Human Resource Management 2

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What is Recruitment?

A form of business contest and it is fiercely competitive

What is a labor market?

A geographical area within which the forces of supply ( people looking for work) interact with the forces of demand (employers looking for people) and thereby determine the price of labor.

What is a Team?

A group of individuals who are working together, with shared responsibility, toward a common goal.

What is Performance Management?

A kind of compass, one that indicated a person's actual direction as well as a person's desired direction

What is the Assessment Center Method?

A process that evaluates a candidates potential for management based on: 1) Multiple assessment techniques, such as situational tests, tests of mental abilities, and interest inventories. 2) Standardixed methods of making inferences from such techniques 3) Pooled judgments from multiple assessors to rate each candidate's behavior.

What are Contrast Effects?

A tendency among interviewers to evaluate a current candidate's interview performance relative to those that immediately preceded it.

What 2 factors define the applicant group?

1) Eligibility 2) Interest

What makes a person providing a recommendation meaningful?

1) Adequate opportunity to observe the applicant in job-relevant situation. 2) Is competent to evaluate the applicant's job performance 3) can express such an evaluation in a way that is meaningful to the prospective employer 4) completely candid

What is "Define Performance" and what 3 things in it should managers pay attention to?

1) A Manager ensures individuals or teams know what is expected of them and they stay focused on effective performance. 2) Goals, Measures, and Assessments

What is an In-Basket Test?

1) A situational test designed to stimulate important aspects of a position. 2) Consisrs of letters, memoranda, notes of incoming calls and other materials that have supposedly collected in the in-basket of an administrative officer.

What are the 3 aspects of practice?

1) Active practice: Trainer should be available to oversee the trainee's practice directly. Focus on teaching corrective methods 2) Over-learning: When trainees are given the opportunity to practice far beyond the point where they have performed the task correctly several times (sometimes this is critical) 3) Length of Practice: Distrubuted practice implies rest intervals between sessions. Massed practice is when practice sessions are crowded together

What percentage of a company's total cost does wage and salary payments take up?


In an Employment Application Form, which questions should a company consider deleting?

1) Any questions that might lead to an adverse impact on the employment of members or groups protected under civil rights. 2) Any questions that cannot be demonstrated as job related or does not concern bona fide occupational qualification 3) Any question that could possibly constitute invasion of privacy

What is an organizational reward system? What are the 3 types of rewards and what do they mean?

1) Anything that an employee values and desires that an employer is willing and able to offer in exchange for employee contributions. 2) Compensation: both financial and nonfinancial rewards. 3) Financial Rewards: direct payments as well as indirect payments in the form of employee benefits. 4) Nonfinancial Rewards: everything in the work environment that enhances a worker's sense of self respect and esteem by others.

What are 4 unmistakable trends in Assessment Methods in Selection?

1) Assessment must be accessible; more than 40% of the job applicants now apply on mobile devices. 2) Assessment must be engaging and job-related; relatively short 3) Assessment must support brand identity and promises. 4) Feedback about hiring process and related assessments is becoming a critical part of the hiring process as well.

What are 3 reasons that employee referrals work?

1) Assuming that current employees value their reputations, the pre-screen referrals 2) Referrals are more likely to have accurate expectations about jobs 3) Newly hired employee referrals have someone they can go to for coaching.

What are the recommendations for employers conducting interviews?

1) Base Interview questions on a job analysis 2) Ask the general questions of each candidate (use a structured interview) 3) Use detailed rating scales, with behavioral descriptions to illustrate scale points 4) Take detailed notes that focus on behavioral information about candidates 5) Use multiple interviews 6) Provide extensive training on interviewing 7) Do not discuss candidates or answers between interviews. 8) Use statistical weights for each dimension, as well as an overall judgement of suitability, to combine information.

What are 2 types of appraisal rating formats?

1) Behavior-oriented rating methods: focus on employee behaviors, either by comparing performance of employees to other employees (Relative Rating systems) or by evaluating each employee in terms of performance standards without comparing others (Absolute rating systems) 2) Results oriented rating systems: Places primary emphasis on what employee produces (ex: Dollar volume on sales)

What 3 contextual/environmental features affect all recruitment efforts?

