Human Nutrition Exam 3

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B (A chronic deficiency of thiamin can cause beriberi. A vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Scurvy is the result of a vitamin C deficiency.)

A deficiency of thiamin can cause A.) rickets. B.) beriberi. C.) scurvy. D.) osteomalacia.

C (A chronic deficiency of thiamin can cause beriberi. A vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Scurvy is the result of a vitamin C deficiency.)

A deficiency of thiamin can cause __________. A.) scurvy B.) osteomalacia C.) beriberi D.) rickets

B (Vitamin A is needed for vision as well as for reproduction and healthy fetal development. A deficiency of vitamin A can result in vision problems)

A deficiency of vitamin A can result in _______. A.) pellagra B.) vision problems C.) inability to clot blood D.) neural tube defects such as spina bifida

C (A vitamin B12 deficiency (or a folate deficiency) can cause macrocytic anemia. The intrinsic factor from the stomach is required for B12 absorption. If the deficiency of B12 results from insufficient intrinsic factor, the resulting type of macrocytic anemia is called pernicious anemia. Microcytic anemia is caused by a deficiency of pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Scurvy is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C. Pellagra is caused by a deficiency of niacin.)

A deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause __________. A.) pellagra B.) microcytic anemia C.) macrocytic anemia D.) scurvy

A (The mineral selenium is often incorporated into a class of proteins called selenoproteins. One function of selenoproteins is as an antioxidant to protect cells from free radicals. The mineral chromium improves the body's response to insulin. Iron is the major component of hemoglobin. Calcium and phosphorous are the major components of hydroxyapatite.)

A major function of selenium is __________. A.) as an antioxidant B.) to improve the body's response to insulin C.) as a major component of hydroxyapatite D.) as a major component of hemoglobin

B (Peak bone mass, which is the genetically determined maximum amount of bone mass an individual can build up, typically occurs when a person reaches his or her thirties. After peak bone mass is reached, the loss of bone mass begins to slowly exceed the rate at which new bone is added.)

A person's peak bone mass typically occurs when a person is in his or her__________. A.) teens B.) twenties C.) thirties D.) forties

D (A "standard drink," by definition, contains 1/2 ounce of alcohol. All of these drinks contain 1/2 ounce of alcohol and thus each is considered a standard drink.)

A standard drink is considered __________. A.) a 12-ounce can of beer B.) a 5-ounce glass of white wine C.) a shot (1.5 ounces) of liquor D.) all of the above E.) none of the above

A (Approximately 10 to 30 percent of adults over the age of 50 have reduced secretions of acidic stomach juices, which affects the absorption of the vitamin B12 that is found naturally in food. The other B vitamins should be readily absorbed regardless of Adam's age.)

Adam Craig is 55 years old. Which of the following might his body have difficulty absorbing? A.) the vitamin B12 in a piece of steak B.) the vitamin B6 in liver C.) the folate in spinach D.) the riboflavin in milk

B (Thus, adult women are currently encouraged to ingest about 9 cups of beverages daily (80 percent of 12 cups), while adult males are encouraged to drink 13 cups (80 percent of 16 cups) of beverages daily.)

Adult women should drink about __________, and adult men should drink about __________ of beverages daily. A.) 4 cups; 8 cups B.) 9 cups; 13 cups C.) 12 cups; 12 cups D.) 12 cups; 16 cups

B (Alcohol is a depressant, a substance that slows the transmission of nerve impulses—and slows down your reaction time and your thinking! It is dangerous to mix depressants (alcohol) with stimulants, such as the high amounts of caffeine found in energy drinks. Stimulants increase the transmission of nerve impulses. Antidepressants are drugs used for the treatment of major depressive disorders and other conditions.)

Alcohol is __________. A.) an antidepressant B.) a depressant C.) a stimulant D.) none of these

C (Alcohol provides 7 calories per gram, which is fewer than fat at 9 calories per gram and more than carbohydrates and protein, which each provide 4 calories per gram. Alcohol is considered an "empty calorie," meaning is not an essential nutrient (i.e., your body does not need it to survive), and it is not calorie free.)

Alcohol provides __________ calories per gram. A.) 0 B.) 4 C.) 7 D.) 9 E.) None of the above

B (Ethanol, the type of alcohol consumed in alcoholic beverages, is made by the processes of fermentation or distillation. Deamination is the removal of the nitrogen group from an amino acid. Denaturation is the loss of a protein's biological activity through the application of heat, pressure, acids, or bases. Saponification is the process used to make soap from fat.)

Alcoholic beverages are made by the processes of __________. A.) denaturation and distillation B.) fermentation and distillation C.) saponification and deamination D.) deamination and denaturation


All but which of these factors would result in inadequate vitamin D levels in the body? A.) High levels of melanin production B.) Inadequate phosphorus levels C.) Inadequate time outside in the sun D.) Excessive use of sunscreen


All but which statement would be an acceptable claim for a chromium supplement producer to put on the bottle? A.) "Chromium may help to maintain normal blood glucose levels." B.) "There is no known risk for consuming excessive amounts of chromium." C.) "This product may help to build muscle which might result in weight loss." D.) "Broccoli is one of the best natural sources of chromium."

A (Vitamin C is found in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, and broccoli. Milk, although an excellent source of riboflavin, calcium, and vitamin D, does not contain any vitamin C.)

All of the following are good sources of vitamin C EXCEPT __________. A.) milk B.) broccoli C.) strawberries D.) citrus fruit (oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit)

B (Rickets is a vitamin D deficiency disease that occurs in children. Osteomalacia, the adult equivalent of rickets, can cause muscle and bone weakness and pain. Vitamin D deficiency and its subsequent effect on decreased calcium absorption can lead to osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones can mineralize properly, but there is not enough calcium in the diet to maximize the bone density. Beriberi is caused by a deficiency of thiamin.)

All of these conditions are associated with a deficiency of vitamin D EXCEPT __________. A.) rickets B.) beriberi C.) osteoporosis D.) osteomalacia

You can enhance the absorption of iron from meals by eating foods high in vitamin C, vitamin A ,or beta-carotone. Eating meat, fish, or poultry at the same meal as the nonheme iron-containing food can also help. Foods containing phytates (in legumes, rice, and grains), polyphenols in tea, and the protein in soy products can significantly reduce iron absorption.

BONUS: Describe some ways to increase the absorption of iron from foods.

There are three stages to alcoholic liver disease: (1) *fatty liver* results from a weekend or few days of excessive drinking and is characterized by an accumulation of fat in liver cells which are preoccupied with alcohol metabolism, (2) *alcoholic hepatitis* occurs when the liver becomes irritated by various by-products (acetaldehyde, free radicals) of alcoholic metabolism, (3) *cirrhosis* is caused by heavy bouts of continual drinking in which the cells of the liver die and form scar tissue.

BONUS: Describe the differences among the stages of alcoholic liver disease.

An early sign of iodine deficiency in adults is *goiter*, which is an enlarged thyroid gland. A deficiency of iodine during the early stages of fetal development can damage the brain of the developing baby, causing mental retardation. Depending upon the severity, *cretinism*, also known as congenital hypothyroidism, can occur. Individuals with cretinism may experience abnormal sexual development, mental retardation, and dwarfism. Once *salt* manufacturers began fortifying their products with iodine, incidence of these diseases dropped.

