HS exam 2

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turner's syndrome

condition that occurs in females resulting from the absence of an X chromosome (XO) -occurs in about 1 in 25,000 girls

extramarital affair

sexual intercourse between a spouse and someone other than the person he or she is married to


sexual love -seeks self-gratification and sexual expression


sexual orientation that involves the predominance of emotional and sexual attractions to persons of the same sex


sexual orientation whereby the predominance of emotional and sexual attraction is to persons of the other sex


condition in which an individual is born with gonads matching the sex chromosomes but genitals resembling those of the other sex.

gender dysphoria

condition in which one's gender identity does not match biological sex


condition of having refrained from having sexual intercourse

involuntary abstinence

condition of not having sexual relations due to environmental factors, such as not having a partner or being confined to an institution that does not encourage sexual expression


condition of refraining from sexual intercourse, especially by reason of religious vows; also used to refer to being unmarried


partners in the group remain faithful (sexually exclusive) to everyone else in the group

coming out

(shortened form of "coming out of the closet") sequence of defining one's self as homosexual in sexual orientation and disclosing one's self-identification to others

fatuous love

passion and commitment without intimacy


passion without intimacy or commitment

of 5,865 respondents in the US 5% of the men and 22% of the women reported having received a penis in the anus in the past 12 months

19% of men reported inserting a penis into an anus in the past 12 months


sending sexually explicit text or photos via cell phone

man on top position

-aka missionary position -permits maximum male thrusting and facilitates eye contact, kissing, and caressing

barriers to communication (sex talk with children)

-anxiety associated with the desire to protect the innoncence of the child -uncertainty regarding the best age for the child for the parent to be open about sexual information -fear of the reaction of other parents -parental discomfort

similarities between love and sex

-both represent intense enjoyable feelings -both involve physiological changes -both have a cognitive component -both may be expressed in various ways -the need for both increases with deprivation

types of affairs

-brief encounter -paid sex -instrumental or utilitarian affair -coping mechanism -paraphiliac affair -office romance -internet use

unspoken rules of hooking up

-doing so is not dating -hooking up is not a romantic relationship -hooking up is physical -hooking up is secret -one who hooks up is to expect no subsequent phone calls -condoms should always be used only 75% of sample reported condom use on hookups

cultural pressure operative in mate selecction

-endogamy -exogamy

hendrick and hendrick theory

-eros: passionate love, not limited to physical passion -ludus: game-playing love-for mutual enjoyment without serious intent -storage: friendship; companionate love -pragma: pragmatic and practical love -mania: manic, jealous, obsessive love -agape: selfless, idealistic love

cons of masturbation

-feeling of being abnormal -strengthened attraction to inappropriate stimuli -guilt

gender roles in the cuban american family

-female labor force participation has increased the power of the wife and challenged male authority in the home -divorce rates have increased -singlehood has become more acceptable

social correlates of masturbation

-gender -race and ethnicity -education

attitudes about homosexuality

-general attitude -equal rights -close quarters -public display -modern homonegativity

biological explanations of the development of sexual orientation

-genetic theories -perinatal hormonal theories -postpubertal hormonal theories

advantages of polyamory

-greater variety in ones emotional and sexual life -the avoidance of hidden affiars and the attendant of feelings of deception mistrust or betrayel -the opportunity to have different needs met by different people

disadvantages of polyamory

-having to manage ones jealousy -greater exposure of ones self and partners to human immunodeficiency virus and other STI's -limited time with each partner

of 4,413 young women

-higher incidence of vaginal sex among women of black race/ethnicity -white women had a higher incidence of oral and anal sex than nonwhites -Hispanic women had a lower incidence of oral sex -Asian women had a lower incidence of anal sex

open relationship rules

-honesty -recreational sex -condom use -approval -online hunting

hooking up ref;ects cultural beliefs

-hooking up is shameless fun -will enhance ones status in ones peer group -reflect ones sexual freedom/control over ones sexuality

overweight or obese adolescent girls are less likely than their recommended-weight counterparts to be sexually active