1) Characteristics of the firm 2) Characteristics of the vacancy itself 3) Characteristics of the labor market in which the organization recruits

What are Pre-Employement Training Programs? (PETS)

1) Close alignment of org needs and training curricula 2) Industry specific, community-based coalitions 3) Member companies contribute time, money, and expertise to design training and also contribute employees to teach courses.

What are important activities in which an org. that is serious about fostering job performance as result of performance feedback interviews, should take part in?

1) Communicate Frequently 2) Get Training in Performance Feedback and Appraisal Interviewing 3) Encourage Subordinates to Prepare 4) Encourage Participation 5) Judge Performance, Not Personality 6) Be specific and an active listener 7) Avoid Destructive Criticism 8) Set Mutually Agreeable Goals 9) Continue to Communicate and Asses goal progress regularly 10) Make Org. Rewards Contingent on Performance

Which areas do new employees need specific information?

1) Company standards, expectations, goals, history, politics, and language 2) Social behavior, such as improved conduct, the work climate, and getting to know fellow workers and supervisors 3) Technical Aspects of the job so that they can become proficient and perform well.

To avoid legal difficulties, which steps should be taken with performance appraisals?

1) Conduct a job analysis to determine necessary characteristics of job performance. 2) Incorporate these characteristics into a rating instrument. 3) Provide written instructions and train supervisors to use the rating instrument properly, including how to apply performance standards when making judgments. 4) Establish a system to detect potentially discriminatory effects or abuses of appraisal process. 5) Include formal appeal mechanisms, coupled with higher level review of appraisals. 6) Document the appraisals and the reason for any termination decisions. 7) Provide some form of performance counseling or corrective guidance to assist poor performers.

What are the 4 steps to a systematic approach to teams?

1) Conduct a team-training needs analysis 2) Develop training objectives that address both task and teamwork skills. 3) Design training exercises and events based on the objectives from step 2 4) Design measures of team effectiveness based on objectives from step 2, evaluate the effectiveness of the team training, and use this information to guide future team training.

What are situational judgement tests?

1) Consists of a series of job related situations presented in written, verbal, and visual form. 2) In many, job applicants are asked to choose the best and worst option out of several available choices.

What 2 implications does org. culture have for staffing decisions?

1) Cultures vary across orgs; individuals will consider this information if it is available to them in their job search process. 2) Other things being equal, individuals who choose jobs with organizations that are consistent with their own values, beliefs, and attitudes, are more likely to be productive, satisfied employees.

What 3 things should one do well in performance management?

1) Define Performance 2) Facilitate Performance: Eliminate roadblocks to succesful performance, Provide adequate resources to get the job done right, and pay careful attention in employee selection. 3) Encourage Performance

What should meaningful letters of recommendation include?

1) Degree of writer familiarity with candidate: Time known and time observed per week. 2) Degree of familiarity with job in question 3) Specific examples of performance 4) Individuals or groups to whom the candidate is compared.

What are 4 kinds of information that references, recommendations, and background checks provide an employer?

1) Education and Employment History 2) Character and interpersonal competence 3) Ability to perform on the job 4) The willingness of the past or current employer to rehire the applicant.

What are the management styles that best fit the developmental stages in an org.?

1) Embryonic: Entrepreneurs 2) High- Growth: Entrepreneurs for growth, but growth directors to build stable management systems. 3) Mature: Bureaucrats who are comfortable with repetition, and who can develop economies of scale 4) Aging: Entrepreneurs who will cuts, recognize, and survive.

What are the 4 stages of organizational development and what do they mean?

1) Embryonic: characterized by high growth rates, basic product line, heavy emphasis on product engineering, and little or no customer loyalty. 2) High-Growth: concerned with fighting for market share and building excellence in their management teams. Refining and extending product lines and building on customer loyalty. 3) Mature: emphasize the maintenance of the market share, cost reductions through economies of scale, more rigid cost controls over worker actions, and the generation of cash to develop new product line. Less flexible stage. 4) Aging: Struggles to hold market share in a declining market and demands extreme cost control obtained through consistency and centralized procedures. Economic survival is primary motive.

