hr 2

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If competition is very strong for available talent in a particular field, this leads to an easier recruiting environment.


The issue of supply and demand usually ties in directly with the competitors in an area.


Which of the following is true regarding the HR industry's use of technology?

HR industry experts are mixed in their opinions of the use of AI in the recruiting and hiring process.

According to the video, how is a company's social media presence a benefit to job candidates?

It allows the candidate to do their homework on the company before they apply for a job.

What is an advantage of external recruiting?

It can bring in people with new ideas and approaches.

What primary goal does increasing an employee's motivation achieve?

It can keep the employee engaged and help retain the employee.

What is the disadvantage of internal recruiting?

It creates an additional job opening that needs to be filled.

Which is an advantage of external recruiting?

It may be possible to find individuals with more complex skill sets.

According to Procore's VP of People, what is a positive byproduct of using social media for recruiting?

It provides the opportunity to showcase the company's culture to potential candidates who are searching for jobs online.

an assessment of the ability of a test to measure some other factor related to the test

Criterion-related validity

A company hires a driver who has a history of drunk driving. One day, the driver crashes into a building. This is an example of ______.

a negligent hire

"Hank does poor quality work. Why did the supervisor hire him?"

ability-job fit

My boss asked me to complete a self-evaluation form rating my performance. But I didn't do it because it is her job; I let her do it.


Which communication skill is essential as a recruiter for interacting with candidates?

active listening

determine what training is necessary to improve performance

assessing needs

Helen has to complete company modules each week on her own.

asynchronous distance learning

When are background checks typically conducted?

at the end of the screening process

Just because I was late a couple of times doesn't mean you should rate me as having a bad attitude and don't want to be on time. Things happened that made me late.

attribution error

When you answer the phone you have only been saying your name. You also need to state our company name and a greeting. Say, "Hello, this is John Miller of the Smith Company; how can I help you?"


You are the service desk manager at a retail store and need to train employees on how to effectively deal with angry customers when they return merchandise. You want the employees to remain calm and satisfy the customer.

behavior evaluation

You want your customer service staff to do a better job of handling customer complaints.

behavior modelling

Selection is the process of choosing the ______ applicant who was recruited for a given job.


"I got a lower rating than I deserve because I'm not afraid to speak my mind to the boss, and she doesn't like it."


the individually perceived sequence of attitudes and behaviors associated with work-related experiences and activities over the span of a person's life


occurs when an individual feels unchallenged in their current job and has little or no chance of advancement

career plateau

Your professor wants to develop your ability to understand HR situations and recommend ways to improve the HR department performance of specific businesses.


"My parents continually told me how to behave properly as I was growing up. Could that be why customers comment on my good manners and social skills?"

classical conditioning

require a limited response, often a yes or no answer

close-ended questions

I got the entry-level job because the HR representative sent me for an interview with the hiring manager.


My company stopped placing want ads in the newspaper, and it posts openings only online.


hiring managers communicate their need to fill a position to HR

closed recruiting

a test measuring the psychological traits or characteristics of applicants to determine suitability for performance in a specific type of job

cognitive ability

Part of the selection process is to take our intelligence test.

cognitive ability test

identifies the knowledge, skills, and abilities (known in HR as KSAs) needed to perform a particular job in the organization

competency model

You know that a positive attitude is correlated to engagement and job performance. So you develop a test to assess attitudes of job applicants. Which type of validity is critical to supporting the validity of your test?

construct validity

an assessment that measures a theoretical concept or trait that is not directly observable

construct validity

an assessment of whether a test measures knowledge or understanding of the items it is supposed to measure

content validity

I'm sick and tired of hearing how many units Sally produces and that I should be more like her.

contrast error

Chris is not doing a good job, so you decide to talk to him about it and keep track of his performance regularly.

critical incidents method

"We need more employees, Jean. Do you know anyone interested in working for us?"

employee referral

You have just finished leading an all-day training workshop focused on teaching employees how to use the organization's new learning management system (LMS). At the end of the workshop, you distribute a survey to the group to see if people thought the training was helpful. In which area are you assessing training results?

employee satisfaction

According to the video, when Procore wants to insure that training is ingrained what type of training do they make sure is incorporated?


