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ALPS: Tourism

100 million tourists each year , 70% of tourists go for skiing, snowboarding and ice climbing, in summer people go for walks, mountain biking, paragliding and climbing, new villages have been built for tourists, lots of ski lifts, cable cars, holiday chalets and restaurants built

ALPS: Population?

12 million

MONTSERRAT: Death toll?

19 people killed

INDIAN OCEAN: Primary effects?

230, 000 people killed or still missing, whole towns and villages were destroyed, over 1.7 million lost their homes, infrastructure severely damaged, 5 - 6 million needed emergency food, water and medical supplies

ITALY: Primary effects?

290 deaths from collapsed buildings, hundreds injured, thousands of buildings damaged or destroyed, thousands made homeless, water pipe broken


4 - 5 milion m3 of rock and gas was released

PAKISTAN: Long term response?

40, 000 relocated to new town of Balakot, government money has been given to those whose homes were destroyed so they can rebuild them, homes are being built more resistant, new health centres have been set up

ITALY: Size?

6.3 Richter scale

ITALY: When?

6th April 2009


7.6 Richter scale

PAKISTAN: Primary effects?

80, 000 deaths from collapsed buildings, hundreds of thousands injured, entire villages destroyed, 3 million homeless, water pipes and electricity were cut off


8th October 2005

INDIAN OCEAN: Tsunami size?

9.1 on the Richter scale, 30m high waves

MONTSERRAT: Long term responses?

A risk map was created, and the south of the island is off limits whilst the volcano is active, UK has provided £41 million to develop the north of the island, new docks, homes, and airport, volcano observatory has been set up

Example of a destructive plate margin

Along the east coast of Japan

Example of a conservative plate margin

Along the west coast of the USA

What counts as a "major earthquake"?

An earthquake that ha a magnitude greater than 5

How does the Richter scale work?

An earthquake with a magnitude of 5 is 10 times one that has a magnitude of 4


An event that causes great damage or harm

Example of oceanic and continental plates (fold mountains)

Andes in South America

ALPS: Adaptation - poor soils

Animals are grazed high up where the soil isn't very good for crops

Where do earthquakes occur?

At all three plate margins

Where are volcanoes found?

At constructive and destructive plate margins

Where do supervolcanoes form?

At destructive plate margins and over parts of the mantle that are really hot (hotspot)

Where are fold mountains found?

At destructive plate margins, or where there used to be a destructive plate margin - such are the west coast of the USA

Why do the plates move?

Because convection currents in the mantle caused by radioactive decay in the core moves the plates

INDIAN OCEAN: Long term responses?

Billions of pounds have been pledged to help rebuild the infrastructure, programmes have been set up to help people rebuild homes and get back to work, tsunami warning system has been put in place, disaster management and volunteers have been trained


Boxing Day 2004

ITALY: Immediate response?

Camps were set up for the homeless, ambulances, rescue dogs and the army were sent to rescue survivors, cranes and diggers removed rubble

ALPS: Where is it?

Central Europe, stretches across Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovenia and Switzerland

Order of the layers on the Earth (starting from the outside)

Crust, mantle, outer core, inner core

ITALY: Cause?

Destructive plate margin


Destructive plate margin


Destructive plate margin, the plate that was moving down into the mantle cracked and moved very quickly

What do humans use fold mountains for?

Farming, hydroelectric power, forestry, tourism, mining

ITALY: Secondary effects?

Fires caused more damage, broken water pipe in Paganica caused a landslide, aftershocks hindered rescue services

MONTSERRAT: Secondary effects?

Fires destroyed many buildings including local government offices, police headquarters and the central petrol station. Tourists stayed away and businesses were destroyed, disrupting the economy, population decline - 8000 of the 12000 inhabitants have left since 1995, improved soil fertility

Characteristics of a supervolcano

Flat, cover a large area, have a caldera

Mining on fold mountains

Fold mountains are a major source of metal ores, but the steep slopes make it difficult to mine them, so zig zag roads have been built

ALPS: Formation?

