HST 120 Exam 2

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A vassal's primary loyalty was to the local church bishop rather than his secular lord. T or F?


Guilds were purely economic institutions. T or F?


Pope Gregory I accepted the notion that the church should have no temporal power. T or F?


Serfs were free persons who willingly worked the land of lords. T or F?


The Romans were contemptuous of all non-Roman religious ideas and practices. T or F?


The lord's demesne on a medieval manor consisted of the common lands of the estate where the peasants and serfs had the right to graze their own domestic animals, hunt wild game, and gather wood and other natural items. T or F?


The power and responsibilities of the senate increased under the Julio-Claudians. T or F?


Upper-class Roman women in the early empire saw their freedom and independence curtailed. T or F?


Benedictine monks owed unquestioning obedience to the will of the abbot. T or F?


Christianity proved attractive to all classes in Roman society. T or F?


Constantine declared toleration for Christians but did NOT make Christianity the official Roman religion. T or F?


In many cases, a serf who resided in a city for a year and a day became a free person. T or F?


Muslims regard Muhammad as a Prophet but not as divine. T or F?


Roman legend identifies twin brothers Romulus and Remus as the founders of Rome. T or F?


The Greeks arrived on the Italian peninsula in large number during the age of Greek colonization. T or F?


The most significant non-Latin influence upon early Rome came from the Etruscans. T or F?


The praetorian guard came to play an important role in making and deposing emperors. T or F?


The windmill and the watermill were the most important methods for the harnessing of power before the invention of the coal-driven steam engine of the eighteenth century. T or F?


There was an enormous gulf between rich and poor in the city of Rome. T or F?


What was the manor in feudal Europe? a. An agricultural estate owned by a lord and worked by peasants b. A traditional way of cultivating relationships between ruler and ruled c. A polite way of treating a man of low birth d. A wheeled plow used to turn heavy clay soils e. A light chain mail vest, worn over a hauberk

a. An agricultural estate owned by a lord and worked by peasants

What was the result of the Third Punic War? a. Carthage faced destruction and subjugation b. Rome was sacked. c. Julius Caesar came to power. d. Rome and Carthage forged an alliance. e. Rome lost mastery of the Mediterranean Sea.

a. Carthage faced destruction and subjugation

Which innovation enabled Romans to erect giant amphitheaters and public baths? a. Concrete b. Load-bearing arches c. Calculus d. Steel e. Copper

a. Concrete

Who were the Roman praetorian guards? a. Elite troops given the task of protecting the emperor b. Soldiers stationed along Hadrian's Wall in northern Britain c. Retired veterans often used to train the gladiators d. Mobile units meant to patrol the boundaries of the empire e. Cavalry used to spearhead military offensives

a. Elite troops given the task of protecting the emperor

Which statement is true of Augustan society? a. Legislation was passed concerning the corruption of morals. b. The city of Rome, including the Colosseum, was entirely rebuilt. c. Equestrians gained the upper hand in the political sphere. d. Popular assemblies of the lower classes continually grew in importance. e. Religion was no longer considered important.

a. Legislation was passed concerning the corruption of morals.

Which "good emperor" was highly interested in philosophy? a. Marcus Aurelius b. Nerva c. Hadrian d. Trajan e. Antoninus Pius

a. Marcus Aurelius

Which statement best describes Imperial Rome's gladiatorial shows? a. They were government-backed spectacles used to content the masses. b. They paled in popularity to the Circus Maximus. c. They were limited to fights between slaves and criminals trained at gladiatorial schools. d. They were increasingly associated with religious practices. e. They were outlawed by Augustus as being in violation of his policy of moral reform.

a. They were government-backed spectacles used to content the masses.

The church figure who tried to reconcile faith with reason in his Summa Theologica was a. Thomas Aquinas. b. Boethius. c. Saint Augustine. d. Peter Abelard. e. Peter Lombard.

a. Thomas Aquinas.

Among the dangerous military innovations of Marius threatening the Republic was his a. recruitment of destitute volunteers who swore an oath of allegiance only to him. b. proclamation of himself as dictator for life. c. theft the state treasury's tax revenues to buy weapons. d. use of Greek mercenaries. e. All of these are correct.

a. recruitment of destitute volunteers who swore an oath of allegiance only to him.

