HUM 2021 Chapters 2,3,4,5

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What phrase refers to the types of relief the Roman government provided to its impoverished citizens?

"Bread and circuses"

What aspect of jihad entails self-control and the struggle to contain lust, anger, and other forms of indulgence?

"The greater jihad"

Which of the following is true of the civil service examination in China during the Tang dynasty?

A knowledge of China's literary tradition was required. Candidates had to prove accomplishment in writing prose and poetry.

Which of the following are associated with the Mycenaean citadels on mainland Greece?

-symbols of relay power -stone lions -Cyclopean

What does the term "Twelve Tables of Law" refer to?

Rome's first civil code

Which of the following best describes the new system of government implemented by the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty?

A centralized government

Which changes occurred during the reign of Emperor Octavian?

A fire department A police force New aqueducts

What architectural feature is the Great Mosque at Cordoba most known for?

A forest of ornamental columns

What was an achievement of the Carolingian Renaissance?

A revival of learning and literacy

What group of people were the intended recipients of "bread and circuses?" Multiple choice question.


What was the Edict of Milan?

A proclamation of religious tolerance

Which of the following did the Qin dynasty implement to centralize power?

A standardized written language Uniform coinage A population census

What is the Roman Pantheon?

A temple dedicated to the planetary deities

What resource testifies to the Qin and Han accomplishments in the field of architecture?

Royal tombs

Which adversaries put an end to the Roman empire by deposing the emperor, Romulus Augustulus, in 476 C.E.?

Germanic army

The ______ serves as a second source of Muslim religious and legal tradition.


What is the most notable example of Byzantine architecture and the principal church of Constantinople, with its massive dome and splendid mosaics?

Hagia Sophia

According to Muhammad's distinctions, what would be an aspect of "the lesser jihad"?

Abstaining from alcohol

Who competed in the original Greek Olympic games?

All Greek city-states

What was the general Benedictine monastic attitude toward women?

All women are sinful and dangerous.

Which descriptions are true about Julius Caesar? Multiple select question.

An army commander A dictator

The Romans borrowed what important architectural feature from the Etruscans?


What was a feature of the Pax Romana?

Artistic and literary productivity

The bonds of feudalism include which of the following?

Both vassal and lord offering hospitality to the other A grant of land to the vassal

How did the Roman Emperor Constantine contribute to the widespread acceptance of Christianity?

By proclaiming religious tolerance in the West By issuing the Edict of Milan

What is the main difference between the architecture of a Byzantine church and that of a Roman (Western) church

Byzantine church architects favored the Greek cross plan, by which all four arms of the structure were of equal length.

During the Iconoclastic Controversy, what was the position of the Eastern Orthodox Church over the role of icons in divine worship?

Icons were no better than pagan idols.

Which are descriptions of the Silk Road?

Camel caravans carried the goods. The Chinese used it to export silks, gems, and spices. Imports to China included linen, wool, and glass.

Which of the following is true of the civil service examination in China during the Tang dynasty?

Candidates had to prove accomplishment in writing prose and poetry. A knowledge of China's literary tradition was required.

Which of the following traits are true of early medieval music?

Carolingian monks embellished plainsong with the trope. Antiphons were added to classical Gregorian chant.

Match the definition on the right with the correct term on the left.

Case law, Principles based on particular disputes Precedents, Guidelines for future judgments Praetors, Magistrates who administered justice Jurisconsults, Experts in the law

Which of the following describes the style of The Song of Roland?

Chanson de geste

Identify features of Etruscan culture that influenced later Roman culture.

Chariot racing Richly decorated tombs Gold crafting The toga

In what way did the Germanic tribes threaten the Roman empire?

Continual raiding

The fundamental principle of the_______ was that the Hebrews were bound to their god in exchange for divine protection.


Which were characteristics common to the medieval troubadour song?

Delicate style Lute accompaniment Expressive content

Which of the following were qualities of the Greek gods?

Immortal Quarrelsome Amorous

Which are part of the Torah?

Ethical code Genesis Hebrew legends Historical narratives

What was the focus of Roman comedies?

Everyday life

A goal of Roman portrait sculpture was to idealize the subject.


True or false: In all of the Roman baths, strict rules kept men and women in separate quarters. True false question.


Which of the following describe the comic theater of the Romans?

