Humanities Exam 4

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Describe the "Global Ecosystem".

The ecological community and and its physical environment. The relationship between organisms and their environment. Humans threaten this ecosystem.

Define the "Cold War"

The instability of international relations, the threat of "the bomb", a costly arms race, and wracking fear and paranoia.

Describe Stalin's collectivization of the Russian economy.

The transformation of private farms into government-run units.

How is the philosophes' emphasis upon the scientific models and empirical method important?

They applied it to all aspects of human life. Reason and clear thinking, they advocated, would release humankind from existing forms of intolerance, inequality, and injustice, to produce a superior social and moral order With the banner cry "Ecrasez l'infame"(Wipe out all evils) they championed individual rights, social progress, and human perfectibility. Ambition to dispel human ignorance and transform society

How did Condorcet see reason as the means to achieve progress?

They believed that human nature could be perfected by the exercise of reason. All errors in politics and morals, he argued, were based in philosophic and scientific errors They traced the "progress" of humankind through ten stages, from ignorance and tyranny to the threshold of enlightenment and equality

How does technology dominate a media-shaped globalism?

Through the World Wide Web information is available and accessible through computers.

How did H.G. Wells, A. Huxley and Arthur Clarke envision the future?

Wells' war of the worlds: apocalyptic tale of an invasion of planet earth by martians whose intelligence far exceeds that of earthlings. Huxley's brave new world: pictures a society in which modern technology and the techniques of human engineering operate to destroy our freedom. babies are conceived in test tubes and following assembly line methods, individuals are conditioned to perform socially beneficial tasks. Family is eradicated, society is purged of art and religion, and human anxiety's are suppressed by means of mood altering drugs. Clarke: The sentinel, epic adventures that included the clash of will between an astronaut and super computer, a breath taking encounter with the wonders of outer space, and a shattering revelation of regeneration and rebirth.

How did Stravinsky and Schoenberg represent a challenge to tradition in music?

What offended the audience was Stravinsky's bold combination of throbbing rhythms and dissonant harmonies which declared war on the musical precepts of the past. While debussy rhythms are gentle and ebbing, Stravinsky's are percussive and pulsing. whereas debussys tonal shifts are subtle and nuanced, stravinsky's are abrupt and disjunctive. by 1909 Schoenberg began to develop a musical language punctuated by dissonant, unfamiliar chords, Instead of organizing tones around a home key (the tonal center), he treated all twelve notes of the chromatic scale equally to create the first atonal (without a tonal center) compositions. During the 20's he went on to formulate a landmark unifying system for atonal composition based on serial technique, his type of serialism called the twelve tone system demanded that the composer use all twelve tones of the chromatic either melodically or in chords before anyone of the other eleven notes might be repeated.

What was John Locke's idea of the tabula rasa?

according to him, the human mind at birth is a tabula rasa("blank slate") upon which experience- consisting of sensation, followed by reflection- writes the script. no innate moral principles or ideas exist; rather, human knowledge consists of the evidence of the senses Supports Bacon's writings and ideas

Summarize the ideals Marx emphasized in the Communist Manifesto.

argues that capitalism concentrates wealth in the hands of the few, providing great luxuries for some while creating an oppressed and impoverished proletariat(working class) claims the psychological effects are devastating including alienating workers from their own productive efforts and robs individuals of their basic humanity calls for revolution by which workers will seize the instruments of capitalistic production and abolish private ownership

Define what is meant by "What is real is not the external form but the essence of things" as reflected in modern sculpture?

art of radically simple, organic forms-forms so elemental that they seem to speak a universal language.

