Imperialism (overview, africa, india, china, japan)

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What were the positive and negative effects of African imperialism?

POS- -civilization -medicine -agriculture NEG -wars (Boer) -brutal labor/exploitation -famine -poverty -cultural boundaries ruined

What were the positive and negative effects of Indian Imperialism for Great Britain and for India? How do these changes inspire nationalism amongst Indians?

POS- -sati (women burning themselves) stopped -sanitation increased -schooling improved -tea/coffee/opium produced CONS- -indian customs supressed -racism -large-scale mutiny/rebellion NATIONALISM- -better living conditions and economy

Be able to address both pro- and anti- imperialism arguments and rationale.

PRO- -benefitted the countries overall because it brought new technology and industrialization to their lands -allowed Japan to industrialize before WWI -Europe was able to sweep in and control affairs if local politics went wrong CON- -cultural boarder were ignored and tribal fights started -countries like China got taken advantage of (WWI/2)

Commodore Matthew Perry

man who was called on by President Fillmore to try to open up Japan and trade more with them, rolled up to Japan with massive ships which caused hysteria in Japan, wrote letter to Japan to ease the hysteria and be friendly, when Japan didn't respond to the letter he sent another one that was like bitch u gotta trade with us or we will destroy y'all

Treaty of Nanjing

occurred in 1842, was the first unfair treaty, it accomplished 3 things: made China pay for Britain's portion of the war in addition to their own, made China open more ports for trade, and let Britain take control of Hong Kong, treaty changed the power dynamic between Britain and China which angered the Chinese

Taiping Rebellion

occurred in 1851, peasant rebellion led by Hong Xiuquan who resented the Qing Dynasty for letting China become imperialized so he started a rebellion, affected China by devastating land, weakening the economy, and killing many of the people, although the rebellion was unsuccessful, it was a step towards the Qing losing power and it helped people realize there was a need for change in China

Treaty of Kanawaga

occurred in 1854, another unfair treaty that America gets Japan to sign, it allows American ships 2 Japanese ports for trade, then in 1858 5 more ports open up and now Russia, Britain, France, and Holland all trade with Japan, these countries want Japan's coal deposits and whaling industry, however these new ports only inspire nationalism within the Japanese people

Dowager Empress Cixi

hated the reforms and thought they were not helping China at all so she stopped all the reforms and killed + imprisoned those who supported reform, she tried to bring back the old ways of society/government

Tokugawa Shogunate

held power in Japan from 1603-1868, dynasty of rulers who led for over 200 years, lived wealthy/cushy lifestyles and did not want to give them up (shogun was the military and political leaders in Japan)

Be able to define "Imperialism" and describe the differences between Old Imperialism and New Imperialism. Why was imperialism in the late 19th century different than previous world efforts of colonization?

- Imperialism is the process of a country taking over another country as a colony. -Old Imperialism was more for excitement of exploration, religious purposes, and individual glory/wealth, while new imperialism was the taking over of countries for economic development as a whole, and the competition to be the most superior European power. -Newer imperialism struck many native conflicts and imperialized nearly the entire earth, as well as created competition to be the "best" worldwide.

Why weren't Europeans interested in exploring Africa prior to the 19th century? Why did it become more valuable as the century progressed?

-Africa was seen as a dark continent prior to the 19th century. It was full of jungle and disease, and Europeans didn't know that it could be valuable. -As the century progressed, the contents and value of Africa opened up to the Europeans, that combined with imperialism, showed promise of easy revenue.

How did Opium become such an important trade item in China? What were the effects of Western imperialist interests on China?

-Britain wanted Chinese tea but China refused to trade with Europe so Europe (specifically Great Britain) illegally sold Opium (from Bengal) to the Chinese people knowing it was highly addictive and that the people would have an extreme desire for more and therefore they would be forced to trade with Britain in order to get more Opium -China weakened as a country and became reliant on Europe for Opium and a ruler, it then was used as a pawn in the World Wars

Why did Imperialism occur? What part did nationalism and industrialization play into the age of Imperialism?

-Britain was the top-dog by 1800 with its strong army and navy, but the rest of Europe (specifically Germany/US) was catching up, which threatened Britain. Realizing they might face a decline, Britain goes to imperialism for raw goods and a market to once again be top-dog, but the rest of the world quickly follows. -Nationalism was important for European countries during imperialism because it created a sense of unity in which the countries wanted to be known as the best (by imperializing!!) Industrialization quickly spread to colony countries during the age of imperialism as industrializers brought it to the industrialized.

