Human Sexual Behavior final chapters 2,4,5,6,8,9,11,13,15

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Of the following sexual activities, which is practiced exclusively by heterosexual couples?


What does the psychological defense mechanism called a "reaction formation" suggest about gay bashers?

They are in deep denial that they themselves are gay.

Compare and contrast the flirting behaviors and roles of opposite-sex and same-sex partners.

The behaviors are similar but the roles are more flexible for same-sex partners as compared to opposite-sex partners.

Which hormonal contraceptive method contains estrogen and progestin?

Combination pills

Mabel and Max have a relationship that includes intimacy, commitment, and passion. According to Sternberg, their relationship is characterized by ________ love.


Which male sexual structure is known to produce pre-ejaculate?

Cowper's gland

The predictable pattern of violence in a relationship is called the __________.

Cycle of abuse

Cynthia's baby boy was born prematurely, and had defects in his circulatory system and musculature. Both of Cynthia's parents have been heavy smokers since she was a child, but she never smoked. What is a possible cause of her baby's physical problems?

Cynthia was exposed to secondhand smoke when she was growing up.

Because of the drug abuse and unprotected sex associated with the profession, prostitution is known to contribute to the spread of one STI over all others. That STI is _________________.


Alex spent an evening partying with his frat's sister sorority, where numerous "kissing-only" games were played. Within two weeks, he had multiple sores around and inside his mouth. After he was tested at the health clinic, he was told he had an STI. What is your assessment of Alex's STI?

He has herpes, it is incurable, and it is likely to recur.

The delivery nurse reported that Jenny's baby scored well on the APGAR test. This test measures breathing effort, skin color, reflexes, muscle tone, and ____________.

Heart rate

Henry is seeing a sex therapist. One of the things he wants help with is figuring out how to tell his partner how he likes to be touched during sexual activities. If his therapist gives recommendations based on Masters and Johnsons' research, what is the therapist likely to recommend?

Henry should guide his partner's hand over his body to illustrate how and where he likes to be touched.

What have researchers determined about the belief that homosexual women are more likely than heterosexual women to have had cold, unloving, rejecting mothers and absent fathers?

It is a myth.

Which of the following is true of violence in a relationship?

It usually doesn't end a relationship fast enough

Most of the long-term effects experienced by child sexual abuse survivors are ________.


Of the following sexual behaviors, which has the lowest risk level for STIs?

Mutual Masturbation

When do most gays and lesbians begin to realize or suspect that they have a nonheterosexual orientation?

around puberty

Gail and Penelope are lesbians who want to start a family. They have decided that Gail, who is a registered nurse, is going to inject sperm cells from a donor directly into Penelope's uterus. What is this process called?

artificial insemination

Eleanor and Marv want to have a midwife attend the birth of their child, but they want a physician on call in case there is an emergency. Where are they most likely to find what they want?

at a freestanding birthing center

Tanisha is a young girl who lives in Africa. Her culture believes that it is immoral for women to enjoy sexual pleasure. So, Tanisha will undergo a procedure that will remove part or most of the vulva. What is this procedure called?

female genital mutilation

One of the primary recommendations sexuality educators give for minimizing the risks for STIs is______________.

limiting the number of sexual partners

The first and most important factor in taking steps to reduce your chances of becoming a victim of sexual harassment is to ________________.

make it very clear that the harasser's behavior is not acceptable on any level, and must be stopped immediately

What group of sex workers is especially likely to spread STIs to the general population?

male transvestite prostitutes who impersonate women and engage in sexual interactions with male customers

The vast majority of child sexual abusers are ________ and almost always have a history of __________.

male; child sexual abuse

Menarche is the beginning of ____________.


The majority of the clients of prostitutes are _______________.

middle- to upper-class, educated, married heterosexuals

Which people do you think are least likely to use birth control, use protection to prevent STIs, or seek help when they have sexual medical problems?

people who are uncomfortable with sexual issues

What should be taken into account when analyzing data about the number of cases of child abuse in the United States?

The numbers are probably distorted due to underreporting and variations in definitions.

At her doctor's appointment today, Lisa was told that she is now "officially" fertile. What does that mean?