What was responsible for the revolutionary new architecture in the 19th century? What were the characteristics of this new architecture?

cast iron was the new structural medium that revolutionized new architecture providing strength without bulk, it allowed architects to span broader widths and raise structures to greater heights than could be achieved by traditional stone masonry examples include Paxton's Crystal Palace, Eiffel's Eiffel Tower Skyscrapers were America's progression of architect Skyscrapers were made possible by the advancing technology of steel as it was lighter, stronger, and more resilient than cast iron that could be used as a frame that could carry the entire weight of a structure Sullivan designed multistory buildings such as the Guaranty Building in Buffalo, whose exterior proudly reflects the structural simplicity of their steel frames

Define colonialism and the new imperialism. Why were European powers able to establish control over so much territory?

colonialism is the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically. New Imperialism was a period of colonial expansion—and its accompanying ideologies—by the European powers, the United States of America and the Empire of Japan during the late 19th and early 20th centuries the advantage of European powers in industrialization and the manufacturing of stronger military weaponry facilitated Western imperialism in less industrially developed areas and were therefore able to control more and more territory

Describe Bacon's contributions to the development of the empirical method (inductive reasoning)?

empirical method-a process of inquiry that depends on direct observation of nature and experimentation. Natural phenomena provide evidence from which one may draw general conclusions, following a process known as inductive reasoning He "Novum Organum"(New Method) was an impassioned plea for objectivity and clear thinking and is considered the strongest defense of the empirical method ever written He described 4 false notions that would block against full and accurate understanding he called for a separation of science and religion Inspired the founding in 1645 of the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge He gave priority to knowledge gained through the senses

Define de Chirico's "metaphysical" style

explored life that layed beyond the senses. metaphysical is beyond physical reality. Using sharply delineated images, contradictory perspective, unnatural colors, and illogically cast shadows. disturbing dreamlike effects similar to those found in kafkas prose.

What is ferroconcrete and cantilever? How did they influence Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture?

ferroconcrete: a cement building material reinforced with steel rods cantilever: a horizontal beam supported at one end and projecting beyond the point of support. From Japanese interiors, where walls often consist of moveable screens, he formulated the idea of interconnecting interior and exterior space, using the steel frame and the cantilever to create large areas of uninterrupted space. Wright's style featured crisp, interlocking planes, contrasting textures, and interpenetrating solids and voids-domestic architecture that was as abstract as a cubist painting.

Define the Dada and Surrealism movements.

founded 1916 in Zürich Switzerland, group of painters and poets whom thought that world war 1 was evidence the world had gone mad. They dedicated themselves to spreading the gospel of irrationality by way of art that was the product of chance, accident, and anti conventional behavior. The word was chosen randomly by inserting a pen knife into a dictionary. Defilers of tradition the movement immediately following dada was surrealism, it gave physical expression to the world of dreams and the workings of the unconscious mind. Paid homage to freud and his writings on free association and dream analysis. Creative effort inspired by freedom from rational control, moral inhibitions, and aesthetic restraints. Emphasis on the omnipotence of the dream state.

What is the Scientific Revolution?

generated new tools and experimental methods for investigating the natural world took place over a period of 150 years, from 1600 to 1750 rooted in long history of inquiry that began in ancient times and was advanced largely by Muslim scholarship Culminated in Three Movements: 1. The effort to arrive at scientific truths by means of direct observation and experimentation aka empirical methods 2. use of mathematical theory as a method of verification 3. the development of new instruments by which to measure natural phenomena, test scientific hypotheses, and predict the operations of nature

Define Expressionism.

german expressionism gave violent external form to intense internal feeling. Brought subjective intensity to depictions of the physical world.

How has art become the vehicle for seeking racial, ethnic and gender equality?


Read pages 327-329 and the discussion of Darwin, social Darwinism, eugenics and the Industrial Revolution


Summarize Nietzsche's New Morality. How did it encourage nihilism?

he called for a revision of all values. He rejected organized religion, attacking Christianity and other institutionalized religions as contributors to the formation of a "slave" morality" Equally critical of democratic institution, which he saw as rule by mass mediocrity; instead he called for a "superman" or superior individual whose singular vision and courage, in his view, produce a "master" morality Nietzsche's view that Western materialism had generated decadence and decline, and his negation of absolute moral truth, anticipated the nihilism of many twentieth-century thinkers

What is the basis of Cartesian dualism?

human body operates much like a computer, with the immaterial mind (the software) "informing" the physical components of the body (the hardware)

What is post impressionism? Use the works of Van Gogh, Gauguin, Seurat, and Cezanne to define post impressionism's characteristics.

