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When was the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) formed?


When was the first official NCADV membership conference?


What year did the NCADV establish the first national toll free domestic violence hotline?


In what years did the hotline close and reopen?

1992, and reopened in 1996 due to unrelenting efforts from the Texas Council on Family Violence and the national hotline received federal funding

When did the Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence form and why?

1996 - to become a leading force in the struggle to end domestic violence

Approximately what percent of women killed in the workplace were murdered by a current or former male partner?


What is LEAST important to include in an abuse victim's safety plan?

A list of nearby family and friends

On July 20th, 1977 what did the White House host?

A meeting on domestic abuse that was opened with the testimony of battered women followed by carefully prepared statements from 12 advocates

Which is most likely to benefit from a no-suicide contract?

A middle-risk suicidal client

As of August 2000, 39 states had adopted the Family Violence Option which is?

A provision of the federal welfare legislation that allows a state to temporarily exempt survivors of domestic violence from work requirements while they continue to receive services.

What should be included in an abuse victim's plan to remain safe during a violent episode?

Ask a trusted neighbor to call police if he or she hears a disturbance coming from your homoe

What are some common characteristics and attitudes of abusers?

Confusing and unpredictable behavior, controlling behavior, critical attitude, excessive charm and attention, history of violent behaviors, inability to be intimate, inability to express emotions, isolating activities, jealously, lack of self-esteem, low tolerance levels, manipulative behavior, narcissism, negative attitudes, perfectionism, quick sexual intimacy and involvement, refusal to accept responsibility, rigidity, substance abuse, threatening behavior, unrealistic expectation

The instinctive sharing of personal experience soon became a political instrument called


True or False : Crisis counselors should report any rape that a client tells them about to the police


True or False : Rape trauma syndrome is a myth


True or False : Rape victims usually have an unconscious wish to be overtaken by a man


True or False : Spousal abuse only exists when couples are poor


True or False : less than 5% of women in the military report being sexually assaulted


What is NOT among the mental symptoms when workers who serve batterers or their partners are under stress?

Gradual increase in concentration

How may a batterer jeopardize their partners employment?

He may disrupt a woman at work by either constantly calling her or showing up at inappropriate times and demanding to see her

When did the first national conference on domestic violence take place and who was it sponsored by?

Held in Milwaukee, sponsored by the Milwaukee Task Force on Battered Women took place in 1976

What increases the likelihood that a women is being battered?

High frequency of injuries and the presence of multiple injury sites

Myth : only strangers commit rape. Forced sex among acquaintances is not rape.

In 60-80 % of rapes, the victim and the assailant know each other. For women 15 to 25 years of age, 70% of the assaults are date rape

What statement most accurately describes firearms possession under the federal violence against women act?

In most cases, federal law prohibits a person who has been convicted of domestic violence to possess a firearm or ammunition

In the United States, when did the earliest attempts to confront domestic violence occur?

In the 1870's with the founding of societies for the prevention of cruelty to children, the first social service agencies devoted to family violence problems

Myth : Men who batter their partners are socially inept, socially inappropriate, or violent in all relationships

It is a common misconception that the batterer treats people outside the abusive relationship the same as he does his partner. Many batterers exhibit a Jekyll-and-Hyde personality. Batterers can be quite charming and delightful when they want to be.

When was the Unborn Victims of Violence Act passed and what did it do?

It was passed and signed into law in 2004 by President George W. Bush. It makes a separate and punishable crime of knowingly or unknowingly harming or killing a zygote, embryo, or fetus while attacking a pregnant women during the commission of a federal crime

Myth : rapists are psychotic, or sick men

Less than 5% of convicted rapists are clinically diagnosed as psychotic.

What characteristics and attitudes of abusers reflect their tendency to blow up over trivial matters?

Low tolerance levels

What five women were involved with the first women's rights meeting?

Lucretia Mott, Martha C. Wright, Jane Hunt, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Mary Ann McClintock

What was the first state to acknowledge a husband's right to beat his wife?

Mississippi Supreme Court in 1824

What is LEAST likely to be the country of origin for battered Latina or Hispanic women?