-however overweight or obese girls are not less likely to have sex under the influence of alcohol; and once they have had vaginal intercourse their consistency of condom use is no different from that of their recommended weight peers. -overweight or obese girls are 15% more likely than their recommended weight peers to have ever had anal intercourse regardless of whether they have ever had vaginal sexual intercourse

female sexuation

-importance of relationship commitment -body image -masturbation -expressing love -sexual thoughts -orgasm -number of partners -other sexual differences

challenges to intimate sexual relationships

-jealousy -guilt -obsession -stalking

secondary partners

-keep lives separate -maintain separate finances and residences -less intense emotional connects -usually discuss major life decisions but do not make those decisions jointly

tertiary relationships

-less emotionally intimate -long distance or casual partners -resemble swinging

women are

-less likely to report that they are hedonistic about sex -less likely to have hooked up -more likely to have been cheated on -more likely to have been stalked -more likely to have bee pressured to have sex by a person they were dating

men are

-less likely to value being in a committed relationship -show less concern about body issues -more likely to masturbate -less likely to say "I love you" -more likely to report thinking about sex -more likely to orgasm -more likely to have a higher number of sexual partners than women

primary partners

-long term -joint finances -cohabitate -make major life decisions together -children sometimes

differences between love and sex

-love is crucial for human happiness; sex is important but not crucial -love is pervasive whereas sex tends to be localized -love tends to be more selective than sex

coping strategies for dealing with a stalker, abuser, or obsessional partner

-make a direct statement -seek protection through formal channels -avoid the perpetrator -change phone numbers, address, etc.

coping strategies for dealing with a stalker

-make a direct statement to the person -seek protection through formal channels -avoid the perpetrator -change phone numbers, adress, etc.

961 couples and found not only that jealousy may signify that the partner is cared for (the implied message is "i love you and don't want to lose you to someone else")

-making the partner jealous might also have the positive function of assessing the partner's commitment and of alerting the partner that one could leave for greener mating pastures

internal causes of jealousy

-mistrust -low self-esteem -lack of perceived alternatives -insecurity

top four characteristic in a mate

-mutual attraction (love) -dependable character -emotional stability/maturity -pleasing disposition men greater emphasis on good looks women greater emphasis on ambition and economic potential

social/cultural influence theories

-parent-child interaction theories -sexual interaction theories -sex-role theories

agents of gender role socialization

-parents -peers -teachers -religion -media

various reasons for gay men to remain single

-personal past -collective past -previous relationship -particular tastes -still searching -loner

individuals conceptualize their virginity in one of three ways

-process -gift -stigma

sources for homonegativity and homophobia in the united states

-religion -marital and procreative bias -concern about HIV and AIDS -rigid gender roles -psychiatric labeling -myths and negative stereotypes

concepts of exchange theory

-rewards are the behaviors -costs are the unpleasant aspects of a relationship -profit occurs when the rewards exceed the costs -loss occurs when the costs exceed the rewards -it is also necessary that no other person who offers a higher profit is currently available

pros of masturbation

-self knowledge -increased body comfort -orgasm more likely -pressure taken off partner -no partner necessary -avoiding risks of STI's -unique pleasurable experience -helpful in maintaining sexual fidelity -useful in treatment of sexual dysfunctions

elements of polyamory

-sexual exclusivity -number of people involved -various degrees of emotional intimacy between partners

marital sex is characterized by

-social legitimacy -declining frequency -sexual and emotional satisfaction

theories of gender role development

-sociobiology -identification theory -social learning theory -cognitive developmental theory

134 adolescent african american males and revealed parent-child closeness was positively correlated with amount of parent-child sexual communication with both mothers and fathers

-such closeness was associated with greater condom use, less permissive sexual attitudes, fewer sexual partners, and less unprotected sex -males noted greater communication with mothers than fathers

rights accorded to married people

-the right to inherit from a spouse who dies without a will -the benefit of not paying inheritance taxes upon the death of a spouse -the right to make crucial medical decisions for a spouse and to take care of a seriously ill spouse or a parent of a spouse under current provisions in the federal family and medical leave act -the right to collect social security survivor benefits -the right to receive health insurance coverage under a spouse's insurance plan