What are the 2 types of selection errors in staffing decisions?

1) Erroneous Acceptance: selecting someone who should be rejected. 2) Erroneous Rejection: Rejecting someone who should be selected.

What should firms do to enhance yield from college campus recruitment efforts?

1) Establish a "presence" on college campuses beyond the on-campus viewing period. 2) Upgrade the content and specificity of recruiting materials 3) Devote more time and resources to training on-campus interviewers to answer specific, job related questions from applicants 4) Provide itineraries and agendas prior to the arrival of candidates who are invited to onsite company visits 5) Ensure that the attributes of vacant positions are comparable to those of competitors

What does Evaluation Involve?

1) Establishing indicators of success in training as well as on the job. 2) Determining exactly what job-related changes have occurred as a result of the training 3) It must provide a continuous stream of feedback that can be used to reassess the training needs and thereby create input for the next stage of employee development

What is organizational culture?

1) Formal statements of organizational philosophy and materials used for recruitment, selection, and socialization of new employees. 2) Promotion criteria 3) Stories, Legends, and myths about key people and events 4) What leaders pay attention to, measure, and control 5) Implicit and possibly unconscious criteria that leaders use to determine who fits in key slots in the organization

What are the major Mental-Ability tests used in businesses today?

1) General Intelligence 2) Verbal/Non-verbal and Numerical skills 3) spatial relations ability 4) Motor functions 5) Mechanical Information 6) Reasoning and Comprehension 7) Clerical Aptitudes 8) Inductive Reasoning

What are factors that are important in defining the limits of the labor market?

1) Geography 2) Education and/or technical background required to perform a job. 3) Industry 4) Licensing or certification requirements 5) Union membership

To be most effective, what 4 essential actions should be done in regards to skill learning?

1) Goal Setting 2) Behavior Modeling 3) Practice 4) Feedback

To be most effective, what 4 essential actions should be done in regards to learning facts?

1) Goal Setting 2) Meaningfulness of material 3) Practice 4) Feedback

What are the major challenges that companies face as time and money spent on training increase over the next decade?

1) Hyper-competition 2) Collaboration across organizational and geographic boundaries 3) The need to maintain high levels of talent 4) The growth of Labor Market Intermediaries (LMI's) such as temporary help serves. 5) Changes in the workforce 6) Changes in Technology 7) Teams

What are the 4 reasons that 360-Degree Feedback is potentially valuable?

1) Includes observations from different perspectives and perhaps different aspects of performance. 2) Feedback from multiple sources may reinforce feedback from the boss making it harder to discount the viewpoint of one person. 3) Discrepancies between self-ratings and those received from others may create certain points of self-awareness. 4) At least some senior managers believe that if they can improve leadership among their organization's leaders that it will ultimately benefit the bottom line.

What are 3 major changes in company philosophies concerning pay and benefits?

1) Increased willingness to reduce the size of the workforce, to outsource jobs overseas, and to restrict pay to control costs of wages, salaries, and benefits. 2) Less concern with pay position relative to that of competitors and more concern with what the company can afford. 3) Implementation of programs to encourage and reward performance thereby making pay more variable.

During drug screening, how can firms avoid legal challenge?

1) Inform all employees and job applicants, in writing, of the company's policy regarding drug use. 2) Include the policy, and the possibility of testing, in all employment contracts. 3) Present the program in a medical and safety context/ 4) Forbid employees form reporting to work or working while under the influence. 5) Outline procedures for taking the test. 6) If drug testing will be used, tell employees in advance that it will be a routine part of their employment. 7) Employees who are more sensitive to job safety issues are more likely to perceive drug screening as fair 8) If done it should be uniform and apply to managers as well a non managers 9) Continue to comply with federal regulations

What are the 3 dimensions that can assess equity?

1) Internal Equity: are the pay rates fair in terms of the relative worth of an individual jobs to an organization. 2) External Equity: Are the wages paid by an org. fair in terms of competitive market rates outside the org.? 3) Individual Equity: Is each individual's pay fair relative to that of other individuals doing the same or similar jobs?

What are Results Oriented Rating Methods?

