?"

Howard Gardner

Which of the following theorists theorized that intelligence consists of eight distinct capacities?


Which of the following words is used by psychologists to refer to mental processes involved in acquiring, processing, and storing knowledge?

James' sales efforts have doubled after his team hosted a dinner party for acquiring an important contract.

Who among the following best exemplifies an individual motivated by perceived organizational support?

Theodore Simon and Alfred Binet

Who among the following developed the concept of mental age?

Mothers who opt to have a child later in life

Who among the following have a greater risk of having a baby with Down syndrome?

Charles Spearman

Who is credited with developing the first theory of intelligence?

Dieting does not decrease the number of fats cells, but it rather alters how much fat each cell stores.

Why do dieters find it difficult to keep off weight they have lost by dieting?

Gardner's ideas were argued to be more theoretical than empirical.

Why do some psychologists and scholars criticize Howard Gardner's theory of intelligence?

It does not depend on acquired knowledge

Why is matrix reasoning considered as a fluid intelligence?

crystallized intelligence

Vocabulary tests are measures of _____.

General intelligence, broad intelligence and narrow intelligence

What are the levels of intelligence as propounded by John Carroll?

Algorithms, insight, and thinking outside the box

What are the three kinds of strategies that people use to solve different kinds of problems?

The cardiovascular activation elicited by the fear film returned to baseline levels more quickly in people who saw pleasant films after the fear film.

What did Fredrickson and Levenson find in their experiments that required participants to watch movies eliciting different emotions?

They found a direct and positive relationship between the subjects' creativity scores and their neural connectivity in the frontal lobe.

What did Takeuchi and his colleagues find in their research which sought to measure creativity and neural connectivity?

The animal's body diverts resources from the maintenance of normal body functions to fight the threat.

What happens in the second stage of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) model to an animal exposed to a stressor?

It improves.

What happens to the crystallized intelligence as one goes from young adulthood to middle adulthood?

It can make an individual ill.

What is the result of extended periods of sympathetic arousal on an individual?

Learning from past experiences and acquired knowledge

What will an individual applying crystallized intelligence to solve a problem require?

A representativeness heuristic

When Samantha meets Brenda, who has a laidback attitude and long hair, she promptly concludes that Brenda is Californian even before interacting with her. However, there are many English women who have a laidback attitude and long hair. On what is Samantha's initial judgment based?

When the level of cortisol in the blood adequately meets the body's metabolic needs

When does the release of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) stop?

rational choice theory

When given a choice between two or more options, humans will choose the one that is most likely to help them achieve their particular goals. This is known as the _____.

The curve indicates that relatively few people are exceptionally gifted.

When one plots intelligence scores on a graph, one sees a very clear bell curve, with most people falling in the middle and a few people at the high and low ends of the curve. Which of the following is true for the bell curve?

confirmation bias

When people look only for information that confirms what they already believe and seldom look for information that disconfirms what they think, they are said to be characterized by a(n) _____.

primary appraisal

When someone is determining whether an event is potentially harmful to him or her, he or she is involved in _____.

The hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the adrenal glands

Which of the following are the key structures in the neuroendocrine regulation of stress responses?

Racial-ethnic differences in IQ must be at least partly genetic in origin.

Which of the following best describes Arthur Jensen's conclusions regarding IQ?

How well a person adjusts to and copes with everyday life

Which of the following best describes adaptive behavior?

Language determines our way of thinking and our perceptions of the world.

Which of the following describes linguistic determinism hypothesis?


Which of the following determines whether an event or situation will lead to an emotional response or not?

People who exhibit the TABP under provocation are at greater risk for heart disease than those who do not.

Which of the following did Friedman and Rosenman hypothesize about the Type A Behavior Pattern?

The rules for arranging words and symbols in sentences

Which of the following explains the word "syntax"?

T lymphocytes

Which of the following fight antigens through the process of cellular immunity?

Both failed to factor in developments in the field of neuroscience.

Which of the following holds true for the developers of the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler tests?

The model shows that hostility can increase the likelihood of heart disease through at least two causal routes.

Which of the following holds true with regard to the cardiovascular reactivity model?

Billy is ashamed that he got an F grade on his final exam.

Which of the following individuals is NOT expressing a basic emotion?

Taking assertive action

Which of the following is NOT an aspect of emotion-focused coping?

An individual must show significant limitations in everyday adaptive behavior.

Which of the following is a criterion to be considered for intellectual disability?

Regulating immune response

Which of the following is a function of cytokines?

Openness to experience

Which of the following is a personality trait commonly found among highly creative individuals?

It can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Which of the following is a possible advantage of one to two drinks of alcohol, especially with food, a day?


With respect to verbal representation of one's thoughts, a _____ is a concept that organizes other concepts around what they all share in common.

Drives are linked to very specific needs or triggers, whereas emotions are not.

Which of the following is a true statement about the relationship between emotions and drives?

Sympathetic nervous system

Which of the following is activated by smoking?

The parasympathetic nervous system

Which of the following is activated when we are watching something funny on television that puts us in a good mood?

Learning to brush your teeth

Which of the following is an example of an adaptive behavior?


Which of the following is commonly known as the stress hormone?


Which of the following is generally associated with "stomach sensations" across cultures?

Interpersonal intelligence

Which of the following is most closely related to the concept of emotional intelligence?

