HWST 107 Final

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According to the state audit, how has Mauna Kea been grossly mismanaged?

$600 million for construction of 13 telescopes UH receives a one-time infrastructure contribution based on telescope size. UH "shall not damage, remove, excavate, disfigure, deface, or destroy any object of antiquity...or monument of historic value"

What is the P.K.O. and what role does it play with regard to Kahoʻolawe?

(Protect Kahoʻolawe Ohana) = Grass Roots Movement Filed suit in the US federal court in order to stop the navyʻs use of Kahoʻolawe for bombardment training Fought against military occupation of the island being used as a test-bombing site

What is the footprint or size of the proposed TMT project?

18 stories high (equal to that of a 50,000 seat stadium)

Why is Mauna Kea so valuable to U.H.?

1967 - U.H. Institute for Astronomy 1968- Mauna Kea Science Reserve -UH given 65 year lease on 13K acres for $1/year -Mauna Kea and UH Institute for Astronomy are dependable to one another.\

How much ʻāina is under military stewardship?

236, 303 acres

On average, how many tourists relative to Native Hawaiians does Hawaiʻi have on an annual basis?

31 to 1.

What is the basis for their position?

According to OHA trustee, Dan Ahuna, "The state and U.H. have failed to properly mālama Mauna Kea and have demonstrated their inability to ensure that the environmental and cultural significance of the mountain is recognized and protected."

Why has Hawaiʻi been considered one of the meanest states with regard to homeless people?

Act 50 - criminalizes homelessness, banned from public areas where previously given citation, illegal occupation of public property = subject to ejection, if they return they face: arrest, possible $1,000 fine, 30 days in prison (police sweeps of beaches and parks, the removal of benches where the homeless slept in Waikiki and downtown Honolulu, and the installation of razor wire under viaducts.)

Why do TMT proponents support this project?

Advance scientific knowledge, technology and discovery Provide jobs and stimulate economy Support STEM and cultural education

Why do critics claim that DERP reports fall short of their intended purpose?

Annual report doesnʻt include FUDS or U.S. installation on foreign soil

What is the current status of the TMT project?

Approved permit to continue construction/building of TMT

How much has Hawaiʻiʻs population increased since statehood?

At statehood, Hawaiʻi residents outnumbered tourists 2 to 1

What are "jellyfish babies"?

Babies that are born with no bones in their bodies and have transparent skin, Can see the insides of body and these

Why do some believe that the Insular Cases need to be repealed?

Because they lack constitutional rights Ex. rights to vote

Bravo Shot: The first test of Operation Castle, series of thermonuclear tests.

Bravo Shot:

Who signed this law into effect?

Congress and President Bill Clinton

Why. is Hawaiʻi considered the most militarized state in the union?

Controls 57% of total land in Hawaiʻi (236,303 acres) Controls 22.4% (85,718 acres) of Oʻahu island In the year of 2000, the state of Hawaiʻi had the largest percentage of its population in the military

What types of things have been dumped into our surrounding ocean?

Conventional explosives old aircraft old ships old vehicles ammunition more than 8,000 tons of chemical weapons

Define the term Corporate Tourism: Corporations focus on profit. The corporate tourism views Hawai'i as money and everything about Hawai'i is for sale.

Corporations focus on profit. The corporate tourism views Hawai'i as money and everything about Hawai'i is for sale.

What is that "image" of Hawaiʻi the tourism industry fabricates and sells?

Cultural misrepresentation

Explain the metaphor used by Dr. Trask to describe Hawaiʻiʻs tourism industry.

Culture is "exploited" to sell Hawai'i; to make a profit just like how a prostitute is exploited to make a profit for her pimp

Why do some criticize the treatment of U.S. citizens in these island territories?

Current relationships between U.S. and its Pacific territories are based on outdated racists views

How many telescopes are currently located on the summit?

Currently 13 functioning telescopes located upon Mauna Kea

Identify the: Declaration Regarding Non-Self-Governing Territories

Declaration Regarding Non-Self-Governing Territories: Members of the UN have the responsibilities for the administration of territories whose people have not yet attained a full measure of self government recognize the principle that the interests of the inhabitants of these territories are paramount, and accept as sacred trust

What is the difference between Decolonization & Deoccupation?

Decolonization: undoing colonialism Deoccupation: Removal of occupying force

Why do TMT activists oppose this project?