1) Management by Objectives (MBO): Relies on goal setting establishing objectives for the org. as a whole 2) Work Planning Review: Similar to MBO with greater emphasis on the periodic review of work plans by both supervisor and employee to identify goals attained, problems encountered, and need for training

What should designers of training programs do to maximize a positive transfer?

1) Maximize the similarity between the training and job situation 2) Provide trainees with as much experience as possible with tasks, concepts, or skills being taught so that they can deal with situations that are not textbook 3) Provide a strong link between training and job content 4) In context of team training, transfer is maximized when teams have open, unrestricted access to information 5) Ensure that what is learned in training is used and rewarded on the job

What 3 things should people do to establish objectives?

1) Meet to agree on major objectives for a given time period 2) Develop plans for how and when objectives will be accomplished 3) Agree on the measurement tools for determining whether the objectives have been met.

What should the training method do?

1) Motivate the trainee to improve their performance 2) Clearly illustrate desired skill 3) Allow the trainee to participate actively 4) Provide an opportunity to practice 5) Provide timely feedback on the trainee's performance 6) Provide some means for reinforcement while the trainee learns 7) Be structures from simple to complex tasks 8) Be adaptable to specific problems. 9) Encourage positive transfers from the training to the job.

What are behavior oriented rating methods?

1) Narrative Essay: describes in writing employees strengths, weaknesses, and potential with suggestions of improvement. 2) Ranking: Simple- rate employees from highest to lowest (best to worst) Alternation: List all employees on paper, pick best, then worst, 2nd best, 2nd worst, etc. 3) Paired Comparison: systematic method if comparing employees to one another. 4) Forced Distribution: spread into leniency, severity, and central tendency (a bell shaped curve) 5) Behavioral Checklist: Rater is provided with a series of statements that describe job related behaviors. 6) Critical Incidents: brief anecdotal reports by supervisors of things employees do that are particularly effective or ineffective in accomplishing parts of their job. 7) Graphic rating scales: Less time consuming 8) Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS): define the dimensions to be rated in behavioral terms and use critical incidents to describe various levels of performance

What are the "Big Five" Personality Traits?

1) Neuroticism 2) Extroversion 3) Openness to experience 4) Agreeableness 5) Conscientiousness

What are the 4 levels of analysis for determining the needs that training can fulfill?

1) Org. Analysis: focuses on identifying whether training supports the company's strategic direction; Whether managers, peers, and employees support training activities and what training resources are available 2) Demographic Analysis: determining what a special needs of a particular group, such as older workers, women or managers, at different levels 3) Operations An.: Attempts to identify the content of training-what an employee must do in order to perform competently 4) Individual An.: focus on identifying employees who need training and the types of training they need.

What are integrity tests?

1) Overt integrity tests: clear purpose tests; designed to directly assess a person's attitudes toward dishonest behavior. 2) Personality based measures: disguised purpose tests; aim to predict a broad range of counterproductive behaviors at work.

What is Action Learning?

1) Participants focus on real business problems in order to learn through experience and application 2) Is an excellent vehicle for positive transfer from learning to doing

What are the 4 different possible company postures when setting recruitment policies?

1) Passive Nondiscrimination: a commitment to treat all races and both sexes equally in all decisions about hiring, promotion, and pay. No attempt is made to actively recruit among prospective minority applicants. 2) Pure diversity-based recruitment: a concerned effort by the org. to actively expand the pool of applicants so that no one is excluded due to past or present discrimination. 3) Diversity-based recruitment with preferential hiring: systematically favors women and minorities in hiring and promotion decisions. This is a "soft quota" system 4) Hard Quotas: represent a mandate to hire or promote specif numbers or proportions of women or minority group members.

What are some temporary ways to contain costs relative to wages and salaries? Permanent?

1) Pay freezes, postponements of raises 2) Firing executives or offering them early retirement; ask employees to work longer hours and take less days off; shorten vacation times; reducing cost of medical; trimming expense accounts.

What are 3 typical challenges faced by new employees?

1) Problems entering a group: usually ask selves whether or not they will be accepted, liked, and be safe from other members. 2) Naive Expectations 3) First Job Environment

What three things are important to do in encouraging performance?