BONUS: Describe the effects of iodine deficiency on adults and fetuses. What food is routinely fortified with iodine to prevent these effects?

Folate is needed during pregnancy, particularly in the first few weeks after conception, to create and maintain new cells so that the baby can grow and develop. It is vital for DNA synthesis and a deficiency during pregnancy can result in neural tube defects such as anencephaly and spina bifida. Folic acid could possibly reduce the risk of these birth defects by 50-60% if consumed at least the month prior to conception and during the early part of pregnancy.

BONUS: Discuss the role folate plays during pregnancy.

Intrinsic factor is a protein produced in the stomach that binds vitamin B12 in the small intestine where the vitamin is absorbed. Individuals who cannot produce intrinsic factor are unable to absorb vitamin B12 and are diagnosed with *pernicious anemia*, a form of anemia characterized by large immature red blood cells. These individuals are given regular shots of vitamin B12, which inject the vitamin directly into the blood, bypassing the intestine.

BONUS: What is "intrinsic factor" and what is its relationship to vitamin B12? What happens if a person no longer makes intrinsic factor?

C (Your BAC is the concentration of alcohol in your blood. It is measured in grams of alcohol per deciliter of blood. Your body does not need a minimum intake of alcohol daily. The number of drinks that you consume in an hour will affect your BAC; the more you drink, the higher the concentration of alcohol in your blood. BAC has nothing to do with the concentration of alcohol in a drink.)

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is the __________. A.) minimum amount of alcohol needed in your blood daily B.) grams of alcohol per liter of beverage C.) amount of alcohol in your blood, measured in grams of alcohol per deciliter of blood D.) number of drinks you consumed in an hour

A (Cara should not take her iron supplement with a glass of milk, because the calcium in the milk will bind with iron and reduce its absorption. Eating more red meat, which contains the more easily absorbed heme iron, will increase Cara's iron intake and absorption. Cooking foods in iron pans and skillets can increase their nonheme iron content, because foods absorb iron from the pan. The vitamin C in the orange juice will increase the absorption of the nonheme iron in her breakfast cereal.)

Cara's physician has just diagnosed her with iron-deficiency anemia. To increase her iron intake, Cara should do all of the following EXCEPT __________. A.) drink a glass of milk with her iron supplement B.) cook her foods in a cast-iron pan C.) drink a glass of orange juice with her breakfast cereal D.) eat several ounces of red meat weekly

B (Chromium increases insulin's effectiveness in your cells. Iodine is a mineral needed to make thyroid hormones. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is the hormone that directs kidneys to minimize water loss and concentrate urine.)

Chromium increases the effectiveness of __________. A.) Vitamin D activity B.) the hormone insulin C.) antidiuretic hormone (ADH) D.) thyroid hormones

D (Consuming that much alcohol in a short time is considered binge drinking. Binge drinking can lead to alcoholism. Individuals who binge-drink may experience blackouts or may drive while drunk.)

Drinking four to five alcoholic beverages on one occasion in a short time is called __________. A.) drunk driving B.) alcoholism C.) blackout D.) binge drinking

D (Fat soluble vitamins are packed in micelles and chylomicrons, can be toxic in high doses, and are found in fortified milk and oils. In contrast, water soluble vitamins enter the bloodstream directly, are not stored in the body, and can be found in fortified grains.)

Fat soluble and water soluble vitamins are very different in how they act in the body. Which of the following are characteristics of fat-soluble vitamins? I. Enter bloodstream directly II. Can be toxic in high doses III. Not stored in the body IV. Found in fortified grains V. Found in fortified milk and oils VI. Packed in micelles and chylomicrons. A.) I, II, III B.) I, II, V C.) II, IV, V D.) II, V, VI E.) II, IV, V, VI F.) All of the above

B (If consumed prior to and during the first several weeks of pregnancy, adequate amounts of folic acid can reduce the risk of neural tube defects, including spina bifida and anencephaly. Vitamin A- containing medication may be used to treat acne. Vitamin A can also help prevent night blindness. Consuming adequate amounts of niacin prevents pellagra.)

Folic acid can help reduce the risk of A.) acne. B.) neural tube defects. C.) night blindness. D.) pellagra.

A (The last characteristic of AUD is the development of a dependency on alcohol, such that a withdrawal will cause symptoms in the body. Although AUD can have financial consequences such as job instability, interfere with personal relationships, and increase the risk of violence, not all individuals with AUD have these experiences.)

Four characteristics of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) are: (1) a craving for alcohol, (2) the development of a higher tolerance for alcohol, (3) the inability to control or limit the intake of alcohol, and (4) __________. A.) the development of a dependency on alcohol B.) the tendency to become violent C.) the inability to maintain social relationships D.) the inability to keep a stable job

D (Although you need only small amounts of minerals in your diet, they play enormously important roles in your body, such as helping to maintain fluid balance, as components of enzymes, and working with your immune system to keep you healthy.)

In your body, minerals __________. A.) help maintain fluid balance B.) function as co-enzymes or "helpers" C.) work with your immune system D.) All of these are correct.

C (Consuming a minimum of 4½ cups of fruits and vegetables daily will help you meet your potassium needs.)

How many cups of fruits and vegetables should you eat daily to help you meet your potassium needs? A.) 2½ B.) 3½ C.) 4½ D.) 7

B (Every gram of alcohol contains 7 calories. If a drink contained 20 grams of alcohol, 7 calories per gram times 20 grams is 140 calories. Carbohydrate and protein contain 4 calories per gram and lipids contain 9 calories per gram. The values for this question were calculated using the caloric value for these macronutrients. Remember, alcohol has more calories per gram than carbohydrate and protein, but slightly fewer calories per gram than lipids.)

If a mixed drink contains 20 grams of alcohol, how many calories are obtained from the alcohol? A.) 80 calories B.) 140 calories C.) 180 calories D.) More information is needed.


In addition to its functions with sodium as sodium chloride, what body function is chloride most often associated with? A.) ingestion with salivary amylase B.) absorption at microvilli sites C.) elimination and waste compacting D.) digestion using hydrochloric acid


In addition to vitamin K, what other vitamin is produced by bacteria in the intestines? A.) pantothenic acid B.) biotin C.) folate D.) vitamin E

B (Within seconds of your first sip of an alcoholic beverage, about 20 percent of the alcohol will be directly absorbed through the stomach and into your blood, whereas the remaining 80 percent is absorbed into the bloodstream through the villi in the small intestine.)

In general, what percentage of alcohol is directly absorbed through the stomach and into your blood? A.) 5% B.) 20% C.) 50% D.) 100%


In which location are fat-soluble vitamins NOT stored? A.) Fat B.) The liver C.) Blood D.) Muscle tissues

E (When too much alcohol is chronically consumed, more nutritious foods are often displaced in the diet, increasing the risk of malnutrition. A constant intake of alcohol will cause irritation and inflammation of both the esophagus and your stomach. A fatty liver can occur after only a few days of excessive drinking.)