In general, what impact did imperialism have? Specifically, what effects did European imperialism have on Asia and Africa?

-Imperialism destroyed boarder lines and customs in Africa. Many tribal conflicts arose. They were treated as less human than Europeans. Sanitation improved, hospitals, schools, and factories were built, and the life expectancy rose. -The Indian national congress was formed in India to get more government recognition, but over time the partition of Bengal split Bengal into Hindu and Muslim sides (Britain reunites). The Muslim league was created to protect Muslim interest. -China had political instability for 50 years after Imperialism, and was used as a pawn in the World Wars. -The threat of imperialism caused Japan to industrialize itself and become a powerhouse. -Overall, competition between countries from imperialism sparked the World Wars.

What role did the BEIC play in British Imperialism in India? How/why was control of India transferred to the British Gov?

-The BEIC monopolized trade and obtained permission from Mughal Emperors to build coastline fortified posts. This transformed into a full-blown government. It was used for Britain to get a foot in the door of India. -Rule was transferred to the British Government because of the Sepoy Mutiny. Britain was able to take over in the chaos, and impose Direct Imperial Rule.

How did cultural misunderstandings increase tension between the British and Indians? What was life like in India when it became a British colony?

-The British didn't understand the animal fat casing incident before the Sepoy mutiny, which created a lot of conflict between the two groups. -India was industrialized when it became a British colony, and an english-style school was given for Indian elites. The British treated themselves as above the Indians.

What attempts did the Chinese government take toward reform? Why were they unsuccessful?

-The Chinese government built factories, coal mines, and railroads. They modernized ships and weapons, and brought in western books and language. -Britain was already in their country

How was Japanese society structured under the Tokugawa Shogunate? Why was there growing instability?

-There was an emperor who was just a figurehead, and shoguns, who were military and political leaders. -The shogunate wanted to freeze Japan, but it didn't want to.

What were the lasting effects of the Meiji Restoration?

-combined western-style government -strong military (beat Russia) -national currency -foreign trade/capitalism

What was the result of Commodore Perry's arrival in Japan? How did the Japanese react?

-industrialization -fought back

"white man's burden"

A poem by Rudyard Kipling that explains the task Europeans are forced with to educate and civilize natives.


A protectorate is a branch of indirect-control imperialism, in which the state has its own government report to the motherland.

Sphere of Influence

A sphere of influence is a branch of indirect-control imperialism, when the motherland has no formal authority. It does however, lead the colonized country to make certain political strategies that benefits the European country.


A territory (country or region) under direct control.

The Opening of Japan

Americans attempting to force Japan to trade with them using the Treaty of Kanagawa

Opium/Opium Wars

Britain wanted Chinese tea but China refused to trade with Europe so Europe (specifically Great Britain) illegally sold Opium (from Bengal) to the Chinese people knowing it was highly addictive and that the people would have an extreme desire for more and therefore they would be forced to trade with Britain in order to get more Opium, the Opium trade got many of the Chinese people addicted to the drug which in turn weakend a large percent of China's population, and created economic problems because China had to trade a lot of their precious silver in order to pay for the Opium, China was eventually like yo stop selling our people Opium and Britain was like lol make us, China and Britain went to war because Britain provoked China and China finally declared war

The Great Salt March

British put a tax on India's salt but not Britain's salt, so Gandhi gathered people who marched to the coast where all the salt was for 24 days, this led to India getting limited self rule from Britain

British East India Company

British trading company who monopolized English trade with India and wanted to economically imperialize India, they get coastal ports for trading at first but gradually the traders became governors and the governors become conquerors, company members begin making profit off deals with India princes (shady deals), British gov is shocked by India's wealth and they try to make a partnership with India, Europeans can't last more than 2 years in India because of diseases and weather which created problems for the BEIC, they fall into debt and need the British gov to give them a loan, this gives the British gov control over some Indian trade

Cecil Rhodes

Cecil Rhodes was a very tricky conman. He was half a visionary and half a scoundrel. He learned the customs from Africans but then tricked them into signing contracts giving up power of diamonds. The company De Beers controls 90% of the worlds diamond industry, and Cecil Rhodes founded it. He wanted a big railroad, but it never happened.

How did the 19th century experience in China differ from Japan's experience?