Vokey and colleagues examined the concept of hyper-masculinity and specified four interrelated beliefs

-toughness as emotional self-control -violence as manly -danger as exciting -callous attitudes toward women and sex

reasons for affair

-variety, novelty, and excitement -workplace friendships -relationship dissatisfaction -sexual dissatisfaction -revenge -homosexuality -aging -absence from partner -high androgen levels

gender roles in Caribbean

-women view motherhood not marriage as the symbol of their womanhood

369 undergraduates (69% reported having hooked up) found that those with pro-feminist attitudes were not more likely to hook up

-women who hooked up were more likely than men to agree with the unspoken rules of hooked up: no commitment, no emotional intimacy, and no future obligation to each other. they were clear that hooking up was about sex with no future

four essential stages of identity development

1. first awareness or realization that one is different 2. test and exploration 3. identity acceptance 4. identity integration

of 948 public high school student

28% reported having sent a naked picture of themselves through text or email 31% reported having asked someone for a sext 57% had been asked to send a sext

of 7,015 female young adults, black and hispanic young women were most at risk for STIs in young adulthood

30% of blacks 10% of Hispanics 6% of whites self-reported or tested positive via biospecimen for an STI

more than 17,000 students in 20 colleges revealed that 72% of both men and women reported having hooked up with some combination of the following

40% intercourse 35% kiss or touch 12% hand/genital 12% oral sex -men reported having 10 hookups -women reported having 7 hookups

of the 4,901 respondents 2.6% of the women rated themselves as bisexual and 0.7% as homosexual; 3.2% of the men rated themselves as bisexual and 3.1% as homosexual

50-60% heritability for women and about 30% for men.

of 5,865 respondents in the US 70% of the men reported that they "received oral sex from a woman" in the past 12 months

71% of the women reported that they "received oral sex from a man" in the past 12 months


A stimulus loses its value with repeated exposure

sexual orientation

classification of individuals as heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual based on their emotional, cognitive, and sexual attractions as well as their self-identity and lifestyle

sexual fantasies

cognitions or thoughts and/or images, that are sexual in nature

consummate love

combination of intimacy, passion, and commitment

empty love

commitment without passion or intimacy


a boy's first seminal ejaculation -usually occurs between the age 13 or 14

plan b

a high dose progestin pill that acts to prevent ovulation or fertilization of an egg

secondary virginity

a sexually experienced persons deliberate decision to refrain from intimate encounters for a set period of time and to refer to that decision as a kind of virginity

gender role transcendence

abandonment of gender schema, or becoming "gender aschematic" so that personality traits, social and occupational roles, and other aspects of an individuals life become divorced from gender categories


absence of all three components

family balancing

act of selecting the sex of a child before it is conceived for a "balanced" one boy, one girl family and involves separating sperm carrying the x and y chromosomes


also referred to as sexual touching, the broad category of activities which are usually undertaken with the goal of increasing one's own and/or one's partner's sexual arousal and pleasure

dichotomous model

also referred to as the "either-or" model of sexuality. way of conceptualizing sexual orientation that prevails not only in views on sexual orientation but also in cultural understandings of biological sex (male vs. female) and gender (masculine vs. feminine) -major criticism is that it ignores the existence of bisexuality and does not allow for any gradations or viewing sexual orientation as being on a continuum

parental investment

any investment by a parent that increases the offspring's chance of surviving and thus increases reproductive success

male to male sexual contact is the most common mode of transmission in the United States with 29,700 infections reported annually

approx. 50,000 new cases of HIV are reportd annually

sexual identity

composite term that refers to factors including one's biological sex, gender identity, gender role, and sexual orientation


attracted to men, women, bisexuals

obsessive relational intrusion

behavior of a stranger or an acqaintance who repeatedly invades one's physical or symbolic privacy in his or her attempts to have an intimate relationship

down low

behavior of keeping one's activity private; term used to describe men who have sex with men but do not label themselves as gay or bisexual


behavior that involves treating categories of individuals unequally


belief that rising above carnal lust and the pursuit of sensual pleasure into a life of self-discipline and self-denial is desirable