Which form of abuse is occurring when an abuser buys himself a luxury car while refusing to allow his wife and children to receive needed medical or dental care?


How often do men who abuse their partners also abuse their children?

Over 50 percent

Three components of battered women syndrome are

PTSD symptoms, learned helplessness, self-destructive coping responses to violence

What was the Matrimonial Cause Act and when was it passed?

Passed by British Parliament in 1878, provided a battered woman with legal separation from her husband, legal custody of her children, and order requiring her husband to pay her and her children support

What state established the first state coalition against domestic violence and when?

Pennsylvania and in 1976

Why was the Office on Domestic Violence short lived?

President Reagan dismantled when he took office in 1980

What had it's roots in the civil-rights movement of the 1950's and 1960's?

Radical feminism

What makes identification of abuse among same-sex partners especially difficult?

Reluctance of both partners to admit that abuse occurred

What is the LEAST helpful way to listen to a victim of domestic violence?

Repeat what she says word for word to indicate that you are listening

Rape Trauma Syndrome three stages

Stage 1 - immediate crisis reaction, Stage 2 - reorganization, Stage 3 - Reintegration

What does the Illinois Abused and Neglected Children Reporting Act require to authorize investigations of suspected child abuse?

Substantial risk of harm to the child

What was passed in 1984 as a result of grassroots lobbying efforts?

The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act - it earmarked federal funding for programs serving victims of DV


The Indian custom of a widow voluntarily throwing herself on the funeral pyre of her husband - which later evolved to mean a woman who burned herself alive alongside the body of her deceased husband.

What did Rokeya Sakhaway Hossain organized in 1890?

The Muslim Women's Association to offer assistance to widows and shelter for battered women in Calcutta's slums

What was the most responsible for creation of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence in 1978?

The U.S. commission on Civil Rights

What is NOT among the historical roots of feminism and the battered women's movement?

The medical profession's treatment of women in the 1800s

What resulted from the women's involvement with the civil-rights, antiwar, antirape, student and women's movements in the 1960's and 1970's?

The renewed focus on and redefining of domestic violence

what did the The family violence prevention fund and the San Francisco Injury Center when they conducted a study of all California hospital emergency departments?

The study demonstrated that battered women are not being identified by emergency department staff and that most ER personnel are not being trained in identification and referral procedures

What is NOT among the requirements in the definition of a crisis?

The victim experiences physical injuries

Since 1992, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) set what standards for all accredited hospitals?

These standards require educational programs for hospital staff in domestic violence, elder abuse, child abuse and sexual assault

Many women made their final break with the new left in 1967 when ?

They declared that feminism was their first priority

What is "riding the stang"?

Traditional community sanctions against unacceptable levels of domestic violence which included punishments of rituals of public shaming

True of false : abuse is not an isolated or random incident in a relationship, it is a pattern of behavior


True or False : By 1910, only eleven states still did not permit divorce by reason of cruelty by one spouse to the other


True or False : Sati did not make the woman virtuous ; it proved that she had been virtuous all her life.


True or False : The 1940's and 1950's marked a low point in the public awareness of domestic violence


What is most likely to be among the effects of domestic violence?

Victims accepting blame for their abuse

Which statement most accurately describes the tension building stage of the cycle of violence?

Victims often become compliant and nurturing to avoid another episode

The practice of buying one's wife became common

Violence against women in the Archaic States

Between 1876 and 1906, what were being introduced in twelve states and the district of columbia?

bills to punish wife beaters with the whipping posts

Cultural considerations with domestic violence : Latinos

isolation may be a particular problem, often feeling of disconnect from medical care providers, economic abuse may be a related problem. latina tradition of machismo in which males are allowed to assert male privilege over females, some latinas might find it hard to discern which behaviors are abusive and which are signs of normal machismo

What was martial violence portrayed as during the 1920's and 1930's?

it was portrayed as mutual, resulting from environmental stress, lack of education, or lack of "mental hygiene"