last of the Impresssionist group shows in 1886 is considered Post-impressionism. They gave greater emphasis to expressive color and compositional structure. They concentrated on the formal language of art, over and above its capacity to capture a fleeting momentary impression Van Gogh pained landscapes, still lifes, and portraits in a style that featured flat, bright colors, a throbbing ,sinuous line, and short, choppy brushstrokes. HIs emotional response to an object, rather than its physical appearance, often determined his choice of colors, which he likened to orchestral sound. His landmark painting The Starry Night, a view of a small french town of Saint-Remy, is electrified by thickly painted strokes of white, yellow, orange, and blue Gauguin was van Gogh's colleague and friend and for a brief time, both artists worked and lived together. He tried to racast nature in its unblemished state. In his painting, Day of the God, nine-honey colored figures occupy the shores of a tropical island. Flat, bright colored shapes-blue, yellow, and pink-form rhythmic, tapestrylike patterns recalling the style of Japanese prints and Art Nouveau posters Seurat rejected the formlessness of Impressionism and introduced a novel combination of pictorial construction and unorthodox technique. Brought a degree of formal balance and order to compositions. His Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte seem plotted along an invisible grid of vertical and horizontal lines that run parallel to the picture plane. He placed tiny dots of paint side by side (and sometimes inside one another) to intensify color and give the impression of solid form. Known as pointillism, it called for a division of colors into their component parts. Cezanne served as a bridge between the art of the nineteenth century and that of the twentieth. Cezanne began his career as an Impressionist, but his landscapes, portraits, and still lifes show a greater concern for the formal elements of a painting(such as line, shape and color) than for its subject matter. His determination to invest his pictures with a strong sense of three-dimensionality(a feature often neglected by the Impressionists) led to the method of building up form by means of small, flat planes of color

What were the basic "laws" of economic behavior identified by Adam Smith?

laws of labor, production and trade He held that labor was basic to prosperity: the labor force-not land or money-was the foundation for national wealth. Observed that self-interest guided the progress of economic life and such natural forces as the law of supply and demand motivated a free market economy He believed government must play a necessary but limited role in protecting consumers from the fraudulent operations of wealthy dealers and producer

How does the author define the Enlightenment?

marks the divide between the medieval view of the world as dominated by religion and the principles of religious faith, and the modern view of the world as governed by science and human reason meaning "illumination," describes the period between 1650 and 1800 when educated westerners looked to science and reason for the betterment of humankind

What is art nouveau?

means "new art" this seductive style shared the spirit of European movements to restore the fine artisan-ship of preindustrial periods, such as the Middle Ages-an era that was thought to have achieved an ideal synthesis of the functional and the decorative in the arts the motto of Art Nouveau was "Art in nature, nature in art"

What is the new physics that emerge in the twentieth century?

modern physicists proposed that at the physical extremities of nature-in the microcosmic realm of atomic particles and in the macrocosmic world of outer space-Newton's laws did not apply. while newton had held that an object preserved the same properties whether at rest or in motion, Einstein theorized that as an object approached the speed of light, it's mass increased and it's motion slowed. Time and space, he argued, were not separate coordinates but, rather, complementary and interrelated entities. Practical and theoretical implications of new physics were immense: jet propulsion, radar technology, and computer electronics.

What did the Modernist mean by to "make it new"? How did T.S.Eliot, William Yeats and Robert Frost incorporate the ideas behind to "make it new"?

modernist writers sought a language of expression that was conceptual and abstract. a process of abstraction that arrived at intrinsic or essential form. Verbal compression, formal precision, and economy of expression were the goals of the imagists. Unconfined by traditional verse forms and fixed meter, their free verse style become famous for its abrupt and discontinuous juxtaposition of images. a life long series of poems in ezra pounds cantos. With his early poems, pound summoned his contemporaries to wast aside traditional modes of western verse-making, and to "make it new"-a dictum allegedly scrawled on the bathtub of an ancient Chinese emperor. The injunction to make it new became the rallying cry of modernism.

