ILTS Elementary Education (305-Content Test)

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Horizontal Hyperbola Equation

(x-h)^2/a^2 - (y-k)^2/b^2 = 1

When do you use Quotation Marks?

-Close off a persons spoken or written words -Titles and short works -Highlight irony -Inside for periods and commas -Outside for colons and semicolons

Basic Effects of Writing Style

-Communicate meaning -Authors attitude -Express feelings

Abundant Elements

-Hydrogen -Helium

Types of Simple Machines

-Inclined Plane -Lever -Wheel -Axle -Pulley

Cylinder Surface Area

2πr^2 + 2πrh


A closed 2 dimensional geometric figure that has 4 straight sides


A disease that is influenced by continued drinking

Collodial Suspension

A mixture of large particles


A term whose value or determine is equal to one

Point of View

A text perspective from which a passage is told

Hegel's Theory of Tragedy

A tragedy must involve some circumstance in which 2 values or right are fatally at odds with one another and conflict directly

Intransitive Verbs

A verb that does not point to a receiver of an action

Action Verbs

A verb that shows what subject is doing in a sentence

Transitive Verbs

A verb whose action points to a receiver

Indirect Objects

A word or group of words that show how an action had an influence on someone or something


A word placed before a noun or pronoun that shows the relationship between an object and another word in the sentence


A word that is used to modify a noun or pronoun


A word that is used to modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb

Reading Literacy

Ability to read

Inscribed Angle

An angle whose vertex lies on a circle and whose legs contain chords of that circle

Sample Size

An appropriate number of elements in the sample


Began in the Americas and ended as late as 1960 in many African countires

Kinetic Energy

Energy of motion


Fluid in the cell

Jovian Planets

Huge and gaseous planets (Jupiter, Saurn, Uranus, and Neptune)

Prism Surface Area


Pyramid or Cone Surface Area


Air Masses

Large volumes of air


Matter with one partical type of atom


One of thr most basic units of matter

Line Graphs

One or more lines of varying styles to show the different values for a set of data

Unbalanced Equations

One that does not follow the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter can only be changed


Opposite side/Adjacent side


Personal thoughts or feelings which may not be alterable by research or evidence

Chemical Reactions

Reaactions that can be quick or slow

Define Words with Descriptions

Readers will look at the descriptive words in the context to define a word

Afferent Neurons

Recieve sensory information and transmit it back to the ccentral system

Epic Poems

Recount heroic deeds and adventures, using stylized language and combining dramatic and lyrical conventions

Process Paragraph

Related to time order


Represents 99.85% of all matter

Public Opinion

Represents the collective attitudes of individual memebrs of the adult population in the US

Listening Activities

Requires the listener to obtain information and the immediately do something with that information


Reveals the structure of the passage and will lead to solid conclusions

Trace Feature on Calculator

Rewrite each equation, isolating the y variable on one side of the equal sign

Relative Frequency Table

Shows the proportions of each unique value compared to the entire set

Double Inequalities

Situations where two inequality statements apply to the same variable expression

Civil War Era

Slaavery became an issue with the states and Confederacy was formed, from 1850-1865

Prior Knowledge

Something from a students long term memory

Basic Science

Spurred on by scientific inquiry, the human need to explain the observed physical world

Spurious Solution

Squaring both sides of an equation as a step in solving it or under certain other operations on the equation

Drawing Conclusions

Statements implied from written information or from the passage directly

Declarative Sentences

States a fact and ends with a period

Cognitive Theory Approach

States that children must develop appropriate cognitive skills before they can acquire language

Hypothetico-Deductive Process

States that to have an idea and then formulate a hypothesis are essentially creative process, driven by eons of human experience

Sampling Distribution

Statistical values calculated from various samples of the same size

Treaty of Paris

Stopped the French and Indian War


Structured with rhyme and meter to focus on subjects such as love, death, and religious topics


Structures designed to pull water and minerals from soil or water


Study of animal behavior


Study of animals


Study of the relationship of living organisms to their environments


Sturdy plants with bug, waxy fronds that make them lool like ferns or palms


Substances containing 2 or more elements


Substances that consist of only one type of atom


Substances that have mass and occupy space


Tells what percentage of the data in the set falls below a specific point

Like Terms

Terms in an equation that have the same variable, regardless of whether or not they have the same coefficient


The French word for rebirth

Phonological Awareness

The ability to perceive sound structures in a spoken language


The ability to read and write

Present Verbs

The action happens at the current time

Future Verbs

The action is going to happen later

Present Perfect Verbs

The action started in the past and continues into the present


The art and science of mapmaking


The basic building blocks of mathematics

Unit System

The basis of quantitative measurements

Physical Fitness

The bodys ability to perform all of its tasks and still have energy for an emergency

Law of Superposition

The bottom layer of a series of sedimentary layers is the oldest


The bottom number in a fraction

Inferential Statistics

The branch of statistics that uses samples to make predications about an entire population


The capacity to do work

Objective Nouns and Pronouns

The case for nouns and pronouns that are an object in a sentence

Nominative Nouns and Pronouns

The case for nouns and pronouns that are the subject of a sentence

Earths Moon

The closest celestial body to earth that is allowed for study


The collective name for pieces of information


The genetic makeup of an individaul based on one or more characteristics

Point of Reflection

The midpoint of a line segment which connects a point in the figure to its image

Systeme International (SI)

The most commonly used unit system in the world

Main Idea

The most important point being made by the author

Mass Wasting

The movement of masses of dirt and rock from one place to another


The movement that put an end to slavery

Collective Nouns

The names for a person, place or thing that may act as a whole

Proper Nouns

The names of a specific person, place, or thing (capitalized)


The outcome of 1 event does affect the probability of the second event

Confederation Period

The period in US history directly following the American Revolution, from 1783-1788

Time Frame

The period in which the story is set


The place in which the story as a whole is set


The point at which 2 segments or rays meet to form an angle

Projection of a Point on a Line

The point at which a perpendicular line drawn from the given point to the given line intersects the line

Point of Tangency

The point at which tangent touches a circle


The quality of sound determined by frequency


The quantity of energy transferred by one system to another due to changes in a system that is the result of external forces


The range of motion around particular joints

Reagan Era

There was an increase of military spending, while also cutting taxes and reducing the involvement of the natural government, from 1980-2000s

Algebraic Functions

Those that exclusively use polynomials and roots

Post War Era

Time of economic recovery and general growth in America, from 1945-1964

Coercive/Intolerable Acts

To force the colonies to be dependent on Britain and to help restore the British economy following the wars

Epistolary Novels

Told in the form of letters written by their characters rather than in narrative form

Electromagnetic waves

Transmit energy through a vacuum

Mechanical Waves

Transmit energy through matter


Transport food and water and act as support structures

Comic Relief

Use of comedy by an author to break up a dramatic or tragic science and infuse it with a bit of lightheartedness


Use to show possession or the deletion of letters in contractions

Indicative Moods

Used for facts, opinions, and questions

Imperative Moods

Used for orders or requests

Subjunctive Moods

Used for wishes and statements that go against facts


Used to call attention to the words that follow it


Used to connect major sentence pieces of equal value

Math Parentheses

Used to designate which operation should be done first when there are multiple operations

Jacksonian Era

Voting rights expanded to men over 21 and lots of expansionism, from 1825-1849


Water vapor contained in the air


What the reader learns from the text or the passage


When 2 related ideas are not of equal importance, the ideal way to combine them is to make the more important idea an independent clause, and the less important idea a dependent or subordinate clause

Active Transport

When a cell uses energy to move individual molecules across the cell membrane to maintain a proper balance

Adding and Subtracting Decimals

When adding and subtracting decimals, the decimal points must always be aligned

Empty Set

When an equation has no true solutions

Stretching, Compression, and Reflection

When different parts of a function are multiplied by different groups of constants


When something moves from one place to another

Regrouping Subtraction

When subtracting, borrow a unit from the place value to the left in order to get a positive difference

Credible Text

When the author is knowledgeable and objective, or unbiased


When the author is unfair or inaccurate in his or her presentation

Constant of Proportionality

When the product of this constant and one of the quantities is equal to the other quantity

Common Denominator

When two fractions are manipulated so they can have the same denominator


When values are added to or subtracted from the X or Y values

Conjugating Verbs

When you change the form of a verb

Reducing a Fraction

When you divide both numbers by a common factor

Counter Arguments

While writing, au5ors give both sides to the argument to build trust with their readers

Passive Transport

Within a cell and does not require energy and work


Words that are used to stand in for a noun

Informative/Explanatory Writing

Writing based on something that is true or factual


Writing done exclusively on the internet

Narrative Writing

Writing that tells a story

Pythagorean Theorem


Parallel Lines

lines in the same plane that have no points in common and never meet

Weighted Mean Equation


Quadratic Formula

x = -b ± √(b² - 4ac)/2a

Intercept Form

x/x1 + y/y1 = 1

Arc Length Formula


Cylinder Volume


Cone Surface Area

πrs + πr^2

Composite of 2 Functions

(f o g) (x), which means that the output of the second function is used as the input of the first

Volcano Types

-Active -Extinct -Shield -Cinder cone -Composite

Base Properties

-Conduct electricity -Change red litmus paper to blue -Feel slippery -React with acids to neutralize

Acid Properties

-Conduct electricity -Chnge blue litmus paper to red -Sour taste -react with bases to neutralize

Industrial Revolution Outcomes

-Cotton Mills -Steel Industry -Steam Engine -Technological Era -Child Labor Laws -Labor Unions

How to Provide a Print Rich Environment?