1) Provide a sufficient number of rewards that the employees really value 2) In a timely fashion 3) In a fair manner

Specifically, what do purposes to performance appraisals serve?

1) Provide legal and formal organizational justification for employment decisions. 2) Are used as criteria in test validation 3) Provide Feedback for employees 4) Can help identify developmental needs of employees and establish objectives for training programs 5) Can help diagnose organizational problems

How should company's structure training material to maximize its meaningfulness?

1) Provide trainees with an overview of the material to be presented during the training 2) Present the materials using examples, terms, and concepts that are familiar to the trainees in order to clarify and reinforce key points. 3) As complex and intellectual skill are invariably made up of simpler ones, teach the simpler skills before the complex.

What are the key requirements of any appraisal system and what do they mean?

1) Relevance: Clear links between the performance standards for a particular job and org. objectives and between the critical job elements identified through job analysis and dimensions to be rated on appraisal form. 2) Sensitivity: Implies that a performance appraisal system is capable of distinguishing effective from ineffective performers. 3) Reliability: Consistency of judgement 4) Acceptability: Most important requirement of all. 5) Practicality: Implies that appraisal instruments are easy for managers and employees to understand and use.

Based on Goleman's Emotional Competence Framework, the ECI 360 is based on what 4 domains?

1) Self Awareness: emotional self awareness, accurate self assessment, and self confidence 2) Self Management: emotional self control, transparency, adaptability, achievement, initiative, and optimism. 3) Social Awareness: Empathy, organizational awareness, and service 4) Relationship Management: inspirational leadership, influence, developing others, change catalyst, conflict management, teamwork, and collaboration

What is a Leaderless Group Discussion?

1) Simple and used for decades 2) A group of participants are given a job-related topic and is asked simply to carry on a discussion about it for a period of time. 3) People usually gravitate to the roles in which they are most comfortable

What are the 6 types of exercises used to help select US Army recruiters?

1) Structured Interview 2) Cold Calls 3) Interviews 4) Interview with concerned parent 5) Five minute speech about the Army 6) In-Basket

Who should evaluate performance?

1) The Immediate Supervisor 2) Peers 3) Subordinates 4) Self-Appraisal 5) Customers Served

What considerations will help company's in choosing the right predictor method?

1) The nature of the job 2) An estimate of the validity of the predictor in terms of the size of the correlation coefficient that summarizes the strength of the relationship between applicants scores n the predictor and their corresponding scores on some measure of performance 3) The selection Ratio: The % of applicants selected 4) The cost of the predictor

In court, if a past appraisal of past performance is to be used as a predictor of future performance, what must the evidence show?

1) The ratings of past performance are valid 2) The ratings of past performance are statistically related to future performance in another job

What are the 4 key advantages to recruiting internally?

1) There is less transition time moving into new jobs 2) There is a greater likelihood of filling the position successfully 3) Filling a higher-level position internally is generally cheaper then filling it from the outside 4) Assuming that those promoted from within are seen as deserving, there is a positive impact on the motivation levels of other employees.

What are Performance Standards?

1) They translate job requirements into levels of acceptable or unacceptable employee behavior 2) Specifies how well work is to be done 3) Provide a relatively objective definition of the job, they give employees targets to shoot for, and make it easier for supervisors to assign work equitably.

Generally what are the two purposes Performance Appraisals serve?

1) To improve employees work performance by helping them realize and use their full potential in carrying out the firm's mission 2) To provide information to employees and managers to use in making work-related decisions.

What are 4 characteristics that seem to distinguish companies with the most effective training programs?

1) Top Management is committed to training and development; it is part of organizational culture 2) Training is tied to business strategy and objectives and is linked to bottom line results 3) Org. Environments are feedback rich; they stress continuous improvement, promote risk taking, offer one on one coaching and afford opportunities to learn form the success and failures of decisions. 4) There is commitment to invest the necessary resources, to provide sufficient time and money for training.

What are 4 important practices when distributing rewards so that employees find them fair?

1) Voice: Collect employee input through surveys or interviews. 2) Consistency: Ensure that are employees are being treated consistently when seeking input and communicating about the process for administering rewards. 3) Relevance: Include rewards employees really care about 4) Communication: Explain clearly the rules and logic of the reward process

When do realistic job previews work best?