Farcical Slapstick

According to current theory regarding Greek drama, what was the source from which tragedy evolved?

Fertility rituals related to death and decay of crops

What was gunpowder, invented as early as the seventh century, initially used for by the Chinese?

Firework displays

Which artistic mediums would occasionally appear in early synagogues?


What feature of Judaism is different from the religions of ancient Greece and Rome?

God was not involved with human affairs.

What reasons are cited as leading to Caesar's assassination by senatorial opponents in 44 B.C.E.?

His contempt for republican institutions His populist reforms

Which of the following events in the life of Jesus are described in the Gospels?

His crucifixion by the Romans Baptism by the preacher John His charismatic teaching

How did Julius Caesar's reign end?

His opponents assassinated him.

What does the holy book of Islam teach?

Humans are born free of Original Sin A heavenly paradise awaits those who live a righteous life. All people will be judged by God.

What aspects would be present in an ideal design for a Carolingian monastery?

Isolation from the outside world Symmetry and order

Which of the following applies to the Roman system of law?

It was based on interpretations of existing laws. It used common sense to resolve private disputes. It put spirit of the law above letter of the law

What was the main reason for animosity between the Roman empire and the Jewish people of Jerusalem in the time of Jesus?

Judaism forbade the worship of Rome's ruler and its gods.

Which are elements of the mosaics in the Church of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy?

Justinian and Theodora The chi and the rho Representatives of the clergy Soldiers as the defenders of Christ

What is the cubical sanctuary located in the city of Mecca called?


What is a typical subject for a troubadour poem?

Laments for lost love

Although the Egyptians and the Greeks worked in this genre, the Romans were pioneers in the genre of ____ painting, emphasizing nature as a subject in itself.


How was the appearance of Medieval bibles and liturgical books of the Middle Ages?

Lavishly ornamented

In Tang China, lower level civil servants needed to pass exams in what disciplines?

Law, math, and calligraphy

What techniques were used by Roman painters to achieve the illusion of space?

Light and shade Empirical perspective

Which Roman historian wrote an extensive account of political and social life during the Roman Republic? Multiple choice question.


What are some of the essential teachings of Jesus?

Love your neighbor as yourself. Beware of the dangers of wealth and materialism. Be compassionate and humble.

What type of sculpture adorns Trajan's Victory Column?


The writer Catullus is known for what literary genre?

Lyric poetry

What are characteristics of the 8,000 life-sized soldiers in the tomb of Shi Huang Di?

Mass-produced Designed to protect the dead Intense lifelike appearance

Which label characterizes the philosophy of Lucretius?


What is the main difference between the Great Wall of China and Hadrian's Wall?


Match the evangelist in the left-hand column with the symbol used to depict him in Christian iconography.

Matthew, The man Mark, The lion Luke, The ox John The eagle

Match each aspect of Muslim architecture with its corresponding description.

Minaret, A tall, slender tower usually attached to a mosque and surrounded by a balcony from which the muezzin summons Muslims to prayer Mosque, Muslim house of prayer Mihrab, A special niche in the wall of a mosque that indicates the direction of Mecca Minbar, A stepped pulpit in a mosque

The Germanic tribes borrowed the spur and the stirrup from the ______.


Which of the following were characteristics of Athenian democracy?

Only landowning men older than 18 were considered citizens. Citizens had the power to approve state policy. Citizens had the power to make the laws.

Which Roman poet, born the son of a slave, used satire to point out the contradictions between practical realities and abstract ideals?


Who was the author of the great narrative poem called The Metamorphoses?


What qualities are characteristic in the poetry of Catullus?

Passion Emotion

Which of the following best describes Han poetry?

Personal and contemplative

The principle of ____ stipulated that a nobleman's eldest son would inherit his lands.


Match the various titles held by Octavian with their meanings in the right-hand column.

Princeps, First citizen Imperator, Army general Augustus, Revered one

With the ______ Dynasty came the first great period of Chinese unity and the first emperor.


Which group in the Jewish community followed a strict literal interpretation of the Torah and envisioned the Messiah as a savior who would rescue Jews from political bondage to Rome?


What is the Vulgate?

Saint Jerome's translation of the Hebrew Bible and Greek New Testament The official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church

Tensions between the Romans and the Jews in Jerusalem culminated in the Roman assault on the city and the destruction of the ______ in 70 C.E.