-Displaying -Graphic organizers -Big books

Salt Properties

-Dissociate in water -Ionic compounds of metallic and nonmetallic ions -Comprised of tightly bonded ions

Electromagnetic Spectrum Waves

-Electromagnetic -Radio -Microwave -Infrared -Visible -Ultraviolet -Xrays -Gamma

Properties of Functions

-End behavior (the behavior of the function at extreme values) -Y intercept (the value of the function at f(0) -Roots (the values of x where the function equals 0) -Extrema (min or max values of the functions or where the function changes direction)

Earth Science Disciplines

-Geology (study of the origin and structure of earth and the changes) -Meteorology (study of the atmosphere) -Oceanography (study of the oceans) -Ecology (study of living organisms in realtion to their environment)

Important Speeches

-Gettysburg Address -Fourteen Points -Address to Congress -Inaugural Address -Berlin Address -I Have a Dream -Brandenburg Gate

Metric Prefixes

-Giga (one billion) -Mega (one million) -Kilo (one thousand) -Deci (one tenth) -Centi (one hundreth) -Milli (one thousandth) -Micro (one millionth)

Arthropod Characteristics

-Have exoskeleton -They molt -Several legs -Advanced nervous system -Develop through metamorphosis

Accomplishments of the Progressive Era

-Hepburn Act -Sherman Anti-trust Act -Clayton Anti-Trust Act -Forest Service -Pure Food and Drug Act -Federal Reserve System -Fair Trade Commission

Water Properties

-High Polarity, hydrogen bonding, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, high specific heat, high latent heat, and high heat of vaporization -Room temperature when liquid -Resists heat and motion -Is cohesive

Types of Figurative Language

-Hyperbole (excessive exaggeration for humor) -Onomatopoeia (words that imitate the sounds they name) -Simile (compares using like or as) -Metaphor (compares without using like or as) -Personification (describing a thing or animal as a person) -Alliteration (series of words containing the same sound) -Imagery (create mental images of the story)

Scientific Experimentation

-Hypothesis -Theory -Scientific law -Control and constants -Independent variable -Dependent variable

Steps that Readers can take for Evaluating the Arguments

-Identify the arguments conclusion -Identify the authors premises that support the conclusion —Evaluate whether premises reasonably support the conclusion

Types of Rocks

-Igneous (cooling liquid magma) -Metanorphic (metamorphosing into a new rock with pressure) -Sedimentary (sedimentation compaction)

Strategies to Improve Reading Comprehesion

-Illustrations and questions -Predictions -Relating or connecting -Retelling


-Imporves balance -Prolongs lifts in a leap -Achieves deeper abdominal contraction -Sharpens angular movement and shapes -Softens tenssion in port de bras -Accelerates attack in an assemble -Better employs pile in preparation for jumps

Federal Taxes

-Income taxes on individuals -Income taxes on corporations -Excise taxes -Customs duties

Major Changes in Late 1800s

-Industrialization -Raailroad Expansion -Gold and silver minig -Cattle ranching

Types of Conflict

-Man vs man -Man vs nature -Man vs self

Division of Powers

-National -Concurrent -State

Types of Suffixes

-Noun suffix -Verb suffix -Adjective suffix

Eukaryotic Cells

-Nucleus -Nuclear envelope -Chromatin -Mitochondria

Life Process

-Nutrition -Transport -Respiration -Regulation -Reproducation and growth -Locomotion

Scientific Method

-Observation -Theory or hypothesis -Experimental method -Analysis and evaluation -Modification and replication

Data Must Be?

-Organized -Classified

Types of Verbals

-Participle (always functions as an objective) -Gerund (always functions as a noun) -Infinitive (functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb)

Teaching Strategies for ESL Student

-Partner ESL students and native English speakers together -Encourage questions -Dictate key sentences -Alternate difficult and easy tasks -Ask to label objects

Renaissance Figures

-Petrach -Leonardo da Vinci -Michelangelo and Raphael -Desiderius Erasmus -Sir Thomas More -Niccolo Machiavelli -William Shakespeare

Alphabet Writing Systems

-Phonological (each letter stands for an individual sound and words are spelled just as they sound) -Logographic (Chinese) -Syllabic (Japanese)

Names of Climates

-Polar (ice caps) -Polar (tundra) -Subtropical (dry summer) -Subtropical (dry winter) -Subtropical (humid) -Subtropical (marine west coast) -Subtropical (mediterranean) -Subtropical (wet) -Tropical (monsoon) -Tropical (Savannah/grasslands) -Tropucal (wet)

Rules to Compare Adverbs and Adjectives

-Positive (standard or normal form) -Comparative (compares 1 person or thing to another) -Superlative (compares more than 2 people or things)

How can Teacher Promote Vocabulary Development?

-Prior knowledge -Defining Words -Context clues -Prefixes, roots, and suffixes -Dictionaries and thesaurus -Allow for practice -Print rich environment -Group Words into single subject

Mitosis Phases

-Prophase (duplicateto prepare for divison) -Metaphase (different pieces align themselves for split up) -Anaphase (half chromosomes on one side and half on the other) -Telophase (cell membrane closes and cells split into 2 pieces -Interphase (resting stage)

How to Encourage ESL Students to Speak?

-Read aloud -Verbal summary -Verbal explanations -Group Activities

Middle Ages Events

-Roman Catholicism -Knights -Peasants -Universities -Crusades -Charlemagne -Black Death plauge

Types of Congruent Triangles

-SSS (side, side, side) -SAS (side, angle, side) -ASA (angle, side, angle) -AAS (angle, angle, side) -HL (hypotenuse, leg)


-Saturated fats (meat, lard, butter, coconut, and palm oil) -Unsaturated fats (sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil, and canola oil)

States of Matter

-Solid -Liquid -Gas -Plasma

Events Leading to the American Revolution

-Sons of Liberty -Boston Massacre -Committees of Correspondence -The Boston Tea Party -First Continental Congress -The Shot Hear Round the World

What should be Addressed in the Middle Part of an Essay?

-State the point -Explain it's meaning -Support it with quotations or other evidence -Explain how the point and the evidence are related to the thesis

Biological, Chemical, and Physical Properties

-States of water -Forms of carbon -Greenhouse effect -Atmosphere and electromagnetic field -Eaths realtionship to the sun and moon -Combination of water, carbin, and nutrients


-Sugars -Starches -Cellulose

What should be Addressed in the Last Part of an Essay?

-Summary of Points 1-3 -Thesis Statement

How to Encourage ESL Students to Listen?

-Talk about interesting topics -Give examples that are easy to understand or are related to the topic -Avoid colloquiums and slang terms -Clarify points, repeat words, and define words -Support words with visuals

How to Determine the Outcome?

-Tree Diagrams -List Charts

Types of Polygons

-Triangle -Quadrilateral -Pentagon -Hexagon -Heptagon -Octagon -Nonagon -Decagon -Dodecagon

Match Rocks to Events

-Types or patterns -Small time periods -Volcanic ash -Meteor impact

Effective Classroom Practices for Second Language Acquisition

-Understandable instruction -Relate instruction to cultures -Increase interactive activities -Cover all curriculum areas -Use consistent routines -Use a schedule -Create group activities -Students as translators -Establish word to action relationships -Experiment with and practice -Use multi sensory learning

Recession Effects

-Unemployment -Mortgage ates go up -Credit is less available -Stock market prices drop -Depression and trauma occur

How to Encourage ESL Students to Read?

-Use bilingual dictionaries -Books in native languages -Read aloud -Verbal summaries

Types of Irony

-Verbal irony (uses words opposite of what is said or done) -Situational irony (what happens contrasts with that was expected) -Dramatic irony (narrative informs audiences of more than its characters know)


-Viruses -Bacteria -Fungi -Paraasites

4 Basic Laws of Thermodynamics

-Zeroth Law (2 objects in therodynamic equilibrium with a 3rd object are also in equilibrium with each other -First Law (neither madd nor energy can be destroyed, only converted from one form to another) -Second Law (the entropy of an isolated system ca only increase) -Third Law (as temperature approaches absolute 0, entropy approaches a constant minmum)


0* latitude

Prime Meridian

0* longitude

Odds Against an Event Formula


Triangle Area


Trapezoid Area


Pyramid Volume


Cone Volume


Electric charge Formula



2 dimensional flat surface defined by three non-collinear points


2 events have no bearing on each other so that one event occuring has no influence on the probability of another event occuring


2 lines of iambic diameter followed by 2 lines of iambic diameter and another of iambic triameter

Cartesian Coordinate Plane

2 number lines placed perpendicular to each other and intersecting at the 0 point

Dependent Events

2 or more events in whose outcomes affect one another

Independent Events

2 or more events whose outcomes do not affect one another

Mutually Exclusive Outcomes

2 or more outcomes whose criteria cannot all be satisfied in a single event


2 terms

How many Amendments does the Constitution have?


Parallelogram Perimeter

2a+2b or 2(a+b)

Rectangle Perimeter

2l+2w or 2(l+w)

Rectanglar Prism Surface Area

2lw+2hl+2wh or 2(lw+hl+wh)


3 terms

Sphere Volume


Square Perimeter


Sphere Area


Cube Surface Area



A bar graph that has one continuous bar for each range of data


A bias applied specifically to a group or place

Cause and Effect

A cause is an act that makes something happen and an effect is the thing that happens as a result of the cause


A change in the location of an object and is the result of an unbalanced net force acting on the object

Mathematical Expressions

A combination of one or more values arranged in terms that are added together

Mathematical Expressions

A combination of values and operations


A comparable, semi permeable plasitic bag


A comparison of two quantities in a particular order

Noun Clause

A dependent clause that can be used as a subject, object, or complement

Bar Graph

A graph with a bar drawn to represent the exact value of data


A graph, generally in the horizontal orientation, that uses pictures or symbols to represent the data

Box and Whisker Plot

A graphical representation of the 5 number summary

13 Colonies

A group of Englsih colonies that were overtly similar in their beliefs


A measurement against a basic value, equilibrium, or rest point


A measurement of an objects stored heat energy


A measurement of the amont of mass per unit volume

Potential of Hydrogen (pH)

A measurement of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance in terms of the number of moles of H+ per liter of solution


A method of acquiring and obtaining knowledge

Expected Value

A method of determing expected outcome in a random situation

Closed Primary

A party nominating election in which only declared members can vote

Line of Reflection

A perpendicular bisector of any line segment drawn from a point on the original figure to its reflected image


A person, place, thing, or idea


A personal account of events, experiences, feelings, and thoughts


A pieccce of metal that can affect another substance with its field of force

Inverse Proportion

A relationship in which an increase in one quantity is accompanied by a decrease in the other

Immune System

A system (including the thymus and bone marrow and lymphoid tissues) that protects the body from foreign substances and pathogenic organisms by producing the immune response

Global Positioning System (GPS)

A system that determines the precise position of something on Earth through a series of satellites, tracking stations, and receivers.