1) When few applicants are actually hired 2) When used with entry-level positions 3) When unemployment is low

What are 3 different types of teams?

1) Work or Service teams: Intact teams engaged on routine tasks 2) Project Teams: Teams assembles for a specific purpose and expected to disband once their task is complete. 3) Network Teams: Teams that include membership not constrained by time or space and membership is not limited by org. boundaries

What is Validity Generalization?

1) a type of screening method 2) allows the use of a database to establish definite values for the average validity of most predictors.

What is the supply chain approach to talent acquisition?

1) it begins with a potential labor pool ( individuals who may eventually become applicants) 2) This develops into available labor pool once individuals acquire minimum qualifications for the job. some of these people will actually apply and become applicants 3) Recruiters then filter the applicant pool to identify candidates for further evaluation 4) Screening and Selection identify smaller pools of candidates who receive offers. Some will accept and remain with the organization as new hires.

What are 3 types of appraisal errors?

1)Halo error: Raters assign their ratings on the basis of good or bad impressions of the ratees. 2) Contrast Error: Rater compares several employees to one another rather than to an objective standard of performance. 3) Recency Error: Rater assigns ratings on basis of the employees most recent performance.

How does Recruitment begin?

A clear specification of 1) The number of people needed 2) When they are needed

What are Work Sample Tests?

Also known as situational tests, are standardized measures of behavior whose primary objective is to asses the ability to do rather than the ability to know.

What is a Performance Appraisal?

An Administrative exercise typically done once a year to identify and discuss job relevant strengths and weaknesses of individuals and work teams.

What is Training?

Consists of planned programs designed to improve performance at the individual, group, and/or organizational levels.

What is negligent hiring?

Failure of an employer to check closely enough on a prospective employee who then commits a crime in the course of performing their job or duties.

What 3 elements comprise the internal labor market?

Employees peddle talents to available "buyers" 1) formal and informal practices that determine how jobs are organized and described. 2) Methods for choosing among candidates 3) Procedures and authorities through which potential candidates are generated by those responsible for filling jobs.

What is relationship recruiting?

Employers establishing contact in the groups targeted for recruitment based on credibility between the employer and the contact, and credibility between the contact and targeted groups.

What is the Pygmalion effect?

Expectations becoming self-fulfilling prophecies, so in training the higher the expectations, the better trainees perform.

What is Orientation?

Familiarization with and adaptation to a situation or an environment

What do Employment agencies do?

Find people to fill all kinds of jobs, from temporary to full time, in a number of different career fields.

What is Goal Theory?

Founded on the premise that an individual's conscious goals or intentions regulate their behavior.

What do temporary workers do?

Help meet fluctuating labor demands due to such factors as illness, vacations, terminations, and registrations.

In Reliability of Measurement, when is a measurement considered to be reliable?

If it is consistent or stable over time, across different sample items, across different raters or judges working independently.

What is a realistic job preview? (RJP)

In addition to telling the applicants about the nice things the job has to offer, recruiters must tell applicants about the unpleasant aspects of the job.

What is the Training Paradox?

Increasing an individual's employability outside the company simultaneously increases their job security and desire to stay with the current employer (assuming that the employer creates challenging jobs and provides and exciting work environment.

What is Socialization?

Learning to function as a contributing member of the corporate family

What is Transfer of Training?

Refers to the extent to which competencies learned in training can be applied on the job

What is Personality?

The Set of characteristics of a person that account for the consistent way they respond to situations.

What is emotional intelligence?

The ability to perceive, appraise, and express emotion.

What is Validity?

The degree to which the inferences decision makers make about job performance from predictor measures are accurate.

What is "full-spectrum" Leadership?

The objective to ensure that behaviors used to achieve results are consistent with the values of the organization.

What are virtual career fairs?

The use of Video, voice, and text to connect job seekers to recruiters.

When does Behavior Modeling tend to increase?

When the model is rewarded for behavior and when rewards are things the imitator would like to have.

What is shrinkage?

an industry term for losses due to employee theft, shoplifting, vendor fraud, and administration errors (usually about 2% of annual sales)

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