Second Temple

Which of the following were features of liturgical drama?

Sequences Tropes Christmas

The Sutton Hoo grave was found inside of a(n) ______.


Which of the following occurred as large Roman landowners gained economic power?

Small farmers were forced to sell their land. The Republic declined. The population of unemployed increased.

What did the eighth century B.C.E. Hebrew prophets advocate for?

Social justice Moral excellence Renewed faith in the covenant with God

What did the performances of the Near Eastern mystery cults symbolize to the participants?

Spiritual rebirth and personal immortality

Which were features of the new governmental system implemented by the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty?

Standardization of written Chinese A central imperial government Uniform coinage system Large, salaried bureaucracy

Who appeared to Muhammad and commanded him to receive the revelation of the one and only Allah?

The Angel Gabriel

The Kaaba contains what sacred object?

The Black Stone

In the first centuries after the death of Jesus, how was the Roman Catholic Church able to become the dominant administrative authority in Western Europe?

The Church inherited and employed the Roman legal system. The Church used Roman methods of architectural construction. The Church retained the Empire's administrative hierarchy.

What was the name of the Roman Empire's legal code, first developed in 450 B.C.E.?

The Twelve Tables of Law

What role did religious art play in the ultimate schism between the Western and Eastern Churches?

The Western Church continued to embrace religious art as inspirational.

Which of the following were two key achievements in architecture by the Normans?

The clarity with which the building design reflected its function The use of stone to replace early wooden structures

What enrages Achilles and prompts his vengeance in the Trojan War?

The death of Patroclus

To what does the term "refectory" refer?

The dining hall

What is the Torah?

The first five books of the Bible

Which of the following describes the era of the Qin dynasty?

The first great period of Chinese unity

Which aspects of medieval culture are reflected in The Song of Roland?

The glorification of heroism The loyalty between vassal and chieftain

What conditions in the Roman Empire set the stage for Christianity to steadily grow?

The grinding poverty of many amid the great wealth of a few The impersonality and corruption of the Roman government Insecure borders and ongoing threat of invasion

Which are true of the courtly love tradition?

The medieval romance, was directed toward a primarily female audience. Women were the reward for the performance of brave deeds. Romances often occurred outside of marriage.

Which of the following is one of the extraordinary achievements of Trajan's victory column?

The realistic details of the low reliefs

What are a few reasons the Romans considered the Germanic tribes inferior?

Their culture had no monumental architecture They did not have any urban settlements. They lacked a written language.

What was a central point of disagreement among the various groups in the Jewish community?

The role of the Messiah

What styles of painting did the Romans innovate?

The still life and the landscape

Where were liturgical plays eventually performed after the twelfth century?

The town square

Which of the following was the most popular and widely used symbol of Roman imperial victory?

The triumphal arch

Which of the following happened after Charlemagne's death?

There was no single code of law to unify the empire. The political unity he established died with him.

What advantage did spurs and stirrups have in battle?

They secured the rider in his saddle and improved his driving force.

Which of the following were traits of Norman castles?

They were constructed of stone. They were surrounded by moats.

Before they were menaced by Persian aggression, how did the Greek city-states relate to each other?

They were fiercely competitive

Which of the following is true of the history, legends, and laws of the Hebrews?

They were transmitted orally for hundreds of years.

The city of Rome was founded in the lower valley of the _____ River, a strategic spot for control of the Italian peninsula.


Why are the four evangelists depicted as animals in Christian iconography?

To convey the allegorical significance of the gospels each wrote

What was the main reason for constructing the Great Wall of China?

To discourage invasions

What was the mission of Jesus as reported in the Gospels?

To fulfill the lessons of the prophets

What are the purposes of a hierarchy of spaces in a Christian church?

To guide worshipers in moving into a sanctified space To help worshipers embrace the Christian rituals

Which of the following describes the life of Augustine before his conversion to Christianity?

Turbulent and sensual

Who wrote the literary epic The Aeneid, which immortalized Rome's destiny as world ruler?


What Germanic tribe managed to defeat the Roman army, killing East Roman emperor Valens, in 410 C.E.?


Which instruments are known to have been used in the music of Qin and Han China?

Zithers Drums Bells

One of the greatest engineering achievements of the Romans were the ______ which brought fresh water to Rome's major cities.