"I know John is new, but he is slowing production down, and I don't think he will improve." This is an example of the personality-job fit.


"You have a different accent. What country are you from?" This is an example of a question that is legal to ask.


Each assessment method is meant to be used exclusively and not to be combined with any of the others


Emotional intelligence is something that is innate and cannot be taught or improved through training.


Gen Z workers tend to work better when working in a collaborative environment, while millennial workers want their own space and their own goals.


Grit is not something that can be improved; either you have it or you don't.


HR industry experts agree that AI is the best thing to have happened to the recruiting and hiring process.


Having a criminal record will automatically eliminate you from being hired for a job.


If employees' self-efficacy is high, they may not believe they have the ability to succeed in the training process.


If we provide employees with tools that allow them to improve over time, we're focusing on negative past results.


In hiring today, it is advised to hire for soft skills.


People today still commonly spend their entire careers working for the same company.


Performance appraisal typically only happens once per employee.


Reference checks only include calls to references that are provided by the applicant.


Research shows that employees can be just as engaged without regular feedback.


Research shows that onboarding programs only need to last a couple of days in order to boost engagement early in a new employee's career and help to reduce turnover rate.


The compensatory model requires that each applicant pass a particular selection test in order to go on to the next test.


The success of a performance appraisal lies in the method or form used, not on the manager's interpersonal coaching skills.


Typically, all companies follow the same selection process.


When conducting an interview, it's important that the interviewer do most of the talking.


When starting a new job at a new company, certain things, such as knowing whom to go to with questions, are just assumed.


When there is a job needing to be filled, it is always necessary to recruit to fill the position.


I attended all the classes and participated in the class discussions, so the professor gave me an A even though my final average on my test scores was a B." This situation describes the recency error.

false this is halo error

My boss said I have a bad attitude and gave me a lower overall performance rating. I questioned what my attitude had to do with my performance because I get all my work done well and by the deadline.


You need to take a test so that we can determine if you might get any known illnesses or diseases in the future.

genetic test

You started a new business a year ago, and you are extremely busy focusing on sales, but you want to develop a performance appraisal form you can use with all 14 of your employees who do a variety of jobs.

graphic rating scale forms

Active listening is an important skill for recruiters to have so that they can understand the context of conversations and so that they can ______.

have empathy for recruits

The area of ______ is the area of HR in which AI is most widely used.


The 360-degree evaluation is best when it is used to ______.

improve individual performance

Your book states various reasons for conducting an employee appraisal; which reason does the appraisal in the video address most directly?

improving performance

You need your new employees to learn how to handle the typical daily problems they will face on the job.

in-basket exercise

a test measuring the psychological traits or characteristics of applicants to determine suitability for performance in a specific type of job

interest test

filling job openings with current employees or people the employees know

internal recruiting

"We need another computer programmer."


Why is preparing a realistic job preview important?

it allows the interviewer to set clear expectations, both good and bad, for the candidate

According to the VP of People from Procore, one of the benefits of using social media to recruit candidates is ______.

its high degree of access to potential candidates

You want employees to be able to do each other's jobs when they take vacations.

job rotation

You are a software sales manager, and you want your new sales reps to be able to demonstrate the various features of your software.

learning evaluation

You are the HR manager and want to make sure that your staff understands what questions they can and can't legally ask during the selection process.

learning evaluation

The VP of finance needs a new administrative assistant.

local mass media

You need to prepare middle managers to advance to upper-level managers. You are considering having them run a simulated company getting quarterly results.

management games

My boss asked me to reply to this question, "How does your job contribute to the overall outcomes of the company?"

mission and objectives

You are in the final selection stage of the recruiting process. Jayden is one of two final candidates selected. Jayden's score was lower than you would have liked on the aptitude test, but his score on the personality test was right in line with the type of personality you are seeking in a new hire. The type of selection model used in this instance is the ______.

multiple-hurdle selection model

Chanelle is moving, has applied for a job at another company, and asked you for a letter of recommendation.

narrative method and forms

The video gives an example of a department requesting training on having crucial conversations and the determination that the need was actually training on how to build trust and rapport. What led to this determination?

needs assessment

What do you mean I get an average rating? You never said I wasn't doing a good job before now.

negative information overload

"Chet, I know we can make more money by fixing prices, but it's illegal, so don't do it."

negative reinforcement

"If you don't stop breaking the pricing gun, Jose, you will have to buy a new one."

negative reinforcement

the process of introducing new employees to the organization and their jobs


At Blount, when is most feedback on employee performance delivered?

one-on-one meetings

My company has a policy of posting all job openings, and we can apply for better jobs that we want.