Cultural considerations in domestic violence : African Americans

may feel isolated from outside of the community, not wanting to betray her own community, may feel distrust of the legal system and health care providers due to past experiences of racism, when being abused by a male partner, African American women may feel the need to support African American males and not expose them to any more stressors from a racist society

What is the ABC model of crisis intervention?

method of conducting very brief mental-health interviews with clients whose functioning level has decreased following a psychosocial stressor

The first women's rights meeting discussed topics such as

social, civil and religious condition and rights of women

What types of professionals are considered mandated reporters?

teachers, nurses, doctors, counselors, day-care workers, social workers

When did footbinding begin and where?

tenth century China

What are the four presumptive behaviors indicating child sexual abuse?

1. direct reports from children 2. pregnancy. 3. preadolescent venereal disease 4. genital brusises or other injuries

Five goals of intervention with a battered women are

1. let her know help is available, 2. give her specific information about resources, 3. document the battering with accurate medical records, 4. acknowledge her experiences in a supportive manner, 5. respect her right to make her own decisions

In what year was Sati outlawed in British India?


When was the Common Scold Law declared obsolete?

1967 in England

When did the revival of feminism and the establishment of battered women's shelters take place?


In what year did a grass roots coalition of women open the Center for Battered Women in Austin, Texas?


What percent of child sexual abuse victims know the perpetrator in some way, and what percent are abused by family members?

90% and 68%

Jones's ABC method of crisis management is as follows

A - achieving rapport, B - boiling the problem down to basics, C - coping

In 1978 the United States Commission on Civil Rights held

A consultation on battered women which brought together hundreds of activist to clarify and define the needs of battered women and their children

A pattern that attempts to establish dominance and control over and to harm its victims can be identified as?

Abusive behavior

Under what circumstances are victims of domestic violence at greatest risk for further violence?

After separation or filing for divorce from the abuser

How early did foobinding begin for girls?

Ages five to seven

What are the main patterns of abusive behavior?

Aggression, anger, domination, intimidation, manipulation, punishment, and control

What earliest laws were provided with documentation that slavery, private property, and subjugation of women were facts of life?

Ancient Babylonian and Mosaic Laws

Myth : Battered women are mentally unstable if they choose to stay in abusive relationships

Another form of victim blaming - What appears to be bizarre behaviors are often survival strategies women use to keep themselves safe and to control their environment to the beset of their perceived abilities

Myth : Battered women have done something to cause the battering

Another form of victim blaming - this myth places responsibility for the batterer's behavior squarely on the woman's shoulders. The reality of the situation is that no one else is responsible for the abusive partner's behavior. The batterer chooses to abuse his partner, regardless of her behavior.

How does the Illinois Domestic Violence Act define a domestic violence advocate?

Any employee or volunteer with at least 40 hours of training in domestic violence advocacy who provides services to victims of abuse through a victim services agency

Abuse can be considered

Any repeated attempts to control, manipulate, or demean another individual using physical, emotional, or sexual tactics.

Physical abuse

Any use of size, strength, or presence to hurt or control someone else

what is included in the Illinois Domestic Violence Act definition of intimidation of a dependent?

Being forced to witness the physical confinement of another person

What percent of women are abused during pregnancy?

Between 25 to 60 %

How should a domestic violence professional adapt attending behaviors for different cultural and ethnic groups being served in the ABC model of crisis intervention for victims of domestic violence?

By learning how each group being served responds to each behavior

When was the Liz Claiborne's Women's Work Program founded and what does it focus on?

Created in 1991, and it has the mission of reaching out to women and their families to create positive social change in the issues affecting them. The program seeks both to educate the general public about domestic violence and to raise corporate America's awareness of the need to address the problem.

What is most likely to result in emergency medical treatment?

Domestic Violence

True or False : stranger rape is more common than date rape


True or false : battered women's syndrome is very rare amongst wives who are battered for more than 10 years


True or false : child abuse rates are less than 100,000 a year in the United States


True or false : perpetrators of abuse often have very high self esteem


A vast array of physical and emotional symptoms including fits, fainting, vomiting, choking, sobbing, laughing, and paralysis were known to be symptoms of ?