The ovum has entered the fallopian tube.

When considering a couple's sexual orientation, what can be said about the qualities of love and intimacy?

The qualities are basically the same for both same-sex and opposite-sex couples, but patterns of communication may vary.

According to the FBI Hate Crime Statistics for 2012, crimes against gay and lesbian individuals have increased from 2009, and comprise the ________ most common category of hate crimes.


One of the primary obstacles to being nonheterosexual is that general society often overlooks the variations of social, cultural, and individual life, and sees nonheterosexual persons through the lens of only one behavior: __________.

sexual activity

While Louise and her husband were having intercourse the condom broke. What could Louise do to prevent pregnancy in this situation?

take emergency contraceptive pills

In a violent or abusive relationship, there is a phase when there seems to be peace and harmony within the relationship. That phase is called _______________.

the honeymoon phase

Sam was recently diagnosed with genital warts (HPV). He is certain his current girlfriend Julie gave it to him, though she has no symptoms and claims she has never had an STI. Julie is now outraged, and accuses him of giving HPV to her. They are both wrong to play the "blame game" with an STI diagnosis because______________.

the infected person often does not know when or where they became infected, and this approach doesn't resolve the STI but does often destroy the relationship

The primary problem with defining "pornography" or finding national, state, community, and individual consensus on the legal definition of "pornography" is that ____________________.

the terms used to describe "pornography" are subjective, depend on the person(s) doing the interpretation, and lack uniform national standards

What is a common misconception about STIs?

If you become infected, the signs will be obvious.If you become infected, the signs will be obvious.

According to a study on drug use and prostitution cited in your text, women generally begin regular drug use by age 15, and prostitution by age 20, but were regularly engaged in prostitution within _________ after regular IV drug abuse, regardless of age.

14 months

What does U.S. federal law identify as the penalty for a first offense of employing, using, or enticing a minor to engage in sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing a visual depiction of that conduct?

15 Years in prison

The gay rights movement began in __________ with the Stonewall riot in New York City.


John is giving a presentation in his human sexuality class. He must cite statistics regarding the frequency of coitus in the United States. Based on research, he could say that, of people between the ages of 18 and 24, _______________ report that they have not had sex in the past year.

40% of males and 25% of females

What percentage of females ages 16-39 have masturbated alone?


Which of the following is not a form of contraception?


Ronald just found out that his girlfriend is pregnant. He and his girlfriend have different opinions about what they should do next. He wants to make an informed decision but he is not sure what everything means. Explain to him what happens with abortion.

Abortion terminates a pregnancy.

The group most likely to contract HIV from heterosexual sexual activity in the United States is______________________.

African American women

When using hormonal contraceptive methods like the patch, the pill, or emergency contraceptive pills, women must be aware of the connection between effectiveness or failure rates and ______________.

Being overweight of obese

Abby and James have an eight-year-old daughter who prefers to wear boys' clothing, agrees to playdates with boys only, and only wants to play football. Alarmed that she may grow up to be a lesbian if they do not demand she engage in gender-conforming behavior, they have forced their daughter to attend an all-girls school. What psychological theory on the cause of sexual orientation are these parents responding to (probably without knowing it)?

Bern's "exotic becomes erotic" theory (EBE)

Liesl has an appointment with her doctor to receive an injectable hormonal contraceptive. The method she has chosen will provide protection for at least three months and is highly effective. What method of birth control is Liesl getting?


__________ is/are considered the most unreliable method of contraception, while __________ is/are considered an effective method of contraception if willpower is exercised.

Douching; selective abstinence

An extra dose of the __________ hormone determines which follicle will become the "dominant" follicle during a woman's fertility cycle.


Which female hormone promotes the development of a mature ovum?


How has the practice of male circumcision changed over the last twenty years?

In the past, male circumcision was practiced due to perceived health benefits, whereas today the perceived health benefits have been called into question.

___________ is mentioned as a reason why relationships fail. One partner has low self-esteem and is always seeking support or validation of love from the other partner, which can be overwhelming for the other partner.