Desecration of a sacred space Destruction of fragile ecosystem Gross mismanagement of astronomy district

○ What are some of the treaty's flaws as outlined in the reading "Niuklia Fri Pasifik"?

Does not address uranium mining in Australia Fails to limit movement of nuclear vessels within the zone Fails to limit transportation of nuclear weapons within the zone Does not ban testing of ballistic missiles that carry nuclear warheads Doe not ban nuclear facilities or network within the pacific Does not cover Micronesia

From the video Sand Island Story, how did rapid population growth and urban development displace many Native Hawaiians & locals during the 1970s?

Due to rapid population growth and urbanization, this led to a higher cost of living within Hawaii. This higher cost of living would displace many Native Hawaiians and locals during the 70s. This led to them moving to Sand Island to build homes



How does the vicious cycle of cultural misrepresentation at the hands of the tourism industry work?

Fabricated and marketed that image Visitors expects to experience that image Industry makes that image to reality

What do recent numbers released by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development reveal about Hawaiʻiʻs high cost of living?

Family of 4 on Oahu: $83,700/yr. = low income - $52,300/yr. = very low income Single person on Oʻahu: $58,600/yr. = low income - $35,200/yr. = very to extremely low income Family of 7 on Oahu: $103,800/yr. = low income The cost of living in Hawaii is extremely expensive

What action(s) has the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) decided to take with regard to the TMT?

Filed a lawsuit against the state and U.H. -Order the state to fulfil its trust obligations relation to Mauna Kea and -Terminate UH's general lease for the mountain for breach of the lease terms

How was Hawaiʻiʻs sovereignty established historically?

Hawai'i's sovereignty was established and internationally on Nov. 28, 1843 sovereignty reaffirmed through numerous international treaties

Why do people see the TMT as a major violation of ceded lands and state conservation lands?

Hawaii was illegally annexed

Why did the statehood vote not legitimize Hawaiʻiʻs status as an American state?

Hawaii was not being acquired as a state but a territory. It was not a valid act of self-determination and ballot contained no other option besides statehood.

According to Dr. Trask, what was the catalyst for the modern Hawaiian sovereignty movement?

Hawaiians did not support the annexation and overthrow...

Why did the U.S. hastily push a vote for statehood through in June and August of 1959?

Hawaiʻi eligible for decolonization under territory status U.S. passed statehood in order to remove Hawaiʻi from the list of Non-Self- Governing Territories

How do U.S. military interests influence the acquisition of Pacific territories during the early 20th century period of empire building?

Hawaiʻi example Forceful annexation of a friendly nation solely for the purpose of U.S. economic expansion The U.S. wants to benefit from the strategic military position of pacific territories.

Why is Mauna Kea spiritually and culturally significant?

Home to many Gods: Poliahu, Waiau, Kalau Akolea, Kukui'ula -Ancient Burial ground

How does a high cost of living, competition for limited housing, and low wages add to Hawaiʻiʻs homeless crisis?

Homeless population increased - since cost of living became unaffordable for many, as a result individuals/families were evicted from homes being forced into homelessness.

Identify: Insular Cases

Insular = Island territories under War Departmentʻs Bureau of Insular Affairs a series of opinions by the US supreme court in 1901 about the status of US territories acquired in the Spanish American war. the United States had to answer the question of whether or not people in newly acquired territories were citizens and what constitutional rights should or should not be applied to them, a question the country had never faced before.

How would the TMT be unique compared to other telescopes around the world?

It is one of the largest telescope in the world.

Why were the residents of Kalama Valley even more frustrated with the eviction process (hint: whose responsibility was it to help them out)?

Kalama valley was part of Bishop Estate which is owned by Kamehameha Schools/ Bishop Estate claimed it was only responsible for the schools and not Kalama Valley

Despite U.S. efforts to annex Hawaiʻi, why does its claim to sovereignty still exist?

Kingdom never relinquished its sovereignty, thus it still exist ?

Why is this controversial for the Native Hawaiian community?

Lands taken without consultation of Native Hawaiians

What makes it different from other fuel storage facilities?

Largest fuel storage in the world?

How does the large military presence affect housing in the islands especially on Oʻahu?

Locals must compete with military personnel for limited housing

Why would Hawaiians be more susceptible to homelessness over other ethnic groups in Hawaiʻi?

Mahele Low education High rate of substance abuse Cost of living is high Tourism & Military development

What does the name Mauna Kea mean?