The prefrontal cortex

Which of the following is most often involved in performing various IQ tasks?


_____ are the perceived states of tension that occur when our bodies are deficient in some need.

Extrinsic motivation

_____ comes from outside the person and usually involves rewards and praises.

Visual imagery

_____ consists of visual representations created by the brain after the original stimulus is no longer present.

Jean Piaget

_____ found that the cognitive abilities of young children and adolescents are fundamentally different and that cognitive development occurs in stages rather than gradually over time.

Cellular immunity

_____ is the immune response that occurs when T lymphocytes fight antigens.

Base rate

_____ refers to how common some phenomena, be it people or events, are in the population as a whole.


_____ refers to the process of drawing inferences or conclusions from principles and evidence.

Metacognitive thinking

_____ requires the ability to think and then to reflect on one's own thinking and to question it.

Mirror neurons

performs a task or observes another person do the same task?


A bird has two legs, two eyes, and feathers, and it uses its wings to fly in the sky. The organizing of this information about birds is known as a(n):

3 years of age.

A child can form adultlike sentences at around:

visual imagery.

Anna and Johanna visit their hometown after a long time. They are disappointed to find the old local library razed to erect a mall. Johanna remarks that she still has such fond memories associated with the library that she vividly remembers how the librarian greeted them on every visit, and how she used to look forward to the arrival of new books every month. This is an example of:

at the end of a sentence.

Annie has learnt to use certain words such as "jam," "apple," "book," and "hand." It suggests that these words are mostly used:

racial groups

Arthur Jensen proposed that there are limits to increase in the improvement of IQ scores for people of different _____.

A decrease in sympathetic nervous system activation making a person revert to a relaxed state

As indicated by research, which of the following physiological changes are seen when a confession occurs?

The processing of information in the brain's hemispheres is incomplete.

Audrey is a savant who does not have a corpus callosum. Which of the following holds true for Audrey?


By saying the exact same sentence in almost every language, it can be demonstrated that the connection between sound and meaning is:

prefrontal cortex

Due to its involvement in planning, impulse control, and working memory, the _____ of the human brain plays a role in the appraisal and reappraisal of emotion.

Problem-focused strategy

Erica is having a hard time with studies. Though she knows she is not a bad student, she finds her social life a lot more appealing than studying for tests and examinations. With her exams drawing closer, she resolves to cut down on her social life and study more—at least till she finishes her exams. What strategy is Erica using in order to cope with the demands of the circumstances?

The availability heuristic

Liam goes to a music store. Not knowing which DVDs to buy, he ends up buying DVDs of movies whose trailers he has often seen on television. Which of the following indicates the judgment Liam uses when buying the DVDs?

The health behavior approach

Of late, Steve has been feeling lethargic and frustrated. He is a moderate smoker who never exercises. He visits his doctor, and the doctor observes that he has also been extremely stressed recently due to work pressure. The doctor then suggests that Steve makes some lifestyle changes that include changes in his diet and also an exercise regimen that he has to strictly adhere to. On the basis of these characteristics, which of the following models explaining the correlation of stress and illness is Steve's doctor employing?

identical twin pairs to fraternal twin pairs.

One common way to determine how much of a trait is due to genetic influence is to compare:

Lewis Terman

The Binet test was adapted for American students by _____.

autonomic nervous system

The _____ consists of all the neurons that serve the organs and the glands and plays a crucial role in stress responses.

neurons; myelin

The brains of creative people have both more connections between _____ and more _____ than less creative people.

emotion regulation

The calming effect of smoking encourages smokers to use smoking for _____.

interaction of genes with environmental forces can shape gene expression.

The interpretation that genetics influences intelligence to such an extent that one's IQ levels are determined at conception is held erroneous because _____.

psychosomatic medicine

The model of physiological reactivity is rooted in _____.


The process by which the human body achieves stability through physiological change is known as _____.


The process by which the human body achieves stability through physiological change is known as _____.

The need for challenge in employees rises throughout their careers, peaking at retirement.

Which of the following is true for intrinsic motivation in the workplace?

The language acquisition device must have principles of universal grammar.

Which of the following is true in the context of Chomsky's views on language development?

The individual's perception of stress is more likely to make an impact on how he or she responds to a stressor.

Which of the following is true of an individual's response to stress?

It pertains to the idea of maintaining physiological balance.

Which of the following is true of homoestasis?

It is caused by some need.

Which of the following is true of motivation?

People who are fluent in two languages apparently are capable of more efficient cognitive processing than those who speak only one.

Which of the following is true of second-language learning and the brain?

The physiological reactivity model

Which of the following models is an extension of the idea that immunosuppression increases susceptibility to diseases?


Which of the following most affects the human potential for learning?

Kim decides to help her mother do the dishes after Kim is promised a candy for doing it.

Which of the following people is motivated by an extrinsic factor?

Jamie, who has average intelligence, but is extremely gifted in music.

Which of the following people would most likely be considered a prodigy?

Having a resilient response to adverse situations

Which of the following phrases best describes grit?


Which of the following pushes us into action?


Which of the following refers to a mental grouping of objects, events, or people?

Emotion regulation

Which of the following refers to strategies that are similar to emotion-focused coping?

Cognitive psychology

Which of the following refers to the science of how people think, learn, remember, and perceive?

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