Lack of self-confidence

Cheryl is constantly fearful that her partner will leave her and must constantly be reassured by him that he will not do so. What type of love is she exhibiting?


Malta was 10 years old when her parents sold her to sex traffickers who promised they could make all of their daughter's dreams come true as long as she worked hard at her domestic cleaning job. Instead, they forced her to become a sex worker in an illegal brothel, where she saw over 10 clients per day. By the time Malta was 14, she had HIV from unprotected sex. By age 15, she was dead of an IV drug overdose. The international and U.S. labor laws protecting victims like Malta and penalizing traffickers with felonies have not been able to keep pace with the rate of trafficking, and are largely ineffective. In your assessment, what are the primary factors that interfere with improvement of this international sex trafficking and child abuse issue?

Many countries do not consider sex trafficking a social priority, and the focus of police is rarely devoted to prosecuting traffickers.

Why have bisexuals been given little attention in the scientific research about sexual orientation?

Many researchers believed that bisexuals were really gay or lesbian.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that "...all females under age 25, all sexually active teen girls, women over age 25 with risk factors such as previous STDs or new partners, and women with a history of inconsistent condom use..." be tested for gonorrhea. In your opinion, what is the biggest problem in getting these recommendations to be followed?

Many teens and women under age 25 do not see OB/GYN physicians or any physician at all, and tend not to admit to risky sexual behaviors.

Alodia has a two-month-old son and doesn't want another child for a year or two. She has chosen to breastfeed because she has heard that women who are breastfeeding cannot get pregnant. Is breastfeeding a reliable form of contraception?

No. Breastfeeding is not a reliable form of contraception.

What does your text conclude about the different theories regarding the origins of sexual orientation?

None of the theories are convincing from a scientific perspective.

Studies show that 96% of college men and 84% of college women report having sexual fantasies about __________.

Oral Sex

When researchers have attempted to measure the masturbation frequency of men and women, their findings have conflicting results. What is the most likely reason for these discrepancies?

People are often embarrassed to talk about masturbation.

Jane and Ted have decided to wait to have intercourse until they are married. They are ________.

Practicing Abstinence

A group of people protected under federal and state antidiscrimination laws is called a ____________ class of people.


Sally and John live in the same apartment complex. After a while, they start dating. This situation could be explained by the ____________ effect.


Rosalyn fantasizes while she and her partner are having sex. What is a possible effect of Rosalyn's actions?

Rosalyn may get more sexually excited, which may improve her physiological responses.

The fluid that mixes with sperm and carries them out of the man's body is called _____.


Brandy is in an abusive relationship with Joseph. She would like to leave but is afraid because Joseph has threatened to harm her if she ever tried to leave him. She has read brochures that state that the most violent time for a woman is when she is trying to leave an abusive relationship. She is already assessing Joseph's danger level. What additional steps can she take as she considers leaving the abusive relationship?

She can make an escape plan, create a safety network of people she trusts, and get a restraining order.

Sarah is pregnant with her third child. When she went to her obstetrician yesterday, he told her that her baby is about a foot long and has put on seven more pounds. Considering the size and weight gain of her baby, Sarah is probably at which stage of her pregnancy?

She is probably in her third trimester.

Fiona and the guy that she is seeing have both agreed that they will continue to date other people, at least until they decide that they want to see each other exclusively. They are sexually active. Knowing this, what should Fiona do about contraception?

She should consider contraceptive methods that prevent both pregnancy and STIs.

Research conducted in the 1950s and 1960s by Masters and Johnson revealed which of the following to be TRUE regarding the size of a man's penis?

Smaller flaccid penises tend to enlarge proportionately more upon sexual excitement than do larger flaccid penises.

Which of the following statements about breast and nipple stimulation is true?

Some women achieve orgasm by breast and nipple stimulation alone.

Which of the following is true about gay men as it relates to anal intercourse?

Studies show that 10 to 40 percent do not have anal intercourse with their partners.

Many methods for reducing child sexual abuse have been proposed and are now in action. When they are all taken into account—including surgical/chemical castration, imprisonment, notifying communities of abuser living locations, tracking laws (GPS monitors), and educating children to protect themselves through defensive techniques—what is the general consensus on the success rates for these methods?