A transformation that stretches or shrinks a figure by a scale factor


A way to describe the symmetry or asymmetry of the distribution of values in a dataset

Graphic Organizers

A way to simplify information and take key points from the text

Pulse Rate

About 72 beats per minute


Accelerate chemical reactions

Text Coding/Text Monitoring

Active reading strategy to support student comprehension of informational texts

What is the Property of a^n x a^m=a^n+m?

Add exponents to multiply powers of the same base number

Desired Outcome

An outcome that meets a particular set of criteria


Animals with no internal skeletons


Are used for additional information

Interrogative Sentences

Asks a question and ends with a question mark


Based on data analysis and background research

Variables That Vary Directly

Both increase or decrease at the same rate


Both the neutrons and protons


Break down the complex structures of the bodies of living things into simpler forms that can be used by other living things

Absolute Adjectives

Can show comparison

Density Equation


Correlaational Studies

Determine how much one variable is affected by changes in a second variable

Compound Event

Events that involve 2 or more independent events

State Elections

For Governnor and Lieutenant Governor

Verbal Phrases

Formed from a verb but does not function as a verb

Negative Ion (anion)

Formed when an atom gains one or more electrons


Latitude lines


Main idea of the story that includes the topic and comment


Sentence structure

Imperitove Sentences

The verbs subject is understood, but not actually presented in the sentence

Predicate Adjectives

The word (adjective) that gets linked to the subject in the predicate that describe or define the subject


The writers attitude towards the topic, and to the audience

Equivalent Fractions

Two fractions that have the same value but are expressed differently

Colonial Period

Where European countries attempted to settle and colonize the Americas to expand thier territories


Where most weather takes place

Rectangle Area



Specialized vocabulary that is used among members of a trade or profession


Rounding each number in the calculation to the level indicated or the level that makes sense for the numbers involved

Reconstruction Period

South was under control of the US and military occupation began in the Confederacy, from 1865-1877

Participle Phrases

Come right before or right after the noun or pronoun that they modify

Solar Energy

Comes in the form of visible light and non-visible light


Comets fog like envelope that glows with sunlight

Terrestrial Plantes

Compact, rocky surfaces that are close to the sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars)


Comparisons between items that appear to have nothing in common


Complex substances that make up almost half the dry weight of amilam bodies

Lymphatic System

Composed of a network of vessels, ducts, nodes, and organs. Provides defense against infection

Physical Education

Composed of excersise, play, games, leisure, recreation, sport, and athletics


Composed only of hydrogen and carbon, are the simplest organic molecules


Compounds made of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen

Organic Compounds

Compounds that include carbon and form covalent bonds

Inorganic Compounds

Compounds that lack carbon

Theatrical Presentation

Familiarizing students with a broad range of activities that can be considered theatrical forms

Novels of Manners

Fictional stories that observe, explore, and analyze the social behaviors of a specific time and place.

Compare and Contrast

Finds similarities and differences between 2 ideas or things

Bill of Rights

First 10 amendments to the Constitution

Words to Signal Introduction

First of all


First writing system of the Sumerians

Positive Ion (cation)

Formed when an atom loses one or more electrons

Ionic Bond

Formed when an atom transfers an election to another atom

Covalent Bond

Formed when atoms share electrons

Conic Sections

Forms when a plane intersects a circular conic surface

Rational Expressions

Fractions with polynomials in both the numerator and denominator


Fragments of asteroids of various sizes


Fromed when 2 lines or line segments meet at a common point


Function that assigns a real number probability, from 0-1, to each outcome

Similar Figures

Geometric figures that have the same shape, but fo not necessarily have the same size

Congruent Figures

Geometric figures that have the same size and shape

Nonessential Clauses

Give more information about a person or thing but are not necessary to define them (uses comma)

Constant Functions

Given by the equation f(x)=b, where b is a real number


How close the data is to the correct data


How much consumers are willing to pay for the product or service


How reliable and repeatable a measurement is


How the author arranges and sequences events

Pastoral Poems

Idealize nature and country living

Identity Functions

Identifies by the equation f(x)=x, where every value of the function is equal to its corresponding value of x

Maximum Possible Error

Half the magnitude of the smallest unit used inn the measurement

Complex Sentences

Has 1 independent clause and at least 1 dependent clause

Simple Sentences

Has 1 independent clause with no dependent clauses

Compound-Complex Sentences

Has 2 independent clauses and at least 1 dependent clause

Compound Sentences

Has 2 or more independent clauses with no dependent clauses


Has 3 periods to show when words have been removed from a quotation

Complete Sentence

Has a subject and a verb or predicate

Piecewise Functions

Has different definitions on 2 or more different intervals

Prime Number

Has only two factors, but other numbers can have many factors


Has seeds with 2 cotyledons or 2 seed leaves of food

Applied Science

Has specific practical goal or application, it is designed to solve a problem

Absolute Value Functions

Has the format of f(x)=|ax+b|

Consistent Systems

Have 1 solution


Have energy and can transfer energy when they interact with matter

Inconsistent Systems

Have no solution

Psychological health

Having an accurate and favorable impression of yourself


Help readers understand text better and predict what might occur next based on what they already know


Helps readers comprehend information by rephrasing the authors words and details


Helps readers identify important information and organize it in their minds

Identifying a Logical Conclusion

Helps you determine whether you agree with t writer or not


Herbivorous animals at the bottom og the ecological pyramid that are captures by predators for food


Homogeneous mixtures composed of 2 or more substances thwat have become one


Incited but recognizable reference to something else

Dependent/Subordinate Clauses

Includes a subject and verb (cant stand alone)

Writing Literacy

Includes spelling, grammar, and sentence structure

Complete Subject

Includes the simple subject and all of its modifiers

Infinitive Phrases

Includes the verbal itself and all of its complements or modifiers


Incorporates geography in discussions of battle, slavery, disasterss, and migrations


Increases the value of one quantity by the value of another quantity

Significant Figures

Indicate how precisely a quantity is known


Informal and sometimes private language that is understood by some individuals

Chronological Order/Sequence

Information presented in the order it happened

Continuous Data

Information that can be expressed by any value within a given range

Discrete Data

Information that can be expressed only by a specific value

Ordinal Data

Information that can be placed in numerical order

Qualitative Data

Information that cannot be measured using numbers

Nominal Data

Information that cannot be placed in numerical order

Primary Data

Information that has been collected directly from a survey, investigation, or experiment

Secondary Data

Information that has been collected, sorted, and processed by the researcher

Text Evidence

Information that supports a main point or minor points and can help lead the reader to a conclusion


Integer increments of a given factor

Chemical Changes

Involve a chemical reaction and do produce new substances

Parliamentary Democracy

Involves a legislature and a variety of political parties


Irregularly shaped boulders that orbit the sun


Is the opposite operation to multiplication, one number tells how many parts to divide the other number into

Proper Parallel Structures

Items and ideas must be stated in grammatically equivalent ways


Items one can barter in exchange for goods

Jeffersonian Era

Jefferson was big on activism and American Republicanism, from 1801-1817

Subordinating Conjunctions

Join subordinate clauses with independent clauses


Join words, phrases, or clauses and they show the connection between the join pieces

Figurative Language

Language that goes beyond the literal meaning of a word or phrase

Nucleic Acids

Large molecules composed of a large number of simple molecules

Words to Signal Conculsion

Lastly, finally, last but not least

Civil Rights Era

Laws dealing with segregation, employment opportunity, and voting rights, from 1965-1980

Scientific Laws

Laws that must be true, not just probable

One to One Function

Each value of x has exactly 1 value for y on the coordinate plane, vise versa

Pre-listening Activities

Establishes the purpose of the lesson and engages students background knowledge

Post-listening Activities

Evaluation process that allows students to judge how well they did with the listening task

Mutually Exclusive

Events that have no outcomes in common

Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

Every non-constant, single variable polynomial has exactly as many roots as the polynomials highest exponent

Descriptive Language

Evokes imagery in the readers mind to make a story come alive


Evolved from songs to the typical poems, expressing strong feelings and contemplative thoughts

Respiratory System

Exchnges gases with the environment

When do you use an Exclamation Mark?