Individuals who chronically drink excessively are at increased risk for __________. A.) fatty liver B.) inflammation of the esophagus C.) gastritis D.) malnutrition E.) all of the above

B (Iodine is an essential mineral for your thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located in your neck. The thyroid needs iodine to make some essential hormones. The synthesis of estrogen, progesterone, growth hormone, insulin, and glucagon does not require the element iodine.)

Iodine is essential for the synthesis of __________. A.) insulin and glucagon B.) thyroid hormones C.) estrogen and progesterone D.) growth hormone


Jenna just started drinking coffee during final exams week and now is showing signs of dehydration. Why? A.) Because she is gaining weight, and fat requires much water to maintain. B.) The caffeine is making her lose more water than is retained. C.) She is also drinking more fruit drinks, which have an additive effect with caffeine. D.) Her body has not developed a tolerance to the diuretic effect.

A, D, E, K

List the fat-soluble vitamins.

B (Thiamin, B₁; Riboflavin, B₂; Niacin, B₃; Pyridoxine, B₆; Cobalamine, B₁₂; etc), C (Ascorbic acid)

List the water-soluble vitamins.

B (Vitamin B12 is found naturally in animal foods such as eggs and beef. Although a synthetic form of vitamin B12 is added to fortified soy milk and some cereals, there is no vitamin B12 in watermelon, strawberries, whole grain bread or pasta, or in olive oil or peanuts. Because Vitamin B12 is found naturally only in animal products, vegans need to be careful to ensure they consume an adequate amount of B12 from fortified products.)

Naturally occurring vitamin B12 is found in which food? A.) watermelon and strawberries B.) eggs and beef C.) whole grain bread and pasta D.) olive oil and peanuts


Of all of the minerals, which one is needed in the greatest amount in the body? A.) Magnesium B.) Calcium C.) Boron D.) Potassium

E (All pregnant women should avoid alcohol because drinking during pregnancy will increase the risk of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). Unless your brother is 21 years old, he should not be drinking alcohol. Because alcohol causes gastritis, your uncle would benefit from avoiding alcohol. Your father should wait until he has finished mowing the lawn before having a drink because this chore involves operating machinery that requires attention, skill, and coordination.)

Of the following, who should not drink alcohol? A.) your pregnant aunt B.) your uncle who has a stomach ulcer C.) your father while he is riding the lawn mower D.) your high-school-aged brother E.) all of the above

C (Each of these servings of dairy foods provides approximately 300 milligrams of calcium. Consuming the recommended three servings of low-fat dairy products daily will just about meet the amount of calcium recommended daily (1,000 milligrams) for most adults.)

One cup of skim milk, 8 ounces of low-fat yogurt, and 1½ ounces of reduced-fat cheddar cheese each provide: A.) 100 milligrams of calcium B.) 200 milligrams of calcium C.) 300 milligrams of calcium D.) 400 milligrams of calcium

B (Phosphorus, along with calcium, forms hydroxyapatite, which is the strengthening material found in your teeth. Chloride is one of the electrolytes in your blood that helps maintain fluid and acid-base balance. Sulfur plays an important role as part of many compounds in your body, such as certain amino acids. Zinc helps with wound healing and maintaining a healthy immune system.)

Other than fluoride, which of these minerals helps strengthen and repair the enamel on your teeth? A.) sulfur B.) phosphorus C.) zinc D.) chloride


Overconsumption of niacin supplements can cause _______ (UL is 35 mg/day to prevent), nausea, vomiting, liver toxicity, increase blood glucose levels, etc.

D (Phytochemicals, the naturally occurring substances in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that give fruits and vegetables their bright colors, have many beneficial functions. Phytochemicals act as antioxidants, to help fight some chronic diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, and help to prevent cancer or slow down cancer growth.)

Phytochemicals __________. A.) are naturally occurring plant compounds that give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors B.) function as antioxidants to stop free radicals from damaging cells C.) may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease D.) All of these are correct.


Prevention of which of the following conditions is NOT associated with magnesium? A.) cardiovascular disease B.) diabetes mellitus C.) high blood pressure D.) osteoporosis

A (Moderate alcohol consumption, defined as one to two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women, may reduce the risk of heart disease among those 45 years of age and older. Alcohol has been shown to increase estrogen levels in women, which may increase the risk of breast cancer.)

Some studies suggest that moderate alcohol consumption may __________. A.) reduce the risk for heart disease B.) increase the risk for type 1 diabetes C.) reduce the risk for breast cancer D.) increase the risk for Alzheimer's disease


Tessa loves to hike and camp for several days at a time. Why should she not be concerned about a sulfur deficiency despite her heavy exercise? A.) Many of the preserved foods she consumes have high levels of sulfites. B.) Sulfites are usually found in oils and fats, and she consumes these to maintain her energy. C.) Sulfur often co-occurs with high salt foods, which she eats to balance her electrolytes. D.) Sulfur is a part of the B-vitamins found in enriched grains and she does not often eat grains on the trail.

A (The only proven, safe amount of alcohol a pregnant woman can consume is none. Not one drink a day—not two drinks a week—not one drink a week. Women should avoid alcohol if they think they are, or could become, pregnant.)

The safe amount of alcohol for a pregnant woman would be __________. A.) none B.) one drink per week C.) one drink per day D.) two drinks per week

D (Manufacturers of dietary supplements can voluntarily have their products tested for all of the above. The U.S. Pharmacopoeia (USP) seal also signifies that the supplement has been tested and meets or exceeds standards for the performance, strength, quality, consistency and purity. U.S. Pharmacopoeia (USP) seal of approval ensures quality and safety, but does not endorse or validate health claims.)

The USP seal on the vitamin label means that the dietary supplement has been tested and shown to __________. A.) be free of any contaminants B.) be manufactured using safe and sanitary procedures C.) contain the amount of the substance that is stated on the label D.) meet all of these criteria

C (Overall, the average healthy adult is about 50-60 percent water, making water the most abundant substance in your body. Perhaps you confused the fact that muscle tissue is approximately 75 percent water and that fat tissue is up to 20 percent water? Also remember that most men and muscular athletes have a higher percentage of body water than do females and sedentary individuals, respectively.)

The average healthy adult is about __________ percent water. A.) 15 B.) 20 C.) 50-60 D.) 75

C (The best cure is to stop drinking and let your body have the time it needs to recover from consuming too much alcohol. Neither chicken soup nor coffee nor any other food or beverage will cure the fatigue and other ill effects of drinking alcohol. Taking acetaminophen is not recommended because its toxicity to your liver is enhanced if it is consumed while alcohol is being metabolized. The worst thing you can do for a hangover is to have another alcoholic beverage.)

The best cure for a hangover is __________. A.) chicken soup B.) taking acetaminophen (Tylenol) C.) time and abstinence D.) a light beer

B (The daily recommended amount of sodium for adults up to age 51 is 1,500 milligrams. The upper level for sodium daily is 2,300 milligrams, whereas the absolute minimum that should be consumed is 180 milligrams per day. Unfortunately, Americans far exceed these recommendations and consume more than 3,400 milligrams of sodium daily, on average.)

The daily recommended sodium intake for adults up to age 51 is __________. A.) 180 milligrams B.) 1,500 milligrams C.) 2,300 milligrams D.) 3,400 milligrams

C (Though rare in the United States, a selenium deficiency is associated with Keshan disease, which damages the heart.)