How did Copernicus in his On the Revolution of the Heavenly Sphere challenge traditional learning?

on the evidence of mathematical calculations, he had discarded the traditional geocentric(earth-centered) model of the universe in favor of the heliocentric (sun-centered) theory, according to which all the planets circled around the sun

Summarize the impact of postmodern fiction, docufiction, magic realism and poetry have upon the way we see the individual.

postmodern fiction- characters undergo little or no development, plot often lack logical direction, and events may be described in the detached tone of a newpaper article -Doris Lesssing created in "The Golden Notebook' a series of interwoven narrative fragments, diary entries, and the notes of a middle-aged female writer who struggles with political and personal traumas-all of which provide a complex portrait of postwar society -Pychon's dense masterpiece, Gravity's Rainbow, has influenced the emergence of cyberpunk fiction Docufiction-literary genre that gives an original(and fictionalized) narrative context to contemporary events and situations Magic Realism-style that fuses fantastic and realistic literary elements. in the landmark novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Marquez transformed the labyrinthine history of his Colombian homeland into a fictional saga filled with irony and mythic breadth Poetry-Poetry of the last 60 years is multicultural in its concerns with global issues, and Postmodern in its claim that language shapes and articulates the self. Walcott writes poetry and plas that reflect his dual Caribbean and European heritage. Heaney's translation of Beowulf breathes new life into the poem-he shares with his compatriot W.B. Yeats the gift of lyric brilliance

Describe Kepler's contributions to science?

published "New Astronomy" which set forth the laws of planetary motion and substantiated the heliocentric theory the speculation concerning the magnetic forces emitted by the sun also indicated that the planets moved not in circles but in eliptical paths argued that the magnetic force emitted by the sun determined the movements of the planets and their distances from the sun like Copernicus, he challenged the model of the universe prevailed from the time of Aristotle to the 16th century

How did the industrialism provide "the economic and military basis for the West's rise to dominion over the rest of the world"?

railroad serves an example of this rise. By 1850, 23,000 miles of railway track crisscrossed Europe, linking the sources of raw materials-such as the coal mines of northern Germany's Ruhr valley-to factories and markets. further increase of Western technology in both the economic and military with steel, aluminum, steam turbine, machine guns, etc

How does modern dance define dance as "making visible the interior landscape."?

rejected traditional ballot, focused on expressive powers of natural movement, she sought in dance a direct correspondence between inner emotion and physical gesture.

How did Kant see tradition as a hindrance to ethical conduct?

similarly to the philosophes, he believed traditional rules and formulas were shackles that prevented people from thinking for themselves the ethical conduct is based not on love, but on reason which is a condition essential to human dignity

Define how the text defines the difference between socialism and capitalism.

socialism attacked capitalism as a system that encouraged inequality and the exploitation of labor socialists called for the common ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution in the interest of the public good society, according to the capitalists, should operate entirely in the interest of the people

What were the characteristics of the new realism as seen in photography, French and American art?

the main premise was the focus on everyday life and making things as realistic as possible Unlike Romantics and Neoclassicists, realists in art put no emphasis on particular figures and instead kept it as realistic to the time and place as possible The eyewitness photographs of the American Civil War produced by Mathew B. Brady and his staff testify to the importance of the documentary photographer as a chronicler of human life Gustave Courbet's most daring record of ordinary life was his landmark "Burial at Ornans" showing no significance in the religious figures represented Jean-Francois Millet-depictions of hard-working farm laborers earned him the title "the peasant painter."Created the "Gleaners" which become very popular and eventually mass reproduced Honore Daumier left the world a detailed record of the social life of his time using lithography-a printmaking process created by drawing on a stone plate. It was a popular mean of providing illustrations for newspapers, magazines, and books.

What is natural law? Natural rights? How do these ideas encourage the belief in reason?

unwritten and divinely sanctioned law held that there are certain principles of right and wrong that all human beings, by way of reason, can discover and apply in the course of creating a just society includes the right to life, liberty, property, and just treating by the ruling court It was argued that a true understanding of the human condition was the first step toward the gradual betterment of human life

Describe the changes influencing the new Contemporary Architecture.

"Less is more" morphs into "less is a bore". Robert Venturi's "Complexity and Contradiction". Frank Gehry's Disney Concert Hall. Tilted, columns, different materials, irregular shapes.

What were the ideas of the Bauhaus school? Define the International Style of architecture. What is meant by "form follows function"?