belief, stated or implied, that heterosexuality is superior (morally, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally) to homosexuality


believe in love at first sight, one true love and that love conquers all


bladder infection

bisexual women reported the worst mental health in terms of anxiety, anger, depressive symptoms, self-injury, and suicidal ideation and attempts

both bisexual women and lesbians had a far greater likelihood of having these mental health issues when compared with heterosexual women

hate crimes

bringing harm to an individual because he or she is viewed as belonging to a group of which one does not approve


broad term for individuals who may dress or present themselves in the gender of the other sex; a more pejorative term than cross-dresser

sexual fluidity

capacity for variation in one's erotic responses depending on the situation

characteristics of love

caring commitment trust companionship affection happiness security

primary sex characteristics

characteristics that differentiate women and men, such as external genitalia (vuvla and penis), gonads (ovaries and testes), and sex chromosomes (XX and XY), and hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone)

40% of children ages 6-9 and 13% of those 10-12 reported walking around the house without clothes

children so exposed reported higher levels of sexual behavior for children ages 2-12 (but within cultural limits)

klinefelter's syndrome

condition that occurs in males and results from the presence of an extra X sex chromosome (XXY) resulting in abnormal testicular development, infertility, low interest in sex (low libido) and in some cases mental retardation -occurs in about 1 in 800 male births

intersex development

congenital variations in the reproductive system, sometimes resulting in ambiguous genitals

stigma view

considers virginity as something to be ashamed of, to hide and to rid oneself of


construct that refers to antigay responses including negative feelings (fear, disgust, anger) thoughts and beahvior

parent-child interaction theories

criticisms are: -does not resolve the question, "is the absent or distant father relationship a result or a cause of the child's homosexuality?" -sons with overprotective mothers and rejecting fathers also grow up to be heterosexual, just as those with moderate mothering and warm fathering grow up to be homosexual -two sons growing up in the same type of family may have different sexual orientations


cross-dresser's act of destroying the clothes of the other sex as an expression of trying to become free of the drive to cross-dress (rarely has any long-term effect, and the person returns to cross-dressing)


cultural expectation that one will select a marriage partner within one's own social group, such as race, religion, and social class


cultural expectation to marry outside one's own family group

autoerotic asphyxiation

cutting off one's air supply to enhance one's orgasm but misjudging the extent of doing so such that accidental death occurs


developmental period in which youth move from childhood to adulthood


developmental stage in which a youth achieves reproductive capacity


developmental time frame that extends from age 2 to age 12 and involve physical, cognitive, social, and sexual development


disagree with all of romantics beliefs -love takes time to develop -there are numebrous people with whom one may fall in love -love does not conquer all

secondary transsexuals

does not report gender dysphoria dating back to early childhood but reports instead discovering in mid/late adolescence a self-concept of the other sex

open relationship

each partner agrees that the other can have sexual (and sometimes emotional) relationships with someone outside the couple relationship

people in eastern countries tend to be more realistic in their view of love, require that love follow rather than precede marriage, and do not require that love continue for the couple to stay together

eastern societies have a very low divorce rate under 10%

greek and hebrew conceptions of love

greeks: phileo, agape, and eros


emotional and sexual attraction to members of both sexes


emotional response to a perceived or real threat to an important or values relationship page 156


emotionally intimate but not sexually connected

social learning theory

emphasizes the role of reward and punishment in explaining how a child learns gender role behavior -modeling


extreme form of obsessive relational intrusion that may involve following a victim, property damage, home invasion, or threats of physical harm

family of origin

family into which an individual is born

family of procreation

family one begins by finding a mate, and having and rearing children


fearful, negative, discimnatory reactions toward bisexuals


first year of life following birth

adolescents who engaged in sexting behaviors were more likely to have begun dating and to had sex than those who did not sext

for girls sexting was also associated with risky sexual beahvors

voluntary abstinence

forgoing sexual intercourse for a period of time by choice


four adults most commonly formed when two couples join


framework in which social behavior is viewed as having a biological bases in terms of being functional in human evolution