Our department team leader retired, and the boss said that anyone in the department can apply for the position. So I applied and am the new team leader.


advertising the job openly within the organization so anyone can apply

open recruiting

require detailed responses and are appropriate for determining candidate abilities and motivation

open-ended questions

"I completed the project ahead of schedule and did a great job. As a result, my boss conveyed his sincere thanks and gave a $100 gift certificate to use in my favorite restaurant."

operant conditioning

The two keys to career success, according to the Grit Scale, are ______.

passion and perseverance

"We work in a very competitive environment, and Chris doesn't seem to fit."

person-organization fit

A paper-and-pencil test is administered so that we can determine whether you have the right characteristics to succeed on the job.


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Birkman Method are two types of ______ tests.


a test measuring the psychological traits or characteristics of applicants to determine suitability for performance in a specific type of job

personality test

"Just because Jean is outgoing and can communicate well doesn't mean she can sell our product."

personality-job fit

You have to undergo an exam by our doctor to determine whether you can handle the job.

physical exam

Part of the firefighter test is to carry this 50-pound dummy up this ladder in 2 min or less.

physical skill test

As part of the selection process, you will have to answer questions while being monitored by this machine.


"Jamal, I really appreciate your staying late tonight to finish this project."

positive reinforcement

"Santana, you got that angry lady to calm down and leave the store as a happy customer. This behavior leads to keeping our customers. Thanks, keep up the good work"

positive reinforcement

The Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP) provide information that can be used to avoid hiring ______.

practices that are discriminatory as well as considered discrimination in other employment decisions

"You need a CEO from outside the company."

private agency

require a clarification response and are appropriate for improving the interviewer's understanding

probing questions

In what did the supervisor in this video see a decline as a result of repeated tardiness of this employee?


Your large department has a high turnover rate, and new employees need to learn several rules and regulations to perform their jobs.

programmed learning

"I'm delegating to you the task of calculating the company's turnover rate last year compared to the last five years, and I need your report tomorrow."

project-business skills

We have a supervisor retiring in a month.

promote from within

"The head bank telling is replacing Jean as the assistant branch manager. So who should we recruit to be the new head teller?"

promotion from within

"I know you like to get out of work for a while and get our lunches, Sean, but because you mixed up the order today, Tina will go tomorrow." Which method of shaping employee behavior is illustrated in this example?


"You know you're not supposed to do that, Sam. It's going to cost you $10."


The football referee called off-sides and gave the team a ten hard penalty.


You have been promoted, and you have been asked to select your replacement.

ranking method

You must select your top three employees for a merit raise.

ranking method

A trainer, who is new on the job, is training a group of new hires in a management-leadership program. She wants to make sure she is not moving too quickly, so she asks the group to provide some short feedback on the training. Which level of the Four-Level Evaluation Method does this situation describe?


At the end of a half-day long training program, the trainer wants to get a quick assessment of how the participants feel about the training session before they return to work.

reaction evaluation

You are the HR manager responsible for diversity, and you develop a training program to help employees better understand each other and not use stereotypes so that they can work well together.

reaction evaluation

I tend to take it easy during the year, but I make sure to really push and do a good job for the month of December, and that's why I got a good performance review.

recency error

______ is the process of creating a reasonable pool of qualified candidates for a job opening.


the consistency of a test measurement


My boss is on my case because I'm not producing as much as I used to. But it's not my fault that the machine jams more often, and then I have to stop working to fix it.


______ is the correction of a deficiency or failure in a process or procedure.


I'm pleased with your performance. It is only your second week on the job, and you are already producing the standard 10 units per day. I don't think it will be long before you exceed the standard and get bonus pay.


