IET 226 Midterm Lee

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_________ are used to as sketching planes to draw sketches for the sketch-based features.

(reference) plane

You can create points in the Part Design Workbench using the ____________ tool.

(reference) point

Name of file extension of CATIA

.CATpart .CATproduct .CATdrawing

When you start a new file in the Part Design workbench, how many default plane(s) does CATIA V5 provide?

3, xy, yz, zx

The ___________ constraint is used to place two planar faces at a specified angle with respect to each other.


Benefits of employing CAD in Mechanical Design Perspective

Assists creation, improves quality and communication, provides database for CAM and CAE

Which tool is used to draw parallelogram by specifying the center point?

Centered parallelogram

The _________ tool is used to replace a constraint by another constraint.

Change Constraint

The _________ constraint is used to make two cylindrical surface concentric.

Coincidence or concentricity

Assembly Constraints in CATIA

Coincidence, angle, fix, offset, contact

Commands in Constraints Toolbar of Assembly Design Workbench

Coincidence, contact constraint, offset constraint, angle constraint, fix, fix together

Commands in Product Structure Tool Toolbar of Assembly Design Workbench

Component, product, part, existing component, existing component with positioning, graph tree reordering, generate numbering

What is CFD? List examples of problems solved by CFD?

Computation Fluid Dynamics Fluid and thermal flow analysis

What is CAM and what is major purpose of CAM?

Computer Aided Manufacturing, connection between machining and CAD

What does CATIA stand for?

Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application

Type of Primitives

Cone, cylinder, wedge, sphere, torus, box, pyramid

Commands in Constraint Toolbar of Part Design Workbench

Constraint definition, constraint, fix together Constraint definition, constraint, fix together Corner, chamfer, trim, mirror, symmetry, project 3d elements

Which elements are not considered while converting a sketch into a feature?

Construction elements

What is CSG?

Constructve Solid Geometry

What is the Kennel of CATIA?

Convergence Geometric Modeler (Dassault System)

Milestone of CAD system for PC?

Creation of AutoCAD

Geometric Constraints in CATIA

Defines shape of curve and their relationship with other sketch elements

Which geometrical constraints forces the selected element(s) to remain in its position?

Distance, angle, length, fix, xoincidence, parallelism, perpendicular, gorizontal, vertical

Which tool in the Constraint toolbar is used to apply dimensions to a sketch?

Distance, angle, length, radius, diameter

How to invoke Sketcher environment of CATIA V5 to modify an existing sketched elements?

Double click the sketch you want to envoke

The ___________ fillet type is used to smoothly blend the transition surfaces generated from the edges to the fillet vertex.

Edge fillet

Commands in Dress-Up Features Toolbar

Edge fillet, chamfer, draft angle, shell, thickness

What is the benefit of employing the methodology?

Enables greater level of precisions and prevents errors in design process and manufacturing

Why "Parametric Modeling" is important in CAD system?

Essential constraint can be altered by manipulating parameters to determine/modify the shape of the model

To trim the intersecting surfaces, select the ___________ check box in the Edge Fillet Definition dialog box.

Face-face fillet

What s FEA/FEM? What types of solution does it provide?

Finite Element Analysis/Method Structural and thermal analysis

Which tool is used to apply cosmetic threads on plane holes or plane cylindrical shafts?

Helix curve definition or rib

The _________ tool used to turn off the display of the selected components.


What is the three possible dimensions over an inclined line in a sketch.

Length, distance, angle

Which properties of a line can be modified using the Line Definition dialog box?

Line definition

Commands in Move Toolbar of Assembly Design Workbench

Manipulation, snap, explode, stop manipulate on clash

The __________ check box is selected to merge the ends of the rib feature with the surrounding surfaces.

Merge rib ends

The functions of mouse buttons in CATIA (Zoom, Rotate, Pan)

Middle button: pan Middle button + hold right button: rotate Middle button + click right button: zoom

Commands in Transformation Features Toolbar of Part Design Workbench

Mirror, symmetry, translate, rotate, scale, offset

Examples of CAD system utilizing Parasolid Kennel

NX, Solidworks, Solid Edge, MasterCAM

Which check boxes should be selected to add the material of the thin rib feature on both sides of the sketch?

Neutral fiber

Which option is selected by default in the Plane type drop-down list of the Plane Definition dialog box?

Offset from plane in pane definition


Opens the New dialog box: cntrl + n Invokes undo tool: cntrl + z Invoke save: cntrl + s Invoke properties tool: alt + enter Invoke update tool: cntrl + u

What is the benefits of Feature-based Modeling?