The development of what condition would make you suspect you had a selenium deficiency? A.) Macular degeneration B.) Hemochromatosis C.) Keshan's disease D.) Skin rashes

B (The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase is found in the stomach and the liver where it works to convert alcohol to acetaldehyde, which is eventually metabolized to carbon dioxide and water. Although the pancreas provides critical enzymes to digest foodstuffs, it does not produce alcohol dehydrogenase. The brain, thyroid gland, small or large intestines, and the gall bladder also do not produce alcohol dehydrogenase.)

The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase is found in the __________. A.) pancreas and gall bladder B.) stomach and liver C.) brain and thyroid gland D.) large and small intestines

B (Most alcohol in the body is metabolized in the liver. A small amount of alcohol is lost in your urine (kidneys) and in your breath (your lungs). Some alcohol is also metabolized in your stomach, though substantially less than in your liver.)

The major site of alcohol metabolism in your body is your __________. A.) kidneys B.) liver C.) stomach D.) lungs

D (The minerals that play a critical role in maintaining fluid balance inside your cells (in the intracellular fluid compartment) and outside your cells and in your blood (extracellular fluid compartment) are called electrolytes. The electrolytes are the minerals sodium, potassium, phosphate, magnesium, calcium, and chloride. There are no minerals known as osmosis minerals, antidiuretic minerals, or hydration minerals.)

The minerals that play a critical role in maintaining water balance in the body are known as __________. A.) hydration minerals B.) osmotic minerals C.) antidiuretic minerals D.) electrolytes

C (Your body is about 50 to 60 percent water. Water bathes the trillions of cells in your body and is part of the fluid inside your cells where chemical reactions take place. Iron, part of hemoglobin, is a trace mineral, so only a small amount is in your body. Both calcium and sodium are major minerals in your body but are not nearly as abundant as water.)

The most abundant substance in your body is __________. A.) iron B.) sodium C.) water D.) calcium

A (Retinol is the most usable form of vitamin A in your body. Retinoids include all three forms of preformed vitamin A: retinol, retinal, and retinoic acid.)

The most usable form of vitamin A in your body is A.) retinol. B.) retinal. C.) retinoic acid. D.) retinoids.

C (Retinol is the most usable form of vitamin A in your body. Retinoids include all three forms of preformed vitamin A: retinol, retinal, and retinoic acid.)

The most usable form of vitamin A in your body is __________. A.) retinal B.) retinoids C.) retinol D.) retinoic acid

D (The primary role of the B-complex vitamins is to function as coenzymes or chemical "helpers" in the conversion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to energy; in fatty acid, cholesterol, and protein synthesis; and in glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. Although the B vitamins are needed to obtain energy (calories) from macronutrients, they are not a source of energy. Proteins are the nutrients that build and repair body tissues. Vitamin C is necessary for collagen formation.)

The primary role of the B-complex vitamins is to __________. A.) build and repair body tissues B.) synthesize collagen C.) provide a source of energy or calories D.) act as coenzymes or "helpers" in many chemical reactions in the body

C (The tomato sauce contains vitamin C, a nutrient that enhances the absorption of nonheme iron. Though the butter and olive oil will give your spaghetti flavor, they will not help you absorb iron.)

To enhance the absorption of nonheme iron found in whole wheat pasta, you could top your spaghetti with __________. A.) olive oil B.) butter C.) tomato sauce D.) nothing; eat it plain

C (To meet your potassium recommendation, make sure you consume an abundance of fruits and vegetables. A diet rich in at least 4½ cups of fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens, is the minimum amount you should be consuming daily to help meet your potassium needs. Dairy foods, nuts, and legumes are also good sources. There is a minimal amount of potassium in enriched or whole grains or meat, fish and poultry.)

To ensure you consume adequate potassium, make sure you eat the MyPlate recommendation for __________. A.) meat, fish, and poultry B.) enriched breads and cereals C.) fruits and vegetables D.) whole grains

True (Blood pressure is a measure of force that blood exerts on the walls of arteries and is expressed as systolic pressure (when heart beats) over diastolic pressure (when heart is at rest between beats). A normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg or lower. Prehypertension occurs between 120/80 mmHg and 139/89 mmHg. Greater than 140/90 mmHg qualifies as hypertension.)

True or False: A blood pressure of 132/86 is considered prehypertension.

True (In fact, the recommended three servings of dairy foods, including milk, yogurt, and/or cheese, will almost nail your calcium needs for the day. Unfortunately, most American' diets fall short in regard to this food group. )

True or False: A serving of milk will provide about one-third of an adult's daily calcium needs.

False (A straight shot of liquor may look and taste more potent than a can of beer, but it isn't. )

True or False: A shot of whiskey contains more alcohol than a can of beer.

False (The FDA regulates only bottled water that is sold through interstate commerce. Bottled water that is manufactured and sold within the same state is not regulated by the FDA and, thus, is not required to adhere to FDA regulations.)

True or False: All bottled water is regulated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

False (Many people are unable to meet their vitamin D needs through sunlight exposure alone.)

True or False: Because your body makes vitamin D with the help of sunlight, you don't have to worry about getting it from your diet.

False (Binge drinking is considered the consumption of 5 or more alcoholic drinks by men, or 4 or more drinks by women, in a very short time.)

True or False: Binge drinking is considered drinking 7 or more drinks in a very short time.

False (Dream on.)

True or False: Chromium can help you build bigger muscles and stay lean when you are lifting weights.

False (Deep orange vegetables and some green vegetables are good sources of the vitamin A precursor betacarotene, which is converted to vitamin A in your body. While an excess of beta-carotene will not cause vitamin A toxicity, it could make your skin change color.)

True or False: Consuming too much beta-carotene from foods such as carrots, winter squash, and broccoli can cause vitamin A toxicity.

False (Drinking more alcohol isn't going to take away the ill effects of a hangover.)

True or False: Drinking a Bloody Mary (tomato juice and vodka) will help with a hangover.

False (Alcohol can interfere with your sex hormones and may impair your sexual function.)

True or False: Drinking alcohol will improve sexual function.

False (While foods are an excellent source of vitamins, some individuals may need extra vitamin support from a supplement.)

True or False: Everyone can meet their vitamin needs through food, so taking supplements is never necessary.

False (Most bottled water sold in the United States does not contain fluoride.)

True or False: Fluoride has been added to bottled waters.

True (Folate can lower the risk of some birth defects during pregnancy. However, timing is everything.)

True or False: Folate reduces the risk of certain birth defects.

False (Fortified foods are not always a safe way to meet your vitamin needs.)

True or False: Fortified foods are a safe way to get your daily vitamins.

False (The alcohol in your stomach and small intestine would continue to be absorbed, your blood alcohol concentration would continue to rise, and you could die from alcohol poisoning.)

True or False: If you passed out from heavy drinking, your blood alcohol level would stabilize and gradually return to normal.

False (Kosher salt doesn't contain iodine.)

True or False: Kosher salt is a good source of iodine.

True (Magnesium, along with calcium and potassium, is part of a diet that has been shown to substantially lower blood pressure.)

True or False: Magnesium can help lower your blood pressure.

False (Although meat, fish, and poultry are fabulous sources of iron, they are not the main sources in Americans' diets.)

