Humanities I: chapter 9 - Book Questions

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While it may be purely decorative, this image is also interpreted as depicting:

A view of Paradise

A framing tale is:

An overarching story that unites a collection shorter tales

The women's garment required in some Muslim cultures that covers the entire body except for a mesh opening in front of the eyes called a:


Which statement is true regarding Umayyad Spain?:

Christians and Jews had religious freedom but were required to pay higher taxes than Muslims

The Abbasid caliph Abd ar-Rahman escapes the massacre in Syria, went to Spain, and built a magnificent mosque in:


This object illustrates the flourishing decorative arts associated with the splendor of:


In Mali, a professional poet who tells traditional stories from memory, usually accompanied by music, is called a:


The oud developed from Islamic culture into the modern:


Which Islamic literary work illustrates the concept of the romantic epic?:

Haft Paykar ("Seven Beauties")

Which statement is true about traditional Muslim views on slavery?:

It is forbidden for Muslims to enslave other Muslims

holy war and self-control over human appetites are both forms of:


A teaching college attached to a mosque is called:


Shiites are Muslims who:

believe that only descendants of Ali should rule

Unlike Jewish or Christian religions, Islam:

did not draw a distinction between clergy and laity

The Islamic daily worship service:

includes chanted verses from the Qur'an

after the eighth century the number of books proliferated in the Muslim world when:

paper making was introduced by China

The word Islam means:

submission or surrender

The textbook equates the "essential melody of nature" to which feature of the Alhambra?:

the abundant water features throughout the complex

Which portions of this object were transformed in meaning from its culture of origin to that of its captors?:

the combined eagle and lion features

Which of the following roles was accorded the highest stature in Islamic culture?:

transcriber of the Qur'an

In Islamic culture, those who possess "correct knowledge" are known as:


The statement, "There is no God but Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of Allah" fulfills which "pillar" of Islamic faith?:


In this representation , which statement is true regarding the status of women in Muslim culture?:

Women were bound to obey judgments under the patriarchal structure of shari'a, but could also bear witness on behalf of themselves or other women

The most remarkable feature of the surviving mosque at Samarra is the spiral tower which, due to its shape and placement, is thought to have functioned as a:

Minaret, theorized to be architecturally inspired by the ziggurats of ancient Mesopotamia

The term meaning "the place of prostration" is;


What is the Hajj?:

Pilgrimage to Mecca

Islam considers Jesus Christ to have been:

Prophet of God

Islamic art is generally free of:

Representations of living beings

Until 1492, Muslims maintained a prominent presence in:


The activity depicted in this image illustrates:

Sufi belief in a mean for achieving direct contact with God

Which feature of this image might be compared to Byzantine practice?:

The "iconoclastic" erasure of each figure's head

What is the underlying subject of these lines from Judah Halevi's "My Heart Is in the East"? "My heart is in the East, and I live at the edge of the West. I eat. I taste nothing. How can I enjoy it?":

The Diaspora

When the Qur'an is translated from the Aribic, it is no longer considered to be the Qur'an, because:

The Qur'an is considered to be the word of God and, as such, cannot be translated

The western orchestra had its origins in:

The conservatory at Córdoba

The main singer heard in this segment to whom other voice respond represents:

The griot

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