What was the Edict of Milan? a. A formal deposition of the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus, from his throne. b. Constantine's document officially tolerating the existence of Christianity. c. A statement making Christianity the official state religion of the empire. d. A statement making Milan the "New Rome", equal to old Rome. e. A document officially dividing the Roman Empire into eastern and western halves.

b. Constantine's document officially tolerating the existence of Christianity

What was the heresy of Arianism? a. It reverted to Roman polytheistic religious beliefs. b. It questioned the divinity of Jesus. c. It denied the existence of the Holy Spirit. d. It denied the existence of God the Father. e. It doubted the existence of the Holy Spirit

b. It questioned the divinity of Jesus.

What was the Struggle of the Orders? a. It was a peaceful struggle between the patricians and plebeians, won completely by the patricians. b. It was a peaceful struggle, which resulted in political compromise between plebeians and patricians. c. It was a violent struggle between the patricians and plebeians. d. It was a peaceful revolution in which the plebeians were completely victorious. e. It was a violent conflict between Rome's citizens and their slaves.

b. It was a peaceful struggle, which resulted in political compromise between plebeians and patricians.

Who was the most important figure in early Christianity after Jesus? a. John the Baptist b. Paul of Tarsus c. Mary Magdalene d. Pontius Pilate e. The Apostle Peter

b. Paul of Tarsus

What did troubadour poetry emphasize? a. Religious crusades and military conquests b. The courtly love of nobles, knights, and ladies c. Rhyme and a meter based on accent d. Religious imagery e. The highly irreverent life of wine, women, and song

b. The courtly love of nobles, knights, and ladies

Who was the dominant figure in the Roman family? a. The eldest son b. The father c. The oldest female d. The mother e. The eldest daughter

b. The father

What most closely describes the practice of feudalism in the Early Middle Ages? a. Serfdom came to an end. b. The major obligation of a vassal to his lord was to provide military service. c. A vassal was not required to provide legal assistance at his lord's court. d. There was no outlet for the breaking of the bond between lord and vassal. e. A lord has no formal responsibilities toward his vassals

b. The major obligation of a vassal to his lord was to provide military service.

What was the highest Roman social class in the early Roman Empire? a. The royal class b. The senatorial class c. The magisterial class d. The equestrian class e. The consul class

b. The senatorial class

In the Middle Ages, monastic hospitality to travelers was a. forbidden because monks were to be secluded from any contact with the outside world. b. a sacred duty. c. offered to men but not to women, as the latter were potentially too sexually threatening to the celibate monks. d. offered occasionally, but only with the permission of the abbot. e. offered occasionally, but only with royal permission.

b. a sacred duty.

During the period of the early republic, the Roman army was comprised of a. slaves. b. male citizens who could equip themselves for battle. c. non-citizens who had committed crimes. d. male citizens under twenty years of age. e. Italians who had been conscripted into the army.

b. male citizens who could equip themselves for battle.

The major obligation of a vassal to his lord was to a. administer the law. b. perform military service. c. increase agricultural yields. d. pray for him on a daily basis. e. pay his taxes.

b. perform military service.

The Frankish palace official, Charles Martel, successfully defeated which of the following near Poitiers in 732? a. the Merovingians b. the Muslims c. the Visigoths d. the Burgundians e. the Byzantines

b. the Muslims

Who developed the basic rule for western monastic living? a. Basil b. Ambrose c. Benedict d. Jerome e. Pachomius

c. Benedict

Which emperor gave Roman citizenship to every free person in the empire? a. Marcus Aurelius b. Commodus c. Caracalla d. Nerva e. Hadrian

c. Caracalla

What was Sulla's legacy? a. He prevented civil war by arbitrating disputes between Marius and Gaius. b. He divided up the latifundia and restored the dispossessed farmers to their lands. c. He employed the army to seize power in political disputes, a strategy copied by other ambitious men. d. He became the first Roman general to use siege engines. e. He became the first non-Roman consul.

c. He employed the army to seize power in political disputes, a strategy copied by other ambitious men.

What was a primary preoccupation of scholasticism? a. To prove the superiority of Christianity over Islam and Judaism b. To disprove the writings of the church fathers through rational thought c. The reconciliation of faith with reason d. To show the superiority of Greek thought over medieval theological thought e. To prove the superiority of faith over rational thought

c. The reconciliation of faith with reason

Which statement best describes combative tournaments involving knights? a. They were popular only in England but not on the continent. b. They were banned by 1100. c. They were considered excellent and necessary training for warfare. d. They were sanctioned by the church as a testing ground for religious faith. e. They consisted of the "melee" in which knights with a grudge fought to the death.

c. They were considered excellent and necessary training for warfare.