True or False: Meat is the major source of iron in the American diet.

False (Although seasoning your food with salt adds sodium, it is not the major culprit in sodium overload. Processed foods contain a much higher quantity of sodium.)

True or False: Most of your dietary sodium comes from the salt that you shake on your foods.

True (Red wine does contain heart-healthy compounds. )

True or False: Red wine contains phytochemicals that are good for your heart.

False (Decades ago, some states lowered their legal drinking age, but today you have to be 21 to legally purchase and consume alcohol anywhere in the United States.)

True or False: Some states in the United States have lowered the legal drinking age to 18.

False (There is no clear evidence that taking megadoses of vitamin C, such as from supplements, protects you from the common cold.)

True or False: Taking vitamin C supplements can help you ward off the common cold.

False (Routinely taking an excess of many vitamins, including many water-soluble vitamins, can be harmful.)

True or False: Taking water-soluble vitamin supplements is never harmful because your body eliminates any excesses that you don't need.

False (Those who have AUD should seek the guidance from their health care provider. Research has shown that support from such a provider can reduce alcohol consumptions among those with mild AUD.54 Setting a goal for reduced drinking, alternating alcoholic drinks with nonalcoholic beverages, and spacing the time between drinks are some examples of strategies that can help reduce alcohol consumption.)

True or False: There is no cure for alcohol use disorder.

True (Consuming excessive amounts of vitamin E supplements can interfere with blood clotting.)

True or False: Too much vitamin E can interfere with blood clotting.

True (Vitamin K helps a protein in your bones bind with the bone-strengthening mineral calcium.)

True or False: Vitamin K helps keep your bones healthy.

False (Vitamin waters contain additional calories that you may not need. To improve your fluid intake, plain water is just as healthy and much cheaper.)

True or False: Vitamin waters are healthier for you than plain water.

False (Although vitamins perform numerous functions in your body, they don't provide energy, as do carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.)

True or False: Vitamins provide your body with energy or the fuel that it needs to function.

True (Women respond more quickly to the narcotic effects of alcohol than do men.)

True or False: Women feel the effects of alcohol sooner than men.

True (Your mug of java does contribute to meeting your daily water needs, even though it may contain caffeine, a diuretic.)

True or False: Your morning mug of coffee counts toward fulfilling your daily water needs.

False (Taking a zinc lozenge doesn't prevent the common cold but it may help reduce the severity and duration of a cold. However, there are side effects. Excessive amounts can inhibit copper absorption, suppress immune system, and lower HDL cholesterol.)

True or False: Zinc can prevent the common cold.

B (Vitamin C greatly increases the absorption of iron. Vitamin C chemically reduces some of the nonheme iron found in plant foods to heme iron, which is absorbed more readily. Research indicates that as little as 25 milligrams of vitamin C—the amount in about one-quarter cup of orange juice—can double the amount of nonheme iron you absorb from your meal, and 50 milligrams of vitamin C can increase the amount absorbed about sixfold.)

Vitamin C greatly increases the absorption of which mineral? A.) magnesium B.) nonheme iron C.) chromium D.) selenium


Which two vitamins can be produced in the body and do not always have to be consumed in food? A.) Folate and vitamin E B.) Vitamins K and D C.) Thiamin and vitamin C D.) Vitamins A and riboflavin

C (Vitamin D is a hormone that can be obtained by drinking fortified milk. It can be made in your body with the help of adequate exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays.)

Vitamin D is A.) a carbohydrate. B.) made in your body with the help of sunscreen. C.) found in fortified milk. D.) water soluble.

D (Vitamin D is a hormone and can be made in your body with the help of adequate exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays. You can also obtain it by drinking fortified milk.)

Vitamin D is __________. A.) a hormone B.) made in your body with the help of sunlight C.) found in fortified milk D.) All of these are correct

A (Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects cell membranes and prevents the oxidation of the "bad" low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol carrier by neutralizing free radicals before they can harm cell membranes. Free radicals are unstable oxygen-containing molecules that can damage the body's cells and possibly contribute to the increased risk of chronic diseases. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that helps fight infections. Anticoagulants prevent blood from being able to clot. Although vitamin E is an anticoagulant, it is vitamin E's role as an antioxidant that protects cell membranes from being damaged.)

Vitamin E functions as a(n) __________ to protect cell membranes from being damaged. A.) antioxidant B.) anticoagulant C.) neutrophil D.) free radical

D (Vitamin D is called the "sunshine vitamin" because it is made in your body with the help of ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight.)

Vitamin __________ is called the "sunshine vitamin." A.) C B.) E C.) K D.) D


Which of the following phrases is INCORRECTLY associated with the mineral molybdenum? A.) Night blindness B.) Bone formation C.) Enzymes and amino acids D.) Legumes and nuts


What are the B vitamins as a group most known for in the body? A.) Balancing anticoagulants and the drug warfarin in the blood B.) Enabling the use of parathyroid hormone to create strong bones C.) Preventing both rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults D.) Acting as coenzymes that enable reactions to occur more quickly in the cells

D (A blood alcohol level greater than 0.41 is associated with death. A blood alcohol level of 0.01 to 0.05 reduces your alertness and impairs judgment, and a blood alcohol level of 0.06 to 0.10 impairs your coordination and visual tracking. A blood alcohol level of 0.21 to 0.30 impairs your speech, balance, and temperature regulation.)

What blood alcohol level is associated with death? A.) 0.01 to 0.05 B.) 0.06 to 0.10 C.) 0.20 to 0.30 D.) 0.41 and greater


What color of food is most often associated with foods rich in vitamin K? A.) Green, as in broccoli and spinach B.) Yellow, as in apricots and butternut squash C.) Purple, as in eggplant and plums D.) Red, as in peppers and cherries


What condition is caused by too little sodium in the blood, usually from consuming too much water?


What disease is most associated with swollen and bleeding gums and wounds that do not heal? A.) macrocytic anemia B.) hemochromatosis C.) scurvy D.) burning feet syndrome

D (Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is the leading cause of mental retardation and birth defects in the United States. Many children with FAS have facial abnormalities such as eyes with small openings, a low nasal bridge, thin upper lips, a flattened face, a small head circumference, and an indistinct philtrum (groove between nose and upper lip).)

What facial characteristics are common in children born with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)? A.) an indistinct philtrum (groove between nose and upper lip) B.) a small head circumference C.) a low nasal bridge D.) All of these are correct.


What function of water allows lymph to perform its multiple roles in the body? A.) It acts as a lubricant. B.) It is a universal solvent. C.) It is a transport medium. D.) It helps to maintain body temperature.

A progressively damaging brain disorder due to chronic thiamin (B1) deficiency. Chronic alcohol misuse is the most common cause of WKS because it interferes with thiamin absorption.

What is Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome?


What is the best way to get the most vitamins in your diet all at once? A.) Consume vitamin supplements because they are economical B.) Consume a variety of foods every day because of the additional benefits from foods C.) Consume high potency supplements because of the efficiency D.) Consume fortified foods because of their high level of nutrients

A (Antioxidants are a group of compounds that includes vitamins E and C, beta-carotene, the mineral selenium, and certain phytochemicals. They help neutralize free radical, limiting the damage that free radicals cause and helping to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.)

