HUMS 213 Assessment Exam Practice Questions

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A "contractual" institution where a free man of lower rank pledged an oath to a lord in return for a fief

Charlemagne was

A Frankish king

Who was St. Benedict?

A founder of a monastic order and the author of a book about monastic life

The term missi dominici was

A group of inspectors who kept an eye on the nobles


A soldier who pledges honor and loyalty to a feudal lord

Who was Akhenaten?

An Egyptian pharaoh who believed that his people should worship one god

Mercantilism objectives are

An increase in gold and silver in the national treasury and obtaining self sufficiency

All of the following were global consequences of the agricultural revolution that characterized Neolithic cultures except

An increase in trade among people from different geographical regions A decrease in conflicts between herders and farmers throughout the world An increase in the worlds population

What culture used a multi level structure known as a Ziggurat for religious purposes?

Ancient Mesopotamia

Where did Islam originate?


The death and resurrection of Jesus is a central concept of


What does the Koran teach regarding Christians and Jews?

Christians and Jews are misguided but respected and tolerated

What topics would be included on a Chinese civil service exam?

Confucius, literature and writing Business management, math and literature Math, Confucius and writing Government, math and science

What were the reasons for the rapid and/or permanent expansion of Islam?

Constant war between the Byzantine and Persian empires, the promise of loot and slaves and appointing capable governors to rule conquered territories

Which crop was the centerpiece of the Americas agricultural revolution?

Corn or maize

The Phoenicians were known for

Creating a large trading empire throughout the Mediterranean Sea, being one of the first sailing nations to use the stars as navigational tools and mastering the use of open sea sailing

What were the reasons for the destruction of Charlemagne's empire?

Division of the empire among many heirs, the continuous invasions of Vikings and Hungarians and the presence of local lords who commanded more respect and power than distant kings

Up until the 19th century what factors usually determined whom and when a person married?




One of the most fundamental tenets of Protestantism is the salvation comes from indulgences and good works


What were chinampas?

Floating gardens used by the Aztecs to grow food



Allah means what in Arabic


What was the number one export and source of much of the kingdom of Ghanas wealth?


What was a major message in Virgils The Aeneid?

Hard work, bravery and ingenuity are the reason for Romes succes

The Hebrews, Christians and Muslims

Have a common founder, Abraham Rely on a common sacred text Vary little as to doctrine and rituals None of the above

The work of Vesalius raised a storm of opposition during the Renaissance primarily because

He attacked the highly regarded medical scholarship of Galen and also because he dissected cadavers

What is a characteristic of a tyrant?

He was a patron of arts and festivals, he often initiated a system of public works projects and he came to do to an issue that he ad with the government

Al-Razi and Avicenna were known for their work in

Human medicine

What were the major differences between Bushido, code of Samurai in medieval Japan and the code of Chivalry in medieval Europe?

In Bushido, the samurai warrior was forced to commit suicide rather than be disgraced in battle

What were the results of the Crusades?

Increased intellectual contact between Muslims and Christians, increased wealth for many italian cities and weakening of power of the Byzantine Empire

What is the ulama?

Intellects who were trusted with creating a common Arab language and interpreting Islamic laws

The revelation of Allah in the Koran is central to


What was false about the council of Trent

It reaffirmed the importance of good works and indulgences

What was the city of Timbuktu known for?

It's school and universities

The holy city of Islam is





Military campaigns called by the Pope to deliver the Holy Land from the Turks

According to the Quran, women

Must be modest in their dress

Merchant Guilds

Organized by Italian merchants to protect trade with the east



In his political/social utopia The Republic, Plato argues that the best rulers are


Which Greek philosopher believed that "democracy" encouraged people to seek things that were beyond their skills and abilities


In Egypt, the climate reinforced a world view that assumed the world to be

Predictable and secure Unpredictable and chaotic Unpredictable and secure Predictable and chaotic

In Egypt, the brief success and ultimate failure of Pharaoh Akhenaton to change Egyptian society reflected his failure to bind the loyalty of which crucial group?

Priests Warriors Officials The Rich

What was Gutenberg known for

Printed the bible with a move-able type

European expansion during the early modern period was driven by


The origins of writing systems in the ancient river valley civilizations appears to have been rooted in

Religion and economics Warfare Politics Speculation about the heavens

One common element in the four earliest civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China)

Rivers and irrigation

Which part of the code of chivalry did most knights live by?

Rules governing warfare

What is true about life on the manors?

Serfs had to pay taxes in the return for the right to cut wood or graze sheep on the lords land

"A monster who had the heart of a tiger and a wolf. He killed men as though he could never finish and punished them as though he were afraid he'd never get around to them all" was a quote that describes which ruler?

Shi Huang Ti

What things are in common with all the cultures of Meso-America (region between Mexico and northern Central America)

Solar calenders, writing and pyramids

What was true about the Crusades?

