Lesson 11: Muslim Innovations and Adaptations

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Hospitals were open to all people

Muslim contribution for hospitals

Ibn Sina

A Persian doctor that showed how diseases spread from one person to another and a famous Muslim philosopher


A battle of wits in which players move pieces on the board (according to the rules) to checkmate the king (cannot move without being captured).

exchange and build on each others ideas

A shared love of learning allowed scholars in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East to...


Able to live forever


Although the Muslims empire did not last long, Islam ________________ flourished.

They made hundreds of medications

Muslim contribution for medications


Baghad was the capital of what empire?

Improvements in Zoology

Books explained structure of animal bodies, created zoological gardens, and how to make medicine from animal parts


Capital of Muslim Spain, the library held as many as 400,000 volumes

Doctors used thread made from animal gut to stitch open wounds

Muslim contribution for surgery

A minaret, a fountain, a courtyard, prayer room, a niche on the wall, and a pulpit

How are mosques designed?

They sold them and had more than 100 bookshops lined on Paperseller's street

How did Muslims expand bookmaking?

They used reason and logic to prove important truths and to support their faith

How did Muslims follow the example of Greek scholars?

Trade carried ideas and goods

How did trade help to spread and connect ideas from different cultures?

100,000 workers four years

How many workers and how long did it take to build the city of badhad?

They both reflected religion and artistry of the builders

How were mosques and cathedrals similar?


Muslim literature was influenced by ___________, or Islamic mysticism


It involves teams on horseback using mallets or long wooden hammers to strike the ball through a goal

round, size

Most educated people in medieval times believed that the earth was ___________, but they disagreed about it's ______

Learned that infections were caused by bacteria and learned to diagnose and treat them

Muslim contribution for diseases

storytelling and poetry

Muslim's had a rich heritage of _____________ and _________.


Muslim's learned the art of making paper from who?

Babylon, India, and Greece

Muslims based their work in math in part on ideas from ancient ___________, __________, and __________.

Two accomplishments of geography

Muslims created extremely accurate maps due to the study of geography and they improved on calculations made by ancient Greeks to reach a very accurate measure of the Earth's circumference.

calculations, large

Muslims helped spread the Indian concept of zero which was very important in ___________________ and it made it easier to write ___________ numbers.

outside the wall

Shops, markets, and residents were where?

Water wheels to bring water to needed areas

Technological advancements to take advantage of water

lands under Muslim rule

The Book of Countries listed useful facts about...

major trade routes

The Book of Roads and Provinces provided descriptions of what?

Arabic Numerals

The translation of another one of Al-Khwarizmi's books helped popularize __________ _______________ in Europe.


The word _____________ comes from the title of one of his books

Improvements in Astronomy

They realized that the earth rotates, they improved models of earth, and improved navigational tools

The Canon of Medicine

This book, written by the Persian doctor Ibn Sina, explored the treatment of diseases which was used to teach students


Travelers wrote ______________ to help pilgrims make the journey to Mecca to fulfill the hajj while others explored foreign lands.

Paper making and medical texts

Two ideas that traveled along trade routes?

schools, colleges, libraries, and other centers of learning

What did Muslim rulers build?

they sewed them into leather bindings and illuminated them with designs in gold

What did Muslims do with with the sheets of the book paper?

love, nature, and glory of the empire

What did musicians and poets create songs about?

adaptations and innovations

What did scholars and artists make in many fields (in great cities)?


What did textiles in clothes show?

personal experiences of God

What does Sufism involve?

A shared language and a love of learning

What factors combined to promote learning in Muslim lands?

to solve problems involving unknown numbers

What is algebra used for?

A Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights)

What is one example of famous Muslim literature?

for computing time based in the position of the sun or stars and to pinpoint sailors location based on how far they traveled

What is the astrolabe used for?

to identify the direction in which they are traveling from

What is the compass used for?

A double wall with four guarded gates

What surrounded the inner city?

arabesque and geometric shapes

What types of designs did Muslims use in their decorative art?

everyday items, Qu'ran, and walls

What was calligraphy used to decorate?

calpih's palace and the grand mosque

What was in the center of the city?

It blended elements of Arab and native Spanish cultures

What was is unique about the music that developed in Cordoba, Spain?


What was the shared language?

compass and astrolabe

What were the two navigational instruments adapted by the Muslims?

In many places (India, Persia, and Middle East)

Where did A Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights) originate?

House of Wisdom

Where scholars from many lands gathered to do research and translate texts; founded by Caliph al-Ma'mun


Who did Muslims learn about the game of chess from?


Who did Muslims learn about the game of polo from?

Designs reflect Muslim lands

Why are designs different in different mosques?

Muslim rulers built great cities where scholars made adaptations in innovations and so cultural diffusion could take place.

Why did Islamic culture flourish despite the fact that the Muslim empire did not last?

It was popular among the wealthy

Why did polo become popular with medieval Muslim's?

Players enjoyed the intellectual challenge

Why did the game chess become popular?

The Qu'ran tells them to learn about the world

Why do Muslims make advancements in science and technology?

It was one of the most important mathematics textbooks used in the universities of Europe

Why was Al-Khwarizmi's book on algebra important?

Horses were status symbols

Why was polo popular among the wealthy and not the poor?

They linked several trade routes

Why were Islamic lands ideally located for cultural diffusion?

they were used as practical items and trade goods

Why were textiles important to medieval Muslims?


_________ eventually replaced poetry for recording history, special events, and traditions

Scholarship and learning

___________ and ________ were highly valued in Islamic culture


a change made to an existing object or way of doing things


a scholar, teacher, or thinker who seeks knowledge


a talented musician and singer from Baghdad who settles in Cordoba in 822 and established Europe's first music conservatory.


a type of design that took its beauty from the natural world which was repeated over and over


a type of manufactured cloth or woven fabric


art of beautiful handwriting; the highest form of decorative art


muslim mathematician who created the technique of "al-jabr" or algebra


ordinary form of written language, not poetry


something new; an improvement


the scientific study of animals

cultural diffusion

the spread of cultural elements or ideas from one society to another, through trade, travel, or even conflict


the study of objects in space

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