(house for building) founded by german architect walter gropius. The Bauhaus pioneered an instructional program that fused machine age technology with the principles of functional design. It advocated a close relationship between form and function, whether in architecture, furniture design, typography, or industrial products. They promoted new synthetic materials, starkly simple designs, and the standardization of parts for the production of affordable, mass produced merchandise and large scale housing. The international style of architecture combined with formal precision and geometric austerity, the materials of ferroconcrete, structural steel, and sheet glass.

What is meant by the "global village"?

A world community created by a shrinking distance between inhabitants through electronic modes of communication

Describe Lenin's proposed social order. How did his program lead to the first totalitarian regime?

Between 1917 and 1921, by means of shrewd political manipulation and a reign of terror conducted by the red army and the secret police, lenin installed the left wing fraction of the marxist socialists-the bolsheviks-as the party that would govern a nation of more than 150 million people. He agreed with "the dictatorship of the proletariat while condemning the state as "the organ of class domination," he projected a transition to a classless society in his influential pamphlet, "the state and revolution." Russia was renamed to the union of soviet socialist republics in 1922 and in 1924, the constitution established a sovereign congress of soviets. But this body was actually governed by the leadership of the communist party, which maintained absolute authority until the collapse of the soviet union in 1991. The communist party established the first totalitarian regime of the 20th century.

What was the Harlem Renaissance?

Between 1920 and 1940, Harlem, home to many African Americans, became the location of an outpouring of creative expression in all the arts. The harlem Renaissance made the self conscious rebirth of the african heritage a principal part of an intellectual and cultural quest for racial identity and equality. Black poets, painters, musicians, and dancers celebrated the unique features of their race and opened a dialogue between the two americas: white and black.

Define Abstract Expressionism.

Born in NYC, it ushered in the so-called "heroic age of American painting". A radical new paint style.

Summarize the string theory and chaos theory.

Describes a multidimensional universe in which loops of strings and oscillating globules of matter unite all of creation into vibrational patterns. The universal patterns underlie all nature and repeat themselves in physical phenomena ranging from the formation of a snowflake to the rhythms of the human heart.

Summarize the impact of the New Realism, Total Art, Video Art and Contemporary Photography upon the traditional definitions of art

Differs from previous styles of art because of its disavowed of narrative content and its indifference to moral, social, and political issues.

Trace the course of World War II in both the European theatre and in Asia

Following german humiliation, a group of extreme nationalists led by Adolf Hitler took control of german politics. Hitler invades Poland, France and Britain declare war on Germany, In 1941 Germany invade Russia. Japan militarized and allied with Germany, Pearl Harbor happened and the US tossed its hat into the world war ring. Four years of devastating conflict ensued. Japan bombing ushered in the atomic age. 20th century was bloodiest in all of history.

Define Futurism, Fauvism and Nonobjective art.

Futurism: technology and art, linked by the modernist mandate to "make it new". the futurists glorified the technology that had altered modern life. Fauvism: while cubists and futurists were primarily concerned with matters of space and motion, other modernists led by matisse made color the principle feature of their canvases. this group employed flat, bright colors in an arbitrary manner reminiscent of van gogh and gaugin. but whereas the latter had used color to invoke a mood or idea, the fauves were concerned with color as it served pectoral structure. crude and savage application of paint, spontaneous and instinctive use of pigment. Non objective art: purging canvas of all recognizable subject matter, motivated by the spiritual goal of creating art that remedied the soullessness of modern life.

Define Sartre's idea that being exists prior to and independent of essence. What did he mean by choice, personal responsibility and bad faith?

He argued that there was no preexisting blueprint for human beings, no essence to which we inevitably must conform. We can't blame our actions on pre determined events flying away from responsibility

How did Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence focus upon the social contract, natural law and justification for revolution?

He saw the social contract between ruler and ruled as fulfilling natural law and if the natural law is threatened by any form of government, then it is the duty of the people to remove it or abolish it through a revolution in order to create a new government and lay down these new foundations

How do Thomas Hobbes (Leviathan) and Locke (Of Civil Government) differ on the nature of human beings and the role of government?

He views the nature of human beings as selfish, greedy, warlike, and there envisioned a convenant among individuals who willingly surrendered a portion of their freedom to a governing authority as he thought a strong state is society's only hope for peace and security. His position was quite different. He saw human beings as unformed by nature, equal in potential, and capable(through reason) of defining the common good and therefore power must remain with the people, not a ruler. Wrote that individuals might attain maximum development only in a society free from the restrictions imposed by absolute rulers.