Female hysteria or Female insanity

What most accurately describes behavior in which an abuser refuses to allow a partner to get or keep a job?

Financial Abuse

Myth : he can't help it; once he's turned on, he can't stop

Human can control their sexual behaviors

When and what supreme court disavowed a husband's right to beat his wife?

In 1874, North Carolina Supreme Court

Myth : Battered women grew up in abusive families

Many women who find themselves in abusive relationships did not grow up in violent households. Often these women come from gentle, loving families.

What is spiritual or religious abuse?

Restricting or prohibiting a partners religious or spiritual practices to gain control in a relationship

What did Martha McWhirter do in 1875?

She opened a shelter in Belton, Texas for battered women and women whose husbands spent the crop money on saturday night drinking binges

What is LEAST likely to be among the effects of domestic violence on children?

Special insight into the dynamics of domestic violence

Myth : Abusive relationships will never change for the better

The key to changing an abusive relationship is the batterer's willingness to accept responsibility for his actions. Unless there is some type of intervention and change, abuse will actually escalate over time, becoming more and more severe perhaps even lethal.

What statement most accurately describes child custody provisions under Illinois Criminal statutes?

The mother has legal custody of any child whose parents have never been married unless a valid court order specifies otherwise

True or False : By the 1870's, states began rejecting the legal justification of wife beating


True or False : MST stands for Military Sexual Trauma


True or False : Most rapes occur by someone the victim knows


True or False : PTSD can exist in women who are survivors of MST


True or False : Whipping-post bills were defeated in all states except Maryland in 1882, Delaware in 1901, and Oregon in 1905.


True or False : financial abuse is a prevalent form of elderly abuse


True or False : in 1985, the U.S. Surgeon General issued a report identifying domestic violence as a major health problem


True or False : more than half of child fatalities due to maltreatment are not recorded on death certificates


True or False : one in four women will be assaulted by a domestic partner in her lifetime


True or False : rape is usually about power, control, and humiliation


True or False : rape survivors do well in support groups


True or False : the main reason a battered wife stays with her batterer is fear


True or False : the murder of Nicole Brown-Simpson in June of 1995 alerted the entire nation about the reality of spousal abuse


True or False : whenever parental discipline causes marks on a child, it is typically considered abuse


True or false : Are there laws in all fifty states that identify domestic violence as a crime?


True or false : During the 1920's and 1930's the reform movement shrank in size and effectiveness.


True or false : In 1989, police officers in some states were given the right to press charges if they observed spousal abuse, even if the battered spouse did not press charges


True or false : Ninety-six percent of employed battered women experience problems at work due to the abuse they suffer.


True or false : all 50 states have mandated reporting laws


True or false : an estimated 1.1 to 1.4 million women are victims of partner abuse per year


True or false : child abuse accommodation syndrome includes secrecy


True or false : counselors are mandated to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse


True or false : domestic violence is the leading cause of injury for American women ages 15 -44


True or false : elderly abuse must be reported by crisis workers


True or false : homicide is the second leading cause of female workplace deaths.


True or false : in 1994, a new bill was passed in California requiring health care practitioners who are employed in a clinic or doctors office and who have knowledge of a woman being battered by a partner to report this behavior to a law enforcement officer


True or false : in a study of fifty battered women by the victim services agency of New York, 75% used company time to telephone friends, counselors, physicians, and lawyers because they could not do so at home.


True or false : mandated reporting of child abuse nationwide began after passage of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act in 1974


True or false : routine safety assessment from a medical professional is particularly important for women who have left a violent relationship


True or false : suspicion is all that is required for a mandated reported to follow through with a report


True or false : the CAEPV was formed by business leaders and focused on the workplace, it is is the only national organization of its kind.


true or false : battered women have a rate of attempted suicide approximately five to eight times that of non-battered women.


Myth : Alcohol and drug use cause battering behavior

We know that being intoxicated or high is an excuse for abusive behavior, not its cause. Battering and chemical dependency are two separate issues.

What did the Household Ordinance - published by the Russian Church - outline?