What was true of Rome's insulae? a. They housed the city's wealthiest citizens. b. They were seen as a prime example of Roman greatness. c. They were often poorly built and very dangerous. d. They were used primarily for religious ceremonies. e. They were made of wood and mud.

c. They were often poorly built and very dangerous.

What was the first step for a person who wanted to learn a trade in a medieval city? a. To consult the clergy b. To buy a license c. To become an apprentice d. To complete an arduous initiation e. To consult the city elders

c. To become an apprentice

In the three-field system, one field was planted with winter grains, a second with spring grains and vegetables, and the third field was a. used to graze animals. b. used for markets and fairs. c. allowed to lie fallow. d. planted with corn. e. planted with cotton or sugar.

c. allowed to lie fallow.

The colonies of veterans established by Augustus throughout the empire a. often rebelled against imperial authority. b. drew extra criticism to the emperor. c. proved especially valuable in Romanizing the provinces. d. drained the imperial treasury of its funds and caused financial crisis. e. were used exclusively to maintain domestic order within the provinces.

c. proved especially valuable in Romanizing the provinces.

What was Justinian's most important contribution to Western civilization? a. Prevention of migration of eastern peoples to the west b. Re-conquest of western Europe c. Expansion of Latin d. Codification of law e. Promotion of the Roman Catholic Church

d. Codification of law

Which trend developed during the reigns of the Julio-Claudian emperors? a. Emperors turned over more and more of the daily affairs of government to the Senate. b. All efforts to achieve bureaucratic organization of imperial government eventually failed. c. The Senate seized political power against the wishes of the weak emperors. d. Emperors took more and more actual ruling power away from the old Senate. e. The power of imperial military forces stationed in Rome declined.

d. Emperors took more and more actual ruling power away from the old Senate.

In 987, the Western Frankish nobility met and elected whom of the following as their king, contributing to the formation of a new dynasty to rule France for centuries? a. Louis the Pious b. Conrad of Franconia c. Philip of Valois d. Hugh Capet e. Charles of Navarre

d. Hugh Capet

What does the word "vernacular" mean? a. Myth b. Church language c. Ribald song d. Local language e. Latin

d. Local language

What did the first bishop of Rome's successors become known as? a. Bishops of Rome b. Archbishops of Antioch c. Patriarchs of Constantinople d. Popes e. Patriarchs of Jerusalem

d. Popes

Which Greek philosophy did the Romans accept to give justification to its legal system? a. Hedonism, because of its advocacy of intense emotional experiences b. Neo-Platonism, because of its concern for ideal beauty c. Aristotelianism, because of its logical preciseness and practicality d. Stoicism, because of its emphasis on virtue and duty e. Epicureanism, because of its emphasis on the good life

d. Stoicism, because of its emphasis on virtue and duty

Guilds were organizations of a. citizens trying to defend their political rights. b. nobles working to keep a tight rein on society. c. agricultural laborers seeking to improve their wages. d. artisans who directed almost every aspect of the production process of certain trades. e. consumers attempting to control inflation.

d. artisans who directed almost every aspect of the production process of certain trades.

What was the greatest contribution of Irish Christianity to the English church? a. A theologically distinctive view of Jesus b. A church organization that gave greater power to abbots than bishops c. A monasticism with little emphasis on ascetics d. A rejection of Latin and Greek culture e. An emphasis on learning and missionary work

e. An emphasis on learning and missionary work

What was the main political repercussion of frequent Viking raids in Western Europe? a. An increase in the power of ordinary people b. The strengthening of centralized royal authority c. An increase in the power of the church d. A decline in the power of local aristocrats whose inability to stop the raids drove ordinary people into royal cities e. An increase in the power of local aristocrats to whom threatened populations turned for effective protection

e. An increase in the power of local aristocrats to whom threatened populations turned for effective protection