Exclamatory interjections

Essential Clauses

Explains or defines a person or thing (no comma)


Explains or describes the subject


Literal meaning of a word


Plants that haveflowers


Plants with vascular systems and seeds but no flowers

Line Plot

Plotted pointss that are not connected by line segments


Poems that have 17 syllables (5-7-5) that are distributed across 3 lines and have a pause after line 1 or 2


Poems with 14 lines of iambic pentameter, tightly organizes around a theme


Positively charged and make up the nucleus

Unit Rate

Expresses a quantity of one thing in terms of one unit of another


Expresses functional relationships


Expressions that include numbers without a variable

Gravitational Force Formula

F = G m1m2/r2

FOIL Method

F- Multiply the first terms of each binomial O- Multiply the outer terms I- Multiply the inner terms L- Multiply the last terms of each binomial


North and South poles that are on a magnets which attract each other

Theroretical Probability Equation

Number of acceptable outcomes/number of possible outcomes


Number of electorns are reduced

Decimal System

Number system that uses 10 different digits (0-9)

Binary System

Number system that uses 2 different digits (0-1)


Numerical value that gives information about the sample

Static Frictional Force

Object is at a rest

Kinetic Frictional Force

Object is in motion to feel force opposing

Middle Clouds

Occur at altitudes between 2,000 and 7,000 meters

High Clouds

Occur at altitudes between 5,000 and 13,000 meters

Low Clouds

Occur at altitudes between the Earths surface and 2,000 meters

Congressional Elections

Occur every 2 years for the House and Senate

Split Infinitive

Occurs when a modifying word comes between the word to and the verb that pairs with to


Occurs when the energy from the sun hits a chloroplast and the chlorophyll used that energy to combine carbon dioxide and water to make sugars and oxygen

Magnetic Domain

Occurs when the magnetic fields of atoms are grouped and aligned

Written Language Development

Occurs without direct instruction

Declaration of Independence

Officially seperated the colonies from British rules


Patially positively charged on one end and partially negatively charged on the other


People elect thier governmental representatives


Percentile groups that make up quarter sections of the data set

Trigonometric Functions

Periodic, they repeat the same form over and over

Rows on Periodic Table



Phrases that have been overused to the point that the phrase has no importance or has lost the original meaning

Abiotic Factors

Physical and chemical factors in the environment that are nonliving


Process of learning to read by learning how spoken language is represented by letters

Pronoun-Antecedents Agreement

Pronouns and their antecedents agree when they have the same number and gender

Sociocognitive Theory Approach

Proposes that language development is a complex interaction or linguistic, social, and cognitive influences

Linguistic Theory Approach

Proposes that the ability to use a language is innate

Transport Holes

Proteins that help certain molecues and ions move in and out of the cell

Simple Machines

Provide a force known as a mechanical advantages and make it easier to accomplish a task

Circle Graph

Provide a visual depiction of the relationship of each data compared to the whole sert of data

Supporting Details

Provide evidence and backing for the main point

Transverse Wave

Provides a good illustration of the features of a wave

Concrete Language

Provides informations that readers can grasp and empathize with

Science Inquiry

The impetus and catalyst for all scientific research and experimentation

Input Variables

The independent variable

Hydrologic Cycle

The journey water takes as it assumes different forms

Atomic Theory

The kinetic motion of atoms in order to explain the properties of macroscopic quantities of matter

Greatest Common Factor

The largest number that is a factor of two or more numbers

Arc Lengths

The length of that portion of the circumference between 2 points on the circle


The likelihood of a certain outcome occurring for a given event

Theoretical Probability

The likelihood of an outcome occuring, or the probability of an outcome occuring


The line perpendicular to the diretrix that passes through the focus

Line of Best Fit

The line that best shows the trends of the data


The list of words that students understand and comprehend

Bottom-up Processing

The listener figures out the meaning of a message by using data obtained from what is said

Top-down Processing

The listener refers to background and global knowledge to figure out the meaning of a message

Biotic Facctors

The living components of the environemnt that affect


The living world of trees, bugs, and animals

logb MN=logb M +logb N

The log of a product is the song of the log of each factor

logb M/N=logb M -logb N

The log of a quotient is equal to the log of the dividend minus the log of the divisor

logb M^p=plogb M

The log of a value raised to a power is equal to the power times the log of value

logb 1=0

The log of one is equal to zero for any base

logb b=1

The log of the base is equal to one

logb bp=p

The log of the base raised to a power is equal to the power


The opposite of what is said or done


The opposite operation of addition, it decreases the value of one quantity by the value of another quantity

Digestive Sysytem

The organ system that breaks down food so it can be absorbed into the bloodstream

Articles of Confederation

The original constitution of the USA, outlining how sovereignty would be shared among the states in the new country

Triangle Legs

The other 2 sides of the triangle, not the hypotenuse


The point of concurrency of the altitudes of a triangle


The point of concurrency of the medians of a triangle

Center of Rotation

The point that the figure turns around, which can be anywhere

Population in Late 1800s

The population in the US doubled between 1860-1890, with the arrival of 10 million immigrants


The portion of a circle formed by 2 radii and their intercepted arc

Intercepted Angle

The portion of the cirlce intercepter by the legs of the angle

Decimal Place

The position of the right of the decimal point

Complement of an Event

The possibility of something not happening

Alphabetic Principal

The use of letters and combinations of letters to represent speech sounds

Statistical Mean

The value in the middle of the sset of data

Linear Functions

The value of the function changes in direct proportion to x

Rectanglar Prism Volume


Slope Equation

m = y2-y1/x2-x1

Number of Diagonals Equation


Combination Formula

nCr = n!/r!(n-r)!

Permutation Formula

nPr = n!/(n-r)!

Square Area


Cube Volume


Laws of Sines

sinA/a = sinB/b = sinC/c, where A, B, and C are the angles of a triangle and a, b, and c are the sides oppostire their respective angles

Angle of Rotation

the angle between 2 lines connected by a vertex


Negatively charged and orbit the nucleus

Solution Set

The set of all solutions of a equation

Circle Circumference


Rhombus Perimeter


Dangling Modifier

A dependent clause or verbal phrase that does not have a clear logical connection to a word in the sentence

Adjective Clauses

A dependent clause that modifies a noun or pronoun

Adverb Clauses

A dependent clause that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb


Addictive drug that smokers use

Combining Like Terms

Adding or subtracting like terms to reduce sets of like terms to a single term

Formal Writing

Addressing a superior in school or work environment


Adjacent side/Hypotenuse


Adjectives that are used to mark nouns

Common Subordinating Conjunctions

After, although, because, before, in order that, since, so that, unless, until, when, whenever, where, wherever, whether, while


Algebraic Expressions that use addition and subtraction to combine 2 or more monomials

Transcendental Functions

All functions that are non algebraic

Rational Numbers

All integers, decimals, and fractions

Estimating Sums

All numbers must be rounded to the same level

Electromagnetic Spectrum

All of the frequencies or wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation


Begins as a cloud of hydrogen and some heavier elemetns draw togheter by their own mass

Logarithmic Functions

Equations that have the format y=logb x or f(x)=logb x

Equivalent Equations

Equations with identical solutions


Erosion or land by weather or breaking waves


Establishes once and for all the truth of the statement

Columns on Periodic Table

Groups or familes


Guide readers from idea to idea

Negative Modifiers

Should not be paired with other negative modifiers or negative words

Correlative Conjunctions

Show the connection between pairs

Frequency Tables

Shows how frequently each unique value appearss in a set

Exclamatory Sentences

Shows strong emotion and ends with an exclamation point

Intersection (symbol n)

The set of common elements found in all sets

Union (symbol U)

The set of elements found in all sets


The set of points between and including two points on a circle


The top number in a fraction

Sample Space

The total set of all possible results of a test or experiment

Up/Down Parabola Equation


Z Score Formula

(x-mean)/standard deviation

Vertical Hyperbola Equation

(y-k)^2/a^2 - (x-h)^2/b^2 = 1

Left/Right Parabola Equation


Metric Equivalents

-1000ug=1mg -1000mg=1g -1000g=1kg -1000kg=1 metric ton -1000mL=1L -1000um=1mm -1000mm=1m -100cm=1m -1000m=1km

Weight Measurements

-16d=28.35g -16oz=453.6g -2000lb=907.2kg

Distance and Area Measurement

-1in=2.54cm -12in=0.305m -3ft=0.914m -5280ft=1.609km -4840y^2=0.405ha -640a=2.590km^2

Outcomes of World War II

-Communism -Truman Doctrine -Marshall Plan -Organization of American States -Berlin Blockade -North Atlantic Treaty Organization -Korean War -McCarthy Era

When do you use Hyphens?

-Compound numbers -Written our fractions -Adjectives that come before a noun

Common Core Anchor Standards (6-12) in citing textual evidence to support informational text analysis

-6 (cite textual evidence to support their inferences and analyses) -7 (identify several specific pieces of textual evidence to defend each of their conclusions) -8 (differentiate strong from weak textual evidence) -9 & 10 (cite through evidence as well as strong evidence from text) -11 & 12 (determine which things are left unclear in a text)

Capacity Measurements

-8fd=29.573mL -8fl oz=0.237L -16fl oz=0.473L -2pt=0.946L -4qt=3.785L -1fd=5mL -4fd=15 or 16mL -0.271d=1mL

Types of Similar Triangles

-AAA (angle, angle, angle)

Types of Angles

-Acute -Right -Obtuse -Straight -Reflex -Full -Complementary -Supplementary -Adjacent -Alternate interior -Alternate exterior

Forms of Affect and Effect

-Affect [n] (feeling, emotion, or mood that is displayed) -Affect [v] (to alter, to change, to influence) -Effect [n] (a result, a consequence) -Effect [v] (to bring about, to cause to be)

When do you use a Colon?

-After a complete independent clause -Make a list -Explanations ams give a quote -After the greeting in a formal letter, to show hours and minutes, and Separate a title and subtitle

Aristotle's 5 Critical Terms Relative to Tragedy

-Anagnorisis (tragic recognition) -Hamartia (tragic flaw) -Hubris (tragic overstepping) -Nemesis (tragic punishment) -Peripateia (tragic turning)

Rhetorical Strategies

-Analogies -Similes and metaphors -Syllogism -Deductive reasoning -Diction -Understatement -Chiasmus -Anaphora

Rhetorical Devices

-Anecdote -Aphorisms -Allusions -Satire -Parody -Paradox -Hyperbole -Oxymoron

Basic Principles of Art

-Balance and harmony -Proportion -Unity -Variety

Examples of Homographs

-Bank -Content -Fine -Incense -Lead -Object -Produce -Refuse -Subject -Tear

When do you use a Comma?