Summarize the changes occurring in the contemporary cinema.

High- definition (HD) gives visual images greater intimacy. YouTube. Computer-generated imagining (CGI)

Define what Rousseau meant by the social contract?

His distrust of institutional authority and his wish to safeguard individual liberty dominated the content of "The Social Contract" He defined the state as nothing more than the general will of its citizens. The general will alone can direct the State according to the object for which it was instituted, that is , the common good. Whoever refuses to be the general will should be constrained to do so by the whole of society; that is, citizens should be forced to be free For Him, the social contract gave the body politic absolute power over all its members

Define the characteristics of Impressionism using the works of Renoir, Degas,Cassatt, and Toulouse-Lautrec. Pay particular attention to Monet's work.

Impressionism-new art of light and color Monet's Impression: Sunrise is considered the first modern painting by many. It says more about how one sees than about what one sees. Transcribes the fleeting effects of light and the changing atmosphere of water and air into a tissue of small dots and streaks of color-the elements of pure perception Monet's canvases capture the instantaneous visual sensations of light itself Impressionism brought painterly spontaneity to a celebration of the leisure activities and diversions of urban life. Renoir was the primary Impressionist to bring this to life in his paintings Degas remained unique as he never sacrificed line and form to the beguiling qualities of color and light. He concentrated his attention on the fleeting moment Cassatt, like Degas, painted mostly indoor scenes, cultivating a style that captured the momentary effects of light, but also integrated large areas of brilliant color and unusual perspectives Toulouse-Lautrec was not a fan of Cassatt's charm and gentility in her canvases. He shunned high society for the pleasures of dance halls and brothels, where he depicted subjects so intimate that members of his own family condemned his work as unacceptable to "well-bred people". Integrated the calligraphic rhythms of Art Nouveau and the boldly colored, flat shapes of Japanese prints, that made him a pioneer in the art of modern poster design

What is meant by "Postmodernism"?

It describes the reaction to or against Modernism, but by the late 1960s it had become the cultural condition of the late twentieth century. It occurred principally in the West.

What did Picasso mean by the credo all art must be subversive? Define cubism.

It must defy all that is conventional, literal, and trite. Cubism came to challenge the principles of renaissance painting. In the cubist canvas, the comfortable recognizable world of the senses disappears beneath a scaffold of semitransparent planes and short, angular lines; ordinary objects are made to look as if they have exploded and been reassembled in bits and pieces. Its new formal language was fully unconcerned by narrative content.

How did photography and film influence the art of Eisenstein, Riefenstahl and Bunuel and capture the events of post World War I era?

It provided a permanent historical record.

Trace the course of the French Revolution.

It was mainly the product of two major problems: class inequality and a serious financial crisis brought about by some 500 years of wars and royal extravagance Lower and middle classes aka third estate, paid the taxes which was most of their income. The First Estate(clergy) and Second Estate(nobility) consisted of about 200,000 and didn't have to pay taxes. Third Estate withdrew and formed a separate body claiming the right to approve or veto all taxation leading to the beginning of the revolution. Third Estate called itself the National Assembly destroyed feudalism and made provisions for a limited monarchy and an elected legislative assembly. Eventually led to a more radical phase of the Revolution, called the Reign of Terror and eventually sent the King and Queen and many other individuals(some 40000) to the guillotine Ultimately, National Convention devised a system of government run by two legislative chambers and a five man executive body of directors, one of which who would turn France into a military dictatorship 5 years later

Describe Galileo's contributions to science

Keplar's Italian contemporary,he further advanced Kepler's model of the universe his inquiries into motion and gravity resulted in his formulation of the law of falling bodies, which proclaims that the earth's gravity attracts all object- regardless of shape size or density- at the same rate of acceleration he perfected a telescope that allowed him to see the craters of the moon, the rings of Saturn, and the moons of Jupiter the telescope turned the heliocentric theory into fact he was eventually put into house arrest to live the rest of his life for his opposition from the Church

What role did the new weapons technology play in World War I?