oedipal complex

freuds term based on the legend of the greek youth oedipus who unknowingly killed his father and married his mother; involves the young boy's awakening sexual feelings for his mother as he becomes aware he has a penis and his mother does not

semen-conservation doctrine

from early ayurvedic teachings in india, the belief that general good health in both sexes depends on conserving the life-giving power of "vital fluids" (semen and vaginal fluids)

gender queer

gender identity was neither male nor female


greek word meaning love of humankind


groups with five or more adult members are larger, more fragile and more complicated than quads


having traits stereotypically associated with both masculinity and femininity

gay women seem to exhibit greater levels of biphobia than do gay men

higher rates of anxiety, depression, and panic attacks are associated with being gay

gender roles in mexican and latino/hispanic families

hispanics represent 50 million or 15% of the US population -men as providers and women as homemakers

approx 50% of gay men describe themselves as single

hostetler interviewed 94 single middle class gay men between the ages of 35 and 70. about 20.2% viewed their singlehood as a potentially permanent status

in a study 75% of US women compared to 44% of US men felt guilty after their first intercourse experience

however when asked about their most recent intercourse experience 31% of women and 44% of men reported feeling guilty afterward

unidimensional continuum model

identification of one's sexual orientation on a scale from 0 (exclusively heterosexual) to 6 (exclusively homosexual) suggesting that most people are not on the extremes but somewhere in between -the criticism of the kinsey scale is that it does not account for some important aspects of sexuality- such as self-identity, lifestyle and social group preference

men are less likely to value being in a committed relationship, show less concern about body issues, are more likely to masturbate, less likely to say "i love you", more likely to report thinking about sex, more likely to orgasm, and more likely to have a higher number of sexual partners than women

in addition undergraduate males are more likely to report being hedonistic, having hooked up, having cheated, stalking a partner, and pressuring a dating partner to have sex


in chinese thought the male force that is viewed as active


in chinese thought, the female force that is seen as passive

electra complex

in psychoanalysis, term that refers to a daughter's (unconscious) sexual desire for her father; refers to the Greek myth in which electra assists her brother in killing their mother and her lover to avenger their father's death


individual who lives in a gender role that does not match his or her biological sex but who does not surgically alter his or her genitalia


influence a persons degree of masculinity or femininity


insertion of several finders or an entire closed fist and forearm (typically lubricated with a non-petroleum-based lubricant) into a partner's rectum and sometimes the lower colon; term also used to describe insertion of a hand into vagina

three elements of love

intimacy passion commitment -sternbergs theory

companionate love

intimacy and commitment without passion

romantic love

intimacy and passion without commitment


intimacy without passion or commitment


involvement of more than three individuals in a pair-bonded relationship (some of the individuals may be married to each other) who have an emotional, sexual and sometimes parenting relationship

defense of marriage act

legislative act that denied federal recognition of homosexual marriage and allowed states to ignore same-sex marriages licensed elsewhere


lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender


licking of and/or insertion of the tongue into the partner's anus

primary transsexuals

lifetime history or gender dysphoria and maybe cross dressing

real-life experience

living in the social role of the other sex for a year, prior to beginning hormonal or surgical therapy


living situation in which two heterosexual adults involved in an emotional and sexual relationship share a common residence for 4 nights a week for 3 months


love based on a concern for the well-being of others spiritual not sexual


love based on friendship

love in medieval europe

love was not tied to marriage but was conceptualized as adoration of physical beauty and spiritual and romantic

sitting position

maximum freedom to stimulate the breasts, to kiss, and to hug

hooking up

meeting someone and becoming sexually involved that same evening with no commitment or expectation beyond the encounter

zengel and colleagues studied a national sample of women and men and found that women reported higher levels of jealousy than men

men were more jealous when their partners' engaged in sexual intercourse with another man than when their partners were emotionally involved with someone else

standing position

must be well coordinated and in good physical condition -in most cultures of the world, standing positions are associated with brief (often illicit) encounters

biological sex

natal sex


natural, common, and nonharmful means of sexual self-pleasuring that is engaged in by individuals of all ages, sexual orientations, and levels of functioning -also known as autoerotic behavior


negative emotional responses toward and aversion to, homosexuals

friends with benefits

non romantic friends who also have a sexual relationship

of 434 undergraduates there were two types: androgynous and undifferentiated.