Formed about 30 million years ago, by the collision between African and European plates

ALPS: Adaptation - steep relief

Goats are farmed because they are well adapted to live high up, also trees are planted as a natural defense against avalanches

Forestry on fold mountains

Good environment to grow some types of trees like conifers, grown for fuel, building materials and paper and furniture

Primordial heat

Heat lost by the Earth as it cools

PAKISTAN: Immediate response?

Help didn't reach many areas for days or even weeks, people had to be rescued by hand without equipment or emergency services, tents, blankets and medical supplies were distributed within a month, but not to all areas, helicopters and rescue dogs were brought in from other countries

Farming on fold mountains

Higher mountain slopes aren't good for growing crops, so animals are allowed to graze there instead, lower mountain slopes are used for crops, and are sometimes terraced if they are too steep

Example of two continental plates (fold mountains)

Himalayas in Asia

Example of a hotspot volcano

In Hawaii volcanoes have formed over ares of very hot magma

INDIAN OCEAN: Where did it affect?

Indonesia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanky


It is above a destructive plate margin, where the Atlanic plate is being forced under the Caribbean plate, magma rose up through the cracks forming and underground pool of magma. The rock above the pool collapsed causing an eruption

What will happen if a supervolcano erupts?

It will throw out thousands of cubic kilometres of rock, ash and lava (a normal volcano will only produce a couple of cubic kilometres), everything within ten miles will be dead, because a huge super heated cloud of ash and gas will flow at high speed, ash will block out sunlight over whole continents, triggering a mini ice age


June 25th, 1997 (small eruptions started in July 1995)

PAKISTAN: Secondary effects?

Landslides buried buildings and people, blocked roads and cut off water, electricity and phone lines, diarrhea spread due to little clean water, freezing winter conditions caused more casualties and made rescuing more difficult

MONTSERRAT: Primary effects?

Large areas covered with volcanic material, capital city Plymouth covered in 12m of mud and ash, over 20 villages and two thirds of homes destroyed by pryroclastic flows, 19 people died and 7 injured

ITALY: Preparation?

Laws on construction standards, but some modern buildings weren't built to withstand earthquakes, Civil Protection Department that trains people to help with rescue operations

Characteristics of fold mountains

Lots of very high mountains, very rocky and with steep slopes, often snow and glaciers in the highest points and lakes in the valleys

Cinder volcano

Made of fragments of solid material, forming a steep conical hill, not very high

Composite volcano

Made up of ash and lava that has erupted and cooled and hardened into layers, the lava is usually thicc and flows slowly and hardens quickly forming a steep sided volcano

Dome volcano

Made up of only lava, lava is thick and flows slowly and hardens fast, forming a steep sided volcano

Shield volcano

Made up of only lava, which is runny, flows quickly and spreads over a large area, forming a low, flat volcano

How do supervolcanoes form over hotspots?

Magma rises up through the crust to form a large magma basin below the surface, the pressure of the magma causes a bulge on the surface, several kilometers wide, the bulge eventually cracks creating vents for lava to escape through, the lava erupts out of the vents causing earthquakes, and sending up loads of ash

Example of a shield volcano

Mauna Loa, Hawaiian islands

How does the Mercalli scale work?

Measures the effects of an earthquake, by asking eye witnesses about what happened

How can scientists try to predict when a volcano will erupt?

Monitor volcano for things such as tiny earthquakes, escaping gas and changes in the shape of the volcano by using satellite images

ALPS: Tallest peak?

Mont Blanc at 4810m on the France-Italy border

Example of a composite volcano

Mount Fuji, Japan

Example of a dome volcano

Mount Pelee in the Caribbean


Narrow valleys are dammed to generate HEP e.g. Berne, Switzerland. Switzerland gets 60% of its electricity from HEP, used locally but also exported

PAKISTAN: Preparation?