Mountain of Wakea (sacred piko o Wakea)

What is the Akaka Bill and what did it attempt to establish?

Native Hawaiian Reorganization Act Provide a process of reorganization Native Hawaiian governing entity

How were Native Micronesians depicted in U.S. propaganda films?

Native Micronesians were depicted as savages in the U.S propaganda films.

What is the main reason for homelessness in Hawaiʻi?

No housing and low paying jobs. High rent/expensive housing.

Why do some experts liken Hawaiʻiʻs economy to that of a 3rd world country?

No more than 50% of tourism generated revenue reaches Hawaii's internal economy 10$ billion annually The rest leaks out of state to foreign investors

What is OHA and what role does it play in the Hawaiian Sovereignty issue?

Office of Hawaiian Affairs Semi-autonomous department of the state State (ceded) lands held in trust for The support of public education The betterment of the conditions of native Hawaiians The development of farm and home ownership The making of public improvements The provision of lands for public use Manages money from "ceded" lands for Hawaiian community Explore self-government initiatives

Why are the numbers surrounding Hawaiʻiʻs statehood vote misleading?

Only half of the people voted and many abstained from the question Not all Hawaii's could vote only US citizens

What is the difference between Operation Crossroads and Operation Castle?

Operation Crossroads: Series of nuclear test upon Bikini, Marshall Islands during 1946 Operation Castle: Series of Hydrogen Bomb tests 1000s of times more powerful than the atomic bomb

List 2 statistics regarding PACOM in Hawaiʻi

PACOM encompasses 43 countries, 20 territories and possessions, and 10 US territories

Why is tourism identified as the major source of population growth in Hawaiʻi?

Population has increasingly grown since 1960 Tourists outnumber residents 7 to 1

According to government projections, how much will Oʻahuʻs population increase over the next 15 years?

Population will increase from ~876,000 (in 2000) to ~1,117,000 in 2030

How were the Marshallese people affected by the nuclear testing in and around their islands?

Radioactive fallout and children developing thyroid tumors

How did Honoluluʻs rapid tourism induced population boom negatively impact Oʻahu and its inhabitants?

Rapid tourism led to the increase cost of living within Oʻahu

Why is the Halawa Fuel Storage Facility of particular concern to the local community?

Sits above the aquifer that supplies to 25% of Honolulu's water

Why is it difficult for local non-military residents to compete with military personnel for off-base housing?

Soldiers can afford higher rent Landlords increase rental rates due to BAH Some landlords only rent to military

Why is corporate tourism not as beneficial for the people of Hawaiʻi as some would think?

Some of the companies like hilton hotel etc the money goes back to the headquarters in the mainland

What are the 4 main sovereignty models?

State-within-State Pros: Precedent set by various tribes; Only requires State of Hawaiʻi approval; Comparable to a country; Limited powers over membership, ordinances (taxes, land use & zoning, limited police, etc.) Cons: Provides the least governing authority; Seen as cumbersome, subject to county-state federal laws; Limited control over ʻāina Nation-within-Nation Pros: Precedent - 400 nations recognized w/in U.S.; Protected under U.S.; Establish direct Hwn relationship with federal gov.; Greater powers over taxes, inheritance, domestic laws, police, and management of ʻāina Cons: Requires congressional support; No access to international community; Still under U.S. control; Still subject to militarization Free Association Pros: Micronesian precedent; maintain international relations; Representation at the U.N.; Possible step towards full independence Cons: Not fully independent; Would still allow U.S. military Independence

Why do some local and Native people support efforts to restore Hawaiian sovereignty?

Survival- a solution Solution to have a Hawaiian state that would look after the well-beings of Native Hawaiians and locals Justice- moral rightness

What did the military use Kahoʻolawe for?

Target practice for US military Training grounds for US military

Why was this behavior seen as abusive by local and Native Hawaiian activists?

The Native Hawaiians are being displaced by the tests and suffered many health problems

What is the status of the territory today?

The Republic of the Marshall Islands - Compact of Free Association with the U.S.

Did the U.S. intentionally expose Micronesians to radioactive fallout in order to use them as test subjects? If so, what evidence is there to prove this?

The U.S intentionally used the Micronesians as test subjects. They knew exactly how horrible the effects of the bombs was on the people who lived there yet they continued to do test

Why did the U.S. choose the Marshall Islands for its nuclear testing program?