China was too late to imperialize, but Japan wasn't

What methods did colonizers use to gain control of Africa?

Colonizers such as Rhodes gained the trust of Africans, but used their language barrier to trick them into giving over land or profitable goods.

Direct Control

Direct control is the style of imperialism in which there is no "culture mix" goal, and instead promotes an only European style government. It views the colony as children.

Dr. David Livingstone

Doctor David Livingstone taught Africans how to create an economy without slavery. He explained that it is not necessary, and it is immoral. No letters from him are sent, and Europe thinks he gets kidnapped.

Economic Imperialism

Economic Imperialism is the taking over a colony to benefit financially by their goods (specifically raw materials.

Describe the attitudes of Europeans toward the native people of their colonies.

Europeans thought of themselves as superior to the native people of their colonies. They ignored traditional customs then bragged about all the positive change happening in the country.

Indirect Control

Indirect control is the type of imperialism where local authorities are allowed to govern, as long as they report to the mother European countries. This develops future leaders and institutions that are a mix of local and European culture and customs.

Henry Morton Stanley

Henry Morton Stanley wants to find Dr. David Livingstone and his notes to publish for a newspaper. He has a side business with King Leopold to ask around about Congo being conquered and their feelings. He finds Livingstone, and makes a lot of money off of his "dark continent" books and works.


Indian army created and trained by the BEIC

Compare and contrast the experiences of the following colonies: Kenya, Ghana, Congo, and Algeria.

Kenya- (Britain) -Europeans came into the land to live lavishly in British territory -it was good for the economy to live there -After the Mau Mau revolt, it was necessary to leave Ghana- (Britain) -Europeans were respectful of African tradition, tribes, and leaders -they used Ghana for trade, palm oil, gold, and cocoa -Africans worked for themselves Algeria- (France) -used Congo for farming and agriculture -poverty and malnutrition were common -Europeans thought of themselves as superior -wanted to create a "new France" (assimilation) -loss of culture/identity Congo- (Belgium) -used it for rubber and ivory -forced labor, brutal punishment -colonialism brought civilization (medicine/agriculture good) -exploitation/massacres -famine/poverty/unjust law

New Imperialism

New Imperialism took place from 1870 to 1914, because of inventions such as the maxim gun, railroad, and steamships that could go upriver. There was nationalism resulting from colonizing. Countries such as Great Britain, France, Germany, the United States of America, Italy, Belgium, Russia, and Japan. This caused great native death, as the countries took advantage of natives by breaking down their culture/traditions. They however, raised living conditions in these countries and brought their western technology. New imperialism ended because of uprisings, and finally the start of world war II.

Was the new imperialism more beneficial or injurious to non- Western nations? Be able to use evidence from each area we study to support your answer.

New imperialism was more injurious to non- Western nations, however, the threat of imperialism was beneficial. In Africa, cultural boundaries were destroyed and tribal conflicts arose, killing many. In India, although sanitation improved, taxes were created that forced people like Ghandi to protest. In China, the country is eventually used as a World War pawn. Only the threat of imperialism hit Japan, and it was able to industrialize and thrive.

Old Imperialism

Old imperialism, or colonialism, took place around 1450-1650. It was based off of the ideas of God, Gold, and Glory, and was only focused towards seaports. There was little machinery, no ships that could travel through rivers, and Europeans were scared of getting sick. Old imperialism was focused towards exploration, adventure, and discovery. Spain and Portugal, France, Britain, and the Netherlands all conquered lands for excitement and merit. Native death was extremely common, and the triangle trade (as well as slave trade) began.

social darwinism

Social Darwinism is the taking of Darwin's laws of natural selection to explain and justify social class- that some people are meant to be socially higher up than others.

Why were African leaders so unsuccessful at resistance to colonialism?

The British had much superior weaponry (percussion caps, combines bullet, gun powder, breech gun)

How did British and French attitudes towards their colonies differ?

The French imposed a slavery-like rule and wanted assimilation and direct rule, while the British had the Boer wars and established a self-governing territory.

What tactics started to emerge to remove British control of India?

The Great Salt march and other peaceful protests


The combining of European and colony culture. (ex. french with Algeria)

What were the primary motives/causes for the age of imperialism? (E.M.P.I.R.E.)