-Before a coordinating conjunction -After an introductory phrase -After an adverbial clause -Between items in a series -Between coordinate adjectives -Interjections -After yes and no responses -Separate nonessential modifiers -Separate nonessential appositives -Set off nouns of direct address, interrogative tags, and contrast -dates, addresses, geographical names, and titles -Separate expressions like he said and she said

When do you use a Semicolon?

-Between closely connected independent clauses -Between independent clauses linked with a transitional word -Between items in a series that has internal punctuation

Types of Cancer

-Carcinoma (internal organs and outside the body) -Sarcomas (connective and supportive tissues, bones, muscles, and blood vessels) -Leukemia (blood-creating parts) -Lymphoma (lymph system)

Nervous System

-Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord) -Pheripheral Nervous System (a network of billions of neurins of different types throughout the entire body)

Examples of Energy Transformation

-Chemical to heat -Chemical to light -Heat to electricity -Nuclear to heat -Mechanical to heat -Sound to electric -Light to electric -Electric to ligth

Classroom Activities that Teach Phonological Awareness

-Clapping to the sounds of individual words, names, or all words in a sentence -Practice saying blended phonemes -Singing songs that involve phoneme replacement -Reading poems, songs, and nursery rhymes out loud -Reading patterned and predictable texts out loud -Listening to environmental sounds or following verbal directions -Playing games with rhyming chants or finger plays -Reading alliterate texts out loud -Grouping objects by beginning sounds -Reordering Words in a well known sentence or making silly phrases by deleting words from a well known sentence


A high mountian, where snow and ice accumulate inside a cirque

Benefits of Print and Book Awareness

-Connection between print and messages -Reading and writing are ways to obtain information and communicate ideas -Print runs from left to right or top to bottom -The book has parts -The book has an author and contains a story -The illustrations can carry meaning -Letters and words are different -Words and sentences are separated by spaces and punctuation -There are different text forms -Print represents spoken language -How to hold a book

Reptile Types

-Crocodilla -Squamata -Chelonia

Layers of the Earth

-Crust (the outermost layer of the earth that is comprised of the continents and the ocean basins) -Mantle (2 sections that are made up with silicates) -Core (seperated into 2 parts)

Major Events in 1960s

-Cuban Missile Crisis -Assassination of Kennedy -Civil Rights Movement -Vietnam War -Major Legislation

When do you use a Period?

-Declarative sentences -Imperative sentences -Abbreviations

Types of Articles

-Definite (the) -Indefinite (a, an)

Types of Powers

-Delegated -Reserved -Exclusive

Types of Structures or Organizational Patterns

-Descriptive -Sequence and order -Comparison/contrast -Cause and effect -Problem and solution

When do you use a Question Mark?

-Direct questions -Polite requests

Types of Galaxies

-Dwarf galaxies -Giant galaxies -Milky Way galaxy -Andromeda galaxy

Characteristics of Market Economy

-Economic freedom -Economic incentives -Competition -Private ownership -Limited government

How can Outlines help with Writing?

-Facilitate quick identification of the main point and supporting details -Helps analyze a piece of existing writing

Forms of Government

-Feudalism -Classical Republic -Absolute Monarchy -Authoritatiansim -Dictatorship -Autocracy -Oligarchy -Liberal Democracy -Totaltarianism

Newton's 2 Laws of Motion

-First Law (an object at rest or in motion will remian at rest or in motion unless acted upon by an external force) -Second Law (an objects acceleration is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object, and inversely proportional to the objects mass)

Types of Vertebrates

-Fish -Amphibians -Reptiles and birds -Mammals

What can you Model?

-Flow of electric current -Potental -Circuts

How to Write an Effective Paragraph?

-Focus on 1 main idea -Use specific details -Use structural patterns

How can Pronouns be Grouped?

-Intensive (I myself, you yourself, he himself, she herself, the itself, we ourselves, you yourselves, they themselves) -Relative (which, who, whom, whose) -Interrogative (what, which, who, whom, whose) -Demonstrative (this, that, these, those) -Indefinite (all, any, each, everyone, either/neither, one, some, several) -Reciprocal (each other, one another)

How can Children Learn Language?

-Interacting with others -Experiencing in daily and relevant context -Understanding that speaking and listening are necessary for effective communication

Robber Barons

-Jay Gould (railroads) -Andrew Carnegie (steel) -John D. Rockefeller Sr. (oil) -Philip Danforth Armour (meatpacking) -John Jacob Astor (fur pelts) -Cornelius Vanderbilt (steamboat shipping)

How to Correct Run-On Sentences?

-Join Clauses Properly -Split into separate sentences -Make 1 clause dependent -Reduce to 1 clause with a compound verb

Kingdoms of Life Forms

-Kingdom Eubacteria -Kingdom Archaebacteria -Kingdom Protista -Kingdom Fungi -Kingdom Plantae -Kingdom Animalia

Types of Quadrilaterals

-Kite -Trapezoid -Parallelogram -Rectangle -Rhombus -Square

Factors of Production

-Land -Labor -Capital -Entrepreneurship

Facts Children should know about Letters

-Letters are distinct in appearance -Direction and shapes must be used to make each letter -Each letter has a name -There are 26 letters in the alphabet -Letters represent sounds of speech -Words are composed of letters and have meaning -To read, one must be able to correspond letters and sounds

Elements of Art

-Line -Shape -Space -Texture -Color

Themes of Geography

-Location -Place -Human-environmental interaction -Movement -Regions

Gross Motor Skills

-Locomotor skills -Balance -Bar skills

Important Supreme Court Rulings

-Marbury v. Madison -Dred Scott v. Sandford -Brown v. Board of Education -Miranda v. Arizona

Types of Invertebrates

-Marine -Freshwater -Terrestrial


A humans perception of sound intensity

Why Start a New Paragraph?

-Mark off introduction and conclusion -Signal a shift to a new idea or topic -Indicate an important shift in time -Explain a point in additional detail -Highlight a comparison, contrast, or cause and effect relationship

Basic Elements of Sculpture

-Mass -Space -Plane -Line -Movement -Scale -Texture -Color


-Mercury -Venus -Earth -Mars -Jupiter -Saturn -Uranus -Neptune

How can Teachers Promote Language Development?

-Modeling enriched vocabulary and teaching new words -Using questions and examples to extend a child's descriptive language skills -Providing ample response time to encourage children to practice speech -Asking for clarification to provide students with the opportunity to develop communication skills -Promoting conversations among children -Providing feedback to let children know they have been heard and understood -Providing further explanation when needed

Mammal Types

-Monotremes -Marsupials -Placental

Types of Structural Patterns

-Narration -Description -Definition -Example and illustration -Division and classification -Comparison and contrast -Analogy -Cause and effect -Process

13 Colonies States

-New Hampshire -Massachusettes -Rhode Island -Conneticut -Virginia -Maryland -New York -Pensylvania -New Jersey -Delaware -North Carolina -South Carolina -Georgia

Art forms

-Painiting -Literature -Music -Sculpture -Theater -Drama -Comedy

Quadratic Function Types

-Parabola -Positive quadratic function -Negative quadratic function


-Parentheses -Exponents -Multiplication -Division -Addition -Subtraction

6 Principles of the Constitution

-Popular Sovereignty (the people establish governnemnet and give power to it) -Limited Government (the consititution specifies limits on government authority) -Speration of Powers (power is divided among 3 government branches) -Checks and Balances (system that enforces the seperation of powers and ensures the branches have authority) -Judicial Review (judges in the federal courts ensure that no act of government is in violation of the Constitution) -Federalism (the division of power between centeral and local government)

Triangle Types

-Scalene (no congruent sides) -Acute (3 angles less than 90*) -Isosceles (2 angles equal) -Equilateral (3 angles equal) -Obtuse (1 angle greter than 90*) -Right (1 angle equals 90*)

Turning Points of the American Revolution

-Second Continental Congress -Common Sense -Declaration of Independence -Alliance with France -Treaty of Paris

6 Trigonometric Ratios

-Sin (opposite side/hypotenuse) -Cos (adjacent side/hypotenuse) -Tan (opposite side/adjacent side) -Cosecant (hypotenuse/opposite side) -Secant (hypotenuse/adjacent side) -Cotangent (adjacent side/opposite side)

Kinds of Connections

-Text to self -Text to text -Text to world

Types of Dramatic Comedies

-The farce (zany and goofy type of comedy that includes pratfalls and slapstick humor) -The romantic comedy (includes humor and a happy ending with love) -The satirical comedy (mock and lampoon human foolishness and vices)

Commonly Confused Words 2

-Then (sequence or order) -Than (comparison)

Text Features

-Title of a text -Table of contents -Appendix -Index -Glossary -Boldface print -Headings and subheadings -Footnotes -Bullet point -Sidebar -Illustrations -Captions -Charts, tables, and diagrams

When do you use Dashes?

-To set off parenthetical statements or an appositive with internal punctuation -To show a break or change in tone or thought

Examples of Homophones

-To, too, and two -There, their, and they're -Knew and new -its and it's -your and you're

Earths Atmosphere Layers

-Troposhphere (closest layer to where the earth takes place) -Stratoshpere (air flow is horizontal) -Mesosphere (cold layer) -Thermosphere (many ionized atoms)

What should be Addressed in the First Part of an Essay?

-What is the subject of the lesson? -How does the essay address the subject? -What will the essay provide?

When do you use Brackets?