The ancient Greeks were the first masters in the art of ________, the literary genre that tells a story through the imitation of action.


In addition to being masters of public speaking, the Romans developed the art of writing ______, or letters. Multiple choice question.


According to the writings of Paul the Apostle, what is granted to the faithful followers of Jesus?

everlasting life

Medieval serfs are comparable to the ______ of the Roman Empire.


What describes the fervent religious struggle associated with Muslim expansion?


The reciprocal obligations of serfs and lords and the serf's continuing tenure on the land was known as ______.


In its early history, Athens was a(n) ______, meaning that an elite minority controlled the government.


Perfected by Tang and Song craftspeople, ______ was known for being impervious to water and elegant in shape and form.


When making copies of ancient Roman texts, Carolingian scholars began to use a neat, uniform writing style called ______ , the model for modern typography.


In early Christian art, the _____ medium splendidly captured the Christian message, as the images portrayed sparkled and flickered on the church walls like ethereal apparitions.


In what context were Roman tragedies performed?

As part of public games

Before he became dictator in Rome, Julius Caesar spent nine years as military commander, conquering _____


What was the water mill invented to do?

Generate power Grind tea leaves

Although the Christian writings known as the ____ , Incorrect Unavailable cannot be seen as true biographies of Jesus, they do describe his life and teachings, beginning with his miraculous birth.


The Iliad and the Odyssey became the national poems of ancient


What is the main subject of Ovid's work, The Metamorphoses?

Greek and Roman gods

With so many intellectual and technological achievements as part of this dynasty, including the invention of paper and block printing, even contemporary Chinese people think of themselves as "children of the _______


How did Pope Gregory contribute to the development of the early Roman Catholic Church?

He extended Church authority across Western Europe. He codified the body of liturgical chants. He enhanced the strength of the Pope in church governance.

Which of the following did Charlemagne accomplish during his reign?

He pursued diplomatic ties with Baghdad. He revived trade with the East. He stabilized the currency of the realm.

Which is NOT among the Hebrew Ten Commandments?

I have not increased my wealth, except with such things as are my own possessions.

What distinguished Judaism from other religions in the ancient world?

Its emphasis on ethics

Which of the following have been offered as possible causes for the fall of the Roman Empire?

Lead poisoning Malaria epidemic Soil exhaustion

What was the purpose of the Domesday Book?

Detailed census of all property in Normandy for taxation.

What was an economic factor in the decline of the Roman Republic?

Disappearance of the small farmer

The Tale of Genji explores the politics and intrigues of the ______ period.


In what country was the The Tale of Genji, the world's first novel, created?


What aspect of Christianity is credited to Paul the Apostle?

Jesus died to atone for the sins of humankind.

What literary genre, developed by Roman writers, uses humor to denounce human vice and folly?

Lyric poetry

Match each of the Greek gods with her or his domain.

Zeus, Sky god Hera , Zeus's wife Poseidon, God of the sea Apollo , God of light Dionysus, God of wine Athena, Goddess of wisdom and war Aphrodite, Goddess of love and beauty

Muhammad's journey to Medina is known as the ______.


In 622 C.E., Muhammad left his native city of Mecca, emigrating to


How did Paul the Apostle "universalize" Jesus' message and aid in the spread of Christianity?

Making Christianity available to Gentiles

Which of the following are true of Mithraism?

Most widespread of the mystery cults Originated in Persia Hero-god's birthday celebrated on December 25 Central hero-god derived from Zoroastrianism

Who summons Muslims to prayer five times per day?


Which descriptions apply to Roman baths? Select all that apply.

There were more than 900 in the city of Rome alone. Elaborate structures fed by natural hot springs

Which of the following is the most common reason younger sons of European noblemen joined the Crusades?

To seek their fortunes

What were the chief functions of the Roman triumphal arch?

To show the geographic reach of the empire To serve as visual propaganda To celebrate imperial victories To serve as monumental gateways

Though fictional, what real-life subject is reflected in he Arthurian stories, such as Lancelot?

Trade with the East

How can the Mycenaean citadels on mainland Greece best be characterized?

As massive, fortified structures

Which of the following were gods in the Greek pantheon

Athena Poseidon Apollo Zeus Hera

After the Greeks won the Persian War, the city-state of ______ became both politically and commercially dominant.