What is the correct sequence that results in lowered cancer and disease development risk? A.) Phytochemicals; antioxidants; reduced free radical damage B.) Free radical damage; oxidation; antioxidant release C.) Free radicals; oxidation; phytochemical breakdown D.) Antioxidants; free radical development; phytochemical uptake


What is the natural form of vitamin E called?

D (Youth Risk Behavior Survey data indicate that by age 15, more than 30 percent of adolescents in the United States have consumed alcohol. Not one out of 100 youths, not 10 out of 100 youths, not 25 out of 100 youths, but 30 out of every 100 youths have reported consuming alcohol.)

What percentage of adolescents in the United States has reported consuming alcohol? A.) one B.) 10 C.) 25 D.) more than 30

sodium, chloride

What two minerals are contained within table salt (and thus are rarely deficient)?


What type of bottled water probably has the lowest amount of contaminants? A.) Enhanced water B.) Spring water C.) Sparkling water D.) Distilled water


What type of foods usually contain high levels of phosphorus? A.) leafy vegetables B.) animal products C.) whole grains D.) citrus fruits


What vitamin might be low in strict vegetarians that avoid all foods from animal sources? A.) vitamin C B.) riboflavin C.) vitamin E D.) vitamin B12


What vitamins act as antioxidants in the body? A.) vitamins D and K B.) vitamins B6 and B12 C.) vitamins A and folate D.) vitamins C and E

C (Niacin can be made in the body from the amino acid tryptophan, which is found in protein-rich foods like meat, fish, and poultry.)

When foods have ____, they often are also a good source of niacin. A.) nicotinic acid B.) antioxidants C.) tryptophan D.) calcium


When you experience the painful cramping of a "Charlie Horse," what function of potassium is not working correctly? A.) The ability of potassium to lower high blood pressure B.) Maintaining bone health and reducing kidney stones C.) Fluid balance and buffering the blood D.) Muscle contraction and nerve impulse conduction

D (Folate is vital for DNA synthesis and critical in cell division. Pyridoxine acts as a coenzyme for more than 100 enzymes. It is a key player in red blood cell synthesis, but not DNA synthesis. Pantothenic acid and biotin are both B vitamins that aid in metabolism)

Which B vitamin is critical for DNA synthesis and cell division? A.) biotin B.) pantothenic acid C.) pyridoxine D.) folate (folic acid)


Which B vitamin is critical to consume early in pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects from occurring in the developing baby? A.) niacin B.) folate C.) riboflavin D.) vitamin B6


Which answer best describes how vitamin E helps to prevent atherosclerosis? A.) It has an anticoagulant effect that reduces clotting in the blood. B.) It reduces the effects of oils and their negative effect on heart health. C.) It neutralizes free radicals before they can harm cell membranes. D.) It protects the LDL cholesterol carrier from oxidation and reduces LDL buildup.

B (While oils are a heart healthy way to get some fat in your diet, they are not a good source of potassium. The good news is that fruits, vegetables, protein, and dairy products are good sources of this mineral.)

Which are NOT good sources of potassium? A.) fruits and vegetables B.) healthy unsaturated oils C.) dairy and protein D.) vegetables and grains

A (Pellagra is a niacin deficiency disease that results in the four Ds: dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, death. It was once common in the south due to a corn-based diet.)

Which diseases are incorrectly paired with their B-vitamin? A.) riboflavin and flushing B.) thiamin and dry beri beri C.) niacin and pellagra D.) riboflavin and glossitis


Which group is most prone to developing iron-deficiency anemia? A.) Vegetarians, particularly vegans B.) American men C.) People who consume inadequate vitamin C D.) Women who have stopped menstruating


Which health benefit of alcohol was not discussed in the chapter reading? A.) The health benefits of alcohol are largely seen in people after middle age and not in younger people. B.) Flavonoids found in red wine increase the heart's ability to distribute blood throughout the body. C.) The resveratrol in red wine acts like an antioxidant and reduces LDL accumulation due to less oxidation. D.) The French paradox concerns the fact that French people have lower rates of heart disease despite a diet high in saturated fats.


Which is incorrectly defined for its role in alcohol breakdown in the body? A.) BAC tells you how much alcohol still needs to be metabolized by the liver. B.) Alcohol dehydrogenase in the stomach is responsible for about 20% of the alcohol breakdown in the body. C.) Aldehyde is an intermediate step between alcohol breakdown in the body and the final products of liver metabolism. D.) The MEOS system can be in a constant state of stimulation if a person drinks a lot of alcohol.

A (The best-known function of fluoride is its role in keeping teeth healthy. Since 1945, most communities have fluoridated their water in an effort to reduce dental caries (cavities). Today, almost 74 percent of Americans live in communities that have a fluoridated water supply. Selenium functions as an antioxidant. Calcium has many functions, including strengthening bones and teeth; however, calcium is not added to community drinking water. Most table salt is fortified with iodine in an effort to eliminate the iodine-deficiency disease goiter.)

Which mineral is added to the water supply in most communities to help lower the rate of dental caries in the United States? A.) fluoride B.) selenium C.) calcium D.) iodine

D (Research from the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet indicates the potassium and magnesium found in abundance in fruits and vegetables, and the calcium found in dairy foods, all play a role in lowering blood pressure. The DASH diet is low in fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sweets, and high in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products.)

Which mineral plays a role in lowering high blood pressure? A.) potassium B.) calcium C.) magnesium D.) All of these are correct.

A (Vitamin C is needed to make collagen, the most abundant protein in your body. Vitamin C acts an antioxidant to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. It also helps increase the absorption of the iron in plant foods such as grains and cereals.)

Which nutrient is involved in collagen formation, enhanced iron absorption, and functions as an antioxidant? A.) vitamin C B.) riboflavin C.) pantothenic acid D.) thiamin

D (Both vitamin E and beta-carotene function as antioxidants in your body. Although vitamin K is not an antioxidant, it is needed to clot your blood.)

Which of the following are considered antioxidants? A.) vitamin K B.) vitamin E C.) beta-carotene D.) vitamin E and beta-carotene

D (Water is a universal solvent that helps transport oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. Water also absorbs and releases heat to regulate your body temperature, acts as a lubricant through saliva and mucus, and provides a protective cushion for your brain and other organs. Take a break and drink a glass of water!)

Which of the following are functions of water in the body? A.) Water helps maintain body temperature. B.) Water is a universal solvent. C.) Water is a transport medium. D.) All of these are correct.

A (Water-soluble vitamins (B-vitamins and vitamin C) can be destroyed by exposure to water or heat. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are much more stable. Exposure to air (oxygen), however, can destroy both water- and fat-soluble vitamins. Use care when storing and cooking foods to maximize food's nutrient content.)

Which of the following can be destroyed by exposure to water or heat? A.) the water-soluble vitamins (B-vitamins and vitamin C) B.) the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) C.) both water- and fat-soluble vitamins D.) Neither water- nor fat-soluble vitamins are destroyed.

D (All of these options can increase the risk of hypertension. People cannot change their family history, but they can become more physically active, lose excess weight, and limit their alcohol consumption, all of which will help them to better manage their blood pressure.)