-When placing parentheses inside of parentheses -When adding clarification or detail to quotation that is not part of the quotation

Commonly Confused Words

-Which (used for things only) -That (used for people and things) -Who (used for people only)

Components of Percentage Problems

-Whole -Part -Percentage

Creative Movement

A child's interpretation of the song without paying attention to the beat


A humans perception of the type or quality of sound


A closed, 2 dimensional figure with 3 or more straight line segments

Sector Area


Prepositional Phrases

Begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun that is the object of the preposition

Composition of Earths Atmosphere

79% nitrogen, 20% oxygen, 1% other gases


A change to the Constitution


A fixed location in space, has no size or dimensions, and is commonly represented by a dot


A force that arises a resistance to motion where 2 surfaces are in contact

Proper Fraction

A fraction whose denominator is greater than its numerator

Improper Fraction

A fraction whose numerator is greater than its denominator

Invertible Function

A function f(x), for which there is another function f^-1(x), such that f^-1(f(x))=x

Quadratic Functions

A function in the form y=ax^2 + box + c, where a does not equal 0

Rational Functions

A function that can be constructed as a ratio of 2 polynomial expressions: f(x)= p(x)/q(x) and q(x)= 0

Square Root Functions

A function that contains a radical and is in the format f(x)= √2x+1

Many to One Function

A function whereby the relation is a function, but the inverse of the function is not a function

Monotone Function

A function whose graph either constantly increases or constantly decrease

Polynomial Functions

A function with multiple terms and multiple powers of x


A general ecosystem tyoe definded by the plants and animals that live there and the local climate patterns

Odd Fuction

A graph that is symmetric with respect to the origin and satisfies the equation f(x)=-f(-x)

Even Function

A graph that is symmetric with respect to the y axis and satisfies the equation f(x)=f(-x)

Number Lines

A graph to see the distance between numbers


A group of sentences that forms a unit separate from other paragraphs


A group of words that contains both a subject and a predicate


A groups of words that functions as a single part of speech that adds detail or explanation to a sentence, or renames something in the sentence

Presidential System

A legislative-executive system that features a directly elected president with most executive powers


A line in the same plane as a circle that touches the circle in exactly 1 point


A line or line segment that divides another line segment into 2 equal lengths


A line segment drawn from one vertex perpendicular to the opposite side


A line segment drawn from one vertex to theh midpoint of the opposite side


A line segment from the center of a polygon that is perpendicular to a side of the polygon


A line segment from the center of a polygon to a vertex of the polygon

Perpendicular Bisector

A line segment is composed of points that are equidistant from the endpoints of the segment it is dividing


A line segment that joins 2 non adjacent vertices of a polygon

Circle Radius

A line segment that joins the center of the circle and any one point on the circle

Cirlce Diameter

A line segment that passes through the center of the circle and has both endpoints on the circle

Line of Symmetry

A line that divides a figure or object into congruen parts


A line that intersects a circle in 2 points


A line that intersects at least 2 other lines, which may or may not be parallel to one annother


A liquid or solid being dispersed


A liquid that has gas dispersed through it


A literacy form with the goal of representing reality as faithfully as possible

Weighted Mean

A mean that used weighted values

Direct Primary

A means for members of a party to participate in the selection of a candidate

Standard Deviation

A measure of dispersion that compares all the data values in teh set to the mean of the set to give a more accurate picture

Science Accuracy

A measure of how close a measurement is to the true value

Science Precison

A measure of how close repeated measurements are to one another


A measure of how elongated an ellipse is, and is the ratio of the distance between the foci to the length of the major axis


A measure of supply

Survey Studies

A method of gathering information from a small group in an attempt to gain enough information to make accurate general assumptions about the population

Representative Democracy

A more powerful legislature than other forms of government systems

What is the Property of a^-n=1/a^n?

A negative exponent is the same as the reciprocal of a positive exponent

Direct Objects

A noun or pronoun takes or receives the action of a verb


A noun, pronoun, or adjective that is used to give more information about the subject or verb in the sentence

Mixed Numbers

A number that contains both an integer and a fraction

Common Factor

A number that divides exactly into two or more other numbers

Perfect Square

A number that has an integer for its square root


A number that is expressed as one integer above another integer


A numerical value that gives inofmraion about the population

Respiration Rate

Between 15 to 29 breaths a minute

William Shakespeare

A poet and play writer who lived in England and wrote poems, sonnets, and plays

Convex Polygon

A polygon whose diagonals all lie within the interior of the polygon

Concave Polygon

A polygon with at least one diagonal that is outside the polygon


A portion of a line that extends from a single point on that line in one direction along the line

Line Segment

A portion of a line that has definite endpoints


A portion of the earth that has been raised above its surroundings by volcanic action or plate movement


A portion of the entire population

Electic Field

A positive or negative charge creates a field of empty space


A pressure disturbance that moves through a medium in the form of mechanical waves, which transfer energy from one particle to the next

Problem and Solution

A problem is something that shouldn't happen and the solution is how that problem was fixed

Representative Sample

A sample whose characteristics give an accurate picture of the characteristics of the entire population


A punctuation mark that can help you understand connections in a sentence

Projection of a Segment on a Line

A segment whose endpoints are the points formed when perpendicular lines are drawn from the endpoints of the given segment to the given line


A sequenced arrangement of notes or pitches that are located with the octave


A series of empires that failed because of their oppression of subject peoples

Food Chain

A series of events that happens when one organism consumes another to survive


A set of points that extends infinitely in 2 opposite directions

Order of Operations

A set of rules that dictate the order in which we must perform each operation in an expression so that we evaluate it

Measure of Dispersion

A single value that helps to interpret the measure of central tendency by providing more information about the measure of central tendency


A single variable or product or variables


A situation that produces a result

Weather Front

Between 2 differing masses of air that affects weather

Measure of Central Tendency

A statistical value that gives a reasonable estimate for the center of a group of data


A story's atmosphere or the feeling the reader gets from reading it

Decimal Point

A symbol used to separate the ones place from the tenths place in decimals


A transformation that turns a figure around a point


A transformation which slides a figure from one position in the plane to another position in the plane

Isosceles Trapezoid

A trapezoid with equal base angles

Gravitational Force

A universal force that causes every object to exert a force on every other object

French and Indian War

A war over territoy between the Englsih colonies and the French

Scientific Notation

A way of writing large numbers in a shorter form, ax10^n

Hydrogen Bond

A weak bond between a hydrogen atom and an electronegative atom

Van der Waals Force

A weak force between molecules


A word for exclamation that is used alone or as a piece to a sentence

Performance of Dynamics

A work of art that needs a choerographer, dancers, and viewers


All space, matter, energy, and time

Blanket Primary

Allows voters to vote in the primaries of both parties

Prime Factor

Also a prime number

Words to Signal Points

Also, in addition, besides, moreover, furthermore, not only that

Progressive Era

American created the Monroe Doctrine and participated in Spanish-American wars, from 1890-1920

Wolrd War I

American declared neutraility and did not want to go into war but had to and got victory in 1918

Future Perfect Verbs

An action that uses the past and the future


An arc whose endpoints are the endpoints of the diameter of a circle

Minor Arc

An arc with the measure less than 180*

Major Arc

An arc with the measure of at least 180*


An arrangement of a specific number of a set of objects in a specific order


An arrangement of a specific number of a set of objects in no specific order


An artistic expression for worship, poetry, and dance

Compound Inequalities

An equality that consists of 2 Inequalities combined with and or or

Linear Equation

An equation in which variables only appear by themselves


An error that causes the study to favor one set of results over another

Experimental Probability

An estimate of the likelihood of a certain outcome based on repeted experiments or collected data


An extremely high or low value in the data set


An increaase in the proportion of human populations from rural areas to cities

Z Scores

An indication of how many standard deviations aa given value falls from the mean

Political Party

An organization that advocates a particular ideology and seeks to gain power within government (democratic or republican)


An underground water reservior formed from groundwater that has infiltrated from the surface by passing through the soil and permeable rock layers

Pre-modern Period

Ancient history of early civilizations in Egypt, Babylon, and Greek and Roman Empires


Animals that eat only animals


Animals that eat only plants


Animals that eat plants and animals


Animals with an internal skeleton


Another way of writing a fractional exponent with the radical symbol


Any chemical substance that changes the way a person acts or feels

Even Number

Any integer that can be divided by 2 without leaving a remainder

Odd Number

Any integer that cannot be divided evenly by 2

What is the Property of a^0=1?

Any number raised to the power of zero is equal to one

Decimal Number

Any number that uses a decimal point to show the part of the number that is less than 1

What is the Property of a^1=a?