Which assessment method allows a company to determine if productivity increased as a result of the training?


You are a restaurant owner who installed a new food-ordering computer system with the objective of speeding up the time it takes to serve meals, so you need to train employees on how to use the new system.

results evaluation

Which measure can help a company determine if money was well spent on training?

return on investment

You want to conduct a diversity training program to improve the relationship between diverse group members to better understand each other.

role playing

You want to improve your employees' ability to sell products to customers in the store so that customers don't end up leaving and buying the products online.

role playing

Gabriella is managing a team that is undergoing training on new team processes and technologies. One day, she overhears a few of her fellow managers discussing their frustrations. Gabriella's colleague says, "Trying to fit in all of this new training on top of everything else we already had to do is tough. There are not enough hours in the day. And if our team just focuses on the training right now, we're letting so many things go." Which challenge to the training process does this example illustrate?


Mario is attending live-streamed training sessions for his new job every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m.

self-directed learning

The interviewer has a list of questions, but also asks unplanned questions.

semistructured interview

The goal of a realistic job preview (RJP) is to ______.

share all of the tasks and requirements of a job.

require candidates to describe what they would do and say in a given situation

situational questions

All applicants for administrative assistant jobs must take a Microsoft Word test.

skills test

To get the drywalling job, you will have to hang, tape, and paste 10 sheets while doing a quality job, all in 3 hr. Select option skills test cognitive ability test physical skill test

skills test

an assessment instrument designed to determine if you have the ability to apply a particular knowledge set

skills test

"Tony is a very hard worker, but I've never even seen him get as much as a thank-you for his performance. So why should I work hard?"

social learning

"We need to hire a new history professor."

specialized publication

My boss told me that I was not doing a very good job. But when I asked him why, he never gave me any details to support his assessment. Good answer.


Roberto is interviewing for an accounting position at a top accounting firm. The interviewer asks him a set of questions she had prepared, never switching to any unplanned questions. This interview style can be described as ______


All candidates are asked the same list of prepared questions.

structured interview

Mario is attending live-streamed training sessions for his new job every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m.

synchronous distance learning

"My supervisor got promoted to middle management and selected me to be his replacement


I got the job as supervisor in the other department because the VP of production recommended me for the position.


HR managers ask hiring managers to privately nominate workers

targeted recruiting

The external pool of candidates from which we draw our recruits is known as ______.

the labor market

the process of teaching employees the skills necessary to perform a job


The Senior Director, Organizational Development, indicates the company uses a 90-day assessment after the coaching training is complete to determine if skills are being applied in the workplace. This assessment is an example of ______.

training transfer

When you promote one of the women, make sure she is attractive.


"After seeing Helen get a written warning for not wearing a helmet, I'm keeping my helmet on when I'm on the job no matter how hot it gets." This is an example of social learning.


"Gold-plating," the creation of massive and complex requirements in a job specification using technology, is problematic because it can eliminate candidates who may be qualified for the job.


"Have you ever worked under a different name?" This is an example of a question that is legal to ask.


A job candidate failed a job application test, but she claims that the test is not fair and that she can do the job. Criterion-related validity is needed to ensure that the test is, in fact, a good predictor of job performance.


A needs assessment is the process of analyzing the difference between what is currently occurring within a job or jobs and what is required based on the organization's operations and strategic goals.


A negligent hire is a legal concept that says if the organization hires someone who may pose a danger to coworkers and that person then harms someone else in the course of working for the company, the company can be held liable for the individual's actions.


A promote-from-within policy is one example of an organizational policy that can influence the recruiting process.


Academic researchers in HRM and government regulators have become concerned with the potential for increased bias through the use of new technologies in hiring.


Companies today will sometimes request that a job candidate fill out an application even if they have a resume because there is legal language or "disclosures" that must be agreed to by the applicant.


Credit checks are usually conducted when the applicant will have any access to money as part of the position and as a way to test the personal responsibility of the applicant.


Employers tend to look for people who are open to learning and adapting to change. True


Formal education, experience, and employee assessment are three of the methods discussed by your text that organizations use to develop employees.


Grit is of equal importance to a qualified candidate's talent and qualifications.