Success rates for all programs are poor, and this is in large part because rehabilitation of offenders is not a priority in prison systems.

Two theories of love that you have learned about are John Allen Lee's "styles of love" and Robert J. Sternberg's "Triangular Theory of Love." These two theories essentially attempt to categorize the different types of love found in relationships. How is Lee's "storge love" similar to Sternberg's "liking"?

The central theme of both types of love is friendship.

Gay men, African American men, and Hispanic men are showing increases in HIV infections in the United States. Public health researchers attribute these increases to what two primary factors?

The erroneous belief that new HIV/AIDS drugs can cure HIV, leading to "safe-sex fatigue," where safe-sex practices are relaxed.

Compare and contrast the male and female condoms.

The female condom provides slightly greater protection against STIs than the male condom.

In many cultures, significant importance is placed upon female sexuality and the presence, or absence, of an intact hymen. As a result, many myths tend to overshadow the truth about this female structure. What evidence will you use to accurately refute or support the belief that an intact hymen indicates that a woman is still a virgin?

The hymen may separate due to tampon insertion.

Why have U.S. courts struck down laws that attempt to control sexually explicit materials on the Internet?

The laws violate the protections of the First Amendment, and cannot meet varying obscenity standards.

Joan is a nurse and First Lieutenant Officer in the United States Marine Corps. Two weeks ago, her commanding officer (CO) forced her into a hospital supply room and raped her. She did not report this event. What is most likely the primary reason for a non-report in this case?

The military maintains a culture of protecting other military members, and chain of command makes career retribution likely.

What is the difference between premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)?

The number and severity of symptoms for PMDD is much more intense than for PMS.

What are two of the primary reasons drug-facilitated sexual assault is so difficult to prove in the criminal legal system?

These drugs metabolize in the body so quickly they are hard to detect the next day, and the victims have little or no memory of the attack.

Phillip is good at planning social events, and his wife is good at taking care of finances, so that is how this couple splits these relationship "duties." Armed with this information, what can you say about Phillip and his wife?

They probably have a healthy power balance

What were the findings of the two separate presidential committees, one founded by President Johnson in 1970 and one by President Reagan in 1986, to study the effects of pornography?

They reached completely opposite conclusions: Johnson's committee found little evidence to support that pornography discriminated against women, while Reagan's committee, which created "The Meese Report," found discrimination on many levels.

How do female hormonal methods of contraception prevent conception or pregnancy?

They thicken the cervical mucus, prevent ovulation, and change the lining of the uterus.

Which of the following national employers, which the ACLU identifies as the nation's largest, openly discriminated against gays and lesbians until very recently?

U.S. military (all branches)

Identify the type of communication in which, according to Gottman, conflicts are peacefully settled through dialogue and negotiation.


Judy is a college student in a human sexuality course with over 100 students. She sits in the back benches of a large classroom, and lately has been patted on her buttocks by a fellow male student as they file out at the end of class. She has no idea if this is sexual harassment or just fellow-student friendliness, since they often talk in class. How should she judge this situation?

Victims of sexually harassing behaviors who are unsure whether such actions are appropriate should become educated on the topic of sexual harassment, and understand that if they are uncomfortable and concerned with the perpetrator of these actions, they are most likely being harassed.

Before deciding upon an acceptable level of risk to take in considering sexual activity, an individual must know____________.

What the risks are

What is the connection between communication about contraception and consistent use of contraception among couples?

When couples communicate effectively about contraception they tend to use it consistently.

Which of the following methods of contraception requires males to sense or know when they are about to ejaculate?


The laboratory technique of separating X-bearing sperm cells from Y-bearing sperm cells to allow for prenatal sex selection is possible partly because _______________.

X-bearing sperm cells are slightly larger than Y-bearing sperm cells

Which of the following is an example of defensiveness?

You tell your partner "You always get angry when I want to stay home and relax."