Any number to the power of one is equal to itself


Any positive or negative while number, including 0

Rational Root Theorem

Any rational root of a polynomial function f(x)= anX^n +an-1X^n-1 + ... + a1X +a0 with integer coefficients will, when reduced to its lowest terms, be a positive or negative fractions such as the numerator is a factor of a0 in the denominator is a factor of an

Absolute Inequalities

Any real number as the value for the variable to make the condition true, while there is no real number value for the variable that will make the condition false

Composite Number

Any whole number greater than 1 that has more than 2 different factors

Prime Number

Any whole number greater than 1 that has only 2 factors, itself and 1

U.S. Citizen

Anyone born in the US, born abroad to a US citizen, or who has gone through a process of naturalization to become a citizen


Anything on earth that is related to water


Application of the laws of physics to the process of orginaisms and the application of the facts about living things to human processess and inventions

Informal Writing

Appropriate for private letters, personal emails, and business correspondence between close associates


Arithmetic average of that group


Atoms that bonded together through a chemical bond

Experimental Studies

Attempt to prove or disprove a cause and effect relationship

Kinetic Theory of Gases

Assumes that gas molecules are small compared to the distances between them and that they are in constant random motion

Learning Theory Approach

Assumes that language is first learned by imitating the speech of adults, then is solidified in school through drills about the rules of language structures

Standard Form Equation


Pyramid Surface Area


Objective Probability

Based on mathematical formulas and documented evidence

Subjective Probability

Based on personal or professional feelings and judgments

Prism Volume


Roaring Twenties

Big change in culture and lifestyle apprach, until the stock market crashed and women were able to vote, from 1920-1929

Solar Winds

Blow a comet away from the sun and give it a tail of dust or particles

Conditional Inequalities

Certain values for the variable that will make the condition true and other values for the variable where the condition will be false

Physical Properties

Can be seen or observed without changing the identity or compostition of matter


Can be subjected to analysis and can be with proved or disproved

Body Temperature

Can be taken with a thermometer and should be 96*-99.9*


Can be thought of as fractions that are based on a whole of 100


Can be thought of as repeated addition, one number indicates how many times to add the other number to itself

Gerund Phrases

Can be used as the subject of a sentence, the predicate nominative, or the object of a verb or preposition

Relative Adjectives

Can show the comparison between things

Chemical Properties

Cannot be measured without changing the identity or composition of matter

Irrational Numbers

Cannot be written as fractions or decimals because the number of decimal places is infinite and there is no recurring pattern of digits within the number


Carnivorous animals at the top of the ecological pyramid that eat other animals


Celestrial bodies composed of dust, rock, frozen gas, and ice


Change in the air, soil, or water that impairs its ability to host life

Story Plot

Characters, places, and events originating in the authors mind


Cmpounds that are insoluableor only partially soluable in water

Era of Good Feelings

Collapse of the Federalist system and Monroe tried partisan political systems, from 1817-1825


Conclusions that readers make based on observations and previous knowledge


Conclusions that readers make based on what will happen in the text

Run-On Sentences

Consist of multiple independent clauses that have not been joined together properly


Consist of stars, stellar remnants, and dark matter

Absolute Phrases

Consists of a noun followed by a participle to provide context to what is being describes in the sentence

Atom Structure

Consists of a nucleus and electrons

Writing Style

Consists of different ways of encoding the meaning and indicating figurative and stylistic meaning

Intergalactic Space

Consists of gas with an average density of less than one atom per cubic meter

Endocrine System

Consists of glands that control many of the body's activities by producing hormones

Nucleus Structure

Consists of protons and neutrons

Muscular System

Consists of skeletal muscles, tendons that connect muscles to bones, and ligaments that attach bones together to form joint


Contain 2 or more substances that are combined but have not reacted chemically with each other

Independent Clauses

Contains a complete thought (stands alone)

Data Table

Contains the values for x and y, which you can also list as coordinates

Igneous Intrusions

Cuts through or fows above other rocks

Bivariate Data

Data from 2 different variables

13th Amendment

Declared slavery illegal

Appreciating Visual Arts

Deriving satisfaction or pleasure from observing the beauty given to artwork by its creator

Direct Proportion

Describes a relationship in which a quantity increases by a set amount for every increase in the other quantity or decreases by the same amount for every decrease in the other quantity


Describes apprenticeship novels focusing on coming of age stories and is German for education novel

Chemical Equations

Describes chemical reactions

68-95-99.7 Rule

Describes how a normal distribution of data should appear when compared to the mean


Destroys the tissues in the lungs by smoking tobacco that cannot be regenerated


Details that fit together and flow well to clearly understand the main points

Solar System

Developed 4.6 billion years ago

First Conceptualization of the Atom

Developed by Democritus inn 400BC

Statistical Range

Difference between the greatest and lowest values of the data in the set


Distribution with 2 peaks


Distribution with a single peak

Uniform Distribution

Distribution with no distinct peaks

Physical Changes

Do not produce new substances

One Variable Linear Equations

Equations that can be written as ax+b=0, where a does not equal 0

Dwarf Planet

Does not have cleared space in its orbit

Oral Language Development

Does not occur naturally, but does occur in a social context

Comparing 2 Things

Draws attention to their similarities and indicates a number of differences

Place Value in Word Form

Each digit of a number represents how many of the corresponding place value

Exponential Functions

Equations that have the format y=b^2, where b>0 and b doesn't = 1

Open Primary

Election in which an qualifies voter can take part in

Electron Cloud

Electrons swarm around the nucleus


Element founf in all living things

Linguistic Form

Encodes the literal meaning of words and sentences

Electromagnetic Waves

Energy contained by a field

Sound Energy

Energy in sound waves

Thermal Energy

Energy present in a systemm due to temperature

Thermal Contact

Energy transferred to a bodyby a means other than work


Energy transsfer from one body to another due to thermal contact

Gilded Age

Enormous wealth aand grossly opulent lifestyle enjoyed by families

Units of Time

Eons-> eras-> periods-> epchs-> ages

Rate of Flow of Electrical Charge

Epressed using ampere and can be measured using an ammeter

5 Number Summary

Gives a very informative picutre of the set


Green plants that manufacture food by photosynthesis

Periodic Table

Groups elements with similar chemical properties together


Groups of complex molecules that help a cell survive

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

If two fractions have a common denominator, they can be added or subtracted simply by adding or subtracting the two numerators and retaining the same denominator

Latitude and Longitude

Imaginary lines that divide the globe into a grid

Technical Language

Impersonal language found in scientific texts

Perpendicular Lines

Lines that intersect at right angles

Linking Verbs

Link the subject of a sentence to a noun or pronoun or link a subject with an adjective


Organisms capable of producing thier own food


Longitude lines

Define Words with Context

Look for nearby words that can assist in learning the meaning of the word

Pastoral Novels

Lyrically idealize country life as idyllic and utopian, akin to the Garden of Eden

14th Amendment

Made all persons born or naturalized in the US citizens and forbade any state to interfere with their fundamental civil rights

15th Amendment

Made it illegal to deny individuals the right to vote on the grounds of race

Independent Expenditures

Made to pay for a form of communication that supports the election

Descriptive Paragraph

Makes a verbal portrait of a person, place, or thing

Isolate a Variable

Manipulate the equation so that the variable appears by itself on one side of the equation

Chemical Energy

Manner in which atoms form into molecules, and this energy can be released or absorbed when molecules regroup


Memorable rhymes with 1 or 2 lines


Mathematical process that takes some values as inputs and produces and output

Dark Matter

May account for up to 90% of the mass of galaxies


Meaning of a word goes beyond the denotative meaning to include the emotional reaction that a word may invoke

Sound Intensity

Measure as the sound power per unit area, and can be expressed in decibels


Measurements from pitch to pitch

Quantitive Data

Measurements that provide information about quantities in numbers

Map Coordinates

Measures for a place based on longitude and latitude


Measures how much of a substance is in an obkject


Measures the amount of space taken up


Measures the gravitational pull of the earth on an object

Specific Gravity

Meausres the ratio of a substances density to the density of water


Messages written to other people


Method or strategy used to make sense of printed words and figure out how to correctly pronounce them


Mixtures of heterogeneous materials

Abstract Language

More general, can leave readers felling disconnected, empty, or even confused

Federalist Era

More power was placed on the federal government and the 3 branches of government were established, from 1788-1801


Mourning poems written in lament, praise of the deceased, and solace for loss

Simple Circuit

Movement of electric charge along a path between areas of high electric potential and low electric potential, with a resistor or load device between them

What is the Property of (a x b)^n=a^n x b^n and (a / b)^n=a^n / b^n?

Multiplication and division operations inside parentheses can be raised to a power, this is the same as each term being raised to the power


Name given to the combination of smoke, gases, and fog that accumulates in major industrial areas

Specific Nouns

Names people, places, and things that are understood by using your senses


Names who or what the sentence is all about

First Person Narration

Narrator expresses inner feelings and thoughts

Third Person Narration

Narrator expresses other people's feelings, thoughts, and actions

Second Person Narration

Narrator expresses other people's thoughts and actions

Random Sample

Necessary to produce valid results

Hormone System

One cell communicates with many cells, mass communication, often at a distance through circulatory system

Variables That Vary Inversely

One increases while the other decreases, vise versa


One way to represent parts of a whole


Opposite side/Hypotenuse

Valence Layer

Outermost layer of valence electrons

National Music Education Standards

Outlines for music educators instructing students in grades K-4

Extraneous Variables

Outside influences that can affect the outcome of a study

Percentage Problem Equation

P = W x %

Multiplication Rule

P(A and B)=P(A)xP(B)

Addition Rule Formula

P(A or B)=P(A)+P(B)-P(A and B)

Odds in Favor of an Event Formula


Complement of an Event Equation

P(not occuring)=1-P(occuring)


Reducing the digits in a number while still trying to keep the value similar

Random Variable

Refers to all possible outcomes of a single event which may be discrete or continuous

Roman à Clef

Refers to books that require a real life frame of reference or key, for full comprehension and is French for novel with a key

Factor Theorem

Related to the remainder theorem states that if f(a)=0 then (x-a) is a factor of the function

Efferent Neurons

Send impulses from the central system to the limbs and organs


Sentences without a complete thought


Set of data in which there is not a unique y value for each x value in the data set

Systems of Equations

Sets of simultaneous equations that all use the same variables

Blood Pressure

Should be between 120/70 and 140/90

Scientific Prediction

Stating in advance the outcome from testing a theory or hypothesis in a controlled experiment


Study of celestial objects and their positions, movements, and structure


Study of cells


Study of heredity as it relates to traansmission of genes


Study of landforms


Study of plants


Study of the chemistry of living organisms, including diseases and he pharaceutical drugs used to cure them


Study of the tissues of plants and animals


Study of the way organisms function


Study of tissues organized into organs

What is the Property of a^n / a^m=a^n-m?