Which of the following can increase the risk for hypertension? A.) a family history of high blood pressure B.) consuming excessive amounts of alcohol C.) being inactive D.) All of these are correct.


Which of the following can lead to dehydration? A.) inadequate water intake B.) diarrhea and vomiting C.) high fever D.) use of diuretics E.) All of the above


Which of the following combinations increases the bioavailability of minerals? A.) Spinach with oxalates and calcium B.) Zinc and copper together in the intestine C.) Phytates and iron together in a vegan diet D.) Iron and vitamin C together in a food


Which of the following conditions is NOT due to an excess of vitamin A? A.) Carotenodermia B.) Hypervitaminosis A C.) Xerophthalmia D.) Osteoporosis

A (Processed foods contribute a whopping 75 percent of the sodium to the diet of Americans. About 10 percent of Americans' consumption of sodium is from foods in which it occurs naturally, such as fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, fish, poultry, and legumes. Another 5 to 10 percent gets added during cooking and to season foods at the table. Cutting back on processed foods and salt added at the table are the two best ways to lower your sodium intake.)

Which of the following contribute the most sodium to the diet of Americans? A.) processed foods B.) salt added at the table C.) salt added during cooking D.) foods in their natural state

C (Beriberi is a thiamin deficiency disease that can cause rapid heartbeat, edema, confusion, and loss of coordination. Chronic alchol abuse can lead to an advanced form, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is a progressively damaging brain disorder. This can affect peripheral nerves, causing polyneuritis. Glossitis is inflammation of the tongue caused by low iron levels, allergic reactions, certain diseases, and mouth trauma.)

Which of the following diseases is NOT associated with a deficiency in thiamin? A.) Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome B.) polyneuritis C.) glossitis D.) wet beri beri

A (Both your gender and the amount of food in your stomach affect the rate of absorption and the metabolism of alcohol. Women have less of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase in their stomachs. As a result, they metabolize less alcohol in the stomach and they absorb more alcohol into the blood. Drinking on a full stomach delays the arrival of alcohol in your small intestine, the primary site of absorption. The time of day does not have any effect on the absorption and metabolism of alcohol. Your drinking partners also will not alter the absorption and metabolism of alcohol. Of course, they could influence the amount of alcohol you consume.)

Which of the following factors affect(s) your rate of absorption and the metabolism of alcohol? A.) whether you are male or female and the amount of food in your stomach B.) the individuals with whom you are drinking C.) the amount of food in your stomach D.) the time of day you drink E.) whether you are male or female


Which of the following is CORRECT concerning alcohol production? A.) Wine is made through a distillation process of collected vapors. B.) The three types of alcohol can be consumed and metabolized. C.) Alcohol is sold legally in the U.S. so there are no negative effects to consuming it. D.) Grain starches are the sugar base when making beer.


Which of the following is NOT a function of copper in the body? A.) Synthesizing melanin in the skin to produce skin coloration B.) Creating connective tissue with elastin and collagen C.) Synthesizing lymph and white blood cells D.) Generating energy in the cells to provide energy in the body

D (Selenium helps regulate thyroid hormones, may play a role in fighting certain cancers, and functions as an antioxidant, but it does not prevent anemia. Iron is the mineral most associated with preventing anemia.)

Which of the following is NOT a function of selenium? A.) It helps regulate thyroid hormones in your body. B.) It may help fight against certain cancers. C.) It functions as an antioxidant. D.) It is needed to prevent anemia.

D (One way to monitor hydration is the cornerstone method, which involves measuring body weight before and after long bouts of intense physical activity or labor and noting any changes. Urine color can also be used to assess hydration. When you are dehydrated, you produce less urine due to the release of ADH. Consuming TOO MUCH water can cause hyponatremia.)

Which of the following is NOT a method that could be used to determine in you are dehydrated? A.) The cornerstone method B.) Analyzing urine color C.) Measuring secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) D.) Experiencing hyponatremia


Which of the following is NOT a reason to take zinc when you are ill? A.) It reduces both the severity and duration of a cold. B.) It helps to synthesize vitamin C in the body. C.) It helps to produce white blood cells that fight infection. D.) It helps you to taste foods when you are sick.


Which of the following is NOT caused by a deficiency of folate in the diet? A.) macrocytic anemia B.) anencephaly C.) dementia D.) spina bifida


Which of the following is NOT considered a risk factor for the development of hypertension? A.) Using seasoning salts to make meals have more flavor B.) Eating tomato soup every day for lunch C.) Consumption of oil and vinegar as a salad dressing D.) Your family history with the disease


Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons that people consume alcohol? A.) The grapes in wine add additional antioxidant vitamins to the diet. B.) It can be an important part of ceremonies or religious traditions. C.) It can make a person feel more relaxed, social, and outgoing in a group. D.) It can be an important method of social bonding with friends or coworkers.


Which of the following is not considered a risk for developing osteoporosis? A.) If you are an Asian-American female B.) If you have tested positive for osteopenia C.) If you are pre-menopausal female D.) If you smoke while drinking on weekends

D (Excess alcohol intake can lead to liver disease. The first stage is fatty liver and this can occur even after a few days of excessive drinking. The second stage is alcoholic hepatitis. This results from the build-up of by-products of alcohol metabolism. These by-products can inflame the liver tissue. The third and final stage of alcoholic liver disease is cirrhosis which is scarring of the liver tissue. While healthy liver tissue may be able to regenerate some tissue, scarred liver tissue cannot be restored.)

Which of the following is part of the third and final stage of alcoholic liver disease? A.) liver regeneration B.) fatty liver C.) alcoholic hepatitis D.) cirrhosis


Which of the following meals has three different sources of manganese? A.) Whole-grain cereal with strawberries and a pinch of cinnamon B.) Vanilla yogurt with pineapples and nutmeg C.) Whole-wheat toast with lingonberrry jam and butter D.) Pasta with spinach and pine nuts


Which of the following phrases is NOT associated with vitamin A? A.) This vitamin acts as an antioxidant in the body. B.) Sweet potatoes contain a lot of beta-carotene. C.) By maintaining skin, it helps to prevent infection. D.) Following bleaching, visual messages transmit to the brain.

D (Manufacturers of dietary supplements can voluntarily have their products tested for the strength, quality, and purity of the supplement. The USP seal does not confirm that the product will meet your daily need for the vitamin.)

Which of the following statements is NOT correct? The USP seal on the vitamin label means that the dietary supplement has been tested and shown to A.) contain the amount of the substance that is stated on the label. B.) be of good quality. C.) be free of any contaminants. D.) meet your daily needs of that vitamin.

A (Vitamins C, B6, and folic acid are water soluble, whereas vitamins K is fat soluble.)

Which of the following vitamins is fat soluble? A.) vitamin K B.) vitamin C C.) vitamin B6 D.) folic acid

B (Vitamin K is needed in order for your blood to clot.)

Which of the following vitamins is needed in order for your blood to clot? A.) vitamin D B.) vitamin K C.) beta-carotene D.) vitamin A


Which of the following words or phrases are NOT associated with the mineral iodine? A.) Thyroid hormones B.) Goiter C.) Cretinism D.) Prediabetes

C (A standard size drink contains about half an ounce of alcohol. A standard drink would include one 12-ounce serving of beer, one 1.5-ounce shot of hard liquor, and one 5-ounce glass of wine.)