The Romans were architecturally inventive in the way they placed arches back to back to form a(n) ______. Multiple choice question.


The seafarers who shattered the stability of Charlemagne's empire were known as the ______


Which of the following can be said of the Greek polis of Sparta?

It was led by an oligarchy of five officials. Its leaders were elected annually. Military training began at age seven. Women enjoyed more freedom than Athenian women.

What descriptions of the Bayeux Tapestry are accurate?

It was likely the work of women weavers. It is a celebration of victory. It illustrates the Norman conquest of England.

Which characteristics of Hagia Sophia make it the crowning architectural achievement of the Byzantine Empire?

Its sizable dome and interior art

Which of the following were engineering achievements of the Roman Empire?

Baths Tenements Roads Amphitheaters

How did Benedictine monastic communities exemplify early Christian principles?

Benedictine monks embraced poverty, prayer, and good works. Benedictine monks withdrew from the secular world.

The birth of which religion occurred during the reign of Augustus during the Roman Empire?


What was a result of Paul's writings on the life and message of Jesus?

Christianity separated itself from Judaism, becoming a new religion.

Why was the Christian belief in the Kingdom of Heaven a particular problem for the Romans?

Christians would not worship the emperor as divine. Torture was ineffective in bringing about submission.

In Rome's res publica, how did democracy manifest itself in the governance of the state?

Citizens elected representatives, who governed in their interests.

Which characteristics are associated with basilicas in ancient Rome?

Commonly used for public assemblies Typically featured an apse Consisted of a long central nave

In what ways did Muhammad's teachings raise the status of women?

Condemning female infanticide Ensuring financial support Granting property rights

In glorifying the Roman rulers, the monumental sculptures present fully idealized portraits.


The democracy practiced in the United States still follows the model of Athenian democracy.


Which of the following was accomplished when Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne "Emperor of the Romans"?

It established a firm relationship between Church and state.

In On the Nature of Things, the Latin poet ______ argues that one need not fear death because all of reality, including the human soul, consists only of atoms.


What is the central significance of the Iliad and the Odyssey to Greek-speaking people?

They honor their common heritage.

Which statements about medieval serfs are true?

They lived quite differently from their landlords. They provided food in exchange for military protection.

How did the Romans respond as the Germanic tribes moved westward, into the Roman empire?

They offered a truce: the tribes could settle in exchange for protecting Rome against other invaders.

Which were techniques the Romans used to administer the foreign provinces they acquired?

They required military service in the Roman army. They appointed Roman governors to rule. They demanded taxes be paid to Rome.

Octavian became Rome's army general, known as


Tang and Song craftspeople excelled in making stoneware, the finest of which was called


The majority of the medieval population were unfree peasants, also known as ______


Painting techniques that create illusions of light and shade and three-dimensionality are called ______ because they "fool the eye."

trompe l'oeil

True or false: Unlike other types of medieval literature, troubadour poems owe a debt to Arab poetic forms.


In 1453, the city of Constantinople was overrun by the Muslim


After Julius Caesar's death, Mark Antony joined with Cleopatra in a battle against ______ to govern the Roman Empire.


Which of the following people were engaged in the battle for power that followed Julius Caesar's death?

Octavian Mark Antony

Which of the following is true of Roman tragedies?

Offered along with public games Drew on themes from history Had a bloody, ghoulish quality Modeled on those of Greece

Beowulf was written down in which language?

Old English

The character of King Arthur was based on a semi-historical figure from ______.


The Germanic tribes were driven into Western Europe by Central Asian nomads known as the ______.


What feature of Tang China allowed for citizens to rise in social status?

Imperial examination system

Among Germanic tribes, how might a person's guilt or innocence be determined?

An ordeal featuring fire or water

How did the ancient Greeks view their gods?

As very human-like

Which is a feature of the social code, as stated in the Qur'an?

Men and women are equal in all regards.

What does the Bayeux Tapestry depict?

Norman conquest of England

What practice, common the the Near Eastern mystery cults, symbolized spiritual rebirth?

Ritual baptism

Who did the Hebrews conquer in order to establish the first Hebrew state in Canaan?


Which term can be used to describe the frescoes that decorated the walls of Roman halls and villas?

Pictorial realism

What principle encapsulates the message of Jesus, as described in the Gospels?