Made the war more impersonal and more devastating than any previously fought war. Combatants made use of machine guns, heavy artillery, hand grenades, poison gas, flame throwers, armored tanks, submarines, airships and airplanes. The machine gun alone caused almost 80% of the casualties. out of seventy million armed men, more than eight million of them died

Why were Manet's paintings labeled scandalous?

Manet's use of female nudity in a contemporary setting-one that eliminated the barrier between fantasy and ordinary life-was considered indecent at the time Manet's paintings included Dejeuner sur l'herbe(Luncheon on the Grass) which depicted a nude woman calmly enjoy a picnic lunch with two fully clothed men as well as Olympia depicting the replacement of his favorite model in a reclining Venus with that of an ordinary courtesan or high class prostitute

How did existentialism express the alienation of the postwar era?

Many thought the world was governed by a benevolent God from a condition of anxious estrangement

Summarize the impact of the human genome project. How has the information technology altered the way we live our lives?

Molecular biologists were able to ascertain the order of nearly 3 billion units of DNA, thereby locating genes and determining their functions in the human cellular system. Revolutionize the practice of medicine, I'm both reverting and repairing.

Trace the evolution of jazz as a performance art.

Most important new musical genre of the 20th century. synthesis of diverse musical elements that came together in the first two decades of the twentieth century. Jazz combines afro-carribean improvisational styles with a wide range of european and African concepts of rhythm, harmony, melody, and tone color. In it's evolution it drew upon a vocal style called blues, a piano style known as ragtime, and the musical traditions of the marching brass band and the minstrel stage. beginnings of jazz found in new orleans and Louisiana following ww2 jazz took on some of the complex and sophisticated characteristics of "art music" duke ellington paved way for concert hall jazz. 40's and 50's engaged improvisational talents of individual performers, new forms included bebop, cool jazz,

Why is Modernism considered revolutionary?

No age has broken with tradition more radically and more self consciously than the 20th century. Modernists willfully rejected conventional values in favor of experimentation, innovation, and-at the most extreme-anarchy and nihilism (the view that all values are baseless). Neoclassicism, romanticism, and realism gave way to the complexities of cubism, expressionism, surrealism, and non objective (non representational) art. Abstraction-the reduction of recognizable form to it's essence-became a hallmark of modernism

Why were Freud's theories of personality or psychoanalysis revolutionary? What were his ideas?

Pioneering tools of dream analysis and free association, he founded psychoanalysis, a therapeutic method by which repressed desires are brought to the conscious level to reveal the sources of emotional disturbance. Id and sex drive govern human behavior. his theories opened the door to the treatment of previously misunderstood mental illnesses, he altered popular attitudes toward human sexuality.

What is Pop Art? Assemblage? Minimalism?

Pop art: The quintessential style of the Information Age in that it embraced the imagery of consumer products, celebrities, and everyday events, as meditated by TV, film, and magazines. It presented commonplace goods and popular personalities in an overtly realistic style. Ex: Andy Warhol's Campbell soup can Assemblage: Art that freely combines two- and three-dimensional elements as a history that reaches back to the early twentieth century. Minimalsim: Paintings and sculptures that eliminated representation in favor of simple, geometric shapes. Ex: The Vietnamese memorial in DC

How is the Enlightenment "a turning point in Western history"?

Rooted in the Scientific Revolution, it provided the foundations for modern science and for a variety of disciplines that applied reason to social, economic, and political life

Why was the Encyclopedia popular?

Summed up the basic ideals of the Enlightenment and many of the philosophes contributed to the Encyclopedia Also known as "The Analytical Dictionary of the Sciences, Arts and Crafts" and created by Denis Diderot, it was the largest compendium of contemporary social, philosophic, artistic, scientific, and technological knowledge ever produced in the West. Also a response to rising literacy and to the widespread public interest in the facts of everyday life

What is the fate of the existential hero (antihero)?

Takes up a quest for meaning: alienated by nature and circumstance, he makes choices in a world lacking moral absolutes, a world in which o act might be called "good" unless it is chosen in conscious preference to its alternatives. Neither noble not sure of purpose.

What is meant by the future as "a media shaped world culture."?

The Internet and communication through have shaped so much if current day that it has become to guide to our modern culture.

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