Overcome dumb solids, easy to modify, dimensions are parametric, model history available, assembly environments

Commands in Sketch-Based Features Toolbar of Part Design Workbench

Pad, pocket, hole, shaft, groove, rib, slot, solid combine, multi-section solid

Name the three Workbenches covered in class?

Part design, assembly design, drafting

Three major tasks of 3D CAD Design

Part modeling, assembly modeling, drafting

What are the three major interests of Motion Analysis (Kinematics)?

Path Speed (velocity), acceleration

Which is a material removal tool and used to remove material from an existing feature by extracting a sketch up to a given depth?


Which dialog box is used to modify a sketch point?

Point definition

Which of the drop-down is used to invoke the Keyhole Profile tool?

Predefined profile

Two major solid modeling methodologies in modern 3D CAD system

Primitives and sweep

Commands in Profile Toolbar of Part Design Workbench

Profile, rectangle, circle, spline, ellipse, line, axis, point by clicking

The ___________ tool is used to extract the sketch formed by the intersection of the planar or non-planar face with sketch plane.

Project 3d element

Which tool is used to generate a projected view?

Projected view

Commands in View Toolbar of Drafting Workbench

Projection view, offset section view, detail view, slipping view, broken view

Which dialog box is used to specify the user-defined settings to change the view of the model?

Quick view or view mode

Difference between raster graphics and vector graphics?

Raster: Resolution oriented, pixelated, larger files Vector: mathematical formula, not resolution dependent, small files

Which tools are available in the Predefined Profile toolbar?

Rectangle oriented rectangle, parallelogram, elongated hole, cylindrical elongated hole, key hole, polygon, centered rectangle, centered parallelogram

What does the Elongated Hole tool create?

Rectangle with rounded edges

Combination of which elements can be considered as a rectangle?

Rectangle, orientated rectangle, centered rectangle

The ____________ tool is used to measure the length of a line, area of a planar faces, the radius of a circular element, and thickness of a feature.

Ruler or one next to it

What is the Specification Tree?

Shows the modeling history of the part

The _________ tool can be used to move a component and also apply a constraint to it.

Smart move or manipulation

Commands in Sketch Tools Toolbar of Part Design Workbench

Snap to point, construction/standard element, geometrical conraints, dimentional contraints

What is B-Rep (Boundary Representation)? How does it work?

Store boundries locatios an relations

What is Boolean Operation?

Subtraction, adding (unite), intersection

What is the benefit of CATIA'S Bidirectional Associative property?

Switch between workbench/sketching features between workbenches

To create a thin rib feature, select the __________ check box from the Rib Definition dialog box.

Thick profile

Which check box in Rib Definition dialog box is used to create a thin rib feature?

Thick profile

Which tabs in the Hole Definition dialog box is used to define the parameters to create a threaded hole?

Thread definition

Which tool is used to create a fillet feature tangent to three faces?

Tritangent fillet

You can create a multi-section solid feature by using the sections with uneven number of vertices. (True/False)

True, coupling

Which tool can be used to remove the material by blending the sections together?

Under fillet

How is "Parametric Modeling" defined in CAD system?

Use of certain parameters or variables that can be modified to change the output of equation (or system)

Which tool is used to create a variable angle draft?

Variable angle draft

Which tool is used to fillet the sketched elements?


Which tabs of the Multi-Sections Solid Definition dialog box is used to define the guide curves for creating a loft feature?


Which tool is used to taper the faces of the model?


To create an edge fillet, choose the Face-Face Fillet button from the fillets toolbar. (True/False)


You can create a rib feature by using an open profile and an open center curve. (True/False)


You cannot apply a different shell thickness value to the faces of the model while creating the shell feature. (True/False)


You cannot create a counter drilled hole using the Hole tool. (True/False)


You cannot deactivate a feature while working in the Part workbench of CATIA V5. (True/False)


You cannot define the pulling direction while creating a rib feature. (True/False)


Which tool used to remove materials by revolving a sketch about an axis?


The _________ tool is used to move and rotate a part present inside an assembly.


Which tools are available in the Line toolbar?

ne, bisecting line, infinite line

Which tool is used to extrude a sketch?


Which dialog box is used to edit the hatch pattern of a section view?


The __________ tool is used to remove the material by sweeping a section along which center curve.


The edge of a component can be snapped on to the edge of another component by using the _________ tool.


Type of Sweep

sweep, extrusion, revolve, loft

If the parents feature is deleted, the Delete dialog box is displayed. This dialog box provides you with an option to delete the child features. (True/False)


In CATIA V5, every model consists of features. These features, in some way or the other, are related to each other. (True/False)


Which state of a sketch is the most stable? (Three stages of Sketch)

under-constrained, over-constrained, iso-constrained

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