When Augustus died, who chose his successor? a. The citizens of Rome through a vote b. The Senate c. The army d. The praetorian guard e. Augustus himself

e. Augustus himself

Hadrian built a defensive wall in which Roman territory? a. Dacia b. Mesopotamia c. Gaul d. Arabia e. Britain

e. Britain

Who ordered the last great persecution of Christians? a. Marcus Aurelius b. Octavian c. Pontius Pilate d. Constantine e. Diocletian

e. Diocletian

Over time, Roman religion completely merged with a. Egyptian religion. b. Hebrew religion. c. Persian philosophy. d. Greek philosophy. e. Greek religion.

e. Greek religion

What best describes Charlemagne? a. He was more interested in treasure than territory. b. He was born in the British Isles. c. He conquered all of Spain. d. He did not consider himself a Christian. e. He was a patron of learning and scholarship.

e. He was a patron of learning and scholarship.

Who pressured the Visigoths and other Germanic tribes to push into the Balkans region of the Eastern Roman Empire in the late fourth century? a. Avars b. Vikings c. Arians d. Byzantines e. Huns

e. Huns

What was the basic mode of instruction in the medieval university? a. Debate b. Discussion c. Tutorials d. Self examination e. Lecture

e. Lecture

In what area did Cicero make his most original contributions? a. Comic plays b. New poems c. Histories of early Rome d. Tragic theater pieces e. Political thought

e. Political thought

Although the Senate granted Octavian the title "Augustus" (revered one), he preferred to be addressed by what title? a. Dominus b. Pontifex c. Senator d. Overlord e. Princeps

e. Princeps

Which statement best describes Roman religion? a. Roman religion encouraged social equality. b. Religion was a minimal aspect of Roman society. c. Roman religion was monotheistic. d. Roman gods were creations unique to their society. e. Religion was a central part of Roman public and familial life with the worship of gods for practical purposes.

e. Religion was a central part of Roman public and familial life with the worship of gods for practical purposes.

Which system of law grew increasingly influential in Europe after 1100? a. The ordeal b. Islamic law c. Germanic law d. Natural law e. Roman law

e. Roman law

Who led the most famous slave revolt in Rome? a. Portunus b. Thracia c. Cato d. Jupiter Optimus Maximus e. Spartacus

e. Spartacus

Which of these actions is an example of Etruscan influence on the Romans? a. The adoption of republican political institutions b. The use of concrete c. The adoption of agriculture d. The abolition of slavery e. The acceptance of the toga and short cloak

e. The acceptance of the toga and short cloak

What is the subject of the Aeneid? a. The Punic Wars b. Christian justice c. Freedom and liberty d. The joys of farming e. The establishment of Rome

e. The establishment of Rome

What was/were the Twelve Tables? a. A tool used to record and inspire a new religious cult in Rome b. The arts of the Roman festival celebrating spring's arrival c. The only place in Rome where patricians and plebeians could meet together d. The meeting place of the Roman Senate e. The first formal codification of Roman law and customs

e. The first formal codification of Roman law and customs

Which of the following statements best applies to Roman education? a. Study of foreign languages was prohibited to purify the Latin language. b. Foreigners were not allowed to become teachers. c. Boys and girls were educated through a rigorous public school system borrowed from the Spartans. d. There were many public schools, with scholarships made available to the poor. e. The wealthy classes wanted training in Greek and mastery of rhetoric, or persuasive public speaking, for their children.

e. The wealthy classes wanted training in Greek and mastery of rhetoric, or persuasive public speaking, for their children.

What resulted from the reforms of Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus? a. The reforms eliminated the position of tribune of the plebs. b. Their reforms established more egalitarian laws and customs. c. The reforms made Rome more democratic. d. Their reforms helped create a system of absolute political domination by the optimates. e. Their reforms resulted in further instability and violence as they polarized various social groups.

e. Their reforms resulted in further instability and violence as they polarized various social groups.

Why did the counts of Champagne in northern France establish a series of annual fairs? a. To exert their control over the regional economy b. To fulfill their religious obligations c. To offer direct competition to Italian merchants d. To facilitate the collection of taxes e. To encourage trade between Flanders and Italy

e. To encourage trade between Flanders and Italy

All of the following is true of the ideal of civilized behavior known as chivalry EXCEPT a. knights were to protect the weak and defenseless. b. winning glory should be the knight's highest aim and motivating force. c. knights were to fight to defend the church. d. knights should treat captives as honored guests. e. chivalry was developed without the influence of the church.

e. chivalry was developed without the influence of the church.

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