, the number of sport which our athletes took participation grew into three athletics, cycling and boxing . For the first time the country collected two medals, one in marathon and the othe in 10,000m through Mamo Wolde
If you engage yourself with basic exercise you will see the following effect
-increase energy level -strength the heart and system circulation -increases the uses of oxygen in the body -strengths and build bones -lowers blood pressure -improves muscle tone and strength -helps reduce body fat -helps reduce stress, tension, anxiety and depression -improves sleep -enhance the immune system and reduce the risk of developing diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes. High blood pressure etc
Isokinetic strength.
.is strength that allows you to exercise with a constant resistance thought the full range of motion kinetic means movement isokinetic refers to movement at a fixed speed.
Types of muscle tissues;
1. Cardiac muscle (the heart muscle) 2. Smooth muscle (those inside internal organs of the body) 3. Skeletal muscle (those which are attached to the bones)
Contribution of Regular Exercise
All who exercise regularly, observing the principles 0f training benefit what they have intended. Regular exercise has miraculous effect in improving physical and orfanic efficiency and motor fitness. Improving work efficiency and reducing mental stress are also the contributions of regular physical exercises
Dynamic strength.
Also called isotonic strength (Iso means same and Tonic mean tone, So isotonic means same tone) it is defined as the maximal weight that can be lifted at one time. Weight lifting is the common form isotonic training
slow twitch fiber
Also called red fibers they are aerobic. thus require oxygen for continued contraction. slow twitch fiber allow you to do muscular endurance activities such as long distance running or repeating a muscular task many times. Heredity greatly determines the number of fast - twitch and slow- twitch fibers anyone possesses.
types of resistance progressive
Isokinetic exercise Isometric exercise Isotonic exercise
Types of strength
Isokinetic strength Dynamic strength Static strength
boycott of Ethiopia
Montreal (1976), the Los Angeles (1984), and the Seol (1984) Olympics.
Olympic symbol
The best known symbol is that of the Olympic rings. The five interwined rings represent the unity of five continents of Africa , Asia, THE America, Australia and Europe. They appear in five colures on a white field on the Olympic flag. These colures are red, blue, green, yellow, and black.each nation has at least one these colours in its national flag.
1964 Tokyo
abebe bekila won
abebe bekila(bare foot) won a gold medal in whole Africa for the first time
fast twitch fiber
also called white fibers. They are basically anaerobic.It allows you to do strength activities such as weight lifting
Isotonic exercise
body part is moved and the muscle change in length, either shortening. Isotonic exercise can be done with little or no equipment and they are good for muscular fitness.
by whom was Olympic game was revised
by the initiative of the French nobleman, Baron de Coubertin Olympism as Coubertin called it was characterize by religion peace and beauty. The love of beauty, especially as expressed in the beauty of movement, is also still notable. In 1894 Coubertin formed the international Olympic committee
Types of skeletal muscle fiber
fast twitch fiber slow twitch fiber
purpose of modern Olympic game
foster the ideal of a sound mind in a sound body. And promote friendship among nation.
first modern Olympic game
in Athens in 1896 as remind that Olympic games originated in Greece. World war first and world war second forced cancellation of the Olympic in 1916, 1940 and 1944, but they resumed in 1948 and held every four years.the number of participant was 245 from 14 nation in 1896.
Static strength
is a muscle ability to exert a force without changing length.it is also called isometric strength. Metric means length isometric means same length.Static strength
Muscular Endurance
is the ability of skeletal muscles to perform repetitive muscular contraction against some resistance. It allows you to keep on working . muscular endurance is closely associated with muscular strength as strength increase there tend to be a corresponding increase in endurance.
Muscular Fitness
is the capability of skeletal muscles to function efficiently in activities where generating force and continuous muscle contraction are needed you need muscular fitness to increase work capacity.to decrease the chance of injury to prevent low back pain. And to improve athletic performance
Muscular Strength
is the maximum amount of force that can be applied by a muscle during a single maximal contraction.Strength helps you to have good posture and prevent back pain muscular injuries. Lack of strength in the back and abdominal muscle is associated with poor posture and lower back problems.
Isokinetic exercise
is usually done with special machines those are not readily available for most people. These types of exercise allow you to exercise with a constant through the full range of motion.
Ethiopia in Olympic
participate for the first time in 1956 Melbourne Olympiad. in cycling and athletic didn't win
Isometric exercise
you contract muscle but do not change their length performance of an isometric exercise generates heat and energy by forcefully contracting the muscle in a fixed position.