Subtract exponents to divide powers of the same base number


Superscript number placed next to another number at the top right, Indicating how many times the bass number is to be multiplied by itself


Syllables attached to the beginning or end of a word to make a derivative or inflectional form of a word


Syllables that appear at the beginning of a word


Syllables that appear at the end of a word

Paragraph of Narration

Tells a story or a part of a story

Imperative Sentences

Tells someone to do something and ends with a period


The ability to produce or bring into existence a work of art

Past Verbs

The action happened in the past

Electric Charge

The amount of charge morved in one second by a steady current of one ampere, measured with the unit coulomb

Appropriate Error

The amount of error in a physical measurement


The amount of product or servce available to consumers

Centeral Angle

The angle whose vertex is the center of a circle and whose legs intercept an arc of the circle


The answer to a division problem

Sampling Distribution of the Mean

The distribution of the sample mean, derived from random samples of a given size

The Bill of Rights

The first ten amendments to the Constitution

Electric Force

The attractive force between the electrons and the nucleus

Persuasive Essays

The author tries to make a convincing argument and change the minds of readers

Atomic Radius

The average distance between the nucleus and the outermost electron


The average weather for a particular area over time, typically at least 30 years

Root Words

The base of a word to which affixes can be added


The basic organizational unit of all living things

Possessive Nouns and Pronouns

The case for nouns and pronouns that show possession or ownership


The change in the direction of a light wave when it passes through transparent medium with a different optical density from the one in which the wave had been traveling

Great Recession

The housing industry collapsed in 2008

Common Noun

The class or group of people, places, and things (not capitalized)

Ecological System

The community of all living organisms in a specific area interacting with nonliving factors

Earth System Science

The complex and interconnected dynamics of the continents, atmosphere, oceans, ice, and life forms


The condition of the atmosphere at any given momement

Statistical Mode

The data that occurs the greatest numner of times in the data set


The degree of loudness or softness of a musical piece

Output Variables

The dependent variable

Magnetic Field

The direction of the spin and orbit that indicated the direction of the field

Absolute Value

The distance away from 0 a number is in the number line

Central Limit Theorem

The distribution of the means tend to get closer and closer to a normal distributionas the sample size gets larger and larger

Step Functions

The double brackets in a equation, such as f0(x)=[[x]]


The duplication of a cell and all its parts


The earliest history of the human race

Doppler Effect

The effect that relative motion of the source of the wave and the location of the observer has on waves


The entire collection of people, plants, etc., that data can be collected from


The external manifestation of the genotype


The flow of the piece


The goal of literacy development, to read accurately and quickly

Degree of a Polynomial

The highest degree of any individual term


The highest state of health

Correlation Coefficent

The numerical value that indicates how strong the relationship is between the two variable of a linear regression equation

General Nouns

The names of conditions or ideas

Atomic Number

The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom

Odds Against an Event

The number of times the event will not occur compared to the number of times the event will occur

Odds in Favor of an Event

The number of times the event will occur compared to the number of times the event will not occur

What is the Property of 1^n=1?

The number one raised to any power is equal to one


The number part

Real Numbers

The set of all rational and irrational numbers

Conditional Probability

The probability that an event will occur, given that the other event has occured

Measuring Data

The process of determining variablrd such as time, space, and temperature of objects and processes in precise numbers


The process that breaks down matter

Variable Term

The product of a real number and one or more variables each of which may be raised to an exponent

Define Words with Substitution

The reader will brainstorm some possible synonyms for the given word and they will substitute these words into the sentence

Define Words with Contrast

The reader will describe the unfamiliar word with the opposite meaning

Authors Purpose

The reason the author has for writing (inform, persuade, express, & entertain)


The rebound of a light wave from a surface back toward the medium from where it came

Contact Metamorphism

The recrystillization of rocks due to changes in physical and chemical conditions


The relation where 1 quantity depends on the other


The result of air moving into thier place


The science of classification

Past Perfect Verbs

The second action started in the past and the first action came before the second


The segment of a secant line that is contaained within the circle


The set of all input values for which the function is defined


The set of all points in a plane that are equidistant from the directrix and focus


The set of all points in a plane whose total distance from 2 foci


The set of all points in a plane, whose distance from 2 foci, has a constant difference


The set of all possible output values of the function


The side of a triangle opposite the right angle

Center of Circle

The single point from which every point on the circle is equidisant


The site for photosynthesis and are connected to the rest of the plant by a vascular system

Skeletal System

The skeleton is made up of bones, that support the body

Least Common Multiple

The smallest number that is a multiple of two or more numbers


The smallest, simplest, and most abundant organism on earth


The sounds represented by the eaters in the alphabet


The speed of a piece of music


The square of the standard deviation of that sample


The state of being sound in mind, boy, and spirit

Magnetic Moment

The strength og a magnetic field


The structures inside the nucleus of a cell make up primarily of DNA and proteins


The study of phrehistoric plant and animal life through the analysis of fossil remains


The study of the atmosphere, particularly as it pertains to forecasting the weather and understandding its processes


The study of the buying choices that people make, the production of goods and services, and how our market system works

Simple Subject

The subject of the sentence

Transitive Verbs-Active Voice

The subject of the sentence is doing the action


The subject of the text

Transitive Verbs-Passive Voice

The subject receives the action

Single Variable Linear Expressions

The sum of a single variable term, where the variable has no exponent and a constant

Linear Expression

The sum of any number of variable terms so long as none of the variables have an exponent

Degree of a Monomial

The sum of the exponents of the variables

Triangle Inequality Theorem

The sum of the measures of any 2 sides of a triangle is always greater than the measure of the third side

Electric Current

The sustained flow of electrons that are part of an electric charge moving along a path in a circuit

Dew Point

The temperature at which water vapor condenses into water at a particual humidity


The tendency of a body to remain in its present state of motion

Observational Studies

The tester cannot change or in any way control all of the variables in the test


The testing of claims to see how true they are

Predicate Nominatives

The word (noun or pronoun) that gets linked to the subject in the predicate that describe or define the subject


The worlds physical and cultural patterns to help understand how the world functions as an interconnected and dynamic system


To show a break or a change in thought in a sentence or to act as parentheses in a sentence

Remainder Theorem

Useful for determining the remainder when a polynomial is divided by a binomial

Circulatory System

Transports oxygen, waste, nutrients, hormones, heat, etc... around the body

Multiplying Decimals

Treat the numbers are wholes rather than decimals, then count the number of places to the right of the decimal in both the numbers and place the decimal in that position

Dividing Decimals

Treat the numbers as whiles rather than decimals, then move the decimal the appropriate amount


Trees that thrive in northern latitudes and have cones

Multiplying Fractions

Two fraction can be multiplied by multiplying the two numerators to find the numerator and the two denominators to find the new denominator

Dividing Fractions

Two fractions can be divided by flipping the numerator and denominator of the second fraction and then proceeding as though it were a multiplication

World War II

US wanted to stay out of it but Japan attacked first with Pearl Harbor and was the end to the economic depression in 1939

Scatter Plots

Useful in determining the type of function represented by the data and finding the siple regression


Uses sarcasm, irony, and/or humor as social criticism to lampoon human folly


Uncharged atomic particles contained within the nucleus


Urabn heat islands (farming)


Urban development (working class)

Conversion Factors

Used to convert between units and maintain the same meaning but change the way it is displayed

Appositive Phrases

Used to explain or rename nouns or pronouns


Used to separate compound words

Stem and Leaf Plot

Usedul for depicting groups of data that fall into a range of values

Simple Regression

Using an equation to represent a realtion between an independent and dependent variable


Values on a graph written as (x,y)

Subject Verb Agreement

Verbs agree with their subjects in number

Figure of Speech

Word of phrase that departs from straight forward, literal language


Word or phrase that is found in informal writing


Words that mean the opposite of one another


Words that mean the same thing


Words that share the same spelling, but have different meanings and sometimes different pronunciation


Words that sound alike, but have different spellings and definitions


Work of an orchestra with multiple movements or parts

Argumentative Writing

Writing strives to prove something that may or may not be true or factual


Writing that you need to get your message across in the fewest words possible

Epistolary Poems

Written and read as letters


Yes because the distance is the same between 0 and 3 and -3 and 0

Triangle Perimeter


Trapezoid Perimeter


Geometric Sequences

an= a1 x r^n-1, where an is the value of the nth term, a1 is the initial value, r is the common ratio, and n is the number of terms

Paralellogram Area


Eccentricity Formula


Laws of Cosines

c^2=a^2+b^2-2ab(cos C), wherr a, b, and c are the sides of a triangle, and C is the angle oppostie the angle side c

Rhombus Area


Compound Interest

f(t)=P(1+r/n)^nt, where f(t) is the account value at a certain number of time periods t is greater than or equal to 0, P is the initial principle balance, r is the interest rate, and n is the number of times the interest is applied per time period

General Exponential Growth or Decay

f(t)=a(1+r)^t, where f(t) is the future count, a is the current or current count, r is the growth or decay rate, and t is the time

Population Growth

f(t)=ae^rt, where f(t) is the population at time is greater than or equal to zero, a is the initial population, e is the mathematical constant known as Euler's number, and r is the growth rate

Basic pH

pH greater than 7

Acidic pH

pH less than 7

Neutral pH

pH of 7

Impossible Outcome

probability of outcome is 0% or 0

Certain Outcome

probability of outcome is 100% or 1

Potential Energy

stored energy that results from the position or orientation

Mean Equation

sum of the data values/quantity of data values

Two Point Form Equation

y-y1 / x-x1 = y2-y1 / x2-x1

Point Slope Form Equation


Line of Best Fit Equation


Slope Intercept Form Equation


Circle Area


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Musculoskeletal Impairments: amputations, contractures, hip fxs/replacement, OA/RA, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, oncology

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COP1220 Quiz 2, COP1220, COP1220 Final

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