of these androgynous group had the highest self-esteem and used positive coping strategies

xishan and colleagues assessed the gender role type of 434 undergraduates and found that most were of two types; androgynous and undifferentiated

of these the androgynous group had the highest self-esteem and used positive coping strategies

of 763 young adults 44% of whom reported sexting

of those engaged in sexting, 31.8% reported having sex with a new partner for the first time after sexting with that person

20% of a sample of 606 high school students in the southwest reported they had sent a sexually explicit image of themselves via cell phone, whereas almost twice as many reported that they had received a sexually explicit picture via cell phone

of those who received such a photo, 25% forwarded it to others; and of these who forwarded such a photo, 30% said that they were aware of potential serious legal consequences

sexual debut

one first sexual intercourse


oral stimulation of a man's genitals

gender differences in coping with jealousy

page 158

sexual behavior of 917 belgian/dutch children

page 231

woman on top position

partners can touch, kiss, and maintain eye contact


permanent cessation of menstruation that occurs in middle age -occurs around the age of 50 -after 12 months without a period the women is aid to be through menopause

rear entry position

permit the man or woman to manually stimulate her breasts or clitoris, or caress her legs and buttocks -deep penetration


person who looks like a woman and has the breasts of a woman (from hormonal or surgical enlargement), yet has the genitalia and reproductive system of a man

sexual guilt

personal emotional reaction to engaging in sexual behavior that violates personal sexual values

transgendered individuals

persons who do not fit neatly into either the male or female category, or their behavior is not congruent with the norms and expectations of their sex


persons with the biological/anatomical sex of one gender but the self-concept of the other sex


poly word for more than one spouse


prenatal test in which a needle is inserted (usually in the 16th or 17th week of pregnancy) into the pregnant woman's uterus to withdraw fluid that is analyzed to see if the cells carry XX (female) or XY (male) chromosomes, and to identify chromosomal defects


propensity to have very negative views of and emotional responses to sexuality


propensity to have very positive views of and emotional responses to sexuality

sexual interaction theory

propose that such factors as availability of sexual partners, early sexual experiences, imprinting, and sexual reinforcement influence subsequent sexual orientation

gender identity

psychological state of viewing one's self as a girl or a boy and later as a women or man

true hermaphroditism

rare condition in which individuals are born with both ovarian and testicular tissue (these individuals called hermaphrodites may have one ovary and one testicle, feminine breasts, and a vaginal opening beneath the penis)

cognitive-development theory

reflects a blend of biological and social learning views -in Kohlberg's view involved the development of a specific mental ability to grasp the idea that certain basic characteristics of people do not change

gift view

regards being a virgin as a valuable positive status wherein it is important to find the "right" person since sharing the gift is special

process view

regards first intercourse as a mechanism of learning about one's self, partner, and sexuality

side by side position

relaxing position -neither partner bears the strain of "doing all the work" -partners have relative freedom to move their body as they wish to achieve the desired place of contact and rhythm of movement -preferred in latter months of pregnancy


removal of body hair by men (mostly single) as a grooming behavior to present one's best sexual self to one's partner

sex roles

roles filled by women or men that are defined by biological constraints and can be enacted only by members of one biological sex only such as (wet nurse, sperm donor, child bearer)

sexual touching

see foreplay


see sexual intercourse

preconceptual sex selection

selection of the sex of a child before it is conceived

prenatal sex selection

selection of whether to continue the pregnancy based on the sex of the fetus

extradyadic sexual involvement

sexual relationship that occurs outside the couple, as when an individual of dyad (couple) becomes sexually involved with someone other than the partner or mate

sexual intercourse

sexual union of a man's penis and a woman's vagina also known as coitus


social and psychological characteristics associated with being female or male

gender roles

social norms that dictate appropriate female and male behavior

gender role ideology

socially prescribed role relationships between women and men in any given society