When and how best to beat one's wife

What is the LEAST important in a report of suspected adult abuse, neglect or financial exploitation?

Whether the suspected abuser is aware of the report

Myth : a man who beats his partner must be mentally ill

While some abusers do have mental health disorders, they comprise only a small percentage of batterers.

What has been identified as a risk factor for becoming a batterer?

Witness or actually experiencing violence as a child

Myth : Women are just as violent as men

Women are five to eight times more likely than men to be hurt by an intimate partner. Women are the recipients of more acts of intimate violence and suffer more serious injuries than their male counterparts

What is the philosophy of self help that most shelters operate from?

Women are given the opportunity to explore their options and resources in a safe environment that helps them empower themselves to make their own decisions

Why are support groups directed by women the best source of help for many victims of domestic violence?

Women may gain strength from understanding that they are not alone

What is LEAST likely to be used by a batterer to justify abusive behavior?

a dual personality

What did members of the Women's Advocates Collective start in 1972 in St. Paul, MN?

a legal-information telephone service

Child emotional abuse

a minor is repeatedly criticized and demeaned, receives no love or nurturance, and is not allowed to develop a sense of self

What is child abuse accommodation syndrome?

a protective condition in which an abused child maintains secrecy about the abuse, permits it to reoccur, and even if the abuse is accidentally disclosed, tries to suppress it

Myth : Rape is rare and will never happen to me

a rape takes place every six minutes. FBI estimates that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 10 men will be sexually assaulted

What is rape?

a sexual act against one's will; it is sexual violence. it might be intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, or penetration with any foreign object.

Immediate crisis reaction

acute phase, lasting two to six weeks, victim can experience emotional pain, specific physical pain, and general soreness. Sleep disturbances are common. emotional reactions encompass hysteria, fear, anxiety, humiliation, shame, embarrassment, guilt, anger, and an acute sense of vulnerability

Myth : batterers are mentally ill

although batterers certainly have anger and control issues, they do not necessarily meet the criteria for mental illness

Myth : battering is caused by alcohol and drug abuse

although substance abuse is correlated to violence, it is not the direct cause of abusive behavior

Sexual Abuse

any sexual behavior meant to control, manipulate, humiliate, or demean another person

Emotionally abusive relationships

are defined as involving repeated hurtful exchanges with a disregard for the partner's feelings

Internal injuries of battered women treated in a hospital emergency room

bleeding and malfunctioning of organs. there are reports of damages to their spleen, kidneys, and punctured lungs

What is the purpose of footbinding?

bound feet were considered an asset in the marriage market - by preventing women from moving around easily, they reinforced women's oppression because Chinese tradition dictated that a woman should not appear in public or be seen in the company of men.

what is the formula for increasing functioning?

change in perception of the precipitating event and acquiring new coping skills -> decrease in emotional distress -> increase in functioning

reintegration stage

clients move from victims to survivors, with proper crisis intervention they can emerge as stronger, more assertive persons, more aware of themselves and with increased self-esteem

What is the definition of interference with personal liberty within the Illinois Domestic Violence Act?

committing or threatening physical abuse, harassment, intimidation, or willful deprivation so as to compel another to engage in conduct from which she or he has a right to engage

what had become the heart of the women's liberation movement by 1970?

consciousness raising groups

The honeymoon stage

couples often return to types of behavior used in courtship. Batterers may feel contrite, guilty, embarrassed, or ashamed. They may show extreme kindness, often offering gifts, apologies and promises of no further abuse.