No local disaster planning was in place, buildings were not designed to withstand earthquakes, poor communications and roads

MONTSERRAT: Immediate response?

People were evacuated from the south to safe areas in the north, shelters were built, UK provided £17 million of emergency aid, rescue services were sent to find survivors

ITALY: Long term response?

Prime Minister promised to build a new town to replace L'Aquila, investigation as to why the buildings collapsed

ALPS: Adaptation - limited communication

Roads have been built over passes (low point between the mountains) but it takes a while to cross, and snow can block them, so tunnels have been built such as the Lotschberg Base Tunnel in Switzerland

ALPS: Mining

Salt, iron ore, gold, silver and copper were mined, but mining has declined due to cheaper foreign sources

ALPS: Forestry

Scots Pine is planted all over as it is very resilient to the munching goats, they are also logged and sold to make furniture

What is the mantle made of?

Semi molten rock that moves very slowly

What is the core made of?

Solid iron and nickel

Tourism on fold mountains

Spectacular scenery, in winter you can do skiing, snowboarding and ice climbing, in summer you can go on walks. To make transport easier, tunnels have been built through the mountains to make transport easier, improving communications

How do earthquakes occur at constructive plate margins?

Tension builds along cracks within plates as they move away from each other

How do earthquakes occur at destructive plate margins?

Tension builds up when one plate gets stuck when moving down past the other

How do earthquakes occur at conservative plate margins?

Tension builds up when plates that are grindin past each other get stuck


The Soufreire Hills in Montserrat,a small island in the Caribbean Sea


The Soufriere Hills volcano

What happens if a continental and an oceanic plate meet at a destructive plate margin?

The heavier more dense oceanic plate sinks underneath the continental plate and forced down into the mantle and melted. This can cause volcanoes and very deep ocean trenches

How is a volcano formed at a constructive plate margin?

The magma rises up through the the gap between the tow plates moving apart

Example of a constructive plate margin

The mid Atlantic ridge

Hazard event

The occurrence of a hazard, the effects of which change demographic, economic and/or environmental conditions

How is a volcano formed at a destructive plate margin?

The oceanic plate goes underneath the continental plate, is goes into the mantle and is melted, creating a pool of magma, which rises through the the cracks in the crust called vents, and erupts on the surface

What happens if two continental plates meet at a destructive plate margin?

The plates smash together, but no crust is destroyed

Hydroelectric power on fold mountains

There are steep sided mountains and high lakes to store water, making it great for HEP

What happens after a supervolcano has erupted?

There is no longer anything in the magma basin, so the rock collapses, causing a caldera

Continental crust

Thicker and less dense

Oceanic crust

Thinner and more dense, older, sometimes up to 200 million years old

INDIAN OCEAN: Secondary effects?

Tourism industry suffered, fishermen couldn't fish, salt from sea water meant that plants can't grow in many areas, mangroves, coral reefs, forests and sand dunes were also destroyed

ALPS: Farming

Used to farm goats high up, which provide milk, cheese and meat, sunnier slopes have been terraced to plant vineyards such as in Lavaux in Switzerland

Example of a cinder volcano

Volcano Du Fuego, Guatemala

How are fold mountains formed?

When plates collide at destructive margins, the sedimentary rocks that have built up between them are folded and forced upwards to form mountains

Constructive plate margin

When two plates are moving away from each other, and magma rises up from the mantle to fill the gap, and cools creating a new crust

Conservative plate margin

When two plates are moving sideways past each other, or are moving in the same direction but at different speeds, crust isn't created or destroyed

Destructive plate margin

When two plates are moving towards each other

INDIAN OCEAN: Short term responses?

Within days hundreds of millions of pounds had been pledged by foreign governments, charities, etc to give water food, shelter and medical attention, ships and planes were sent and teams of specialists to rescue people from other countries

Example of a supervolcano

Yellowstone National Park or Lake Toba in Indonesia

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