Some crusaders were inspired by promises of forgiveness for mortal sins if they died in battle, the crusades stimulated Western trade and cultural interaction with the East and the Crusades failed to maintain permanent Christian control of the Holy Land

A fief can best be described as

Something of value granted by a lord to his vassal

What tools were used to maintain unity in the Persian Empire?

System of maintained roads, presence of many capital cities and the use of inspectors who reported to the king about the activities of the satraps

In China, the philosophical assumption that man by nature is a rebel who must be brought to harmony by force is central to

Taoism Confucius

Ignacio's of Loyola is famous for the founding of which catholic order

The Jesuit order

What were the reasons for the split between the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox church?

The Orthodox church put more stress on the authority of the Byzantine Empire and the Patriarch in order to define Christian doctrine, the iconoclastic controversy and issues about customs like the language of the liturgy and baptism

Herodotus is known for his writings on

The Persian War

In the 5th and 6th centuries, the Christian church quickly became bureaucratic and hierarchical. What was the model for this form of organization?

The Roman Empire

Two of the major branches of Islam are

The Sunnis and the Shi'ites

What text provides an understanding of Zoroastrianism?

The Zend Avesta

When the Egyptians spoke of the "Black Lands" what did they refer to?

The area along the Nile River that was used for agriculture

What is associated with the Carlingian Renaissance?

The building of churches and chapels in Western Europe, the copying and illustration of religious manuscripts and the establishment of schools for the training of bureaucrats

What were the reasons for the formation of Greek colonies around the Black and Mediterranean Seas?

The desire to create new markets for locally produced goods, the need to relieve the pressures of a growing population at home and the opportunity for some to become rich and wealthy


The ideal quality or qualifications of a knight

Which of the following is not a characteristic of Neolithic religions

The personification of natural phenomena and inanimate objects A variety of warrior gods who symbolize courage and strength humans need to protect their families and communities from evil

During the peace of Augsburg in 1555 the phrase cuis regio, Riis religio" referred to

The practice of allowing a ruler to determine the official religion of his or her land

Samsara is

The term given to the cycle of rebirths into the world of suffering

The final collapse of the Roman Republic and its replacement by imperial rulers resulted from the failure to control which group

The wealthy The poor Successful provincial commanders The priesthood

Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Islam all hold that

The world will eventually come to an end and humans will be judged

What do the Hebrew bible, the Hindu Vedas and the Islamic Quran have in common?

Their contents are considered to be divinely revealed

What was true about the Hyksos?

They showed the Egyptians that the Red Lands were not a mighty barrier that would protect them

What was a characteristic of the Cynics?

They spoke out against worldly pleasure and wealth, they believed acts of nature were not indecent and could be done in public and they ridiculed all religious beliefs

What was the role of the ulama in Islamic society?

To govern the people

The anabaptists rejected the concept of uniformed infant baptism & believed in the baptism of adults or when was in a position to understand


The motion of predestination is an important part of Calvinist theology


When Hammurabi issued his law code he was trying to

Unify Mesopotamian civilization

In terms of science and learning, Muslim civilization during the Middle Ages can best be described as

Vastly inferior Inferior in most areas, but superior in others Equally advanced Greatly superior

Prestor John

Was a myuthical Christian prince, was thought to have lived in Africa and stimulated Portuguese exploration of Africa

What was maat?

What Egyptian Gods and the pharaoh used to promote harmony

Facial expressions and emotions were an important feature in Hellenic sculpture TF


Herodotus and Thucydides were well known for their work in geometry TF


In Islamic society, husbands controlled their wives dowries TF


One achieved arete or the excellence associated with being a hero by mastering the values found in Hesoids Works and Days and Theogony TF


The Mesopotamians viewed their afterlife as a paradise that was free of torment and suffering TF


The Zend Avesta was a series of prayers used by the Mesopotamians to ensure good fortune TF


The Minoan civilization centered around

the island of Crete

A fief can be described as something of value granted by a lord to his vassal TF


Axum or Ethiopia was a center of Christian worship TF


Giving to a type of charity is considered one of the Five Pillars of Faith TF


Hammurabi tried promoting unity through the creation of a harsh code of law TF


In Aztec society, advancement up the "social ladder" was often based on how many prisoners of war one could provide for the various sacrifices TF


Jews and Christians were allowed to practice their religious beliefs in return for paying a head tax, accepting Islamic political authority and agreeing not to interfere with Islamic practices TF


Muhammad regarded Abraham and Jesus as influential and wise prophets TF


One characteristic of Greek polytheism was the absence of sacred texts that defined peoples beliefs TF


Salt was an important commodity that traveled along the Trans-Sahara trade routes TF


The Assyrians used the tribute system as a means to make subjects too poor to revolt TF


The Popul Vuh was a text about the history and religious beliefs of the Maya TF


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