What was used by the church fathers to demonstrate women's inferiority and justification for the brutalization of women?

doctrine of the original sin

Myth : Battered women are helpless, passive, and fragile; have little or no education, no job skills, and numerous children; and are usually women of color

domestic violence crosses all socioeconomic, ethnic, racial, educational, age, and religious lines

Myth : battering only happens to minorities and in lower socioeconomic families

domestic violence occurs among all races and socioeconomic statuses

One of the primary motivators for abusive behaviors is to maintain power and control in the relationship, what are abusive behaviors used by batterers to maintain power and control

economic abuse, sexual abuse, using the children, threats, using male privilege, intimidation, isolation, emotional abuse

What did the women's liberation movement focus on?

embodied radical feminist groups working on such issues as abortion, women's schools, day care, and prisoner's rights

What was a "rule of thumb" law and when did it exist until?

existed until 1864, stating that a man was allowed to beat his wife so long as the stick he used was no wider than a thumb

The difference between reported cases and cases considered actual cases of child abuse by the judicial system could be ?

false reporting, inaccurate reporting, or lack of evidence; also children sometimes change their mind about reporting the abuse

in 1991, the American Medical Association announced the start of a campaign to address what?

family violence as a major health problem, developing diagnostic and treatment guidelines for child abuse and neglect, child sexual abuse, domestic violence, and elder abuse and neglect

What did the women's rights movement focus on?

focus on legal inequalities and gaining access to the rights and opportunities held by men - groups like the National Organization for Women (NOW) formed in 1966

Empowerment model with sexual assault survivors

follows the ABC model, this approach is encouraged when working with rape victims. The focus is on the victim gaining a sense of control and moving from "victim" to "survivor"

What are ways that the medical paradigm needs to change so that the patient's overall well-being is first priority

health care providers must recognize and educate themselves about the impact of domestic violence on the lives of millions of women. effective strategies to identify and intervene in cases of domestic violence muse be developed and utilized. increased cooperation with other societal institutions and community based organizations must be encouraged and supported. attitudes and values surrounding the role of health care provision for women must be redefined to encourage the empowerment of female patients.

Myth : women are masochistic and achieve unconscious satisfaction in being beaten

if women liked being beaten, they wouldn't suffer from battered women's syndrome, ptsd, depression

burns of battered women treated in a hospital emergency room

including cigarette burns, burns from hot appliances such as stoves and irons, and burns from acid and scalding liquids

damage to bones of battered women treated in a hospital emergency room

including cracked vertebrae, skulls, and pelvises as well as broken jaws, arms, and legs.

reorganization stage

initial feelings start to subside, defense mechanisms are employed such as denial, repression and dissociation. Mood swings, depression, psychosomatic illnesses, substance abuse, phobias, failed relationships, sexual dysfunctions, suicide attempts, and revictimization may be part of this phase.

Myth : the battered women has a dependent personality disorder

not all battered women demonstrate dependency traits, many are self sufficient and highly capable of self-care and autonomy

General neglect

occurs when a parents fail to provide for the minor's basic needs, food, shelter, clothing, and proper medical care

Child sexual abuse

occurs when an adult or individual several years older than the minor engages in sexual contact with a minor. This can include intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, exhibition, fondling, or kissing

Child physical abuse

occurs when damage to tissues or bones is inflicted on a minor by other than accidental means.

The women's movement

officially occurred in July 1848 in Seneca Falls, NY with the firsts women's-rights meeting organized by five women

Feminism developed into two branches

one was the women's rights movement and the other branch was women's liberation movement

The three most prevalent areas of elder abuse?

physical and emotional abuse, financial abuse, and abuse in long-term facilities

What is the formula for understanding the process of crisis formation?

precipitating event -> perception -> emotional distress -> lowered functioning when coping fails

What types of abusive behaviors do batterers engage in to prevent their partner from finding or keeping employment?

promising child care that they fail to deliver, destroying or hiding items the women need for employment, inflicting visible signs of abuse, like bruise, black eyes, and cigarette burns

Cultural Considerations in domestic violence : Asian Americans

reluctance to discuss family violence may be due to fear of bringing shame on her family and ostracism from her own community, there may be language and other cultural differences, be unaware of basic civil rights afforded here in the US. In Asian cultures, there tends to be a norm that encourages gender inequality which is often visible and pronounced, men are often seen as superior to make important decisions, and a woman does not usually disagree with her spouse in public

According to the Family Violence Prevention Fund, what does screening for domestic violence do?

screening for domestic violence provides a critical opportunity for disclosure of domestic violence and provides a woman and her health care provider the chance to develop a plan to protect her safety and improve her health