Unconditional love

Which pope called for the First Crusade in 1095 C.E.?

Urban II

The discovery at Sutton Hoo provided insight into which culture?


Match the descriptions in the right-hand column with the correct type of Roman arch.

Barrel vault, Arches back to back Groined vault, Arches at right angles to each other Dome, Arches around a central point

What is the main difference between the architecture of a Byzantine church and that of a Roman (Western) church?

Byzantine church architects favored the Greek cross plan, by which all four arms of the structure were of equal length.

Which statements about book production in the Middle Ages are true?

It was a great era of book production. Carolingian books were prepared for and by monks and clerics.

Which of the following best explains why early Hebrew art did not include carved images and three-dimensional art?

It was believed creating carved images showed disrespect to God as Supreme Creator.

How is sharia, as provided in the hadith, best described?

Code of ethical conduct

The work of Roman historians demonstrates what features?

Collection and analysis of factual evidence Attention to accurate detail

Which of the following was influenced by the legal customs of the Germanic tribes?

Common law

Which of the following were common characteristics of the Greek city-states?

Common religion Shared language Autonomous

Between the eighth and tenth centuries, what aspects of the Muslim world flowered?

Cultural vibrancy Educational resources International trade

What was required of Muhammad's followers, or Muslims?

To recognize Muhammad as a prophet To acknowledge Allah as the one god

Why did Christianity appeal to the poor and oppressed?

It was easier to relate to Jesus, who had lived in the world, than to a distant god. It promised a better life in the hereafter. It was easy to understand.

Which of the following were accomplishments of Julius Caesar as dictator of the Roman Empire?

He reformed the Western calendar. He consolidated laws. He regulated taxation.

Which are accomplishments of the Byzantine emperor Justinian?

He revised and codified the laws of the Roman Empire. He commissioned monumental art and architecture. He made the Byzantine economy competitive with the Far East.

Before Christianity was legalized in 313 C.E., what was the purpose of iconography to the faith?

It helped Christians identify other Christians.

Which of the following describe the Roman Pantheon?

It is fronted by eight Corinthian columns. It is a temple. It once had a veneer of marble and bronze. The dome has an opening that admits air and light.

hich of the following is a key aspect of Roman portrait sculpture?

It reflects the character of the subject.

Which descriptions are true about the burial site of the Qin emperor?

It took 11 years to build. It contains almost 8,000 terracotta soldiers.

Which features does The Aeneid share with the Odyssey and the Iliad?

It features a hero's journey. It is an epic.

Why did the Justinian revision and codification of Roman law have such a lasting impact on European legal history?

It formed the basis of later European legal systems.

Typically, who were troubadour poets?

Men and women of noble birth

On what basis did the Tang-era Chinese government allow people from all classes to compete for prestigious bureaucratic positions? Multiple choice question.


The maritime civilization that flourished on the island of Crete in the Aegean Sea during the Bronze Age—that is, between 2000 and 1400 B.C.E.—was referred to as


The two dominant Bronze Age civilizations of the Aegean Sea region were the Mycenaeans and the ______.


The most widespread of the Near Eastern mystery cults was called ______ after the hero-god associated with the forces of light and good.


During the early Middle Ages, from where did the major musical developments emerge?


What feature of Byzantine churches was more developed than that of the Roman churches?

Mosaic decorations

The Iliad is the story of the hero______ , who initially refused to go to war against the Trojans


Which describes the hijra?

Muhammad's journey from Mecca to Medina

Which of the following do we know about the music of Roman civilization?

Music theory was adopted from the Greeks. Most musical instruments were adopted from the Greeks. Roman dramas had musical interludes.

Which statements about music in early Hebrew culture are true?

Music was closely tied to prayer and worship. Music was committed to memory and passed on orally.

The reciprocal obligations of serfs and lords and the serf's continuing tenure on the land was known as ______.


Match the parts of a Western Christian church with their functions.

Narthex, Vestibule leading to the church entrance Nave, Central hallway of the church Transept, Area at the end of the nave that formed the Latin cross Apse, Semicircular space holding the alter

What did Hadrian's Wall and the Great Wall of China have in common?

Neither could stop an army on foot.

Categorize roles of citizens during the res publica government during the Roman Republic.