Luther is a freshman football player at a large university. As an athlete, what will likely be included in his first-year education program on the team?

a workshop on sexual aggression as it pertains to athletes

Which of the following behaviors carries the greatest risk for transmission of STIs?

anal intercourse

Most of the emotional distress experienced by CSA survivors stems from the perception that they are at fault for the abuse, leading them to keep the abuse a secret. What emotional problems can be expected from victims who do not report or deal with sexual abuse?

anger issues, poor self-esteem, and shame

Meredith was attempting to discuss safe sex practices with her new boyfriend, Paul. As she proceeded to reveal her prior sexual experiences with STIs and other partners, along with her expectation for the use of condoms and alternative methods of sexual intimacy, Paul began to withdraw, and never spoke to her again. Paul lacked the two necessary skills required to communicate and make agreements with a new sexual partner. What are they?

being knowledgeable about STIs and overcoming negative emotions about them

The research is quite clear that, on the whole, both male and female prostitutes are more likely to have been victims of _______________.

childhood abuse and/or childhood sexual abuse

Which part of a female's sexual anatomy has only recently been found to be larger and more complex than previously thought?


Mateo enjoys viewing pornographic videos, but he is a successful businessman in his community and does not want others to know about his habit, for fear that it might ruin his reputation. Rather than visit the X-rated section of video stores, he purchased a subscription to an Internet pornography website. The type of pornography he purchased is known as _________________.


Leroy likes to have his partner suck on his penis. What is the correct term for this practice?


Gay bashing is legally classified as a ____________.

hate crime

The most effective way to reduce the degrading and often dangerous barriers faced by nonheterosexuals is to _____________________.

educate the public on the myths and consequences of prejudicial intolerance of nonheterosexuals through multiple community, school, and private educational programs

Linda has been experiencing some symptoms that have caused her to go to her family physician. She tells the doctor that she has been having severe pain every time she has a period, sometimes even before she has it. She also reports that she feels pain whenever she urinates, makes a bowel movement, or has sexual intercourse. She reports other symptoms as well. The doctor performs a series of tests and gives Linda a diagnosis. What condition do you believe Linda has?


Anyah is confident, has a positive attitude about masturbation, and enjoys sexual activities. She consistently uses birth control and disease preventions methods. She is flexible when it comes to traditional sex role behaviors; however, she is less likely to introduce new sexual behaviors in a relationship. Her sexual attitudes and behaviors are ________.


Tom and Mark live in a state where gay marriage was recently declared legal, and are anxious to be married before their right is challenged or revoked in their state. They share the same feelings of love and commitment heterosexual couples do, but are also choosing marriage for a host of other reasons heterosexuals take for granted. What might those reasons include?

family benefits and protections

What is the most important factor in treatment of bacterial STIs?

getting early medical attention

Allison is taking an extended-dose hormonal contraceptive. As a result, she _______________.

has fewer menstrual periods per year

Patsy thinks she's about four weeks pregnant when she notices fluid coming from her vagina. She is also feeling light-headed and is experiencing abdominal cramping. She is not sure if she is really pregnant or if she is having a menstrual period. Patsy might be _______________.

having a miscarriage

Jack is a biker, and decided to tattoo both arms in a salon his friends said didn't charge much. Six months later, his girlfriend showed signs of yellow skin and eyes (jaundice), loss of appetite, and nausea/vomiting. The name of the STI his girlfriend has is called _________, and was probably caused by__________________.

hepatitis B; contaminated tattoo needles

The primary cause of cervical cancer is a sexually transmitted viral infection known as _______.

human papilloma virus

Cole is a male prostitute who sells sex to other males. He is called a ____________. His sexual orientation is most likely to be ____________.

hustler; heterosexual

Many new medications are available for HIV, and these antiretroviral drugs are used in combination therapies (ART). What two conditions determine the combination of these drug therapies for HIV infections?

immune system T-cell counts and the presence of other infections

Identify the technique that produces "test tube babies."

in vitro fertilization

The legalization of prostitution would _______________.

lead to the regulation of prostitution by state laws, with statutes defining where, when, and how prostitution may take place

Which of the following terms refers to the peak of sexual arousal?