The U.S would choose the Marshall Islands for nuclear testing due to the Marshall Islands location. Marshall Islands is essentially located far from other major civilizations.

Why is the Apology Bill a hallmark event?

The U.S. acknowledged their role in the overthrow and annexation of Hawaiʻi

Why was the statehood vote unlawful in term of the question asked and those who were allowed to vote?

The ballot only had the choice between statehood and remaining a territory. No option for independence appeared on the ballot as was required under the UN charter. Only U.S. citizens allowed to vote - including military.

How has the tourism industry commodified Hawaiian culture? Why does it do this?

The consumer is always right and consumers determine the look and feel of a culture. It does this because Hawaiian culture is influenced by tourist demand.

Why is Mauna Kea considered one of the most important Wahi Kapu (sacred sites) in all of Polynesia?

The highest summit in Polynesia and filled with hundreds of cultural sites + shrines.

Despite indications that Hawaiʻiʻs tourism dominated economy is shrinking, why is the "more growth, any kind of growth" mentality adopted by some local politicians irresponsible and short sighted?

The politicians are pushing for more: Waikiki & shopping mall development, tourism projects on outer islands, business links to Asian economies.


The supreme, absolute, and uncontrollable power by which any independent state is governed; supreme political authority.

Why do some including the governor believe laws passed to curb homelessness will not solve the homeless problem?

They are just enforcing and moving people from location to location, not really reducing or solving the problem.

How did the U.S. nuclear testing program in Micronesia violate this U.N. declaration?

They exposed nearby islands to a radioactive fallout and caused children to develop thyroid tumors

What is the TMT?

Thirty Meter Telescope

What are the treaty's 3 protocols?

This Protocol shall be open for signature by the French Republic, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America. This Protocol is of a permanent nature and shall remain in force indefinitely Each Party undertakes not to use or threaten to use any nuclear explosive device against: Parties to the Treaty Any territory within the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone for which a State that has become a Party to Protocol 1 is internationally responsible. Each Party undertakes not to test any nuclear explosive device anywhere within the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone

How was Kahoʻolawe returned to the State of Hawaiʻi?

Through PKO Projected Completion: Navy Communication (September 2003) 69% Surface Clearance; 9% Subsurface Clearance

How did the U.S. come into control of it?

Through the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

What types of health problems have resulted?

Thyroid Abnormalities Retardation, cretinism, and stunted development

According to the U.N., what are the responsibilities a colonial power has to the people of a territory under its care?

To ensure, with due respect for the culture of the peoples concerned, their political, economic, social, and educational advancement, their just treatment, and their protection against abuses

Identify the: Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

Trusteeship granted by U.N. after WWII

Where does a bulk of military controlled lands in Hawaiʻi come from?

U.S seized nearly 1.8 million acres of Hawaiian government and crown lands of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi (Ceded Lands) Today, 112,173 acres (54%) of military controlled land in Hawaii = ceded lands

What is PACOM and where is it based?

U.S. Pacific Command Based in Oahu, Hawaii

What kind of monetary compensation do they receive from the U.S. government? Is it enough? Why or why not?

U.S. provided $150 million to Marshalls for Nuclear Claims Fund Victims w/leukemia or cancer of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine receive $125,000 Severe growth retardation from thyroid damage = $100,000 2003 - U.S. trust fund paid $79 million to 1,808 islanders The payments do not cover the damages that the US did to the Marshalls. 46% of affected islanders died before they were fully paid for their injuries, risk of radiation related cancers will gradually increase with age and it damaged things that canʻt be covered with money

What is the significance of this law?

US admitted the historical wrongdoings to Hawaii

Identify: Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples aka the Declaration on Decolonization: Adopted by the U.N General Assembly in 1960.

United Nations affirmed the resolution of granting independence to colonial countries and people. The attainment of independence for these people and to end colonialism in all manifestations.

Why is Kahoʻolawe the best example of military mismanagement of ʻāina?

Used as a training ground and a bombing range for the US military and was supposed to be cleaned under DERP

Why are toxic military dumps in the ocean surrounding Hawaiʻi a potential problem for the community?

Waste could wash upon shore and threaten the lives of citizens

Why does Hawaiʻi face a homeless epidemic despite having one of the lowest unemployment rates in the U.S.?

civilian workforce is shrinking cost of living is increasing low wages 3/4 of all jobs in state pay less than a living wage

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