The primary motives of the age of imperialism were E-exploratory, want to make their mark in a country M- military, want to use new weaponry and control P- political, want to educated and spread western ideas to other countries I- idealogical, the social darwinism belief that Europeans are superior R- religious, believe that they are teaching the colony correct religious teachings and can save them from damnation E-economic, want stronger power economically as a competitor and just to make a profit

Boxer Rebellion

boxers were people who were members of a secret society that planned to rebel, they had a goal of overthrowing the Qing Dynasty and expelling foreign powers, they rebelled but it was put down by foreign powers, now the Qing Dynasty REALLY realizes they need to bring change to China

Suez Canal

canal that linked the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, important bc it made the trip from Europe to India much shorter, creating an easier way to imperialize

Suez Canal

canal that linked the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, important bc it made the trip from Europe to India much shorter, creating an easier way to imperialize, British control of this canal made it easier for women to go to India with their husbands because they had a shorter ride now (they didn't like the long boat rides)

The Muslim League

formed in 1906 to protect India's muslim population, did things like boycott British goods, but in 1914 WWI started so it was hard to boycott, so the Indian soldiers fought for Britain in WWI and came back to India only to find that Indians still had no representation in gov, making the Indian more mad and making them want to protest even more

Sepoy Mutiny

occurred in 1857, Sepoys were angry with the British because of their poor pay and lack of promotion + they didn't like serving overseas, and they feared forced conversion to christianity, the British made new gun cartridges greased with animal fat and told the Sepoys to rip them with their teeth, the Sepoys refused because most were Muslim or Islam and that was against their religion, Sepoys got very angry and decided to rebel against British and get their country back, Sepoys begin to slaughter men, women, and children and almost get their country back, but British finally get reinforcements to India to stop the mutiny and get revenge on the Sepoys, the mutiny angered the British so much that they decided to take Direct control over India

Berlin Conference

occurred in 1884, was a conference held by Germany to regulate European colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period, 15 countries attended, though it was mostly dominated by France, Germany, Great Britain, and Portugal, causes: Bismarck wanted to keep peace when dividing up Africa, European countries created rules for colonization during the conference including notify other countries about your intentions and showing proof that you have control of a designated area in Africa, European countries imperialized Africa for the three C's: commerce, christianity, and civilization, consequences of the conference: Europe disregarded African wishes + ethnic boundaries and colonized all of Africa except Liberia and Ethiopia

Hundred Days Reform

occurred in 1898, the Qing rulers finally realize they need to reform to survive, so they go through 100 days of reforming where they change the civil service exam requirements, and industrialize, but China is still too late


occurred in the 1860's, was proposed by advisors to the emperor, they decided to build coal mines, factories, etc, modernize weapons, bring western culture to China, China finally modernizes but it was kind of too late because Britain was already in China, so therefore unsuccessful, also kinda unsuccessful because high powers such as emperors were resistant to change because they had a lot to lose of change occurred, so there was a lot of back and forth on weather or not to modernize

Mahatma Ghandi

peaceful protester for India who led the Great Salt March

Extraterritorial Rights

rights of British people living in China which stated that British who broke laws in China could only be tried in British courts

Boer War

series of wars between Africa and many European countries, occured because the British wanted diamonds in Africa and the natives agreed, but then the British turned on the natives which angered them and started war, the result of these wars was the British colonizing Africa, the organization of rebellions, and the Boer's being put in concentration camps, were very disastrous because of the destroying of farms and imprisonment of women + children

Scramble for Africa

the race between European countries to acquire land and resources as fast as possible, causes: people wanted resources, Europe finally had the technology to go into the interior of countries (machine guns, railroads, telegraphs, steamships), medical advances (the drug quinine), all the land in Europe had been mapped so countries were looking for a new place to find natural resources, people wanted political dominance over other countries, new weapons such as the percussion caps and breech loading rifle guns

Meiji Restoration

when teenager Mutsuhito led a nationalist movement, overthrew the Tokugawa Shogunate, and restored an emperor (himself) to power, Meiji means the enlightened rule, Mutsuhito had people gather info about Western culture (education, language, sports, etc,) and bring it back to him in order to implant it into the Japanese government/society

The Raj

when the BEIC was officially disbanded in 1858 and the British took Direct control over India, was a form of British retaliation against the Sepoy Mutiny, political effects: British style of gov placed in India, economic effects: India's industry was hurt, social effects: India was introduced to European language, culture, etc

Did the industrial benefits of the opening of Japan outweigh the costs?


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