If employees' self-efficacy is low, they may not believe they have the ability to succeed in the training process


Peer reviews can be problematic because coworkers may feel uncomfortable if they do not give a stellar assessment.


People today no longer spend their entire careers working for the same company.


Performance management is the process of identifying, measuring, managing, and developing the performance of the human resources in an organization.


Policies on temporary-to-permanent employees can influence the recruiting process.


Research shows that onboarding programs that last much longer than a couple of days boost engagement early in a new employee's career and help to reduce turnover rate.


The evaluative interview is the basis for the developmental interview.


The goal of onboarding is successful socialization into the company.


The onboarding process in most organizations needs to be improved in order to retain the best new hires.


The social and legal environment is one external force acting on recruiting efforts.


The steps of the training process are interrelated.


The trend today is toward regular check-ins with more consistent feedback.


Three reasons career development is so important is because people want to have a successful career, people's skills change, and management seeks to avoid future employee problems.


Training is more technical, whereas development focuses on soft skills.


Using a mechanical approach to evaluating selection data improves the likelihood of hiring a high-quality candidate.


When selecting and purchasing new technological tools to aid in the hiring process, it is important to evaluate the tool and determine whether you can prove reliability and validity.


Your company had a new opening on May 5 and you filled the position on June 25. Your time to hire was 51 days.


There are no preplanned questions or sequence of topics.

unstructured interview

My boss said I have a bad attitude and gave me a lower overall performance rating. I questioned what my attitude had to do with my performance because I get all my work done well and by the deadline.


The use of graphs and charts in training appeals to which type of learner?


Motivation is defined as the ______ to achieve organizational objectives.


What is the general rule of thumb regarding the appropriate number of qualified candidates to identify from the applicant pool?

15 to 25

The average of all new hire performance appraisals last year was 4.3 on a 5-point grading scale. The average of all appraisals in the organization last year was 4.1. Therefore, new recruits are roughly ______.

4% above average

Your company hired 24 people last year, and 14 of those left again within 3 months. Your new hire turnover is ______.


The average of all new hire performance appraisals last year was 4.1 on a 5-point grading scale. The average of all appraisals in the organization last year was 4.4. Therefore, new recruits are ______ below average.


An advertisement for a job opening receives 62 applications. Of these, 48 have the basic qualifications required for the job. The yield ratio would be ______.


According to Blount's HR director, which social media resource may be the best for locating the job-related qualifications of candidates?


Which is an example of a social media platform that employers regularly use to recruit candidates?


Your employees perform different tasks. You want to create a system for developing each of them.

MBO method

What is a benefit of recruiting internal candidates?

The skills, abilities, and fit within the culture of the candidates are known.

What is Procore's policy on employee use of social media?

They allow casual usage as long as the employees are getting their work done.

What is the purpose of open-ended questions?

They assess the critical thinking ability.

Your book discusses several problems that can crop up with employee appraisals by various individuals; what can often present a problem with peer reviews?

They can be more subjective based upon personality conflicts or bias.

What is the purpose of closed-ended questions?

They deal with the fixed aspects of the job.

Why can personal social media pages be problematic for potential job candidates?

They may show the potential employer more than they need to see and know about the candidate that isn't job related.

According to Blount's director of operations, what is an advantage of frequent one-on-ones?

They provide an opportunity for two-way dialogue.

A problem with AI is that although it is used for the purpose of removing potential bias from the hiring process, it can actually have the opposite effect.


You need an employee to conduct an Internet search to find out more about a new product you want to buy for the department; you want a special report.


"Now I'm going to show you how to run the


The continued use of technology in the recruitment process could create digital ______ because not everyone has a smartphone.


I told my boss that I thought I deserve an excellent rating, but she said that she gives everyone a good rating.

distributional error

You have to go in the bathroom now and put a sample of your urine in this cup so we can test it.

drug test

"I'm a small business owner not making a profit yet. I really could use some help marketing my products."

educational institution

We like to hire young people without experience in order to train them to sell using a unique approach.

educational institutions

the way that we identify, understand, and use our own emotions as well as the emotions of others to promote our working relationships

emotional intelligence

ongoing education to improve knowledge and skills for present and future jobs

employee development

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