Which of these is considered a "standard" size drink? A.) one 4-ounce serving of wine B.) one 8-ounce serving of beer C.) one 12-ounce serving of beer D.) one 8-ounce serving of wine

D (The DASH diet literally stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.)

Which of these lifestyle changes has the least effect on lowering blood pressure levels? A.) Exercising regularly B.) Following the DASH diet C.) Losing 25 pounds of body weight D.) Drinking alcohol in moderation

C (The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are stored in your body. They can accumulate to the point of toxicity if your intake is excessive. The water-soluble B vitamins and vitamin C typically are not stored for extended periods. Excess amounts of water-soluble vitamins do not accumulate to toxic levels but can be harmful if you routinely consume too much.)

Which of these nutrients can accumulate to the point of toxicity if your intake is excessive? A.) thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and pyridoxine B.) vitamins E, C, and D and biotin C.) A, D, E, and K D.) folate, pantothenic acid, and ascorbic acid


Which of these organs is NOT involved in the metabolism of alcohol in the body? A.) The stomach, which absorbs alcohol B.) The small intestine, which absorbs alcohol C.) The liver, which metabolizes alcohol D.) The pancreas, which creates metabolizing enzymes

C (Cirrhosis, or Stage 3 of alcohol liver disease, results in permanent, irreversible damage. In cirrhosis, the cells of the liver die and form scar tissue, which prevents the organ from performing critical metabolic functions. The remaining statements are true.)

Which of these statements about alcohol's effects in the body is false? A.) Gastritis from chronic alcohol consumption can lead to esophageal cancer. B.) Excessive amounts of alcohol can affect the beating and rhythm of the heart. C.) Cirrhosis of the liver is a reversible condition. D.) A fatty liver can occur after just a few days of overconsumption of alcohol.

D (All of these statements about the metabolism of alcohol are true. First, some alcohol is metabolized in the stomach by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. At the same time, some alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream directly through the stomach. The presence of food will slow down the absorption of alcohol from the stomach. Most alcohol, however, is absorbed in the small intestine where it enters the bloodstream and is then delivered to the liver for metabolism.)

Which of these statements about the metabolism of alcohol is true? A.) Some alcohol is absorbed through the stomach. B.) Some alcohol is metabolized in the stomach by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. C.) Most alcohol is absorbed in the small intestine. D.) All of these statements are true.

C (The term organic means the chemical structure contains the element carbon. Minerals do not contain carbon and are, thus, inorganic. Minerals are essential to the nutrition of humans. Like vitamins, minerals do not provide calories, so they are not a source of energy themselves, but they work with other nutrients to enable your body to function properly.)

Which of these statements is FALSE? A.) Minerals do not provide calories. B.) Minerals are essential to human health. C.) Minerals are organic. D.) Minerals are inorganic elements.

C (Vitamin supplements should never be used to replace a healthy diet. A well-balanced diet that provides adequate calories can meet most individuals' daily vitamin needs. Thus, vitamin supplements are not necessary for most individuals. Supplements are, however, useful for people who cannot meet their nutrient needs through a regular, varied diet. Dietary supplements are regulated less stringently by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) than are drugs. The U.S. Pharmacopoeia (USP), a nonprofit agency, sets standards for the identity, strength, quality, and purity of dietary supplements. Supplement manufacturers voluntarily submit their products to the USP to verify they meet current standards. USP verifies supplements and awards its USP Verified Mark only after rigorous testing has been completed and approved.)

Which of these statements is FALSE? A.) Supplement manufacturers voluntarily submit their products to the U.S. Pharmacopoeia (USP) to verify their supplements meet current standards. B.) Dietary supplements, a category that includes vitamins, minerals, and herbs, are regulated less stringently by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) than are drugs. C.) Vitamin supplements are necessary for individuals to meet their daily vitamin needs. D.) The U.S. Pharmacopoeia (USP) sets standards for the identity, strength, quality, and purity of dietary supplements.


Which of these vitamin-like substances can NOT be synthesized in adequate amounts by the body? A.) inositol B.) lipoic acid C.) choline D.) carnitine

D (Calcium combines with phosphorus to form hydroxyapatite, providing strength and structure in your bones and the enamel on your teeth. The remaining combination of minerals does not form hydroxyapatite.)

Which two minerals combine to form hydroxyapatite? A.) zinc and iron B.) potassium and calcium C.) sulfur and magnesium D.) phosphorus and calcium

D (Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting. Vitamin K plays a role in synthesizing four clotting factors. Without vitamin K, a simple cut would cause uncontrollable bleeding. Vitamins D and A do not have a role in blood clotting. In large quantities, vitamin E can act as an anticoagulant and actually interfere with the blood-clotting process.)

Which vitamin is essential for blood to clot? A.) vitamin E B.) vitamin D C.) vitamin A D.) vitamin K


Which word is incorrectly associated with vitamin E? A.) Anencephaly B.) Alpha-tocopherol C.) Antioxidant D.) Anticoagulant


Who is most at risk for developing cavities due to insufficient fluoride? A.) People who only drink bottled water B.) People who use public water systems C.) People who eat excessive fiber D.) People who make orange juice from concentrate


Who is the least prone to feeling the effects of alcohol and why? A.) An Asian student experiencing alcohol flush because of an enzyme deficiency B.) A muscular man because he has more water in his body C.) A teenage girl, because she has less alcohol dehydrogenase in her stomach D.) A student who mixes alcohol and energy drinks because one is a stimulant and one a depressant

A (Women are more susceptible to the effects of alcohol than men because they have less alcohol dehydrogenase in their stomachs than men. Thus, more alcohol is absorbed directly into their bloodstream. Women have less muscle mass and less body water than men, not more. Increased muscle mass includes more water, which helps to dilute the alcohol. All of these variables combined contribute to women's greater susceptibility to alcohol.)

Women are more susceptible to the effects of alcohol than men because __________. A.) women have less alcohol dehydrogenase than men B.) women have more body water than men C.) women have more muscle mass than men. D.) women have more alcohol dehydrogenase than men

C (Vitamin C will help your body absorb the iron in grain products and cereals. Vitamin C does not affect the absorption of calcium, vitamin D, or fiber. However, the vitamin D in the milk will help you absorb the mineral calcium.)

You are enjoying a breakfast of raisin bran cereal in skim milk accompanied by a glass of orange juice. The vitamin C in the orange juice will enhance the absorption of A.) the calcium in the milk. B.) the vitamin D in fortified milk. C.) the iron in the cereal. D.) the fiber in the cereal.

D (Go for all of them. Olive oil, nuts, and avocados are all excellent sources of vitamin E.)

You are enjoying a salad bar lunch (good choice!). You want to top your greens with foods rich in vitamin E. You could choose __________. A.) olive oil and vinegar B.) chopped nuts C.) avocado slices D.) all of the above

A (Go for the olive oil for a good source of fat-soluble vitamin E.)

You are enjoying a salad bar lunch (good choice!). You want to top your greens with vitamin E-rich foods. You could choose A.) olive oil. B.) pickles. C.) tomatoes. D.) vinegar.

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