Patricians, Large landowners Plebeians, Farmers and small landowners Consuls, Elected magistrates Members of Popular Assembly, Plebeians Members of Roman Senate, Patricians

Categorize roles of citizens during the res publica government during the Roman Republic.

Patricians, Large landowners Plebeians,Farmers and small landowners Consuls, Elected magistrates Members of Popular Assembly, Plebeians Members of Roman Senate, Patricians

What is the era of peace and stability that began with Augustus and prevailed throughout the Roman Empire for more than 200 years called?

Pax Romana

Who is considered the leading proponent of Athenian democracy?


What was NOT a by-product of the Crusades?

Permanent Crusader-states in the Holy Land.

In the decades after Muhammad's death, what places fell under Muslim rule?


What features are associated with jihad?

Place of worship Holy war

Which of the following are associated with Athens, after the end of the Persian Wars?

Political dominance The Greek Golden Age Commercial supremacy

The _____ Wars between the Romans and the Phoenicians extended over 150 years, ending with the defeat of Carthage and the naval dominance of Rome in the western Mediterranean.


The ______ Wars between the Romans and the Phoenicians extended over 150 years, ending with the defeat of Carthage and the naval dominance of Rome in the western Mediterranean.


The ______ dynasty centralized political power by, for example, completing a census of the Chinese population, standardizing the written Chinese language, and creating a system of weights and measures.


What is the fundamental source of Muslim ritual, ethics, and laws?


What term describes the musical technique in which the cantor and congregation sing alternating verses of psalms?


What was the intention of Caesar's reform measures?

Restabilize Rome

What was the message of the prophets to the Hebrew people in the eighth century B.C.E.?

Return to the laws of the Torah

Which features of the Great Mosque at Cordoba exemplify Islamic architectural design?

Rhythmic ornamentation Horseshoe arches

Feudalism developed from the traditions of which cultures?

Roman and Germanic

What was the significance of the Punic Wars between the Romans and the Phoenicians?

Rome emerged as dominant in the western Mediterranean.

Which Iron Age tribal people founded the city of Rome along the Tiber River?

The Latins

How did early Christian churches help solidify the religious community?

Their great size accommodated thousands of pilgrims for worship.

Which were techniques the Romans used to administer the foreign provinces they acquired?

They appointed Roman governors to rule. They demanded taxes be paid to Rome. They required military service in the Roman army.

Which of the following applies to the monumental sculptures that portray the Roman rulers?

They combine the realistic with the ideal.

What are a few reasons the Romans considered the Germanic tribes inferior?

They did not have any urban settlements. Their culture had no monumental architecture They lacked a written language.

Which statements describe attributes of the Gospels?

They focus on Jesus as a charismatic leader and healer. They were written in Greek and Aramaic.

Why are the catacombs significant?

They give an insight into early Christian iconography.

Why did the Romans allow those in the conquered provinces to retain their local customs?

They saw this as politically practical.

What are the purposes of a hierarchy of spaces in a Christian church?

To help worshipers embrace the Christian rituals To guide worshipers in moving into a sanctified space

What was the explicit reason behind the First Crusade?

To recapture lands dominated by the Muslim Turks.

Romans looked upon their favorite deities as protectors of the household, the marketplace, and state.


True or false: Beowulf is the first significant literary work in a European vernacular language.


What are the catacombs?

Underground rooms containing early Christian graves

Romans decorated the walls of their halls, baths, and villas with colorful ______ and _____ depicting scenes from literature, mythology, and daily life.

mosaics frescoes

Which ruler ordered the compilation of the Domesday Book?

William of Normandy

What has been the source of our information about the music of Roman civilization?

Writings of Roman historians

The Roman practice of interpreting omens to predict future events is called _____.


Because the Germanic tribes lacked the elements of civilization important to the Romans, they were described as _____ ,which is word still used today to denote inferiors or outsiders.


The term _______ , Correct Unavailable refers to the rectangular colonnaded hall that the Romans used for public assemblies.


_____ was used in firework displays seven hundred years before it was used in the West.


The Song of Roland was sung by professional entertainers called _____.


The Qin Dynasty began construction of the Great Wall of China to protect itself from invasion along its ______ borders.


In its early history, the government of Athens was ruled by an elite minority, a form of government referred to as a(n) ______.


The Romans mastered the art of public speaking, or ____as well as letter writing.


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