Myth : Rape is about sexual desire

sex has little to do with it, the end result is to overwhelm, overpower, embarrass, and humiliate another person

Programs like Rainbow Retreat and Haven House did what as early as the 1960s?

sheltered women abused by alcoholic husbands

the VAWA authorized nearly $5 billion for a variety of programs and services including

shelters, child abuse services, rape prevention, judicial training, community programs, youth education, and campus assault programs

The violence-buildup stage

tension, life stresses, and the struggle for dominance and control increase in the relationship. warning signs appear - words, glances, actions, and intimidating gestures indicate the abuse storm is approaching. some victims become compliant or nurturing at this point, or they attempt to provoke an attack before the abuser grows extremely violent. They may try to avoid the batterer, to do everything "right" or to manipulate the batterer's moods and actions to lessen or stop the attack

The medical power and control wheel can show

that physicians' interactions with battered women often mirror the abusive partners' behavior

What did President Carter create in 1979?

the Interdepartmental Committee on Domestic Violence - composed of representatives from twelve federal agencies and staff from the Office on Domestic Violence (ODV) which was formed the same day

What was published in 1977?

the National Communications Network for the Elimination of Violence Against Women published the first national newsletter on battered women

During the witch craze, the periods from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century illustrate what?

the extent to which the church and state condoned and perpetuated the abuse, torture, and murder of women

What is the focus of the ABC model?

the focus of this method is is identifying the cognitions of the client as they relate to the precipitating event and then altering them to help decrease unmanageable feelings

The back-to-normal stage

the honeymoon phase is over, old habits and patterns of behavior and communication resurface. life and "normal" behavior go on as they did before - but in the distance another incident looms

What did the North Carolina Supreme Court eliminate in 1890?

the last remaining restrictions on a husband's liability and prohibited a man from committing even a minor assault against his wife

What did doctors claim the benefit of ovariectomy or removal of the ovaries was?

the surgery elevated the moral sense of women, making them orderly, industrious, and cleanly

The possibility of life-threatening violence is significantly increased in any of the following circumstances

the woman belies her life is in danger, violence has resulted in previous hospital visits, the batterer has used a gun or knife, stalked her, or threatened to kill her or himself, or the couple is in the process of divorce, separation, or conflict over children

Myth : if a battered women doesn't leave her partner, it must be because she enjoys the abuse

this myth removes all responsibility from the abusive behavior from the batterer and unjustly places it upon the woman

The violent incident

this stage is is the peak of the cycle, and is characterized by direct violence and attack by the abuser on the victim. Batterer's may use hands, weapons, or words. Police, friends, family may be called yet both abuser and victim may minimize the extent of injury and harm. Denial, embarrassment, shock, confusion, and fear usually follow the violent incident

What was the result of the femicidal mania of the witch hunt craze that took place from 1560 to 1760

thousands of executions, usually live burnings at the stake

Many women were burned at the stake for

threatening their husbands, talking back to a priest, stealing, prostitution, adultery, bearing a child out of wedlock, permitting sodomy, masturbation, lesbianism, child neglect, scolding and nagging, and miscarrying

what are scolds?

troublesome and angry women, who, by their brawling and wrangling amongst their neighbors, break the public peace

how many estimated women were brutally tortured and killed as heretics and witches?

two hundred thousand to ten million

what type of women were of the accused and murdered during the witch craze?

typically, single women living alone, older women living alone (especially widows), healers, and midwives.

Emotional Abuse

use of any words, voice, action, or lack of action meant to control, hurt, or demean another person

What is Rape Trauma Syndrome?

variant of PTSD, a syndrome that is recognized in California Courts as a condition that occurs following a rape

What is infant whiplash syndrome / shaken baby syndrome?

very serious form of child abuse that results when a baby is shaken, the shaking causes brain to roll around in the skull cavity - this abuse can lead to brain damage or death

Myth : women who get raped are asking for it

women who try to look attractive and sexy are asking for attention, approval, and acceptance - not victimization

Serious bleeding injuries of battered women treated in a hospital emergency room

wounds requiring stitches - esp around face and head

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