Suzanne's first pregnancy was an ectopic pregnancy. This means that the fertilized egg implanted _______________.

outside of the uterus

The effects of sexual harassment on the victim are similar to those of rape and CSA, with the exception of some negative emotional and psychological repercussions unique to sexual harassment. These are ___________________.

poor work or academic performance, absenteeism, job resignation or dropping out of school

Since giving birth to her fourth child two weeks ago, Amanda has been feeling sad and crying frequently. Amanda has an intense, almost obsessive concern for the well-being of her new son, and her fear that she might harm him in some way has led to panic attacks. Amanda is probably experiencing _______________.

postpartum depression

Lilly is in a high school that promotes abstinence-only prevention programs, and has been told that condoms don't prevent STIs, give a false sense of security, and can even cause HIV because the HIV virus can leak through the latex of a condom. As a result of this information, Lilly tells her boyfriend from another school that there's no point to condom use, and she engages in unprotected sex. Lilly has just risked two major outcomes. What are they?

pregnancy and STI

What is the leading cause of fetal death in the United States?

preterm birth

Using condoms and dental dams during oral sex has been shown to ________ the risk of contracting or transmitting an STI.


Mary attended a masturbation seminar. She already knew that masturbation helps people to learn about their own sexual sensations. She was surprised to learn, however, that masturbation can _______________.

reduce menstrual cramps

If a rape victim survives a rape, the two crucial actions in order to prove the rape and assist in the arrest and prosecution of the rapist are _______________ and _______________.

reporting the rape to the police as soon as possible; preserving the evidence left on the victim's body, no matter how much the victim may want to wash it off

When assessing the differences between and circumstances surrounding bullying and sexual harassment in middle and high schools, it is important to keep in mind that _____________.

sexual harassment is defined by sexual touching, sexually harassing social media, sexual language, and sexual assault, while bullying is not restricted to or defined by sexually explicit activities

Chuck and Linda are taking a long walk together. Chuck begins to tell Linda things he'd never told her before. He tells Linda about his personal experiences with sexually transmitted infections and asks her if she has ever had a sexually transmitted infection. This is an example of _________.

sexual self-disclosure

According to the fertility awareness methods of birth control, a couple's "window of fertility" in any given month is about ____ days, and is determined by combining the woman's fertility period and _______________.

six; the maximum life span of sperm

Lloyd is a new immigrant to the United States. He enrolled in a human sexuality course in college and soon recognized the symptoms that had eventually lead to his 79-year old grandfather's death from an unknown STI. These included paralysis, neurological symptoms that made him seem "insane," and organ failure. Lloyd recognized these symptoms as the _________stage of syphilis.


Darryl is 20 years old. He recently learned in his human sexuality class that _________ is the most common form of cancer for males within his age range. As a result, Darryl has decided to perform self-examinations every _________ in order to check for suspicious or cancerous lumps.

testicular cancer; month

As Gloria Steinem and other researchers point out, one key distinction between pornography and erotica is ____________________.

that pornography is a vehicle for male dominance, conquest, and sexual abuse of women, whereas erotica is about free sexual sharing and the passions and desires of both men and women

Think about what you know about the average menstrual cycle. If today is the first day of the month and Sally began menstruating today, on which day should she expect ovulation to occur?

the 14th day of the menstrual cycle

a significant factor that makes cyber harassment much more difficult to prove, prosecute and punish is _________________.

the anonymity of perpetrators

lauren is a few weeks pregnant. she knows that the developing fetus, whether it is a boy or girl, has the same sexual anatomy for now. What conclusions can you draw if lauren is pregnant with a boy?

the boy's scrotum would be similar to a girl's labia majora.

The two primary factors that predict overall satisfaction in and quality of both heterosexual and nonheterosexual relationships are ____________.

the couples' emotional interactions and amount of familial social support

Cyber-predators use various strategies to distribute child pornography. One common way to get around child pornography laws is to ________________.

use models of legal age posing as "minors"

Men who rape women are typically angry, abusive individuals with a history of abuse in their past. Research has shown that the myth of rapists as strong, masculine figures is disproved by evidence that rapists are actually __________________.

weak, insecure men who rape women as a way to prove their masculinity to themselves and others

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