gender postmodernism

state in which there is a dissolution of male and female categories as currently conceptualized in western capitalist society


state of not having experienced sexual intercourse


state of not having had sexual intercourse; also implies moral purity or virtuousness in both thought and conduct

sexual celibacy

state of not having sexual intercourse or activity


stimulation of the clitoris, labia, and vaginal opening of the woman by her partner's tongue and lips

occupational sex segregation

tendency for women and men to pursue different occupations


term often used synonymously with menopause, refers to changes that both men and women experience at midlife


term that refers to individuals of one biological sex (female or male) who express behavior not typically assigned to their gender


term that refers to individuals who express some characteristics other than their assigned gender, which is usually based on their biological sex (male or female)


term that refers to the biological distinction between being female and being male, usually categorized on the basis of the reproductive organs and genetic makeup

3.1% of the men and 1.5% of the women reported non-heterosexual sexual orientation

the concordance rate in monozygotic twins was 31.6% for non-heterosexual sexual orientations (so if one identical twin was gay or lesbian, in 31.6% of the pairs, the co-twin was also gay or lesbian)

coolidge effect

the effect of novelty and variety on sexual arousal- such as when a novel partner is available, a sexually satiated male regains capacity for arousal


the opposite of jealousy, whereby a person feels positive about a lover's emotional and sexual enjoyment with another person

the release of pituitary hormones is controlled by additional hormones from the hypothalamus

the presence of testosterone before birth stimulates not only the development of the male reproductive system but also the development of a male hypothalamus

Heron and Smyth studied 63 undergraduate females and found that they had conflicting beliefs about the body they would like to have and the body they actually had

the result was being depressed and dissatisfied


the stronger force in forming one's gender identity and sexual orientation

homogamy theory

theory of mate selection that holds that individuals are attracted to and become involved with those who are similar in such characteristics as age, race, religion, and social class

exchange theory

theory of mate selection that holds that partners select each other on the basis of who offers the greatest rewards at the lowest cost

complimentary-needs theory

theory of mate selection that states that one tends to select mates whose needs are opposite and complementary to one's own needs

principle of least interest

theory that holds that the person who has the least interest in a relationship controls the relationship

conversion therapy

therapy designed to change the sexual orientation of a person, usually homosexual to heterosexual

dental dam

thin piece of latex that covers the vulva during cunnilingus or the anus during analingus

medieval jewish and christian leaders believed that ejaculated semen would breed devils

those guilty of masturbating could still be "saved" through prayer, abstinence, holy water, and absolution


threadlike structure of DNA within the cell nucleus that carry genes and transmit hereditary information


three sexually involved adults


three-person relationship in which one member is sexually connected to each of the other two

middle age

time in a person's life that begins when the last child leaves home and continues until retirement or the death of either spouse

friends with benefit relationships

true friends 26% just sex 12% network opportunism 15% successful transition 8% unintentional transition 8% failed transition 7% transition out 11%

buddhist conception of love

two types -unfortunate (self-love) -good (creative spiritual attainment) best love is one in which you accept others as they are without requiring them to be like you

the buddhists conceived of two types of love: unfortunate and good

unfortunate: self-love good: creative spiritual attainment

multidimensional model

way of conceptualizing sexual orientation which suggests that a person's orientation consists of various independent components (including emotions, lifestyle, self-identification, sexual attraction, fantasy, and behavior) and that these components may change over time

people in individualistic america tend to be more romantic. require that love be present before marriage, and believe that love continues as a prerequisite for staying together

western societies have a very high divorce rate 40-50%

when all racial combinations are considered, about 13% of american married couples are of different races or ethnicities

white-hispanic and white-native american pairings are the most common. african americans are the least likely to marry whites

men arrive at homosexual self-definitions between the ages of 19 and 21

women arrive at homosexual self-definitions between the ages of 21 and 23

men were significantly more likely than women to report that they drank alcohol or used drugs when they felt jealous. men (46.9%) in contrast to women (27.1%) said that they "always often or sometimes" drank or used drugs to make the pain of jealousy go away

women were significantly more likely than men to report that they turned to friends when they felt jealous

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